I Am Different

A while later, it's time for Minhee's warlocks party. Hakyeon and I get dressed into something we want to wear on special occasions like this. We went to the store where I felt everyone looking at me shortly after I moved in with Hakyeon, but this time everyone in the store accepted my true identiy and no longer were calling me a monster. Because by now, they saw that I was different than Asmodeus and that I have nothing to do with anything he has done in the past. As much as I would want to fix the past, I can't do that.

Tonight, I'm wearing a black blouse with a purple velvet jacket over it. I'm also wearing black pants with wider pipes than usual and to finish the look, I have black shiny shoes and my hair has been put up into a ponytail. I don't like to go out if the locks swirl next to my face and I felt a bit lazy to put just a simple clip in my hair. And aside from that, Hakyeon loves it if I have my hair put up in a ponytail instead of just a clip. Maybe a ponytail looks better on me, I just don't really have a certain hairstyle that I love on myself now that I have longer hair than I had a year ago.

Hakyeon is still in the bedroom, so it's time to wait before he is ready. In the time that I have to wait, I look out of the window over the beautiful sight of Seoul. I feel really different if I look at Seoul at night, because I used to make my way through those streets as a human. Or so I thought. Minki and I spent a lot of time together, even when we went to clubs to have a night out. It was different and more carefree than it is now, I have to look after so much and there is not a second that I feel save when I'm outside. Demons are everywhere and I feel like all the pressure of the world is on my shoulder, while Minhee is supposed to feel like that. 

I still am not able to give it a spot that my friendship with Minki has changed and no longer is what it used to be. But I am still happy that Minki didn't drop me as if I am worth nothing, because the majority definitely would. I think it's also because of what happened at his house, Minki has seen it all. So he already went through the biggest shock and because of my change, he is also more aware of his own safety. Because demons are everywhere and can also keep an eye on him, so he definitely is more aware of everything around him. But only I can see them if I look at the two of us, I can see the demons and Minki can't see them. He might experience it as paranormal activities.

It's then that I feel a pair of arms around me and a chuckle coming from behind me. I look over my shoulder to see a smiling Hakyeon behind me. Good to know that he is ready, because I know that Hakyeon loves to take his time for what he wants to wear. Hakyeon is definitely a fashionista and he tries to pass that on to me aswell. To him, warlocks are one of the most well dressed creatures among all Downworlders.

''Ready to go, my love?'' Hakyeon asks as he starts to kiss my cheek. I nod at him as I turn around to face Hakyeon, who then pulls me closer. To the outside world, we look like a couple that looks like they're glued to each other for 24/7. But in fact, we're just like any other couple. We're nothing special, nothing special than other warlock couples honestly.

''I am more than ready Hakyeon, this is the first time that I am going to attend a party like this. A party which only warlocks can attend.'' I tell Hakyeon as he places a kiss on my forehead without saying a word. Hakyeon is more than happy that I finally can leave it behind that I always believed to be different, but I am the same like everybody else here. It's just on the inside that I am different. Hakyeon then lets go of me and takes my hand in his.

''Only warlocks that have accepted you in a positive way will show up at the party, I know how Minhee is like. He has only invited warlocks from Seoul, because there are warlocks out of Seoul that may not be so positive about you. Minhee wants it to be a party without a fight and warlocks out of Seoul aren't types who like to fight.'' Hakyeon explains and I sigh out of relief, because it really has traumatized me if I look at what happened at that mall for warlocks. Everybody was calling me a monster and that makes it harder for me to accept the real me. 

Hakyeon creates a portal and we step through it, as we end up on the street nearby the Pandemonium. There's a large row of warlocks already, so it's only a matter of time before we can go in. The warlocks that are lined up already talk about everything and the conversations go back and forth if you ask me, it's a lot to follow. But that doesn't matter now. But as soon as the warlocks find out that I'm in the line, the conversations change subject... but not as I feared for. Just like a year ago, warlocks keep talking about me and they are more than happy that I finally embraced the real me. And I'm sure that Minhee must've shared with them how warlocks out of Seoul have treated me, because they start to talk about the adventures of me and Hakyeon in that mall where Asmodeus had to ruin our moment after it was already ruined.

''And now, it's a matter of time for us to go inside.'' Hakyeon says and I nod when I look at him. It's been a long time since I've been here and I am determined to have the time of my life right now, because I don't want someone to ruin it this time. And also, I am more powerful now than I was a year ago. I was unexperienced at that time, but I learned that it was the best moment to keep me inside for a certain amount of time. I now learn how to use my magic and when I am about to lose myself, but I also learned that I can lose myself during my moments with Hakyeon and that actually scared me. But that's when my eyes become visible and Hakyeon is loving them more every single minute he sees them. I honestly was scared of myself at first when I saw my eyes, but I'm used to them now.

Hakyeon hooks in my arm and he smiles when I look at him. It should be our night tonight and it shouldn't be ruined by anything and anyone, but I am sure that some uninvited guests will come in anyways. There is never a day that goes by the way you actually hope it would be like and I now have experienced how it's like for days that go by that end up differently as you had hoped.

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Due to the controversy, I have not added Jennie and Changmin to the tags. Only Ren and Byeongkwan are, aside from the VIXX members


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Woah it looks exciting:)