Theboyzjuyeon (61 theboyzjuyeon stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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By dinyeoomifp Updated
With 5 chapters, 6 subscribers, 2030 views, 19 words
Status [M]

皮格马利翁 演梦女

By kkk1222 Updated
Tags  theboyzjuyeon 
With 1 chapters, 420 views, 1 words
Status Completed, Members Only

    塞浦路斯的国王皮格马利翁亲自爱上了他亲手雕刻的象牙人像,为她取名为伽拉忒亚,向神祈求赐予他们爱情,阿芙洛狄忒被打动,他一,赋予雕像温度,二,赋予她柔软的身体,三,赋予她人的灵魂,他最终如愿       家教老师演*高中生你    

[李柱延梦女向]Happy Birthday!

By iamagnestrueromantic Updated
Tags  theboyzjuyeon 
Characters Lee Juyeon
With 30 views, 8 words
Status Members Only

*推荐与BGM配合食用效果更佳:🎶きょうこ- Happy Birthday *THE BOYZ李柱延梦女向/前男友回忆录/BE *完全记不起来了,1月15日是谁的生日呢?  


By yeyemo_series Updated
Tags  theboyzjuyeon 
Characters juyeon;你
With 1 chapters, 20 views, 2 words



By DodOoo Updated
Tags  theboyzjuyeon 
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 1570 views, 11 words

在夜店的舞池中央看到了大我一届的学长李柱延。   尽管早就觉得他不是自己所表现出来的那样。木讷,迟钝,单纯,仅仅是发呆也微翘着角,像只混入人群的。   可眼前的人说是李柱延,我也不太相信。穿着收腰的黑西装和皮靴,汗珠顺着额角下淌,随着巨大灯球的变化而闪烁不同光,然后划过脖,隐入贴身的白衬衫。   跳舞的时候像一只轻俏的,起哄声越大扭动的幅度越大,表情称不上,但毫无羞耻心的样子也足够勾引人了。   随着人群的潮涨潮落而浮沉,充斥着香水味和烟酒味的湿闷空气里,心里冒出无名火。   明明我们在学校也只是见面也不会打招呼的关系。   仅此而已。   -     由于不知从何而起的怒火,在李柱延结束表演后径直走向他。   和一样的上翘的眼睛对视了。为什么是这幅


By wonwon00 Updated
Tags  theboyzjuyeon 
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 4880 views, 5 words



By nowispresent Updated
Tags  theboyzjuyeon 
Characters juyeon
With 3 chapters, 17 subscribers, 9480 views, 7 comments, 28 words
Status [M]


By dinyeoomifp Updated
Tags  theboyzjuyeon 
With 2 chapters, 7 subscribers, 9470 views, 3 comments
Status [M], Completed


By Fallenbutterfly Updated
Tags  theboyzjuyeon 
Characters juyeon you
With 1 chapters, 2330 views, 1 words
Status Completed



By Fallenbutterfly Updated
Tags  theboyzjuyeon 
Characters juyeon you
With 1 chapters, 3 subscribers, 2580 views, 3 words
Status [M], Completed


By wonwon00 Updated
Tags  theboyzjuyeon 
With 1 chapters, 5 subscribers, 7330 views, 34 words



By 0201_doero Updated
Tags  theboyzjuyeon 
With 2 chapters, 1060 views, 29 words


By bayley Updated
Tags  theboyz   theboyzq   theboyzjuyeon 
With 3 chapters, 1 subscribers, 220 views, 37 words



By wonwon00 Updated
Tags  theboyzjuyeon 
With 1 chapters, 5 subscribers, 10820 views, 59 words



By 0201_doero Updated
Characters sunwoo zyeon younghoon
With 4 chapters, 1 votes, 10 subscribers, 2570 views, 7 words
Status [M]

饮食男女 得慕大

By kkk1222 Updated
Characters 饮食男女
With 2 chapters, 7 subscribers, 1790 views, 10 words
Status [M]


By 0201_doero Updated
Tags  theboyz   theboyzjuyeon 
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 900 views
Status Members Only

