Sunwoo (89 sunwoo stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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By nekoooooo Updated
Tags  sunwoo 
Characters 金善旴 金泳勋 李贤在
With 2 chapters, 190 views, 2 comments, 9 words
Status [M], Members Only


By teaja_21 Updated
Tags  sunwoo 
With 1 chapters, 100 views, 14 words
Status Members Only


By urnothingbutmydream_ Updated
Tags  sunwoo   theboyz 
With 280 views, 1 words
Status Members Only

嘘梦女 她跟豪豪分手了,豪豪就是有办法找到她,打电话给她,求她回来。反反复复,像咒语,像催眠。她跑不掉,又回来了。她告诉自己,存款里还有五十万,五十万花完了,就分手吧。


By oh_1ow Updated
Tags  sunwoo 
With 1 chapters, 430 views, 17 words
Status [M]


By vVieeee Updated
Tags  sunwoo 
Characters 金善旴
With 9 subscribers, 3700 views, 7 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By nekoooooo Updated
Tags  sunwoo 
Characters 金善旴 金泳勋 李贤在
With 6 chapters, 8 subscribers, 3750 views, 1 comments, 97 words
Status [M]


By Cincotres Updated
Tags  sunwoo   theboyz   theboyzq 
With 5 chapters, 1 subscribers, 2340 views, 1 comments, 157 words
Status Members Only



By _Blueberry_ Updated
Tags  sunwoo 
Characters 金善旴
With 4 chapters, 1320 views, 7 words
Status [M], Members Only


By cookid Updated
Tags  eric   sunwoo   sunric 
Characters theboyz
With 1 chapters, 3 subscribers, 300 views, 2 comments, 15 words
Status Members Only

随写写 弯恋直那篇发生之后的事情 写到哪里算哪里 超链接里有慢歌~🎵


By cookid Updated
Tags  eric   sunwoo   theboyz   sunric 
Characters theboyz
With 470 views, 6 words
Status Members Only



By cookid Updated
Tags  eric   sunwoo   theboyz   sunric 
Characters theboyz
With 470 views, 2 words
Status Members Only



By suirandansu Updated
Tags  hyunjae   sunwoo   theboyz 
With 6 subscribers, 4990 views, 1 words
Status [M]


By zzzzsffia Updated
Tags  sunwoo   hyunjaexyou 
Characters hyunjae/sunwoo
With 1 subscribers, 400 views, 3 comments, 8 words
Status Members Only

   *梦女向,非cp同人            “嗯,我说,”电话那头的李贤在深了一气,声音听起来有些飘忽,“我们要不还是分手吧?”              我一时间没有反应过来,还以为他在说今晚吃什么,谁洗碗谁遛狗之类的话,于是习惯性嗯了一声,等到因为工作而变得迟钝的大脑终于把这句话咀嚼明白,李贤在已经把电话挂了。              啊?              我举着手机放空了一会儿,又把电话回拨过去,“……要分手吗?”              沉默了许久,李贤在叹了气,“刚才不是答应得很快吗?”              他可能又要去bar了,我的心里倏地冒出这个念头,为什么分手呢?他厌倦我了吗?              现在住的是合租房,分手的话我要先搬出去吗?李贤在也可能先搬走,带着狗和两个大号行李箱,坐上不会回头的出租车。


By nowispresent Updated
Tags  sunwoo   theboyz   theboyzsunwoo 
Characters sunwoo
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 18580 views, 5 comments, 16 words
Status [M]


By Rrrriku Updated
Tags  sunwoo 
With 4 chapters, 2 subscribers, 1160 views, 12 words

※血腥/暴力描写有 ※金汝珠(你)x金善旴 ※受害者为何爱 自私扭曲女老师x被霸凌的男同学   ※请勿上升真人/现实三观 ※师范生注意壁垒


By Twoby606 Updated
Tags  sunwoo 
With 7 subscribers, 23090 views, 4 words
Status Members Only

