Chapter 5 - Her First Smile


Doojoon and Reii were now sitting comfortably on the sofa with the photo album in hand. Doojoon turned his head to look at Reii who was rested her head on his shoulder. ‘It was the first time I saw you smile that day and it was really beautiful. I thought I fell deeper for you’ Doojoon said pointing the pictures he took at stray dog centre.



It was the day for project, Doojoon took one last look in the mirror and fixed his hair before he walked out of the house with a camera on hand. *Cant wait to see her* Doojoon arrived earlier than expected and sat at the bench while waiting for Reii.

While waiting, Doojoon took out his camera and took a few pictures with it. He captured how the trees moved while the wind blows, how blue the sky is with the sun shining gently.

This is one of his favourite hobby while he was free, to captured the beauty of nature. ‘Snap!’ Doojoon pressed the button on his camera again but this time someone was standing in front of his camera. Doojoon put his camera now and looked up to see the person in front of him.

‘Oh you’re here?’ Doojoon immediately smile to see Reii standing in front of him. Reii just nodded. ‘Lets do our project then.’ Doojoon said standing up.

‘What do you want to do for our project?’ Doojoon asked Reii. They were doing a project on art and their teacher had asked them to and they were given the topic love to do on. Reii didn’t talk much but just lead the way.

‘Stray dog centre?’ Doojoon asked as they stood in front of the place.  Reii just walked in instead of replying. They were lead in by the worker and they were now in front of the huge amount of dogs caged inside. The worker took out one of the dogs and put a lease on the dog before handing it to Reii.

*She seems to have planned everything out before we even come here?* Doojoon just stood there not knowing what to do. ‘I’ll bring it back in an hour’ Reii bowed to the worker and turned to look at the dog in front of her. Reii smiled as she ruffle the dog in front of her.

*Amazing! She smile!’ Doojoon smiled as he saw her smiled and quickly took his camera to capture the image. Reii’s smile stopped when she heard the sound of the camera snapped and remembered Doojoon was there too. ‘We’ll be doing on these. Take the photos of this dogs and the stray dogs here.’ Reii said coldly. Her eyes no longer have the tenderness inside and instead replaced with coldness.

*How I wish I was the dog so she could look at me with those kind of eyes too. I wonder what made her turn this way. She could be so gentle and emotional in front of the dogs but not us humans.* Doojoon couldn’t help but thought. He nodded to what Reii said and started taking pictures of the dogs caged inside. Reii took the dog out to the park for a walk while leaving Doojoon behind.

‘Do you want to look at the pictures?’ Doojoon asked as he looked through the pictures. He looked up to see Reii gone. *Where did she go?* Doojoon panicked and went back out. He went towards the park after he asked the worker at the counter.

*There she is* Doojoon’s worries were replaced with relief as he saw Reii playing with the dog. He came closer to them and snapped a few photos of Reii without Reii knowing before walking towards her. ‘Im done, do you want to look at the photos?’ Doojoon asked as he approached Reii.

‘Take a few pictures of the outer of the building and the workers there and we’ll be done fo r today’ Reii said as she walked the dog back to the centre.

After everything was done, they stood outside to separate ways. ‘Washed the photos out and passed them to me on Monday. I’ll do the rest of the things for project.’ Reii said before she turned to walk home. Doojoon grabbed on Reii’s wrist before she could walked off.

‘Wait, we're a group we should do things together..’ Before Doojoon could continue, Reii interrupted him. ‘I said I’ll do the rest of the things.’ Reii said annoyed, she wanted to end this quickly and go home already.

‘But it wont be fair to you, that’ll will be a lot of work..’ Doojoon went on to ramble on just to convince Reii to let him do with her so that he could see her again. ‘Fine! I get it, now can I go now?’ Reii said giving up and looked at her wrist which Doojoon was still holding.

‘Okay!’ Doojoon smiled at his victory and release her wrist. Reii walked off immediately without turning her head back to see Doojoon and bid farewell.

-----------End of Flashback--------

‘I really hope that I was that dog that time do you know?’ Doojoon pout as he remembered the memory. Reii chuckled ‘Really?’ and shifted her gaze to Doojoon with her head still lying on his shoulder. Doojoon gave a quick peck on Reii’s lip before replying ‘Yeah, you’re really cold to everyone that time and that day was the only day I saw you smile with affection.’



Uwa, another subscriber from my previous stories. In fact all my subscribers were from my previous stories, I guess only you guys will read my story. Hehe thanks for subscribing. I hope this chapter isnt boring.

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Chapter 51: Late reader here! Too bad that DuJun are not main lead here.. Anyway, ur story are the best! Daebakk!! Ur story really make me cry..
NickHippo #2
Chapter 51: Tthe ending was O.o
NickHippo #3
Chapter 50: LOL!!! just like that and BAM they are together again??
Maybe I was expecting too much >.< I atleast thought there were some arguing or fight going to happen before they went back together ^^

NickHippo #4
Chapter 49: This is just waaaayyyy to sad for my heart to take...
red puffy eyes now T_T
NickHippo #5
Chapter 48: This is sweet and romantic in a sad way >.<
NickHippo #6
Chapter 47: TT__TT
*in the living-room suddenly crying, my brother just had to talk to me =='' *
NickHippo #7
Chapter 46: REALLY SAD!!!!! *cries uncontrollably*
The last paragraph, it sounded like Reii wants to suicide.. >.<
NickHippo #8
Chapter 45: Happiness comes with sadness right? It's part of the "LOVE" package.. ==''
NickHippo #9
Chapter 44: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
NickHippo #10
Chapter 43: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww................
I wish I had a boyfriend as sweet as him >.<