The Stealer




Chaerin her seat again, her eyes went to the empty seat beside Juyeon.

“Should we be worried?” She asked, Chanhee looked up from his book.

“I’m not sure, she does love to skip class.”

“But that was before.” Kevin stated as he strolled towards them, Changmin glanced at Juyeon briefly before speaking.

“Before what?” Sunwoo chimed in with a lollipop in his mouth.

Before Juyeon kind of talk her out of it.” Chanhee mouthed at him, Sunwoo grinned and tilted his head, impressed.

“Did she call you?” Chaerin asked him, Sunwoo shook his head.

“I texted her earlier, she left me on read. As usual.” Sunwoo continued, the bells rang, and the class slowly dispersed.

“Hey,” Chaerin nudged her friend, Juyeon looked at her, the girl smiled as she kept pace with him.

“Did she tell you why she’s not at class today?”


“Really? She drove you home last night, not a word?”

“She didn’t exactly drive me.” Juyeon said as they crossed the courtyard, he pointed over the parking lot, Chaerin followed his gaze and she paused. Her eyes landed on Ahyoung’s Evoque, still parked at the same spot from last night.

“She’s here?”

Juyeon exhaled and took out a key fob from his pocket, the girl eyed the familiar keychain attached to it. The tiny Chucky seemed to be grinning at her menacingly, she made a face at it. Juyeon chuckled and put it back in his pocket.

“No, she left that here last night. Along with me.”

Chaerin stilled, her eyes went to their friends, the group had gone ahead.

“Why? What happened?”

“I decided to talk to her and tell her things.” Juyeon carefully said as they made their way towards the cafeteria, Chaerin paused at his words.

“What things?”

“Things.” He supplied simply, Chaerin stopped walking and slowly turned to him, Juyeon grimaced as soon as a small knowing grin formed on his friend’s face.

“Don’t. She ran away from me.”

Chaerin had to stop her laugh as they got inside the cafeteria, Changmin was waving them over, he’d already gotten food for the two.

“Did she say not say anything?”

“I…I don’t know, do you think she’s avoiding me?” Juyeon said in hushed tones, Chaerin’s brows rose, sensing how her friend was worried.

“Maybe she’s…she just needs time to…Maybe, she feels awkward? Or, she just wanted to ditch class today?” She continued with a grimace, Juyeon rolled his eyes at her before taking his seat.

Chaerin was about to plop down beside Chanhee when Hyunjae walked up to them, carrying a Chuvky backpack with him.

“Have you seen my sister?” He asked, Kevin looked at the bag.

“She wasn’t with you this morning, sunbae?” Juyeon spoke, Hyunjae slowly shook his head, Chaerin’s brows rose and she looked away.

“She rode with me to school, I didn’t notice she left her bag in the car.”

“So, she cut class without her bag?” Chanhee stated, Hyunjae sighed and nodded.

“I guess, will you guys tell me if she reaches out? She left her phone with me.”

Juyeon’s eyes widened, Sunwoo frowned before speaking.

“I’ll ask Haneul if she stopped by at our old school.”

“Please do that, thanks.” Hyunjae nodded back, Chaerin stilled when the older male gave her a small smile before leaving.




“I am an idiot.” Ahyoung said to herself as she stared at her car, class would soon be over and she knew that any minute now, her fellow students would be streaming out of the gate.

“How could I leave the keys with him?” She muttered to herself as she trudged towards the Range Rover, she was about to touch the front door when she felt a tap on her shoulder, the girl almost screamed.

“I was..thinking you might need this.” He spoke, Ahyoung pressed her lips together as she stared at the keys, her keys.

“Y—You didn’t drive yourself back home last night?” She blurted out, Juyeon smiled before shaking his head.

“I took the bus; I know you’d rather get it here than at my house.” Juyeon said calmly, Ahyoung could only stare at him as he gently set the keys down on the car’s hood.

“W—Why are you out here? Class doesn’t end in..” She paused when the bells from inside the campus rang, Juyeon glanced back at the gates.

“I thought that you’d want your car back before the day ended, your brother told us you went with him this morning.”

“Oh.” She murmured as she pressed her palms together.

“I have training, I have to go.” Juyeon stated, Ahyoung finally noticed that he was wearing his letterman jacket.

“Thank you,” She said a little too quickly, Juyeon blinked at her.

“For waiting out here, I know it’s cold.” Ahyoung glanced around them, students were already walking out of the campus gates.

