Chapter 40: Crazy Psychopath


Sua rushed out of her office after she read the message from the unknown number, which she put a big chance that it was Hyunwoo. So focused was she to get out of the building, she ran into Jiu making them both fall unceremoniously to the ground. 

"Watch where you're going, dude," Jiu groaned.

"Sorry Jiu," Sua quickly stood up and proceeded to the elevator door. 

Jiu shot out her hand to stop Sua, worry etched on her face. "Sua, wait." 

"Jiu, please. I have to hurry," Sua begged.

"Why have you been acting so weird lately? You having problems I can help with?" queried Jiu. 

Sua was still tugging her hand free. She didn't have time for this. The time it would take her to explain, the longer her sister was in danger. She had to hurry before Hyunwoo would do something terrible to Chaewon. 

"Let me go, now!" Sua's patience was running low.

"I will not let you go until you tell me what is happening!" Jiu was stubborn and unwilling to let Sua go. 

"Please, Jiu... let me ing go!" Sua was already at her limit and aimed her fist at Jiu's face. Unexpected as it was, Jiu didn't have time to block or avoid it. She had a fist planted hard across her cheek until blood was drooling from . She wiped it away and glared at Sua with a slight shock on her face.

Jiu jabbed back at Sua lightning fast, landing hard across her face. Sua staggered back, unable to comprehend what just happened. That was Jiu's ability, lightning-quick, that would make enemies be defeated easily just by her fast actions.

Even though Jiu's hit was really painful, she maintained her poker face and didn't let out a single sound. Because of her horrible experience with being Hyunwoo's wife, her body had became immune to all physical beatings, thus rendering her unable to feel a single thing. By right, she could take down a group of enemies by herself with no problem at all.

Sua swung her fist at Jiu again but this time, Jiu bent down and punched Sua's stomach as she moved backwards. As the fight progressed, more of the office furniture and decorations would need to be replaced. As none of them held back, and couldn't care less if some things were broken. A couple of hits in, Jiu and Sua aimed their fists at the same time, suddenly someone stopped their fight as both fists were grabbed tightly. 

"What?" Both of them turned sideways and were shocked at the face who stopped their fight. It's their boss, Madam Yoona.

"This is an office, not a dojo," Madam Yoona's clipped tone and accusing stare had both of them feeling scared and guilty instantly, diminishing their anger right away. With a huff, she let go both of their hands, just as Handong and Dami walked out from the elevator doors.

"Woah, what's with all this freaking mess?" said Handong.

"Were you girls fighting?" asked Dami. Neither of them voiced a word.

"Both of you, tell me what happened," Madam Yoona ordered. After a few couple of tense seconds, Sua finally broke the silence. She told the truth and grabbed her phone from her pocket and showed the message she received to Madam Yoona and Jiu. 

"It's my sister, Ma'am and I have to hurry before she's in trouble." Sua begged them to let her go and save her sister.

"It's fake," spoke Jiu shortly. 


Jiu took out her phone and showed the live security camera footage at her house. Currently, they saw Chaewon doing her study with the home tutor and her mother beside her.

"See, your sister is safe with your mother and the agents that I mentioned before have been guarding the house." Jiu also showed her the footage from outside and saw a couple of guards situated around Jiu's house. 

Sua felt all emotion leave her body, making her fall to her knees. Her tears started to fall as she knew that her sister was safe.

"I'm so scared. Hyunwoo is looking for me right now and I don't know what to do. He called me this morning- I don't know how he could get my number." Madam Yoona knelt down and gently hugged her to try and calm the distraught young lady.

"Who's Hyunwoo?" asked Dami.

"Her ex-husband," Jiu spoke up.

"You were married?!" added Handong.

"Can we just focus on the situation right now?" Dami and Handong quieted down as they were scolded by their leader. 

"Sua, did Hyunwoo tell you something when he called you?" Madam Yoona asked Sua. Sua nodded in affirmative.

