Younghoon (63 younghoon stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

One Shots
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By AriMadMad Updated
Tags  younghoon   theboyz 
With 2 chapters, 9 subscribers, 2520 views, 1 comments, 18 words
Status [M]


By Zhushuixianqqq Updated
Tags  younghoon 
Characters 金泳勋
With 3 chapters, 1 subscribers, 2550 views, 1 comments, 13 words
Status [M]


By treasurezzl Updated
Tags  younghoon 
Characters 金泳勋
With 150 views, 6 words
Status [M]

《心 · 弦》

By LightGray Updated
Tags  younghoon 
With 12 chapters, 8 subscribers, 1060 views, 3 comments, 38 words
Status [M], Members Only


By nowispresent Updated
Characters younghoon
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 22 subscribers, 8910 views, 3 comments, 17 words
Status [M]


By Jikannn Updated
Tags  younghoon 
With 820 views, 3 words
Status [M], Members Only

熏梦女|black candy

By Jikannn Updated
Tags  younghoon 
With 4 subscribers, 15950 views, 2 words
Status [M], Members Only


By beifanside912 Updated
Tags  changmin   hyunjae   new   juyeon   younghoon   theboyz 
With 7 chapters, 1 subscribers, 380 views, 19 words
Status Members Only



By Jikannn Updated
Tags  younghoon 
With 400 views
Status [M], Members Only


By -mmmmm Updated
Tags  sunwoo   younghoon   theboyz 
Characters 金善旴 金泳勋
With 6 chapters, 8 subscribers, 1330 views, 20 words
Status Completed



By Cccd37 Updated
Tags  younghoon 
Characters 相机爱1
With 2 chapters, 3 subscribers, 1020 views, 2 comments, 1 words

骨科,大学生你x打工人金泳勋 感觉不适请及时退出


By Gokotta Updated
Tags  juyeon   sunwoo   younghoon   theboyz 
Characters 金善旴 李柱延 金泳勋
With 1 chapters, 11 subscribers, 2100 views, 1 comments, 8 words



By noginger Updated
Tags  younghoon   theboyz 
With 4 chapters


梦向 | 洪流

By wencha Updated
Tags  younghoon 
With 4 chapters, 330 views, 1 comments, 4 words



By Birthdayboii Updated
Tags  younghoon   theboyz 
With 1 subscribers, 900 views, 2 words
Status [M]


By Dreamcore25 Updated
Tags  younghoon 
Characters Younghoon
With 2 subscribers, 2720 views, 8 words
Status Completed

成人式   *泳勋梦向 *2024.02.14Emergency_Hooncall   1.痴迷美男综合症     「 变成大人的话,你想成为什么职业? 」            穿着崭新的校服上小学的第一课,不是学习语言也不是学习算法,而是俨然已经成为大人的老师在黑板上写下提问,变成大人的话?           大家都想成为科学家,探险家,要上月球和外星人交朋友,明摆着不太可能实现的愿望,只是因为童言无忌显得可爱,倒让我的发言显得荒谬无比了。          “我想开一间利店。”             我们无比期盼的长大飞速到来时,成长让我明白的另一个道理就是人生总是事

Millions of roses

By Dreamcore25 Updated
Tags  younghoon 
Characters Younghoon
With 1 subscribers, 1160 views, 5 words
Status Completed

百万朵玫瑰                   「 光秃秃的树枝,上面有一只鸟,停留了一会儿,就飞走了。」                         叙事风格很写实,这是我的作文老师对我的叙事文初评价。由于我太不会写作,阅读理解也总是拿不到分,父母看着总是拖后腿的语文分数,把我送去了作文补习班。            在我们上学的年代说是补习班,其实都是速成班,会给固定的格式,套上去就能写出分数很高的文章,不夹带任何一点私人感情的,我擅长于按部就班,所以分数很快就直线上升。            最后一节课,一向严肃的老师突然变得和蔼,对我们说试试看写叙事文吧,就写今天发生的事,今天来学习的路上都发生了什么?即将发生什么?           我望着老师楼下那棵光秃秃的树,随即写下了那段毫无感情的文字,问我对高档小区里那棵树有什么感情我并不觉得很悲凉,冬天本来就是落叶掉尽的季节,


By AriMadMad Updated
Tags  sunwoo   younghoon 
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 24 subscribers, 20420 views, 1 comments, 50 words
Status [M], Completed

我的证人 / My Witness

By AriMadMad Updated
Tags  hyunjae   younghoon 
Characters hyunjae、younghoon
With 2 chapters, 4 subscribers, 4280 views, 21 words
Status [M]

Legends Only

By Lakanamihan Updated
Tags  crackfic   parody   tagalog   satire   johnny   crack   comingofage   highschoolau   karina   heejin   dahyun   younghoon   felix   twice   nct   nct127   loona   theboyz   straykids   ateez   yeosang   aespa   artms 
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 3 subscribers, 600 views, 1 comments, 4642 words
Status Subscribers Only

Si Yeosang Del Kang ang bagong transfer student na ire-recruit bilang isa sa mga candidates ng Battle of the Main Characters na taunang ginaganap sa pinagpipitagan at ma-alamat na Legend High.


