The Stealer




Ahyoung leaned back onto the bleacher as she looked ahead, a handful of juniors and seniors had gathered to the basketball court to witness the game. Ahyoung glanced to her cousin, Changmin was munching on pistachios.

“I don’t understand, why….pit the juniors against the seniors?”

“It’s kind of a practice, not just for the varsity, but also for gym class. The one playing are also being graded.” He explained to her as Chaerin and Kevin joined them.

“Juyeon needs the grade too?” She deadpanned, Chanhee chortled at her comment and handed her a can of grape juice.

“Right, about the group work assigned yesterday, the one you missed because of a migraine,” Chaerin pointed out, her tone sharp, Ahyoung offered her a sheepish grin.

“I’d like to invite you to my place this Saturday, but the house is going through repairs.” Chanhee commented with a small frown, he saw the players arrive at the court and searched for Juyeon.

“You’re grouped with Chaerin, Chanhee and Juyeon.” Changmin informed his cousin, Ahyoung pursed her lips before speaking.

“Then, let’s do it at my place.” Ahyoung offered, Chanhee and Chaerin nodded back at her, already distracted by the noise.

But what is this project about?” She whispered to Kevin, the latter laughed and shook his head at her.

“Right, does our school compete with other schools too?” She blurted out, Kevin nodded before speaking, Ahyoung scooped a bunch of pistachios from her cousin.

“Yes, our team’s really good and we usually~”

“What’s up?”

Ahyoung almost dropped the pistachios when Juyeon suddenly plopped beside her, her eyes narrowed as he helped himself with the snack.

“The last time I checked, the court is down there. Not here.”

“But you have food.” Juyeon mused as he stretched his long legs before him, Ahyoung sighed and dropped the rest of the pistachios on his palm.

“We talked about the group work thing, Ahyoung offered her place.” Chaerin said to her friend, Juyeon nodded while adjusting his jersey top, unaware of the appreciative stares he was getting from the female students.

“Sounds good. I can just walk.” Juyeon murmured, he saw the coach calling them over.

“If you win, can we at least get something to eat?” Changmin said, Chanhee had finished the rest of his pistachios.

“What if he doesn’t? Then we starve.” Ahyoung pointed out, Juyeon let out a laugh.

“You must win then, seat mate. Changmin’s hungry, and a hungry Changmin is never fun to be with.” She gave him a solemn nod, Juyeon rolled his eyes and mussed her hair.

“I spend almost eight hours with you, I’ve survived worse.”

“Hey!” But Juyeon was already hopping down the bleachers as his coach waved him over.




“A hotbar? But, fried chicken sounds better.” Kevin mumbled as the crossed the street, Chaerin and Chanhee were discussing the project as their grouped walked out of the campus gates.

“I want fishcakes.” Changmin added, he glanced behind him as they crossed the street. Ahyoung and Juyeon were chatting about something, he grinned.

“Ahyoung-ah, what do you feel like eating?” He called over, the girl looked up.

“Anything fried is fine!” She called back, Juyeon adjusted the strap of his bag on his shoulder just as the girl hooked arms with him.

“Goeun has been…quiet, right?”

“I think so, why?” Juyeon asked the girl, she scrunched her nose and fiddled with the hem of her skirt before speaking.

“I kind of heard her talking …in the restroom the other week, and she mentioned Chaerin. And you. And her just using you or something. I just…it didn’t sit well with me.”

“What did you do?” Juyeon mused at her as they reached the other end of street, not noticing the group of three boys watching them.

“What did I do? You’re not going to ask what else did they say? They~”

“I’m more concerned with how you reacted. You…didn’t flush them down the toilet, right? That seems like something you’d do.” He chuckled, Ahyoung sighed at him.

“No. No toilets involved.”

“Then, the sink?” He chimed in, teasing. Ahyoung pressed her lips together, and glanced at him, their arms still linked.

“I’m right, huh? The sink?”

“Okay, fine. They shut up when I stepped out of the cubicle..then I was washing my hands,” She said with a small mischievous smile, Juyeon shook his head at her.

“I don’t know how it happened, but..there was a splash here…some soap there, she screamed at me, and left.” She chuckled, Juyeon couldn’t help but smile.

“I don’t think you should be indulging her with a reaction, Ahyoung-ah.” He carefully said as they reached the snack bar.

“I don’t care.”

“I know.” He rolled his eyes and took her backpack from her, Ahyoung let go of him and started choosing what to eat.

“She’s made some friends. Some friends she has now.” The male commented as his friend looked on, his arms crossed.

“You shouldn’t have eavesdropped on Haneul and her friends. This is wrong.” The other male pointed out, the taller one looked away just as Ahyoung smiled at the student she was walking with.

He had tensed when he saw them linking arms and chatting casually, Ahyoung was smiling at him.