“I’ll see you tomorrow?” He asked her, Ahyoung’s forehead creased.

“I’d like it if you didn’t avoid me, Ahyoung-ah. I know I must have shocked you last night, I’m sorry. I~”

“Don’t…Don’t apologize, I just….I needed some air and decided to roam around a bit.” Ahyoung raised her hands, Juyeon stared at her, a small smile forming on his lips.

“I meant everything I said last night, Ahyoung-ah.”

The girl paused and met his gaze briefly.

“But I value being your friend too, so, please,” Juyeon carefully took her hand in his.

“So, you don’t have to avoid me. If you’re..not comfortable with this, we don’t have to talk about it. I won’t do or say anything.”

“Juyeon-ah, you see I~”

“Hey, Lee Ahyoung!”

The two looked up and saw Hyunjae walking towards them, Ahyoung flinched and shifted her gaze away.

“I’ll see you tomorrow?” Juyeon’s voice made her look at him again, Ahyoung nodded back.

“Yes, okay. I’ll get going.” Ahyoung murmured as she picked up the keys.

“Hmm, the last time you said that didn’t end so well.” Juyeon mused lightheartedly, the girl grimaced.

“I meant, I would rather deal with my brother at home.” She blurted out, Juyeon chuckled.

“I was just joking. Drive safely.” He said as he gave her a small wave before jogging back to campus, Ahyoung quickly hopped in her car and sped off from the campus, ignoring her brother’s calls. The girl puffed her cheeks as she reached the next block, she checked her reflection and sighed at the sight of her cheeks.

“That…was too close.”




“The pizzas have arrived, young miss."

Ahyoung looked up as her brother strolled into her room, the girl nodded and slid down from her bed.

“We have the house to ourselves, and this is what you want to eat?” Hyunjae asked as the two plopped down on the carpeted floor.

“I don’t want anything else.” Ahyoung said as she switched the TV on, Hyunjae lowered the volume, the girl started eating. Hyunjae grew quiet and kept on glancing at the girl in between bites.

He needed to talk to his sibling, he needed to tell her beforehand that he had asked Chaerin out. And, he also needed to tell her that they were going out on a date this weekend.

Ahyoung must know all that before she finds out from other people, Hyunjae valued his life.

“Young-ah, about Chae~”

“Oppa, can I tell you something?”

“O—Okay, go ahead.” Hyunjae swallowed, his fingers tensed around the crust. Ahyoung put the slice down and wiped her lips.

“I don’t know what to do, oppa.”


“It’s awkward.”

“Huh?” Hyunjae could only stare at her, a piece of cheese hanging off his lower lip.

“It’s awkward.” Ahyoung almost whined.

“It won’t be, Young-ah. She’s still your friend, and I really just want to get to know her~”

“What are you talking about?” Ahyoung groaned and picked up her pizza again, Hyunjae scratched the back of his head.

“Who…are you talking about?”

“Lee Juyeon.” She said under her breath. His brows went up, and he studied the girl closely, Ahyoung was frowning as she chewed, ignoring the movie playing on the TV.

“Did he…Oh.” Hyunjae started to chuckle, but his sister eyed him warily.

“Is that why you didn’t go to class today?”

“Kind of. I don’t know how…I don’t know how to deal with it, oppa.”

“What are you talking about? You like him.” Hyunjae pointed out and his sister grimaced, he laughed again.

“You’re nervous around him, aren’t you?”

“Oppa, I~”

“Wait a minute, did he confess?” Hyunjae’s focus was on her, Ahyoung shoved another slice into , and then he started laughing.

“It’s not funny.” She muttered as she opened one of the hot sauce packets and attempted to pour it over his mouth, Hyunjae choked and rolled away from her.

“It is!” He said in between coughs, Ahyoung muttered under her breath as the older Lee drank some soda.

“Please stop laughing, I don’t even know how to sit there and not be…weird about it.”

“Then don’t be. Think of him, Ahyoung-ah. How must he have felt when you ditched class today? The guy even waited for you.”

Ahyoung scrunched her nose at him.

“Look, I’m not telling you to accept him just because he did that, but please consider how others would see your actions, Young-ah. I don’t know if you care about him like that, but what I do know is that you care about him. And, if it’s not like that, then at least don’t drag him along, okay?”


“That’s the worst thing you can do to a guy, sweetheart.”

“Do not call me that.”