"He said he's taking me back. I'm afraid that he would do something to Chaewon and my mother like he did before." Sua's personal problem was already became worse while their main mission still hasn't been settled yet. Admittedly, her problem was hindering the progress for their mission to be over. She just didn't know if she would be able to handle it now that her problem is surfacing.

"We have to complete our main mission as soon as possible before L sends his suppliers all over the country," stated Madam Yoona.

"So what should we do now, Madam?" asked Handong.

"It's hard to say this but I have to withdraw Sua from our mission." All of them were taken aback by Madam Yoona's statement.

"Why, Ma'am?" asked Dami.

"Are you serious about this, Ma'am? Sua is our friend and we need her for this mission," added Handong.

"That is the reason why I have to do this. I don't want to lose another agent especially my agents, Dreamcatcher squad that I've personally recruited. We almost lost Siyeon two years ago and there's now only a slim chance she would be fine the second time." All four agents held their tongue, as they couldn't refuse anything their boss orders.

"Sua, I'm sorry. I'm doing this for your own good." Madam Yoona patted Sua's shoulder but Sua stepped back and walked away towards the elevators.

"Hey Sua, where are you goin--"

Dami stopped Handong from saying anymore. "Leave her alone, Dongie. She needs some space right now." They all just watched Sua's retreating back, pity and concern showing on their faces. Being withdrawn from a case, regardless if it was by order or outright permission from the agent, they would always feel slight shame, and disappointment towards themselves. It was a matter of responsibility and pride which the agents would lose from a mission they were assigned to do, since it was their job, their specialty that was needed. And getting kicked out made it all seem like a waste and the thought that their instructor didn't think they were capable enough to finish it. All the same, they understood Sua's situation, and they wouldn't be shocked if she felt anger on her predicament. 

Madam Yoona sighed and turned to her remaining agents.

"Listen girls. Tomorrow night, an elite squad from the police station will be undercover at the place where the drugs are processed. Dami, you take the lead," Madam Yoona ordered.

"Yes Ma'am," she answered curtly.

"While both of you are body-guarding Lee's family and Chae Hyungwon," she turned to Jiu and Handong.

"I'm sorry Madam. I can't. I have to take care of Sua's family," said Jiu. 

"They're living in your house? Why don't they live with Sua?" asked her boss. 

"Because Hyunwoo knows where she lives and it will be dangerous if they live together." 

"Why didn't you relay the information to me, Agent Jiu?!" Madam Yoona raised her voice, making all of them hold their breath.

"I'm sorry, Madam but Sua told me not involve anyone else in her problem." 

"Let's hope she'll be fine..."


Sua was in her car, driving back home. Feeling disappointed and broken after her removal from her mission. Arriving in front of her house, she parked her car outside and went inside. Unable to hold in her anger, she slammed the door and cried out loud to release her frustration.

Tears spent and emotionally drained, she dragged herself towards the couch in the living room and plopped herself in the cushions. Staring blankly at the ceiling, she could not help but think of what happened earlier. Willing herself to not think of anything, she took out a cigarette from the cigarette box in her jacket pocket. She halted after taking out her lighter, and instead stared at the cigarette bud. Remembering her friend's word of advice to stop her smoking habit, she wondered how smoking a cigarette would actually solve her problem. She shook her head as it reminded of the situation back at headquarters and lit up her cigarette.

Time seemed to fly by as she smoked cigarette after cigarette, immediately lighting up another right after she finished one. After what seemed like a short time in Sua's state of mind, she confusedly held up her empty cigarette box.

"Damn it, I just bought this," she mumbled to herself, laying her forearm across her forehead. She looked to her right, noticing her hanging clock pointing towards 7 in the evening. Deciding she had enough wasting her day brooding, she got up from the couch to wash up when her doorbell rang. Expecting it to be one of her friends, she fixed her disheveled hair and went to the front door. 

