Chapter 13

Putting Us Back Together

A/N: Ah you guys are so lovely, I couldn't believe it when I checked and saw your comments....Gave me the oomph I needed to finish my homework for the day, so thanks so much!!! Always brightens my day knowing I've got your comments to look forward to! You seemed to enjoy Yunho's little... slip-up so much, and were wondering how  Jaejoong would take it....hopefully he lives up to your expectations!

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Jaejoong was going to kill him. That was the only thing that could possibly happen as a result of what he'd said that morning.


There was no way he'd be let off with a statement like that, and he would have to tell Jaejoong all about what would happen. Before he'd just been afraid that Jaejoong would look down on him for being stupid, for calling her back. Now he'd actually stuffed up. And it would impact upon the other boy, for no good reason.


Jaejoong really might just kill him. He wasn't the kid Yunho knew and loved from his childhood. He was harder now; tougher. Anyone who messed with him, he could probably beat up, and Yunho doubted he'd ever fight back against the older man. Which meant that if Jaejoong really did get exceedingly angry with him over it, he probably could kill him.


His mind had been in a flurry all day; he hadn't been able to think straight the whole time. He made sure to avoid Jaejoong all day. No matter how it pained him to do so. One look at him and Yunho was certain Jaejoong would know something was up; he wasn't very good at keeping things to himself when the other person was standing right there, looking him in the eye and demanding an answer. Even if Jaejoong wasn't suspicious just looking at him, one word out of Yunho's mouth and Jaejoong would be able to tell something was up.


He often wondered if that was something he'd picked up having so many sisters. Women were supposed to read a lot into what people do and don't say, and Jaejoong was exceedingly good at it. Just another one of his many effeminate traits, he mused.


But if Jaejoong knew, then Yunho would be forced to explain.


If Yunho was going to die, he'd prefer the immediate castration to occur in private; with dignity. At least there he could whimper like a baby and dive behind whatever barrier to Jaejoong's rage that he could find.


Now he had no where left to hide. Jaejoong would be home any minute, and the truth would all come out, and there would be nothing he could do.


He might have liked to be able to say that he wasn't afraid. That he was strong and brave and could handle anything. But Jaejoong was going to be mad about this. Really mad. Jaejoong when he's really mad is enough to make anyone wet themselves in terror. Though he schooled his features into a friendly, albeit a tad nervous look, his heart was racing. He was staring down his own death, and any time his hypersensitive ears thought they heard footsteps approaching the door, his body ceased all functioning.


Then Jaejoong arrived home. He looked tired and irritated, but the look was nothing new. Jaejoong invariably looked the same whenever he returned from university. His eyes raked over Yunho's fickle form on the lounge but other than that, he didn't seem the slightest bit interested in the younger boy.


Well he'd survived the first minute.


Yunho was torn over what he should do. He wanted to hurry up and get everything out in the open. The sooner he confronted Jaejoong with his stupidity, the sooner he could start to make up for the whole thing, and the sooner a solution would be reached. But that didn't mean he'd stopped being afraid of Jaejoong's reaction; he wasn't that stupid. Also, he couldn't really say that he wanted to get Jaejoong angry when he was in the kitchen; angry boys and knives probably wouldn't make a good combination for Yunho to keep all his body parts intact.


Reluctantly he allowed the older boy to busy himself in the kitchen, not quite daring to enter, but determined to trail after the older boy, explaining everything the moment he made to leave the room.


Except, Jaejoong didn't appear to be leaving any time soon.


Minutes drew on, and Yunho realised that Jaejoong had started making them dinner. He was shocked because although he loved Jaejoong's meals, he was usually too tired to cook as of late, especially on Wednesdays, and so Yunho had resigned himself to having an instant meal many hours ago. It had seemed like a good idea since he couldn't have been sure he was going to be alive for dinner anyway.


To miss one of Jaejoong's meals, however, would be a sacrilege, and his stomach started crying out to be fed. The knowledge that his guilt and fear over the news he had to deliver to the older boy, would steal any sense of hunger or enjoyment form the food, made him feel like dying. Whether Jaejoong realised it or not this was the cruellest thing he could do to his friend. Torturing him with the food he knew he'd never be able to enjoy; his news would spoil everything.


He tried to stay seated in the lounge room. He tried not looking at the kitchen longingly. He tried not breathing through his nose so that the pleasant aromas of the cooking food wouldn't overcome his self-control. He tried to stay in control; to ignore it. But the pull was too great, and though he did not enter, his full attention was focused upon the room, longingly.