演梦女 //睡前短打一则 喜欢和李柱延黏在一起的每一个晚上


By donotwakeup Updated
Tags  theboyzjuyeon 
Characters *演梦女
With 5 chapters, 1 votes, 10 subscribers, 16450 views, 1 comments, 22 words
Status [M], Completed


By Sleepist Updated
Tags  juyeon   theboyzjuyeon   juyeonxyou 
With 1 chapters, 5 subscribers, 2260 views, 1 comments, 1 words
Status [M]

[柱q] 判断爱情的方法

By fastfoodchwego Updated
Tags  theboyz   theboyzq   theboyzjuyeon 
With 1 subscribers, 410 views, 3 words



By Joytree1106 Updated
Tags  theboyzjuyeon 
Characters 李柱延 李贤在 金善旴
With 2 chapters, 1 subscribers, 1280 views, 34 words
Status [M], Completed


By wonwon00 Updated
Tags  theboyzjuyeon 
With 1 chapters, 11 subscribers, 22260 views, 2 comments, 6 words



By VvVvVv729 Updated
Tags  theboyzjuyeon 
Characters juyeon
With 1600 views, 1 words



By herbsttang Updated
Tags  theboyzjuyeon 
Characters 李柱延
With 1 chapters, 2 subscribers, 3510 views, 2 words
Status [M], Completed

Taming Desire(上)第一章

By Aura_ice Updated
Tags  theboyzjuyeon 
With 1 chapters, 100 views, 14 words
Status Members Only

Taming Desire 参考:《明天,我会成为谁的女友》《贩卖“爱”的男子》 BGM:さよならエレジー(再见哀歌) 《致命之》主题曲   —序 10代20代的人生,撞击着最坚硬的社会阶层,利店3000日元的时薪和千万日元的助学贷款本就无法调解,酒精可以麻痹神经,毒品可以逃离现实,甜言蜜语可以拥住最孤独的灵魂。  霓虹灯牌闪烁,建筑上布满七八个招牌,街道边是统一发型的公关照片,名字和介绍以夸张的花体字打印。未干的雨渍折这个华丽世界的另一面,扭曲的形状、混杂的色彩,像风俗女第一次卸下的眼妆,将午夜熏染得红红绿绿。 “啊,好可爱”眼前清秀的男生挡住了我的去路,“你需要工作吗,” 我抬头等着他的下文, “或许对晚上的工作感兴趣吗”可爱的酒窝斟上的是最恶毒的酒,我扬起手中的相机对着他的脸拍了一张照,耀眼的闪光灯惊得他闭上眼, “不用,谢谢。” 就在这个位置,我用脚尖拨开地面的水渍,不远处三两个年轻人调笑着


By Sharkspeare Updated
Tags  theboyzjuyeon 
Characters Juyeon you
With 8 chapters, 1 subscribers, 980 views, 1 comments, 7 words



By Sharkspeare Updated
With 19 chapters, 2140 views, 1 comments, 306 words



By Sharkspeare Updated
Tags  theboyzjuyeon 
Characters juyeon you
With 10 chapters, 11 subscribers, 5940 views, 5 comments, 31 words

“漫长的66号公路和炎热的天气并不美好,从凌晨开始的十二小时车程也让人疲累,但李柱延却让这趟旅途变成一场了日不落的盛典。”   “感谢命运,让我们省去重逢,直接永不再见。


By insomniaa_ Updated
Tags  theboyz   theboyzq   theboyzjuyeon 
Characters Juyeon Q
With 450 views, 19 words



By hdyxj0606 Updated
Tags  theboyz   theboyzjuyeon 
With 10 subscribers, 9820 views, 3 words
Status [M]


By 13777829030 Updated
Tags  eric   juyeon   theboyz   juric   theboyzeric   theboyzjuyeon 
Characters theboyz
With 1 subscribers, 2300 views, 9 words
Status [M], Members Only


By Boxia030 Updated
Tags  juyeon   theboyz   theboyzjuyeon 
With 880 views, 19 words
Status Members Only

演梦女/BE 我和李主演约定好,只做彼此的周六情人。


By nbnbyl Updated
With 3 subscribers, 2970 views, 2 comments, 1 words
Status [M], Members Only

Savior // 柱延梦女

By Puppypy Updated
Tags  theboyzjuyeon 
With 3 chapters, 1 subscribers, 1180 views, 1 comments, 25 words

Save me, kill me, my savior.


