The Secret
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                Sho was running fast and his eyes wandered everywhere. But the person that he searched was nowhere to be seen. Frankly speaking, he was not the athletic type like his other members. Like Matsujun who can ran fast and Ohno who always energy when it came to physical activity. That’s why all of them knew of his lack ability in sporty activities. And it never bothered him that much. But, this time, he felt regret for not having those ability. Now, he even felt tired after a few round, running to search for Maki. Damn!!!I thought her hometown was small. He met her parents just now, and they said Maki was walking around from morning. Could not wait any longer, he said he wanted to search for her though Maki’s mother offered him to sit inside and waited for her. In this nick of time, he could not wait for her anymore.


                Finally, he could not take it any longer. Sho leaned against the fence as he inhaled as many air as possible, so that it would help him to regain his breath back. He hands raked his hair for a few times, trying to think which place he did not go yet to find her. While he was thinking, suddenly, his eyes fall on the place he never saw. Huffing his breath, he walked toward the place. Looking around, he discovered it was a playground. Suddenly, his heart stopped as he walked closer. It was not the view that took his attraction, but the person who sat alone on the bench. The person that he had been searching for a long time. The person he had been missing most.


                Maki was still looking at the onigiri in her hands. Her stomach grumbled wildly. Smiling softly, she her baby bump that was underneath her clothes. Gomen…Mommy forgot that you are hungry. She opened the wrapping, and started to eat. Munching slowly while savouring the taste of the food, Maki glanced at the empty seat that was next to her. So much reminiscing for the memory with the man till she became hungry. Then, her eyes fall on the drink that Yamapi left for her. Though the man was already leave her a while ago, but still he left some part of him here, close to her. Just like the way he left the scar within her heart. She ate her last bite on onigiri before looking again at the drink next to her. Staring. And staring. And staring. Slowly, she took the drinks and stared at it again. Baka!!! She murmured alone while flicking the tin. Again and again. Until a familiar voice startled her from it.


“Maki-chan…” Maki lifted up her chin, and stared at the person who stood in front of her. In that moment, her heart stopped beating, as if she was attacked by heart disease. But, she managed to say the name of the man.

“Sho-kun…” Her hands gripped on the drink that was on her hands.  Sho, who was standing in front of her, knelt on his knee as he was losing all energy within him. He touched her hands and put it on his cheeks.

“Finally…..” He let out his breath softly.  His eyes never leave her. “Finally I can see you again…” he mumbled softly, He closed the distance between the two of them.

“Oh my god…Maki, why are you doing this to me?”  The feeling that he had within him now was priceless. He could not express it with any kind of words.  Maki was just touching and his cheeks. In her heart, she was having a very bad feeling towards him. The feeling of guilty.

“Sho kun…I am sorry…” He just shook his head violently.

“Don’t say it Maki chan….Don’t say it” His voice was soft and it made Maki nearly choked to her tears. Immediately, he embraced her and on her hair.

“Why Maki chan…why….don’t do this again, don’t run away again. I can’t live without you, you know that…” he whispered as he said those words. Tears started streaming down her face.

“Sho Kun…I….” her voice choked due to her sobs. The man kept hugging her, as if there were no tomorrow between the two of them. Little did they know that someone was following Sho behind, and watching the scene of reunion between two lovers.



                The two of them was walking back together to her apartments. Sho insisted on going there, to know where exactly she lives right now. Her right hand had been hold by him, since they left her parents’ house. I don’t want to lose you again, that’s why I need to hold you. He said. Maki was just smiling, knowing how much silly the man was. Sometimes, he would plant a kiss on her back hand that he held just to feel her again.  Maki glanced at the man who walked next to her. His physical looked really worn out and he was much thinner than the last time she saw him. Biting her lips, she now knew too well why he became that way. All because of her.


“Marina…have you tell Sho Kun about your condition?” asked her mother while packing her some clothes and food for her to bring back home. Maybe she will take some time to come back again. Maki stopped and looked at her mother for a while. She just shook her head softly. Mrs. Hara pulled her daughter’s hand and led her to bed. They sat together.

“You did not tell him yet?”

“I don’t know ho

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Chapter 66: Hanmie!! I had to read this AGAIN for like the don't know how many times but Thanks so much for writing this!! I really enjoyed it again.
fayers #2
agree with paigefiqah, glad you didn't take badly to those harsh reviews! and really would like to tell you despite all the grammar mistakes and such, I thoroughly enjoyed the story!!!!!:)
glad you didn't feel so bad about those harsh but nice review. (: every reviewer has their own point of view in reading stories. i salute you girl! ^^

grammar errors or not, i still love this story. (:
cnblovegirl #4
Best story I have read on this website, EVER !!!
Before it was the Witch, although its not finished yet ... But WAIT... I just foud out you wrote that to XD. I love you !
Such good stories :3 i was meant to revise but this story was too good. I couldnt stop reading. Just everything ! This story .. The angst >< so good. I could go on on and on about how great this story is including all the characters XD but it will take ages.
Just than you for this story... Thank You !!!
*goes off to check if the witch is updated*
P.S if you ever need a Beta to go over the chapters and fix any mistakes, It'll be my pleasure :D
I think its established that im your fan ..
Haha k bye. See you when i comment on the witch (once its done)
namwustar #5
huaaaaaaaah ottokhe.... *please bear w/ my spazz this time*
I LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OHMYGOD!!!!!!!!!!! *second japanese stories that I read today* and... its your fic XD *throws confetti everywhere*
at first i was really confused who is the father of the baby, LOL
im sorry.... not a fast thinker XD
I love how your writing style, its so well written and easy to understand
and... ofcourse you do really write a long chapter..
since I love to read a completed stories, this story of yours are so cool!!!!!! like REALLY cool!
I love how at the end... yamaki is back together :"""")))
so proud... so happy... they're just so cute together *proud shippers*
and ofcourse with toma/meisa too <3 gosh they're cute...
but actually.. i dont really know who is this ikuta toma and meisa..
wait... i just knew yamapi, maki, jang geun seuk *well ofcourse*, and jin.
i might start searching about the other because of this story kekeke

at last... do write more of yamaki story.
wait, you haven't finished The Witch right? well just finish it first then XDDDD
good luck ^____________________________^
_ninx_ #6
waaaah....finished reading this amazing fic yesterday...<br />
This story is AWESOME!!!!<br />
i was not really a fan of japanese actors and actresses...<br />
however, through this fic i learned more about them and become curios..hehe.. <br />
'thank you so much for writing this wonderful fic...
hanzxxx #7
how i wish this can be a real drama..u've make maki cuteness as a pregnant woman n yamapi tears feel so real.huhu :( huaaaaaa........... :')
SHEfan #8
WOW OMG that is soooo DAMN GOOD!!!! RESPECT!!!GOOD WORK!! Hope you continue in future!! NOW iam going to read your next FANFIC or your new updates from it!!! It is alos very very good like very much !! :)
no complaints here! XD <br />
this was so awesome mehn! :))<br />
kyaaaa Tomeisa's turn now hahaha!<br />
<br />
just imagining Haruki makes me squeal!<br />
such a cute cute baby!<br />
Pi and Maki should really start making one as in right now! hahaha!<br />
and I love the romantic scenes!<br />
ahahahaha!<br />
especially Tomo getting jealous with Haruki! XD<br />
what a funny man!<br />
AND ANOTHER BABY! yatta!<br />
Thank you for this amazing fic! <3