He lost all sense of time, and in what seemed like mere seconds later, he heard the clatter and clamour as Jaejoong started sorting out plates and dishes to rest his freshly cooked meal upon, and started moving them over onto the kitchen table. Yunho considered going over to help him, but he stopped himself at the last second, when the reason he was trying to avoid Jaejoong finally came back to him.


Instead, Jaejoong had to come over to the doorway, as he carried his last plate over, gesturing Yunho over with an inviting smile, and a wave of the hand as he left. Despite his best efforts, Yunho trailed after him like a lost puppy.


As the fog of desire for the food left him, his heart stopped. He'd walked straight into the lion's den. Into the place he wanted to be least of all. He was in front of Jaejoong. And worse, they were in the kitchen. That meant when Jaejoong finally wrung the news out of him, he would be skewered, and Jaejoong would get a choice of all his favourite cooking implements to do it with.


That was the stupidest thing he'd ever done.


No wait, that was the phone call earlier.


Jaejoong sent him a look from under his fringe, and a small pout started to form on his lips. Yunho's eyebrows shot up in fear. He remembered this look. This was the look Jaejoong always used to use when Jaejoong wanted to get Yunho to tell him something Yunho had been hiding from him. This was the look that made every surprise party anyone tried to throw Jaejoong a complete failure the moment they got Yunho involved. This was the look that had destroyed every lie Yunho had ever told the other boy, and stolen the truth from his lips.


And he'd only gotten better at it since then.


Yunho was screwed; Jaejoong knew.


He couldn't be certain of exactly what it was that Jaejoong knew. But Jaejoong knew something. He knew enough to know there was more to it; that there was something going on with Yunho. He knew enough to know that if he did this, like he always had, that Yunho would crack.


He couldn't lie to Jaejoong. And he certainly couldn't hide from him.


“Yunho?” he queried, childishly, drawing out his name far longer than necessary, telling Yunho that he should be very worried right about now. Yunho was considering leaving; just running out of the room, and locking himself in his bedroom for the rest of the night. But then the smell of the food before him was wafting up; hovering around the air around him, and he couldn't leave. The pull; the attraction was too strong, and it numbed that alarmed part of his brain that was letting off alarm bells.


Damn that Jaejoong.


He knew that this would work. He knew Yunho was helpless and vulnerable, and he did it just to make sure that he would be! He was smart! But he'd apparently also grown cruel with age too.


“Yunho? Why didn't I see you at uni?” he continued, the pout shifting upon his lips in displeasure.


Yunho felt like smacking himself. It was his own precautionary measures that had started all of this. He knew at the time that Jaejoong might become annoyed by his absence, but he hadn't thought Jaejoong would read that much into it. He'd forgotten just how intuitive Jaejoong was. No, more like, he'd discounted it; he hadn't thought the new, indifferent Jaejoong wouldn't care one way or the other if he were there or not. If he'd just gone about his day like normal then Jaejoong would never have known, and would never have suspected anything was going on.


But if he'd tried doing that, then Jaejoong would have found out earlier. He might have been locked out of his own apartment; murdered in public. Maybe Jaejoong would have yelled at him in front of everyone, making him a laughing stock in front of thousands of other students. Maybe he wouldn't even be here might now; he might have gone back to the Yoochun guy, begging to be taken back.


Maybe It was better this way?


“I didn't think you'd notice.” he stated simply, but his eyes shifting about nervously, said that he was far more concerned by this exchange than his tone let on.


Jaejoong's pout deepened, “Yunnie! How could you think such a thing? How could I not notice when my best friend suddenly avoids me like the plague all day? Did I do something wrong?” he questioned, voice quivering slightly with the last few words, succeeding in drawing garbled words from Yunho's lips to try and placate him.


“No, no of course not Jae, I just had some things I needed to do, being a uni student and all, and I figured you wouldn't mind me being absent for a day or two, and so I just...” Yunho stuttered, thoughtlessly. It took so much effort not to just tell him everything right this instant; his tone sounded so sad and the food smelt so good, and it was getting colder every second they wasted talking round and round like this, but if he spilled all, he'd never get to eat any of it. Jaejoong would kill him before he got the chance.


“Don't tell me lies, Yunho. You weren't doing student activities, I know you too well to ever believe that...If you don't like me anymore, please just tell me what I did?” Jaejoong demanded cutely, eyes shimmering with unshed tears, and Yunho thought he might tear himself in two at how much that look impacted on him.