1. “在座的,说一个最想交往的对象。”一个问题让还有些因为通宵而犯困的我瞬间清醒,最后一轮真心话大冒险,满地狼藉酒瓶成堆,昏暗的灯光让金善旴的脸色晦暗不明,似是戏谑又可怜,我希望是可怜。 不再管他,我抬头打量周围的一片,分手三个月的前男友,至今都是单身的丝男同学,不明性取向的体育生,最后目光流转到垂头有些昏昏欲睡的金善旴,我自嘲一笑,抬手将杯中酒一饮而尽,苦涩而浓烈的液体滑过喉,杯中剩余两滴被我扣在脑袋上,重重地放在桌子上。我说不出来。 “有些累,先走了。”提起包往门走,连再见都忘了说,停到包间门,犹豫了一下还是有些烦躁地叫了一声金善旴。 “金善旴,送我回去。” 金善旴有些餍足地伸伸懒腰不紧不慢地走在我旁边, “我看他们玩的挺尽兴啊,为什么不继续。” “只是不想玩。”“好。直接去你家?” “你家。”金善旴愣了一下,“没超过11点啊,还是要我收留你?” “对。” 路灯下抱着臂的金善旴,对我无声地戏笑。 “真的是保守但爱玩。”应该还有更爱玩的。 “请进。”熟透他家房


By rabitle2_ Updated
Tags  sunwoo 
With 3 subscribers, 2380 views, 5 words
Status [M], Members Only


By -mmmmm Updated
Tags  sunwoo   younghoon   theboyz 
Characters 金善旴 金泳勋
With 6 chapters, 8 subscribers, 1330 views, 20 words
Status Completed



By insomniaa_ Updated
Tags  juyeon   sunwoo   theboyz   theboyzq   jukyu   sunq 
Characters sunwoo juyeon Q
With 1 chapters, 4 subscribers, 1120 views, 10 words

旴球 柱球 炮友转正。。【连载中】


By Gokotta Updated
Tags  juyeon   sunwoo   younghoon   theboyz 
Characters 金善旴 李柱延 金泳勋
With 1 chapters, 11 subscribers, 2100 views, 1 comments, 8 words



By sqrticeeeeeee Updated
Tags  hyunjae   sunwoo 
With 8 chapters, 1 votes, 11430 views, 3 comments, 22 words
Status [M], Members Only


By bxxxaeshan Updated
Tags  sunwoo 
Characters 金善旴
With 9 subscribers, 5200 views, 2 comments, 2 words
Status [M], Members Only

理想型逼近 密山萝

By finooyai Updated
Tags  hyunjae   seongmin   sunwoo 
With 490 views, 78 words
Status Completed

密山萝 得密山 莱萝 (可能是/尽量写了)闭环三角 有爱情相关女性角色!


By cookie_yuki Updated
Tags  juyeon   sunwoo   theboyz 
With 7 chapters, 17 subscribers, 4450 views, 5 comments, 2 words
Status Members Only



By Coldcut Updated
Tags  jaehyun   sunwoo   theboyz 
With 19 chapters, 1 votes, 88 subscribers, 28810 views, 16 comments, 34 words
Status Completed, Members Only

-嘘/在 梦女   -前男友但小三嘘与未婚夫在 -1-16章➕双结局共7.3w字 Wb:冷切热切冷


By noshyazhi0728 Updated
Tags  sunwoo 
Characters 金善旴
With 1 chapters, 7 subscribers, 990 views, 2 comments, 14 words
Status Completed, Members Only



By AriMadMad Updated
Tags  sunwoo   younghoon 
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 24 subscribers, 20420 views, 1 comments, 50 words
Status [M], Completed


By Chhhyyy Updated
Tags  sunwoo   theboyz   sunwooxreader 
Characters sunwoo
With 19 subscribers, 11380 views, 3 comments, 2 words
Status Members Only

🚗,图个乐呵 一点点s、、m


By Chhhyyy Updated
Tags  sunwoo   theboyz   sunwooxoc   sunwooxreader 
Characters Kim sunwoo
With 2 subscribers, 2 words
Status Completed

金善旴×你  📢血腥预警 预警!非正常暗恋,,, 食用愉快  


By drinkteafirst Updated
Tags  sunwoo 
Characters sunwoo
With 1 chapters, 3 subscribers, 1070 views, 18 words
Status [M]


By Cas2023 Updated
Tags  sunwoo 
Characters 金善旴
With 5 subscribers, 2170 views, 3 comments, 9 words