“I just wanted to see her.” He said, his lips pressed into a hard line.

“Please, please. Just let her go. After what happened, you were almost kicked out of the~”

The tall one shrugged his friend off and faced him.

“It wasn’t my fault. And, I just wanted to see how she was doing, she hasn’t replied..or called me back.”

Their eyes went to the snack bar again, the group of friends were already eating.

“Well, seeing as to how she seems happier now. She doesn’t need to call you back.”

The male exhaled, his eyes focused on Ahyoung and at the male beside her, his forehead creased, he turned away and stalked off.




Hyunjae moved his food around his plate as Ahyoung took her seat, his eyes darted to his father as the elder cleared his throat. The youngest Lee didn’t react as she reached for the salad.

“So, it would be just your brother and I going to the party this Sunday. Would you care to join us?”

Ahyoung looked up from her plate and nodded.

“Yes, I already called halmae, she is expecting me. She prefers that I go.”

Hyunjae’s lips curled up, one way or another, Ahyoung was going to get what she wanted. Especially when their grandparents were involved. Mr. Lee nodded back and sliced into the fish, Hyunjae nudged his sister.

“Right, tomorrow, I invited my group mates over. We’re working on this project for school. Will that be okay, abeoji?” Ahyoung asked, their father quickly nodded.

“Sure, I can order in some food.”

“Yes, that’s sound okay.” Ahyoung replied, the three continued to eat while Hyunjae would start a conversation randomly, just to get rid of any traces of how awkward the other two can get.

“See, it wasn’t that bad.” Hyunjae said as they stepped out of the house, his sister gave him a wary glance. The two were on their way to get ice cream, Hyunjae’s suggestion.

“Of course it wasn’t, I had to had halmae intervene.” She pointed, the older male laughed and Ahyoung exhaled.

“I’m glad you’re adjusting well, is that Hongjoong guy still bothering you?”

“How did you know?” She blinked at him, Hyunjae gave her a shrug and fixed the hood of her jacket.

“No. I haven’t heard from him, which is good.”

“Wow, a conversation without Ahyoung hissing. This is rare.” A voice chimed in, the two siblings didn’t even bother to look at Younghoon as he slung one arm around Ahyoung’s shoulder.

“Where are you two off to?”

“Oppa wants to get ice cream, and walk around the neighborhood.” She replied for them.

“We were just talking about Ahyoung’s basketball playing admirer,” Hyunjae drawled, his voice teasing. Younghoon’s brows went up.

“Who? Ju~”

“Hongjoong. The junior with the creepy grin.” Hyunjae shuddered, they were already near the mart.

“Why? Did he do something?” Younghoon asked, his arm tightening around the girl, but she didn’t notice.

“No, he can try though. I’d like to see what happens.” She mused at him, Younghoon rolled his eyes at her.

“But, Ahyoung-ah, I was on the phone with eomma the other day,” Hyunjae asked as he held the door. Younghoon dropped his arm and walked with the siblings.


“I didn’t know that you already broke up with that guy.”

Younghoon glanced at her, this wasn’t old news to him. Ahyoung had told him about it before she decided to transfer schools, he wanted to ask about it. But the girl never seem to be up for the conversation.

“Yes. That’s old news, oppa.” Ahyoung gave him a dismal shrug, clearly wanting to drop the subject.

“But, why? I thougth he was nice~”

“Hyunjae, let’s go get something to drink. Let Ahyoung take care of the ice cream.” Younghoon stole the girl a quick glance before the pulling his pal away.

Ahyoung exhaled as she leaned against the freezer, her knuckles turned white as she gripped onto the door handle tightly.




“Welcome, welcome. The house is kind of hours, so no need to be awkward and no sitting on the edges of the couch to appear polite. Or shy.” Ahyoung pointed as she led her friends to the living room, Chaerin grinned at the girl.

“You could have just told us to be comfortable. And that your father isn’t home.” Chanhee commented, Ahyoung laughed and high-fived him.

“He’s not used to having other kids at home, that was my mother’s role. But, anyway,”

Juyeon followed the group and set his backpack down on one of the leather seats, his eyes went to the rows of photos that were displayed on a glass shelf, his eyes went to some of Hyunjae’s basketball trophies and Ahyoung’s academic awards. And then he saw a photo of toddle Ahyoung, he grinned.

“Please don’t use that to blackmail me.” A voice said from behind, he turned and smiled at her.

“Adorable toddler you seem harmless.” He commented, Ahyoung rolled her eyes and pulled him to the kitchen, where Chaerin and Chanhee were already seated by the counter.

“She still doesn’t know what the project is, huh?” Chanhee asked as Ahyoung took out the food her father ordered. It was a selection of fresh fruit pies, pizzas and a platter of pasta.