Whenever Jaejoong used to give him that look, he would always bend over backwards to do whatever he had to do in order to make him smile. Anything. The only time that pleading look hadn't been able to sway him had been when they stopped being friends years ago, but he'd left his heart with Jaejoong as he'd walked away that day. He'd done it for his own protection, and even if that wasn't what Jaejoong had desired, it was what was best for him; it was to protect him. That's what someone who truly cares for you would be prepared to do.


“You didn't do anything, Joongie, please, believe me.... It's nothing much, I just had some things to sort out, and I needed to be alone to do it and...” Yunho answered, his voice shaking as he found that old part of himself; devoted to making Jaejoong happy rallying against the better part of his judgement that said all of this was a trap. Still his stomach grumbled in protest, and it was all too much. The sights the sounds and the smells, he felt dizzy at all of the things assailing him right at that moment.


His defences were slipping, one more word and he would probably break, spilling everything out to Jaejoong come what may, just so that he'd be able to silence the voices, and finally be able to eat the now lukewarm food. To some extent, he was grateful when Jaejoong broke first.


It started simple, a flicker in his eyes, and those unshed tears vanishing without any indication that they had ever been there in the first place. The pout being replaced by a slight grimace, and the cute, high pitch dropping ever so slightly with his next words, gaze fixed steadily on Yunho, “What sort of things Yunnie? Could it be stuff relating to our going out, or is it to do with our upcoming wedding? Does it include the plans for the adoption of our first child? Is it going to be a boy or a girl? Have you decided yet?” he accused angrily.


Yunho froze, eyes reflecting confusion, before he was up and out of the room, grabbing one of the still-warm dumplings as he made his way out of the room, an enraged Jaejoong following at his heels.


The next few moments were a blaze of motion that flew by so quickly, neither boy could honestly say that he really understood what had happened in its entirety. At one point Jaejoong managed to push Yunho, sending him crashing to the ground, uncomfortably, but the younger boy was gone before Jaejoong could really act upon it. Yunho had tried to run to his room, but Jaejoong was able to block the passage before he could do so. Yunho made to double back, but was assailed by a now armed Jaejoong, who had stolen one of the lounge cushions and was attempting to beat Yunho up with it. Stumbling backwards defensively, the younger boy had awkwardly grasped a cushion from the other lounge, and there was a momentary stand off.


The two boys eyed one another, gaze assessing as they tried to work out what their next move should be. But within moments the fight was over, a few ducks and weaves, and attempted blows, had Yunho disarmed, and once again he was sent sailing towards the floor. This time, it was in a tackle from Jaejoong just to ensure that the younger boy wouldn't get away from him again.


Jaejoong had slid along Yunho's momentarily motionless form, settling on his stomach, but the younger man's arms had come up defensively before he could do anymore. His gaze was hard and angry as he struggled to get in a few blows to Yunho's form, but he only ever attempted to cause any pain to his chest. Even then, he never punched him. He was angry; he wanted to vent his frustrations, but he didn't hate Yunho, and he definitely didn't want to harm him. But a little pain for all the trouble he'd caused him, was more than worth it.


All the while word slipped out, between gasping breaths, harsh words, mocking words telling Yunho that Jaejoong had heard something about what had happened. Though how much of what he was saying was the product of his own imagination and how much was from whoever told him, Yunho couldn't be sure.


“Well Yunho? When were you going to tell me about this, huh? Who do you think you are deciding all of these things for me, and telling someone else? You barely even know me, what the hell do you think you're doing? Did it ever occur to you, I might have an opinion about this? Maybe I don't want anything to do with you; did you ever consider that? What if I was going out with someone, and they heard what you'd been saying? Did you even think about the consequences of saying what you said? Did you ever consider my feelings? Well?” he stated bitterly. Jaejoong himself clearly knew this rage would solve none of the problems he was highlighting; what was done, was done. There was nothing either of them could do to fix it now.


Yunho shoved the older boy away, not allowing himself to dwell on either his words or how it felt to have the other boy's body pressed up against him, moving around as he was, too deeply. Jaejoong wanted answers from him, and if he thought about either one too much his brain just might explode. Then he would be of no value whatsoever, and he would be completely unable to defend himself; to redeem himself to the boy above him.