我和金善旴之间的故事开端于我的精心设计。 Chapter 1 我讨厌潮湿粘腻的空气,海港城市八个月的雨季简直是我的天敌,在难得一遇的晴天里我见到了金善旴。 同学中无聊的八卦充斥着整间教室,说是有什么了不得的人物回到学校了。 嘈杂而厌烦,我故意地拉开铁质座椅发出“刺拉——”的音效,又想起自己对外经营的高岭之花人设,才费力压住内心的躁郁,挂起虚伪的温柔假面离开了教室。 刚结束了连绵一周的雨水,今天终于舍得放晴。 我靠在走廊尽头,看着黄槐决明嚣张地攀附在灰色的高墙上,满树金黄,这是整个学校里唯一值得我记住的场景。 然而令人不快,一抹灰色的身影擅自闯了进来,他沿着灰色围墙走得匆忙,隔着百米距离我看不清他的脸,无处躲避的日光覆于他的全身。 他停在黄槐决明的阴影下,开始在包里翻着什么,随后蹲在墙角似是在涂画。 树荫泻下的光斑印在他灰色的卫衣上,远远看着像一对翅膀。 流动的风搅动灼热的空气,我恍惚闻见风中似有似无的


By Glutinousrice Updated
Tags  hyunjae   sunwoo   theboyz 
With 8 chapters, 62 subscribers, 16200 views, 5 comments, 14 words
Status [M], Completed


By yooheei Updated
Tags  hyunjae   sunwoo   theboyz 
Characters 李贤在,金善旴
With 2 chapters, 28 subscribers, 7190 views, 4 comments, 2 words

Stay Strong The Boyz

By Ghad20 Updated
Characters The Boyz Sangyeon, Hyunjae, Kevin, Q, Jacok, Hakyeon, New, YoungHoon, JuYeon, Sunwoo, Eric
With 13 chapters, 4 votes, 491 subscribers, 7080 views, 8 comments, 11973 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Strenght grows in the moments when you think you can't go on but you keep going anyway. I wish I could take your pain away.


By myqutie Updated
Tags  sunwoo 
With 1 chapters, 610 views
Status Members Only



By Aogawa_ Updated
Tags  hyunjae   juyeon   sunwoo   theboyz 
Characters hyunjae juyeon sunwoo
With 4 subscribers, 4060 views, 1 words



By neverestore Updated
Characters younghoon juyeon hyunjae sunwoo
Status [M], Members Only


By bhzzehj Updated
Tags  sunwoo   theboyz   sunwooxreader 
With 13 subscribers, 11560 views, 1 comments, 12 words
Status [M], Completed

breathe in slowly and keep on going

By InfiniteWoonique Updated
Characters Jacob Kevin Eric Sunwoo Changmin Chanhee Haknyeon Hyunjae Juyeon Sangyeon Younghoon
With 2 chapters, 18 subscribers, 510 views, 1 comments, 25086 words
Status Subscribers Only

Jacob and Kevin lived peacefully, happily, and together in their pack of hybrids, but what happens when their safety is threatened?  The pack must do something to change what is happening. Will they make it before it's too late?    READ THE TAGS I am a post Hwall/Hyunjun deobi so sorry for not involving him :/ maybe one day


By zuomengdasaiguanjun Updated
Tags  hyunjae   jaewoo   sunwoo   theboyz   theboyzjaewoo 
With 6 subscribers, 2700 views, 2 words
Status [M]


By zuomengdasaiguanjun Updated
Tags  sunwoo   theboyz   theboyzsunwoo   sunwooxreader 
With 15 subscribers, 9390 views, 2 comments, 14 words
Status [M]

Best Part: The Story of Us

By lee_in Updated
Tags  fluff   romance   sunwoo   loona   theboyz   chuu   loonachuu   theboyzsunwoo 
Characters the boyz kim sunwoo, loona chuu, the boyz, loona, other kpop artists
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 110 views, 1482 words

Kim Sunwoo is a popular guy in school. He’s an only child of one of Korea’s most influential families and is currently taking up Business Administration at one of the most prestigious universities in South Korea. He’s a very misunderstood person because he easily gets irritated and bored with something. He never holds back when it comes to saying his opinion on a thing he dislikes.

