I Am Different

Then, the crowd starts to scream in fear. Hakyeon and I get up immediately as we try to see what is going on. It's then that Hakyeon points into a certain direction and I look into the direction where he points at. A small group of demons is trying to kill some guests, humans in particular. Hakyeon wraps his hand around my wrist and drags me with him. I thought he was going to leave me out of this? I can't control my magic yet. Maybe Hakyeon doesn't want me to get in danger if he left me there.

''Leave the mundanes alone!'' Hakyeon screams and it doesn't take long before Minhee joins us. The demons growl as they look into our direction. I look away from them, because there is no way that I am going to help. I mean, how can I? I can't control my magic yet and I got one practice so far. I hear the demons growl as I hear them come towards us. Hakyeon lets go of me and starts to use his magic, just like Minhee does. I hide behind Hakyeon and let the two warlocks do the job. But it seems like it's not enough, as I hear Minhee scream for some backup from other warlocks. I step to the side a little and I raise my hands, palms facing the demons. My cat eyes appear and I take a deep breath before blue magic shoots out of my hands. 

The demons start to scream and I can feel the eyes of everyone on me, even Hakyeon and Minhee look at me. I use some more of my energy as I manage to destroy the demons one by one. I really don't know how this is going to affect me, but I will feel exhausted after this. Well, I at least can take some rest on a soft bed with a gorgeous boyfriend next to me. Some demons try to either attack or escape, but I use every single bit of energy that I have in me. I walk past Hakyeon and Minhee and I walk towards the remaining demons. I hear Hakyeon scream my name, but I ignore him. I need to show everyone that another warlock has stood up and I don't care whether I've had practiced only one day or not, I need to prove that I am worth so much more.

It's then that all of the demons are destroyed and I lower my hands again. My eyes turn back to normal and just like I predicted, I collapse on the floor. I'm still consious, but I have no energy in me to respond to anything that happens around me. Hakyeon rushes towards me and lifts me up as he holds me close. Minhee joins Hakyeon at his side and Minhee streaks through my long hair.

''His magic is very powerful, but he still needs to learn how to control it. Hakyeon, keep him inside as long as he can't keep his magic under control. He can't survive in an upcoming fight. He is exhausted and he needs a proper bit of rest. You can take him with you to practice, but he can't come outside for anything else but that.'' Minhee says and Hakyeon hums, as if he wants to let me know that he agrees with whatever Minhee just said. Minhee leaves and Hakyeon makes his way through the crowd, probably he doesn't want to create a portal when we're surrounded by mundanes. 

''Hold on you two, what was that?'' Byeongkwan asks as he demands Hakyeon to stop. But he isn't alone, Changmin and Jennie accompany him as Hakyeon can read the shocked reactions from their faces.

''Taekwoon used his magic to kill the demons that were attacking the mundanes, but Taekwoon can't control his magic just yet. So he has to stay inside and can only come outside when we go to the gym for practice.'' Hakyeon explains and even Byeongkwan starts to hum.

''Well well, it shows that he is a powerful addition to your kind Cha. All of you should be happy with someone like him. Anyways, we're leaving. But we are going to pay a visit to you two soon.'' Byeongkwan answers as he walks away from the two of us, Changmin and Jennie simply follow him. I groan at the same time Hakyeon creates a portal to teleport us home.

''Hold on Taekwoon, we're almost home.'' Hakyeon says and wraps his arm around me again after the portal is created. We step through it and we're home immediately. Hakyeon takes me with him to our bedroom and drops me on the bed. I groan yet again and I fight against myself to keep my eyes open, but I seem to lose each battle with my own body.

''Sshhhh Taekwoon, I know that you are very tired. Try to get some sleep, because you need it. You need it after you helped us out. But like Minhee said, it's better to keep you inside as long as you aren't fully trained enough. We appreciated that you helped us today, but it's killing you if you aren't trained. Just like what happened to you today. Take some rest okay? I won't leave your side and nothing will happen to you.'' Hakyeon tells me and I can only nod, that's the only reaction he can get from me. I turn on my side and I close my eyes, but I still can hear him. I can hear Hakyeon snap in his fingers and I can tell that he is turning off the lights, because it becomes darker around me.

Then, he snaps in his fingers again and he joins me on the bed. I can feel his arms being wrapped around my waist and I can feel that he pulls me closer, as his chin rests on my shoulder.

''I know that the demons ruined our moment together at the club, but let me tell you that I had a lot of fun tonight with you. It was our first time together in a club and I enjoyed it, we should do it more often. But for now, let's focus on your recovery and your training. We'll continue whenever you have enough energy again. Goodnight then.'' Hakyeon says as he kisses my temple, before he also closes his eyes and drift off to sleep.

I honestly am glad that I was able to support Minhee and Hakyeon, even though I told myself I wasn't going to do it at first. But at a moment like that, the warrior inside you takes over and you can't do much after that. For now, I feel very tired and I want to take all the rest that I can get. We will see when those vampires show up to pay us a visit, though I am sure it's only Byeongkwan the next time.

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Due to the controversy, I have not added Jennie and Changmin to the tags. Only Ren and Byeongkwan are, aside from the VIXX members


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Woah it looks exciting:)