He waited until Jaejoong's emotions died down slightly; fatigue from his exertion sinking into his frame, before he moved. He flipped them over, easily, and he tried not to notice how he was positioned between Jaejoong's legs, as he restrained the older boy's arms.


Jaejoong tried to fight him slightly for a moment. But after shifting and shuffling about for a few moments, he realised his arms were locked in place, and he would not be able to squirm away. He wasn't going anywhere until Yunho was done with him.


He was annoyed by the thought, but not afraid.


“It's not true, Jaejoong. That's not what I said at all! Though I will admit I said something stupid earlier today, it was one comment! One! That's why I was avoiding you, because I knew you'd be angry about it, and I knew it was stupid and it just sort of slipped out, before I realised what I was saying, and I couldn't take it back!” Yunho explained, pleading with Jaejoong to understand his position.


Jaejoong's eyes immediately narrowed, in accusation once more, “Why? You were talking to your mother again, weren't you?”


“I couldn't just ignore her, she's my mother.” Yunho replied sheepishly.


Jaejoong looked like he were going to argue with him further, but seemed to think better of it. The sharp anger in his eyes dulled slightly as he regarded Yunho, his gaze curious as he decided what he wanted to know most. “What did you say to her?”


Yunho winced slightly at the mention of it, sending Jaejoong his most desolately sorrowful look, as he answered softly, ashamed “I told her we were going out.” He slid his eyes shut in shame, as he saw the words sink in to Jaejoong.


Jaejoong went to yell at the other boy, but seeing the way he looked so guilty and so ashamed of his actions, he couldn't quite formulate the words he wanted to say. What was he supposed to say to something like that? He didn't hate Yunho, and he couldn't think of anything else that he could have said at this moment that would have been the slightest bit more accurate than silence.


“I would say that I had a reason; that I could explain. But I'm not sure what I was thinking at the time is any justification for what I did.” Yunho answered truthfully, eyes cast low, observing the front of Jaejoong's shirt. “As stupid as it was, I was hoping that it would simply be left like that, and maybe you wouldn't have to know.”


“If you were serious about that whole having a boyfriend thing, I'll explain everything to them, if you'd like. You know, set the record straight, so it doesn't destroy your relationship or anything.” Yunho offered helpfully, but he sounded like a kicked puppy the whole time. Even if his grip were still firmly settled around Jaejoong's wrists.


“I wasn't. I'm not dating anyone right now.” Jaejoong admitted, his low voice softening significantly now that his anger had blown over.


Yunho recoiled away from the older boy, settling into a seated position a foot or two away from him. Finally releasing Jaejoong's wrists from his firm grip in the process. He nodded slightly to show that he had heard, but he just sat, obediently waiting for the push he knew was about to come.


“Why did you say we were going out?” Jaejoong asked calmly, ready to look at the event through a detached, objective stance, in order to understand what had happened to bring about the misunderstanding.


“It's nothing much; just family stuff. Kind of unpleasant.” Yunho stated, trying to brush over the matter, still not facing Jaejoong.


“Yah!” Jaejoong exclaimed, striking Yunho on the shoulder to force him to raise his gaze to face the older boy as he spoke, “You force me to encounter my ex-room mate who I now despise with a fiery passion regarding a relationship I didn't even know we were engaged in, and I don't even get to hear why?”


Yunho felt his lip twitch at the thought of the exchange and how Jaejoong must've looked at the time. “What did you say?” he queried, unable to contain the question, despite knowing he probably wouldn't receive an answer from the older boy anyway.


To his surprise Jaejoong crossed his arms, giving off an air of superiority and indifference to anyone else in the world as he answered. “I told him who I date is none of his concern, now that we're no longer friends.”


Yunho shook his head slightly in amusement. Typical Jaejoong. He might not know what's going on, but the moment he detects something suspicious going on, he'll do whatever he can think of to help those he cares for. He was touched that Jaejoong had apparently decided he cared enough about him to warrant lying for him; that loyalty was usually very hard to earn.


At least he's a convincing liar; unlike Yunho.


“Is that who you got that whole story off of?” Yunho queried, smiling slightly at the thought of all of the outrageous claims Jaejoong had been making a moment earlier. Jaejoong blushed slightly, nodding his head, gaze looking across the room.


“How would he even know what I said to my mother?” Yunho questioned, though he knew he probably wouldn't receive an answer. Jaejoong shrugged, half-heartedly not caring to voice the fact that he had no idea. Yoochun had said himself that when Jaejoong brought him to the apartment to help him clean out his stuff was the first time he'd ever met Yunho. How would he then know Yunho's mother?