“Yes, she skipped class that day.”

“Why am I not surprised?”

“I can hear you.” Ahyoung said dryly, Chaerin let out a chuckle as Juyeon joined them.

“It’s actually a presentation, new girl. We’re talk about current social issues that affect us as students.” Chanhee begun, helping himself to a slice of pizza.

“Oh, then can we not take bullying? It’s a cliché, no offense.” She added, her forehead creasing.

“It’s a pressing matter, but I feel like the others would go for that.” Ahyoung continued as she pushed the food to Chaerin and Juyeon.

“Then, what do you think we should take on?” Chaerin asked, Ahyoung was nibbling on a slice as she helped herself on one of the stools. Juyeon reached for the stool’s back to steady it as the girl climbed onto it.

“Hmm, academic division? Stereotyping?”

“Jocks versus the geeks. Very original.” Chanhee commented, Ahyoung chuckled and put her slice down.

“I don’t know, but we have the whole day and,” She leaned over to helped herself to a serving of pasta.

“Ahyoung-ah? Did you heat the food?” A voice echoed around the house, Chanhee and Juyeon turned to their other girl friend as she froze.

Chaerin’s eyes were as wide as saucers as she put her plate down.

“I did. Do you want some? Or, I can bring them up~”

“No, no.” Hyunjae replied and then he came strolling in, clad in a pair of navy blue sweatpants. Just his navy blue sweatpants and damp hair.

“We have guests, brother.” Ahyoung pointed out, Hyunjae’s face broke into a smile as he waved at his juniors.

“I was swimming. You didn’t say what time they’d get here.” Hyunjae pointed as he walked towards them, Chaerin pulled back, Chanhee had to hold onto her stool to prevent her from tipping over.

“I’ll just get my fill and let you four work on..school stuff. Mind you, my sister’s friends, she’s never the type to invite friends home. Only Haneul, but she’s~”

“Get out.” Ahyoung muttered, Hyunjae grinned before taking his plate of food, the older male disappeared as he went upstairs.

“Sorry, I just so happen to live with that.” She said as she faced her friends again, and then she paused, noticing how quiet they’d become and how both Chanhee and Juyeon were staring at Chaerin.

“What’s wrong?” Ahyoung blurted out, confused.

“Sweet sweet Ahyoung and her popular brother.” Chanhee finally spoke, he was nodding to himself as he opened his computer.

“Did we not go through this? I still haven’t fully forgiven you lot for thinking that I was one~”

“Okay, let’s drop it, Spiderman.” Juyeon mused as he touched her elbow, Ahyoung glared at him.


“You climb walls. So, Spiderman.” He said as he picked up his fork while glancing over at his laptop.

“Is that how she leaves campus? Through the walls?” Chaerin leaned forward, interested. Ahyoung’s mouth opened, and she turned to Juyeon, the male had one hand on the back of her seat while grinning at her.

“It amazes me how he gets into her nerves and not..die.” Chanhee commented to himself.

“Lee Juyeon, you~”


Chanhee saw Younghoon walk in, Chaerin smiled at the older male.

“Oppa’s in his room. Are you two going out?” Ahyoung set the pizza slice down, Younghoon nodded back, his eyes going to where Juyeon’s hand was.

“He’s driving us. Busy?” He replied, Ahyoung raised her laptop and nodded. The older male glanced at the stairs behind him, his forehead creasing.

“Go ahead, oppa. We’re going to be busy anyway. Have fun.” Ahyoung said, Younghoon slowly nodded back and Chanhee’s eyes followed the older male as he went up the stairs.

Ahyoung and Chaerin immediately started coming up with which format to use, while Juyeon nodded along, still eating.

“What is this tension I feel?” Chanhee murmured to himself before joining their conversation.





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KimHyeJoo #1
Chapter 44: Awwwe so cuteeeee
Chapter 44: i reallyyyy need to know what was chanhee/sunwoo's plan
Chapter 44: this is so cuteeee. thank you so muchhh for the update. welcome back 🥹
AiiSoo #4
Chapter 44: Juyeon and Ahyoung were so cute. That was a good prank btw. It’s funny reading about their friends getting frustrated. And also the way Hyunjae’s friends also joined in Ahyoung’s effort to prank the others.
Thanks for all these updates..!
SummerLuv #5
Chapter 44: Finally the friends knew!!! Hahaha but in an unexpected way, that's fun too I guess 😂 welcome back!
Chapter 44: ❤️❤️❤️
springrose #7
Chapter 44: Finally the friends found out ahacaksjsb
zangsia1 #8
Chapter 44: Its out! Now what is next? The Ball! Cant wait! Thanks for the update authornim
mznary #9
Chapter 44: Welcome back!! Aww finally the friends know
Chapter 44: Welcome back !! 😄😄😄