As she opened the door, she was immediately pushed back, her attacker slammed the door shut and immediately covered . Her heartbeat increased, and she stared wide in shock at her attacker, while trying to pry his hands away. It was someone who has been endlessly looking for her. In front of her was her crazy ex-husband, Hyunwoo.

"Miss me?" he smirked, cocking his head predatorily. Sua's breathing became laboured, her struggle to escape increased. Before he lost his grip, Hyunwoo took out a syringe and injected at her neck. 

Almost right after, her eyes started to lose focus and her grip loosened as the drugs flowed in her system.

Hyunwoo smiled wider as the drug took effect. "Sleep tight, my Bora..."


Jiu was packing her things for the end of the day and walked out of her office. As routine, she was always the last person leaving the office because she took a shower in the bathroom before she went home. At the elevator doors opening, she went inside and pushed the ground level button. While waiting, she examined her hands as she recalled her fight with Sua earlier in the day.

Jiu held no grudge from the beating she received because she knew Sua was trying her best to protect her family. Even if that meant beating someone up to let them go of you, Sua's forte was not with emotions anyways. Still, she felt sorry for her after Madam Yoona removed her from the mission. Even though it's not a fair judgement, they could not disagree with their boss's decision.

As the elevator door opened, she walked to the entrance and saw Jimin waiting near the front entrance. He looked like he was looking for someone.

"Jimin, you haven't gone home yet?" asked Jiu as she approached him. 

Jimin shook his head, "I'm waiting for Sua. Is she still in her office?"

"She went home 3 hours ago actually." 

"Really? I was planning to take her out to a fancy restaurant for her birthday today."

"Her... Birthday?" Jiu's eyebrows furrowed. 

"Yeah, you don't remember?"

"Wait...what date is today?"

"It's August 10th," as Jimin told the date, she smacked her head, clearly forgetting her friend's birthday.

", I forgot. Why didn't the girls tell me?" 

"You girls may be busy with work I guess." 

"Maybe..." Just then, Jiu's cellphone rang. She grabbed it from her pocket and looked at her home telephone number. She answered the call to hear Bora's mother.



"Hello, Jiu. It's Bora's mom. Is Bora with you right now?"

"No, ajumma. She already went home, why?"

"I tried to contact her but she didn't answer any of my calls. I don't know why but I feel very worried."

"Don't worry, ajumma. She's fine. She's at home."

"Jiu, you know that a mother's instinct is never false. I hope she's alright. Today is her birthday and it's our first time to celebrate as a family."

"Okay. I'm just about to leave work so I will go straight to her house and bring her to you. Does that sound alright?"

"Thank so much you, Jiu."

"You're welcome."


"Who's that?" asked Jimin. 

"Sua's mother. By the way, I need your help." 

"Again? What is it now?"

"I want you to go to her house and see if she's in there. Don't worry, I will be going with you."

"Eh? Why don't you go with me? Don't you want to wish her a happy birthday."

"We had a small argument in the office and I think she's still mad at me."

"Was it a fight fight or a cat fight?"

"It doesn't matter. Let's go." Jiu and Jimin proceeded to their car and both of them drove to Sua's house.

At Sua's House.

Feeling like the world had turned upside down, Sua blearily opened her eyes and all she could see was black. She tried to get up but soon realized that she was held tight on a chair. Her body was bound tight and her hands twisted behind the chair, uncomfortably so that she could feel the ropes digging into her skin. 

Suddenly, a door opened and light glared into the dark room. Sua squinted at the door, figuring a shadow at the threshold. Then, footsteps were heard as the person went deeper in the room.

"Did you sleep well, Bora?" Her mind immediately cleared as she heard the voice. The lights in the room , causing Sua to blink quickly to adjust with the lights. Seeing the face in front of her confirmed her fears. It was Hyunwoo.

"You.. " she gritted her teeth.

"Looks like I scared you with my entrance, eh?" 

"Why are you doing this? What do you want?!" she burst in anger. 

"What do I want? I want to take what is mine." 