By VVitaminwoo Updated
Tags  txt   younghoon   soobin   theboyz 
Characters 10769
With 3 subscribers, 1470 views, 6 words
Status Completed



By squareflower Updated
Tags  younghoon 
With 6 subscribers, 4260 views
Status [M]

极夜 01

By squareflower Updated
Tags  younghoon 
With 8 subscribers, 5 words
Status [M]

The Stealer

By bluestone Updated
Tags  romance   juyeon   highschoolau   younghoon   theboyz   tbz 
Characters The Boyz, Younghoon, Juyeon, OC
With 44 chapters, 41 votes, 176 subscribers, 10380 views, 296 comments, 96657 words
Status Crowdfunded

  He’s always been so sure. He’s always been so sure that somehow, they’d end up together.

Stay Strong The Boyz

By Ghad20 Updated
Characters The Boyz Sangyeon, Hyunjae, Kevin, Q, Jacok, Hakyeon, New, YoungHoon, JuYeon, Sunwoo, Eric
With 13 chapters, 4 votes, 491 subscribers, 7080 views, 8 comments, 11973 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Strenght grows in the moments when you think you can't go on but you keep going anyway. I wish I could take your pain away.

我哥哥 내 오빠

By milipbalm Updated
Tags  younghoon 
Characters younghoon
With 3 subscribers, 1070 views, 21 words
Status Members Only

哥哥。...!·.。* .☆.。♡.:.+*

No Escape

By ni-kiii Updated
Tags  apocalypse   kevin   zombies   hyunjin   bangchan   younghoon   felix   theboyz   straykids   ateez   seonghwa   choisan 
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 530 views, 2858 words

Eager to restore humanity, 8 years of training younger soldiers behind the enormous walls has demanded to take over the world that was once stolen by the human-flesh eaters and has wiped out half of the population about 20 years ago. They wanted to see what lies outside, to find clues on where did the virus first spread, and to conclude justification against those monste


By Dreamcore25 Updated
Tags  younghoon 
Characters Younghoon
With 4 subscribers, 2130 views, 3 words
Status Completed

Chessia               “像天一样的上帝……”          由彩色颜料镶嵌组成的壁画里,像天一样的上帝在凝视着我,我混在基督教徒之中并不突兀,披下来的长发遮住了我偷偷塞着耳机的双耳,耳机里甚至在放我从未听过的摇滚乐,只是专辑的封面很好看,它听起来和我一样不属于这个神圣的教堂。        闭上眼祷告再睁开眼,日光就会变得更刺眼,望向台上的神父,也就是我的父亲,我能从他一张一合的里读懂他念念有词的是哪一句。        上帝并不是一片天,对我而言不可忤逆的上帝只有一个,那是被宗教长期浸着的,我的整个家庭。        每周日都会来到这里,混进来做礼拜的人里,我们一起祷告。人们在为何事祷告我不关心,我只为自己祈祷,在宗教自由的时代,谁能为我抽走牢笼前面插着的梢。        日光从窗投进来,我的视力尚且还未恢复正常,前面坐着的人侧过头,汗打湿鬓角顺


By neverestore Updated
Characters younghoon juyeon hyunjae sunwoo
Status [M], Members Only


By GovernerofAntarctica Updated
Tags  hyunjae   younghoon   theboyz 
Characters Lee HyunJae, Kim YoungHoon
With 1 chapters, 10 subscribers, 3960 views, 1 comments, 9 words
Status [M], Completed, Members Only


By NonPacifism Updated
Tags  younghoon   theboyz 
Characters The Boyz, Younghoon
With 1 subscribers, 360 views, 2 words