Realising he wasn't getting anywhere by asking rhetorical questions to Jaejoong, and that he really did owe the other boy an explanation, he grasped every shred of courage he had and tried to speak. After Jaejoong had graced him with his trust for a second time in his life, a feat, which was no doubt a hundred times as difficult as what Yunho was about to do, he still felt a thread of fear.


He was about to out himself, again. And somehow this outing seemed more important. Whether Jaejoong knew it or not (most likely not) this was part of the reason he'd stopped being friends with him those years ago. A relatively small part of the whole situation, really, but a part none the less. He had kept it from Jaejoong for a reason, those years ago, and that reason hadn't exactly disappeared with time.


“She was trying to set me up with Seohyun again.” Yunho explained, tiredly. Disliking just how used to the occurrence he had gotten over the course of his adult life. Jaejoong's eyebrows furrowed and he couldn't be sure if it was in displeasure or thought. “Seohyun? She's that girl who came round the other day, isn't she?” Yunho nodded in response to the question, but the look didn't disappear from Jaejoong's features.


“Again? She tries setting the two of you up often?” he queried, intrigued and perplexed by the notion. “Yeah. Every time I speak with her it's all she can talk about; trying to convince me to give her a go, fall madly in love with her, get married and ride off into the sunset. I even told her I was gay, but it didn't help in the slightest.” Yunho huffed.


Jaejoong's eyes bugged out a little in shock at the comment. “Are you?” he enquired, unable to stop the question from slipping out, before he could think of anything else to say in its place.


Yunho's eyes slid sideways to glance at the older boy, “Not exactly. But she's convinced that I'll turn straight for Seohyun. I was worried that the truth might just give her more justification for her thoughts.”


“Well lying didn't help.” Jaejoong scoffed, amused by Yunho's predicament. “Yes but I didn't know that at the time I said it, now did I?” he replied, exasperatedly.


The two boys fell into silence for a moment, before Yunho dared voice up the thought that had been concerning him ever since he realised Jaejoong knew what was going on. “So, are you going to help me?”


Jaejoong glanced at him quizzically, clearly not having expected the question, before fixing Yunho with an amused smile. “I thought I already was.” At Yunho's puzzled glance Jaejoong smirked, “I was the one that said we were planning to adopt kids.”

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Chapter 29: This is so amazing hahahaha I read this years ago! This fic suddenly came into my mind a few days ago and I was wondering if I'd ever get to re-read it. I couldn't remember what the title was, if it was on AFF or if it was in Livejournal, the only thing I remembered was Mrs. Park and Yunho needing to protect Changmin hahahah this is so amazing /sigh. I also couldn't remember if this fic was already completed when I red it before, but I see that it's completed now, and I'm enjoying it so much!
Chapter 29: Oh so mrs.paek is indeed a ...wait she was address mrs means she was older then want yunho? e harhar...i love the story though i cant understand some wrote too much descriptions
It really hurt my eyes reading descriptions on what their doing etc etc
I hope more dialogues onto the next chapters
Chapter 28: What the mrs park whats your problem acting like a ?
Chapter 22: I really find this weird now....but i admit salute yunho wanting absolute independence with the right timing as he consider changmins side too what a thoughful brother
Chapter 21: “Jae, you have to believe me. I'm not ashamed of you. I've never been ashamed of you, and I never will be. There's nothing you could possibly do that would make me feel ashamed of you. Far from it. I've been nothing but proud of you since the day I met you. You are the most amazing person in the universe, how could you think I was ashamed of you?”

Let me answer it for you yunho, why did you leave jae in the first place if your not ashamed of him?
Chapter 19: I really didnt get the point....i dont get it but it seems jaejoong has this insecurities to himself....
Chapter 15: Hhhhmmmmm i understand yoochun now im curious why yunho left jaejoong in the first place
Chapter 14: “You said that you didn't care what any of the other boys said. What I made was delicious, and that you hoped I'd never stop cooking. That no matter what anyone else said, you'd be there to eat everything.”

Thats cheesy <3
Chapter 13: Holy wwaaiiittt i didnt....ok im so in mix emotions but i love it when jae call yunho as yunnie thats so sweet
Chapter 12: Holy what????????? SERIOUSLY?????
Wwwwaaahh yunho thats a cheap shot