"But I didn't steal anything from you!" Sua screamed desperately.

Hyunwoo came closer to her, making sure to keep their eye contact.

"What I want is you, my Bora," he confessed. His hand went to her face and her cheek. "I just want to bring my wife back to our home so we can live happily again." 

Sua turned her face away to avoid his touch as she in quick breaths. She was already feeling like she was back, being a helpless victim in the hands of her abuser.

"Live happily? You've never treated me as a wife and instead you turned me into your slave in the house." 

"I know, I know. But that's in the past, I'm not like that anymore. Time goes by and I've changed. Please give me a second chance to be a good husband, Bora."

"No and I'm not your wife anymore!" 

"I never divorced you so you are still my wife and you will be my wife forever." 

"You crazy psychopath!" Hyunwoo lost his patience and smacked her across her face, causing her to topple sideways along with the chair.

"I'm not crazy!" He bellowed menacingly. He looked at Sua who was struggling to get up from the ground.

"It's time to teach you some lesson for making your husband mad," he said as he closed the door.

Jiu was on her way to Sua's house, followed by Jimin behind her car as they drove as fast as they could. A few minutes later, they arrived at her house and noted that Sua's car was outside her house.

Jimin got out of the car while Jiu stayed in hers, seeing that everything would hopefully turn out fine. Jimin proceeded to Sua's front door and ringed the door bell. While waiting for Sua to open the door, he glanced down and saw a cigarette box on the ground. Shaking his head as he thought Sua was too impatient to begin her daily routine, he picked it up and read the brand name. 

"Sobranie Black Russian... wait..." Jimin recalled back when Sua had used this brand when he was in her house.

"This must be hers." He pushed the button again but still, it seemed that no one was even in the house.

"Sua, are you there? It's me, Jimin." He knocked on the door and tried the door knob. Surprised, it was unlocked as he thought Sua wasn't at home. He walked inside the house and looked around trying to see where she was.

Jimin's eyebrows furrowed as he looked at the furniture in the foyer. "What's with all this mess?" Jimin started to feel uneasy and he took out his gun from his back holster and scouted around Sua's house. As he proceeded to her room, he slowly twisted the door knob. He opened the door to find Sua who had cuts and bruises. What alarmed him more was that she was tied on the chair with tape covering mouth.

"Sua!" Jimin cried as he approached her. Sua looked up at Jimin, suddenly yelling through the tape as she tried to warn him of something. Jimin couldn't understand her but immediately turned around as he saw Sua's alarming eyes looking behind him. Just as he turned around, he was hit on the head knocking him unconscious as blood started to flow out of the gash.

"Look what we have here. Someone is trying to rescue you, Bora." Hyunwoo threw away the broken glass bottle and took the gun from Jimin's hand.

"Wow, this is a real gun. I didn't know you play with this toy," said Hyunwon. He bent down and grabbed Jimin's hair, realization suddenly hit him.

"Wait, is this the same one that tried to stop me from meeting you? And then you invited him into your house?!" Hyunwo raised his voice, demanding an answer.

He pulled the tape from Sua and aimed the gun at Jimin. "Tell me, what did you guys do in this house back then?!"

"Please Hyunwoo, Don't do this!" Sua begged for mercy. Instead of an answer she was slapped again. This time was a lot more painful as she got hit with the of the gun. 

"I ask you one more time... What the hell did you guys do after he entered the house?!" 

"I'm begging you, please don't this to him."

"I said what the did you guys do!" Hyunwoo pulled the trigger but he missed Jimin's head when someone knocked him to the ground. 

Sua was shocked to see Jiu coming to the rescue and was just in time to stop Hyunwoo. He struggled, trying to release from Jiu's grip as he tried to reach towards the gun which flew across the room as he fell. Jiu could not let it happen and took out her taser from her pocket. She shocked him at his neck until he collapsed. After Hyungwoo didn't show any sign of movement, she went to Sua and cut her from the ropes. She tried to get up but her body was weak from the multiple blows she suffered from her lunatic husband. Jiu gave her a hand and put Sua's right hand around her shoulder to hoist her up as they walked slowly to Jimin. 