My Heart Beats for You

By scarletzx Updated
Characters Kim Sunwoo, Ji Changmin, Choi Chanhee, OCs
With 10 chapters, 1 votes, 5 subscribers, 910 views, 1 comments, 12667 words

Kim ~~~~ is an average girl who attends Kakao High School. She is a very outgoing person who is very easy to talk to, especially if she is your good friend. She treasures people who are close to her deeply and even though she can be sarcastic and joking a lot of the time, she is reliable when she needs to be. She just likes to live her life as it goes, keeping it nice and lowkey with no drama involves. The new semester comes with a surprise. Two new students have transferred to Kakao


By hayato Updated
Tags  horror   mystery   hyunjin   juyeon   sunwoo   felix   theboyz   straykids   hyunlix   ateez   hongjoong   itzy   choisan 
Characters THE BOYZ's Juyeon & Sunwoo. STRAY KIDS' Hyunjin & Felix. ATEEZ's Hongjoong and San. ITZY's Ryujin, Yeji, Yuna. More to come!
With 2 subscribers, 300 views, 340 words

Entangled in a dense thicket. A group of friends were introduced to the new exploration on different vibe they should experience for the semester break. Little did they know, coming down to that forest, somehow a path they have chosen to walk into a bloody land unconsciously and their secrets will be stripped down one by one.    

Love VS Friendship

By scarletzx Updated
Characters Kim Sunwoo, Hyunjae
With 1 chapters, 2 subscribers, 370 views, 1 comments, 3653 words
Status Completed

Hello everyone! Welcome back to another dream story! Today's story stars Sunwoo and Hyunjae from The Boyz. A fateful encounter at the supermarket lead you to meet two people that will become very close friends in your life. This story is about Sunwoo struggling to pick between love and frienship, with you being the centre of the conflict. Which one is more valuable in the end?

The Love Triangle

By scarletzx Updated
Characters Kim Sunwoo, Ji Changmin, OC (Main Character)
With 2 chapters, 1 subscribers, 270 views, 2632 words
Status Completed

Hello Everyone~ Welcome to another dream story. This dream stars The Boyz members Sunwoo and Q, who are the two most popular members of the taekwondo club I join in my first year of university. They are the first to welcome me into the club, and over time I become close to both of them. Without knowing, I find myself stuck in a love triangle (but I'm too dense to realize XD) What will happen to the friendship of the two boyz?     


By seonuberry Updated
Characters tbz
With 1 chapters, 7 subscribers, 1450 views, 1650 words

here lies your typical oneshot/imagines book dedicated to our precious boyz! ♡♡♡


By SmolMushroom Updated
Tags  fluff   oneshot   sunwoo   theboyz   sunwooxreader 
Characters Sunwoo
With 1 chapters, 3 subscribers, 770 views, 1 comments, 352 words
Status Completed

The Boyz Sunwoo x reader


By oneshotfanficlover94 Updated
Characters Sangyeon, Jacob, Younghoon, Hyunjae, Juyeon, Kevin, Chanhee/New, Changmin, Ju Haknyeon, Sunwoo, Eric and Y/N (Reader)
With 12 chapters, 382 subscribers, 2800 views, 21646 words
Status [M], Completed, Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded

Tulips that Blossom in the Sun

By gonexspace Updated
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 11 subscribers, 610 views, 3 comments, 8558 words
Status Completed

Changmin goes to practice with a cough. It blossoms into something much more than he expected. Pain, sickness and bucket-loads of bright red tulips, all for one person. Kim Sunwoo. - A Sunkyu Hanahaki Disease AU

The Unexpected Accident

By mystory98 Updated
Tags  changmin   hyunjae   kevin   oneshot   accident   chanhee   new   eric   jacob   juyeon   hurtandcomfort   sunwoo   younghoon   sickfic   haknyeon   theboyz   sangyeon   roadtokingdom 
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 9 subscribers, 1500 views, 4 comments, 2133 words
Status Completed

The boyz are practicing a stunt for their upcoming concert but something horrible happens to Changmin while he try to pull off the jump...

The Day That I Got Sick

By mystory98 Updated
Tags  changmin   hyunjae   kevin   oneshot   new   fever   eric   jacob   juyeon   sick   hurtandcomfort   sunwoo   younghoon   sickfic   haknyeon   theboyz   juhaknyeon   sangyeon   roadtokingdom 
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 10 subscribers, 1690 views, 1 comments, 2728 words
Status Completed

One morning, Haknyeon woke up to his body feeling heavy. Out of many days, he was sick during their preparation for their second performance in Road to Kingdom. He tried not to worry the other members so that he won't drag them down. Is he going to be alright after keeping his secret from the other members?