    初次见到金泳勋的时候,我正准备去自杀。 在汉江边上徘徊,思考着过去二十年无趣而灰暗的人生,也不是说经历了什么难以表达的痛苦,或许是在活着这个过程中因痛苦而麻木了,所以真正要说因什么而要去自杀,记不清了。药物作用下记忆变得不是很好,所有事情对我来说只是一闪而过的朦胧印象。 我只知道,生活毫无意义。 也许是仅剩一点点的求生欲作用着,或许是因为想到十二月汉江的水非常冰冷,或许想到被水浸泡后的尸体一定会肿胀得非常丑陋。我徘徊着。我想漂亮地死去,在冬末初春的时候充满仪式感地平静躺在某片花田中,在混着泥土和山茶花的香气中,闭着眼睛就像睡着了般死去。 凌晨时分的麻浦大桥似乎空无一人,在我思考直接跳下去还是到岸边再慢慢走入水里这两种方式哪种更充满美感,我看见了他。 安静地站在那里,戴着白色的毛线帽,几辆来往车辆的车灯紊乱照亮了一下这里,又马上归于黑暗。对岸是钢筋水泥构筑的森林,在这光怪陆离中,他与这一切都格格不入。 感觉是同类,所以保持一段距离站在了他身边。沉默

breathe in slowly and keep on going

By InfiniteWoonique Updated
Characters Jacob Kevin Eric Sunwoo Changmin Chanhee Haknyeon Hyunjae Juyeon Sangyeon Younghoon
With 2 chapters, 18 subscribers, 510 views, 1 comments, 25086 words
Status Subscribers Only

Jacob and Kevin lived peacefully, happily, and together in their pack of hybrids, but what happens when their safety is threatened?  The pack must do something to change what is happening. Will they make it before it's too late?    READ THE TAGS I am a post Hwall/Hyunjun deobi so sorry for not involving him :/ maybe one day

The Bunker Boyz

By dramayeoja Updated
Characters The Boyz, Sangyeon, Jacob, Younghoon, Hyunjae, Juyeon, Kevin, New, Q, Haknyeon, Sunwoo, Eric
With 10 chapters, 1 votes, 3 subscribers, 1500 views, 8 comments, 13178 words

An AU in which The Boyz are either running from zombies or becoming zombies. The Bunker Boyz is led by Hyunjae who, along with Kevin and Juyeon, are trying to keep people safe from the zombies. Eric is running for his life from Jacob and his assistant, Sangyeon. Changmin and Chanhee aren't getting along which results in Chanhee becoming a zombie. Sunwoo and Haknyeon are trying to survive alone in the wild with zombies everywhere. Younghoon is a lost child who Changmin saves from zombies.

I'll Be Waiting For You

By HadleyBree Updated
Tags  fantasy   yewon   yuna   cute   waiting   yerin   sojung   coldhearted   twoworlds   younghoon   sinb   gfriend   sowon   eunha   sinrin   juho   wonha   yumji   aiandchloe   kingdomshua   stubbornbrat   bizzareworlds   astilbe 
Characters Jung Yerin/Ai Hwang Eunbi/Chloe Jung Eunbi(Eunha) Kim Sojung Kim Yewon Choi Yuna Kim Younghoon Baek Ju-ho
With 10 chapters, 2 votes, 57 subscribers, 1200 views, 4 comments, 16416 words

A stubborn brat Jung Yerin has been catching feelings for a fictional character in the book that she's reading. Upon reading, little did she know that she's being hooked by the book and gradually absorbed her whole system where she was dragged into two bizarre worlds and she met her favorite fictional character but there's something wrong with this character that she wants to find out.   Main Characters: Jung Yerin/Ai Hwang Eunbi/Chloe


By seonuberry Updated
Characters tbz
With 1 chapters, 7 subscribers, 1450 views, 1650 words

here lies your typical oneshot/imagines book dedicated to our precious boyz! ♡♡♡

Clementine Basket

By ni-kiii Updated
Tags  comedy   drama   romance   romcom   romancecomedy   younghoon   eunwoo   astro   eunwooxoc   theboyz 
Characters Cha Eunwoo, Kim Seoyeon (OC/YOU), Kim Younghoon, Kim Doyeon, Chae Joohwa, and many more.
With 3 subscribers, 230 views, 778 words

Left home for work, longing for the aromatic candle and the warmth of a blanket during winter, they were not enough to fill up the basket made for two hearts possibly collided. Business is more than that. Beauty is more than that. In this world of the modern generation picking up standards on a higher level, will they capable to push through their limit? 


By oneshotfanficlover94 Updated
Characters Kim Younghoon, Lee Jemin/Jem/Min (OC), Han Seungwoo (Victon), Sangyeon, Hyunjae, Juyeon, Chanhee/New and Byungchan (Victon)
With 25 chapters, 86 subscribers, 780 views, 47169 words
Status [M], Completed, Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded


By oneshotfanficlover94 Updated
Characters Sangyeon, Jacob, Younghoon, Hyunjae, Juyeon, Kevin, Chanhee/New, Changmin, Ju Haknyeon, Sunwoo, Eric and Y/N (Reader)
With 12 chapters, 382 subscribers, 2800 views, 21646 words
Status [M], Completed, Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded

Under Control

By aljinbeats Updated
With 1 chapters, 66 subscribers, 640 views, 4 comments, 1044 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only

The Unexpected Accident

By mystory98 Updated
Tags  changmin   hyunjae   kevin   oneshot   accident   chanhee   new   eric   jacob   juyeon   hurtandcomfort   sunwoo   younghoon   sickfic   haknyeon   theboyz   sangyeon   roadtokingdom 
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 9 subscribers, 1500 views, 4 comments, 2133 words
Status Completed

The boyz are practicing a stunt for their upcoming concert but something horrible happens to Changmin while he try to pull off the jump...