By CaiSiXing Updated
Tags  theboyzjuyeon 
With 9 chapters, 2 subscribers, 3810 views, 1 comments, 31 words

THE BOYZ* 李柱延* 梦女 


By emobbafraid Updated
Characters sunwoo, q , juyeon
With 1 chapters, 2 subscribers, 3620 views, 1 comments, 12 words
Status [M]


By jckhl_ Updated
Tags  theboyzjuyeon 
With 2 subscribers, 620 views, 1 comments, 29 words
Status Members Only



By killamockingbird Updated
Tags  juyeon   juric   theboyzeric   theboyzjuyeon 
Characters juyeon eric
With 6 subscribers, 2890 views, 6 comments
Status [M]

Stay Strong The Boyz

By Ghad20 Updated
Characters The Boyz Sangyeon, Hyunjae, Kevin, Q, Jacok, Hakyeon, New, YoungHoon, JuYeon, Sunwoo, Eric
With 13 chapters, 4 votes, 491 subscribers, 7080 views, 8 comments, 11973 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Strenght grows in the moments when you think you can't go on but you keep going anyway. I wish I could take your pain away.


By peculiar_writer Updated
Tags  angst   malay      mpreg   boyslove   bxb   theboyz   tbz   jujae   theboyzjuyeon   theboyzhyunjae   jumil   bbangric 
Characters Juyeon | Hyunjae | slightBbangRic
With 1 chapters, 7 subscribers, 480 views, 2 comments, 2236 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

  Hari yang sepatutnya bahagia, bertukar suram sekelip mata. Dia tidak menyangka bahawa kepulangannya itu, akan disambut dingin oleh suaminya. Entah apa yang merasuki si suami sehingga sanggup menuduhnya curang.   "Sanggup awak tuduh saya curang. Saya cintakan awak sorang je. Takder yang


By TKYINN Updated
Tags  theboyzjuyeon 
With 2 subscribers, 2120 views, 1 words



By neverestore Updated
Characters younghoon juyeon hyunjae sunwoo
Status [M], Members Only


By xxxxddd Updated
Tags  theboyzjuyeon 
With 7 subscribers, 6490 views
Status Completed

    普蓝色的玻璃门上贴着红色胶字,低矮到连我都要稍稍侧头才能走进去。     站在蓝底白字的价目表前思量好久,就连叼着廉价烟捻着报纸的的老头都忍不住抬起眼皮透过油腻的镜片看我几眼。     价格最低的也是四开头的两位数,我没力气再去找下一家了,「来个全背吧,师傅。」点完项目我很自觉地脱了衣服趴在床上。藤椅上的老头懒洋洋地朝里屋喊了一声,只听着脚步声朝我走来。把头埋在按摩床的洞里,此时我一半的灵魂已经去问候周公。          听见打开盖子和搓手的声音。炙热的掌心抚上背时我只感觉神奇,两个手掌几乎覆盖了一大半的后背,相比起以前的技师,这双手没有那种入油的老茧,指腹都还是软嫩的肌肤。把精油慢慢抹到每一个角落,顺带动僵硬的肌肉。暂时关闭的视觉能把一切除此之外的感官放大,咕叽的声响和逐渐跟着燃烧的背部肌肤,在为疲惫的神经做热敷理疗。        我睁开眼盯着混凝土地板发愣,桌角在带着蓝紫的旧灯下看起来有点恍惚。怎么就一直在那里打圈涂抹,「师傅?可以开始了?」我疑惑着转头看。    穿着灰色紧身毛衣的青年,把袖子撸


By xxxxddd Updated
Tags  theboyzjuyeon 
With 3 subscribers, 5490 views, 1 comments, 1 words