“Heh. You think I wasn’t aware of the little cold war silent treatment between you and Younghoon?”

“I don’t even know how that started.” She replied as she got another slice, Hyunjae smiled and mussed her hair.

“Be nice, okay? I actually like Juyeon.”

“Then you go date him.”

“Oh no, I already asked out~” Hyunjae halted before more words could leave his lips, Ahyoung was already staring at the television.

“Hmm?” She asked while chewing.

“Nothing, just..go to school tomorrow.”




“Cherry.” Sunwoo hummed as Ahyoung slid down from her car, her eyes narrowed at him before speaking.

“It was just one day, Berry. So, don’t.”

Sunwoo cackled and hooked arms with the girl as they headed for campus, the girl suddenly halted. Her eyes went to the decorations around them, the different signs, and posters. Music was also playing the background, the girl blinked at her friend.

“The campus bazaar fair whatever begins today, well, you would probably not forget if you had come to class yesterday.”

Ahyoung exhaled and nodded, not wanting to argue and lose.

“It did slip my mind.”

“Well, our booth’s set up, the guys are just changing into their costumes.” Sunwoo informed her as they went up the steps, the girl nodded back. Her eyes went to the seniors’ horror house and she beamed at it.

“Later, Ahyoung.” Sunwoo warned her, the girl spotted Younghoon by the doors and she waved at him, the older male winked at her.

“So, they kind of changed things up last minute yesterday, some of our suffering classmates will have to wear suits, while the lucky ones will be wearing casual stuff.” Sunwoo stated as they reached their booth, she grinned as she saw Chaerin running around with a clipboard in hand.

“Oh, okay.”

“Kevin loves the idea.”

“I’m sure he does.”

“Wow, maybe I should have ditched today too.” Ahyoung added as she looked at the chaos, she saw Kevin fixing his sweater, while Changmin helped the girls with the tables. Two of her classmates were in classic tuxedos while preparing coffee. While the others were checking the reflection on the mirror, clearly uncomfortable with having not to wear uniforms.

“Try leaving me on read again, I dare you.” Sunwoo said to her as he handed her a box of fake flowers.

“Now, run along and start decorating. Chanhee yells when he’s pissed.”

Ahyoung grew amused as Sunwoo jogged towards the back part of the booth, she was about to take some of the plastic peonies out when he heard Changmin talking about what food to serve.

“Changmin-ah, how about we~” Her eyes went to the counter again, she paused.


She returned his smile and reached for the box. Then the others paused when the said box landed on the ground with a thud, Ahyoung stared at the fake flowers.

“Great, she shows up and messes things.” Chanhee sighs and walks over, Ahyoung offered him an apologetic smile as she quickly gathered the items.

“I’m sorry, don’t guillotine me.”

Chanhee rolled his eyes and took the box from her, Juyeon walked towards them.

“Are things okay?” He asked, Chanhee moved along, already off to his next task.

“Y—Yes.” She nodded, taking in his sporty but casual get up, Juyeon had brushed up his hair today too. She chewed on the insides of her cheeks.

Good looking idiot.

“Do you need help?”


“I—I’m good, I’ll be off to…tend to my fake..plastic blooms. Have fun…with the coffee, Juju Bear.” She mumbled as she moved away from him, Juyeon’s brows rose but he was smiling as the girl turned her back on him.

“Well, the flowers are with Chanhee.” He mused to himself before joining his friends by the bar.





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KimHyeJoo #1
Chapter 44: Awwwe so cuteeeee
Chapter 44: i reallyyyy need to know what was chanhee/sunwoo's plan
Chapter 44: this is so cuteeee. thank you so muchhh for the update. welcome back 🥹
AiiSoo #4
Chapter 44: Juyeon and Ahyoung were so cute. That was a good prank btw. It’s funny reading about their friends getting frustrated. And also the way Hyunjae’s friends also joined in Ahyoung’s effort to prank the others.
Thanks for all these updates..!
SummerLuv #5
Chapter 44: Finally the friends knew!!! Hahaha but in an unexpected way, that's fun too I guess 😂 welcome back!
Chapter 44: ❤️❤️❤️
springrose #7
Chapter 44: Finally the friends found out ahacaksjsb
zangsia1 #8
Chapter 44: Its out! Now what is next? The Ball! Cant wait! Thanks for the update authornim
mznary #9
Chapter 44: Welcome back!! Aww finally the friends know
Chapter 44: Welcome back !! 😄😄😄