The Day That I Got Sick

By mystory98 Updated
Tags  changmin   hyunjae   kevin   oneshot   new   fever   eric   jacob   juyeon   sick   hurtandcomfort   sunwoo   younghoon   sickfic   haknyeon   theboyz   juhaknyeon   sangyeon   roadtokingdom 
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 10 subscribers, 1690 views, 1 comments, 2728 words
Status Completed

One morning, Haknyeon woke up to his body feeling heavy. Out of many days, he was sick during their preparation for their second performance in Road to Kingdom. He tried not to worry the other members so that he won't drag them down. Is he going to be alright after keeping his secret from the other members?

Overprotective Brothers

By FootballerInDreams Updated
Tags  changmin   fluff   hyunjae   kevin   originalcharacter   crack   chanhee   eric   jacob   juyeon   sunwoo   younghoon   ericxoc   haknyeon   theboyz   hwall   sangyeon   cracktreatedseriously   crekercrack 
Characters Eric, Female Reader, Sangyeon, Jacob, Juyeon, Younghoon, Hyunjae, Kevin, Q, New, Sunwoo, Haknyeon, Hwall, basically, all of them.
With 1 chapters, 10 subscribers, 1280 views, 2 comments, 832 words

This is a case of having overprotective brothers but not the usual case of having overprotective brothers.   Read more for information...

You Belong With Me

By honeybwi Updated
Tags  angst   changmin   chanhee   juyeon   younghoon   theboyz 
Characters Choi Chanhee, Lee Juyeon, The Boyz
With 1 chapters, 2 subscribers, 600 views, 1523 words

Chanhee wasn't a bad person. He never really cared about anything other than surviving college, getting a decent job at the bank and settling down with someone he loves. He was not a relationship wrecker either. So when he left Juyeon to deal with a pissed off man whose husband cheated with him back at their shared apartment, he wondered if it was the right thing to do, not when he heard Changmin slapped Juyeon so hard just as he was running out the door and he felt his heart break at that. B

keep your enemies closer. // ooon (halo) woozi (seventeen) x oc FANFICTION.

By xXxAngelKpopGirlxXx Updated
Tags  action   drama   fighting   jihoon   korean   kpop   romance   gangster   royalty   kkangpae   halo   seventeen   younghoon   ooon   woozi 
Characters Younghoon (Ooon) Halo , Jihoon (Woozi) Seventeen , OC: Kang Areum
With 2 chapters, 1 subscribers, 1490 views, 1746 words

"You'll taste hell if you give me hell."  - They were enemies; hated and despised each other's existence. As royals of the prestigious college - a dancer and a singer - they competed consistently for the top. Well, that was until she came along. Until she brought them together. Not as friends - no...not at all...only to keep their enemies closer.


By DZoieSM Updated
Tags  taeil   2tae   johnny   juyeon   lucas   jungwoo   taeyong   sejun   byungchan   younghoon   doyoung   nct   johndo   luwoo   theboyz 
Characters NCT, The Boyz,Victon
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 114 subscribers, 3850 views, 2 comments, 576 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

i’m saying that i like you (but i still can’t tell you)

By heartb Updated
Tags  halo   younghoon   ooon   inhaeng   younghaeng   inhoon 
With 1 chapters, 2 subscribers, 1290 views, 1665 words
Status Completed

― uni au; younghoon puts up weird posters about inhaeng and sungho thinks it might be a confession

Sea Foam {DISCONTINUED please look @ "About Me" in profile for further info}

By TofuTurtleHime2468 Updated
Tags  hyunjae   kevin   new   eric   jacob   juyeon   sunwoo   younghoon   haknyeon   theboyz   hwall   sangyeon 
Characters Choi Chanhee/New, Lee Juyeon, Ji Changmin/Q, Son Eric, Heo Hyunjoon/Hwall, Moon Kevin, Lee Sangyeon, Bae Jacob, Kim Sunwoo, Ju Haknyeon, Kim Younghoon, Lee Jaehyun/Hyunjae
With 2 chapters, 8 subscribers, 1580 views, 5 comments, 3132 words

Everyone wants to be special, so they want to spend their life to show that they're special to someone or a group of people. But what happens if that one thing that makes them special is suddenly taken away from them? Then what?