  我拿上老板放在柜台上的红包,拉下卷帘门回头的时候看到李柱延坐在单车上。  天冷的急,要不是为了钱我才不会在这种无人造访的鬼天气里出来打工。李柱延坐在车座上裹着黑色羽绒服,车把手上挂着叉烧包,戴着外婆缝的毛绒耳罩发呆。呼出的热气与冷风短暂缠绵后消失在干冷的空气里。我问他你怎么来了,连着问了三遍他才呆呆地拉起一边耳罩问我说了什么。  其实打工的饭店离家很近,走路五分钟就到。李柱延把耳罩给了我,红着耳朵鼻尖蹬着单车。说是他和舅妈到的时候我还没来,他也融不进女人的闲聊里,就来接我下班。    风吹的我眼睛根本睁不开,只能把脸躲到李柱延背后才能稍微避寒。即使在这样无助的寒冬里,李柱延的所在就能带来一片微薄但安心的温暖。他嘟嘟囔囔说着什么,但是车骑得太快,还没进我耳朵就被风打散。    到家看到门上贴着福字才想起来今天已经二十九了,各种叫的上叫不上名字的亲戚都围坐在沙发上。外婆招呼我过来坐下,和我说你马上要有弟弟了。看着舅妈隆起的小腹我机械性地朝他们笑了笑,走进厨房帮妈择豆角。这件事并没有让我感到冲击,我只是觉得奇妙,怎么正好她作为李柱延妻


By xxxxddd Updated
Tags  theboyzjuyeon 
With 1 subscribers, 7770 views, 1 comments, 1 words
Status [M]


By xxxxddd Updated
Tags  theboyzjuyeon 
With 4 subscribers, 4110 views
Status [M]


By zuomengdasaiguanjun Updated
With 2 subscribers, 2150 views, 12 words
Status [M]

Oh, Hyung!

By aljinbeats Updated
Characters Eric, Lee Juyeon
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 73 subscribers, 960 views, 2 comments, 1993 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only


By seonuberry Updated
Characters tbz
With 1 chapters, 7 subscribers, 1450 views, 1650 words

here lies your typical oneshot/imagines book dedicated to our precious boyz! ♡♡♡

How to write a Love Story? (THE BOYZ Juyeon Fanfiction)

By laidbacknewbie Updated
Tags  angst   comedy   drama   romance   romcomdrama   theboyz   tbz   leejuyeon   theboyzjuyeon 
Characters Juyeon | Danbi (OC) | Changmin (Q) | Chanhee (New) | Sangyeon | Eric | other OCs
With 1 chapters, 9 subscribers, 530 views, 3993 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

    When News Writer Son Danbi got laid off from the weekly publishing news agency she's working at after getting bankrupt, she was left with no choice but to apply for a job far more dirrerent from what she's been used to for more than three years already;   Writing Fictions.    Fictitious personalities and unreal happenings is all new to her she can't even pick a decent name for her lead character. That's when the editor that goes by the name

⇜ ɪɴᴄᴇꜱᴛ ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ ɪɴꜱɪꜱᴛ ⇝

By S3xmeup Updated
Characters Lee Juyeon, Lee Minho/ Lee Know, Hwang Hyunjin, Lee Felix, Eric Sohn, Kim Younghoon, Choi Chanhee, Ji Changmin, Kim Sunwoo, Bang Chan, Seo Changbin, Kim Seungmin, Kevin Moon
With 5 chapters, 10 subscribers, 230 views, 25880 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only, Subscribers Only


By juyeonbabyrice Updated
Characters lee juyeon of the boyz, you
With 3 chapters, 1 votes, 11 subscribers, 940 views, 3072 words
Status [M]


By schulte Updated
Tags  lovetriangle   romance   you   juyeon   highschoolau   jungwoo   nct   nctjungwoo   theboyz   leejuyeon   theboyzjuyeon 
Characters Juyeon & you
With 6 subscribers, 930 views, 1 comments, 524 words

  Lee Juyeon is your best friend and your partner in crime of 6 years. Everybody could see the chemistry between the two of

Under Control

By aljinbeats Updated
With 1 chapters, 66 subscribers, 640 views, 4 comments, 1044 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only