Jiu put her down right next to him and let her lie back on the wall. "Stay here," spoke Jiu. She turned around and went to Jimin who was still lying down, unconscious. 

To stop his bleeding from his head, she took off her blazer and grabbed a knife from her pocket. She quickly tore one of her sleeves.

"Sua, use this." She gave her sleeve to Sua as she asked her to put pressure on Jimin's wound, to try and stop it from bleeding more. Sua discovered at Jiu's shoulder which she realized that Jiu had an tattoo that she or their friends had never seen it before. Jiu always wear long sleeves clothes everywhere so that's why they never saw that tattoo. While Sua tried to stop that bleeding from Jimin's head, Jiu switched on her watch and swiped the screen to receive signals from headquarters.

"Calling all medic squad; This is Agent Jiu from Dreamcatcher squad. I have an emergency code blue, I repeat, I have a code blue. I have 2 injured agents here who needs treatment immediately. I will send the location right away." Jiu tapped and turned her locator on, automatically sending the location to the headquarters.

"We have received the location and we will be there immediately, Agent Jiu," said the squad in charge and Jiu switched off her watch. Suddenly, someone grabbed her hair and pulled her away. Sua turned around and saw Hyunwoo awake and he had Jiu and her taser in his other hand.

"A taser? Nice try." He used the taser on Jiu until she fell, unconscious.

"Let my friend go!" Sua stood up to strike him, but she couldn't make it as Hyunwoo held her fist with his hand.

"You will never be stronger, my Bora. Why? Because you will forever be. The. Weakest." He punched her stomach and hit her down with his elbow.

"But don't worry. I have something for you." He took out a syringe from his pocket and lifted her up.

"Today is your birthday, right? I have a gift for you. Haven't you heard a drug called Angel Dust?"

"Angel-- where... where did you get it?!"

"I worked with a group that made this drug. It had been fun."

"You're working with L?!"

"So you know my boss, eh? Well, I guess he doesn't mind if I give this drug as a gift for a birthday girl." He claimed as he poised the syringe towards her neck. 

"Stop!" He stopped, and turned towards the voice, annoyed to be distracted from his deeds. He let go of Sua and looked at Jiu who was struggling to get up. 

"Don't you ever... hurt my friend, you piece of sh*t!" yelled Jiu. Hyunwoo looked at her, unimpressed as her body was spasming as the after effects of the taser.

"It's useless for you to stand up. I mean, look at you." He laughed hysterically. 

"And one more thing. That tattoo on your left shoulder. You must be hiding something terrible from your past, right? Like scars that can't be erased--"

"You don't know anything about my past!!" Jiu exploded and pounced towards him, screaming in anger.

End Of Chapter 40.

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Ah i forgot that I still have stories on asian fanfics XD


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Chapter 50: Hope your internship is going well and do stay safe in midst of the current situation
Chapter 42: TT.TT Minji is ALIVE!!!!!!
Chapter 41: Nooooooo!!!!!! Yahhhh Minjiiiiii!!!!! OMG!!!! Dont leave!!!!! Medic!!!! Please arrive faster!!!
Chapter 34: I like the way where you are going with the story and character development. Good job I'm expecting to see more ?
AJfighter #5
Chapter 37: OMG!!
The case of SuA its really hard
I am proud that she left her sister with JiU
but, at the same time, I am worried about her,
And what is going to be her plan to stop hyunwoo?

I'll be waiting the next update author! ;)
Chapter 33: I cant wait to hear all the member past story.. I really wanna know what happen to them in the past..
Chapter 24: WTF :O
Chapter 1: I started this story because of Hongbin and he died in the first chapter.. I have no luck T T
Chapter 1: First chapter in and I'm already interested in it.
ZHealer #10
looks interesting...ㅋㅋㅋㅋ?