King or Father?

The World They Create Together

Wang So

The rain on his bare face was refreshing. It had been a while since he had been able to bare his face without hiding the scar with his bangs. Not to mention the fresh scent of rain in the air. Along with the joyful sounds of the people as they danced around his palanquin let him know that he had done something of a great importance. For the nation's people, perhaps this rain will improve their household situations of some and stop the poor from being forced into slavery. Not to mention in the crowd, he could see the faces of some of the men that went with him to the bandit's hideout. These fathers may be able to let go of their worry a little with this rain and now spend time with their children.

As he look over the crowd from his seat, he sees a flash of pink. Immediately he moves his head towards that bright splash of colour in sea of white. There right under a pillar connecting to the roof, looking at the royal palanquin was his gift. A gift that had been given to him without his notice once again from the heavens and he still did not have any idea why.

Seol. His daughter whom he did not how exactly she was here in this world, but it did not change his happiness at the simple sight of her. Seol was holding onto the pillar with her hands while poking her head from behind the pillar as she watches his palanquin with a smile on her face. A smile that was almost the exact image of her mother's smile.

He quickly looks around her to see if someone was there with Seol, but he saw no one. Seol, a child less than three years-old, because she looked smaller than the six-year old that he saw her, was alone on the streets of Songak. Where was her caretakers? Didn't they know the danger Seol was in by being unattended in such a large crowd? He clench his fists to stop himself from climbing out of the palanquin and get Seol back to safety. But if he made a sound that will draw the attention of a crowd to Seol, not what he wants to do when her presence has to be a secret. But he will not care for it for much longer, if he did not see something that will reassure him to his daughter's safety. He did not start this new life, to once again throw away his precious ones.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he sees a familiar looking woman making her way towards Seol. Min Gu's aunt or mother. A sigh of relief escapes him. That little girl is their daughter for sure. The constant sneaking off and escaping from caretakers. Determined and focus on what she wants to do without looking at all the other factors if she could help it. In front of his eyes, Seol is picked up into the woman's arms. As his Seol smile that beautiful bright smile from over the woman's shoulder, he could only smile at her in return. And when she wave her arms to him, he simply raise his hand and also wave at her.

Soon, he will be able to hold her again, his Soo will actually able to touch her and talk with her. In the meantime, he will send Jin to quietly keep a watch over her. His daughter's safety had to be assured till they could bring her home.

As he places his hand down on the bench, he sees it. A letter folded into the corner of the palanquinn, and it was not wet. He reaches behind and quickly shove the letter inside his sleeve. He knows that once they reach the palace, he will have a little bit of time before he will be summoned before the King, not till the Crown Prince arrives. The sound of the palace doors opening in front of him made him take a deep breath.

Once again he will be back in front of the King, this letter will once again offer him some way to explain Seol's presence in a way that will satisfy the King. Even if it did not, he will make a story that will be believable. He was not a liar by choice but he could do it. If it will help him fulfill a wish that he had never been able to accomplished in his previous life. He look back in the direction where his Seol had been carried away, before looking back ahead. His eyes burning with resolve, and his mind on such a high alert ready for the battle ahead, his fingers softly feeling the roughness of paper hidden in his sleeves.

King Taejo

His nation, his people had been saved. Though he had tried to hide the fact, the destiny of the 4th still rung true. For the heavens had opened up when the prince with the fated star had lead the prayers. Even the heavens seem to be getting the nation ready for the eventual succession to the throne once he leaves this world. But he longs to live a little longer so that he may witness some things that he longs to see. Especially more of his grandchildren or the peace between all of the Three Kingdoms. He still had more to teach his eldest, not to mention setting some sort of a safety net for his more naive children. But tonight, he wants to enjoy this sight of celebration.

Rain for the nation, and the sight of being able to see his favourite son's bare face in a long time on such a joyous occasion as he sees his So's bare face and his scarred son standing in front of him with confidence. It was when he saw this that he felt ease for the future. This son was strong and cunning enough to survive and eventually be a large support of this nation. That was why he was standing in front of his soaked son commanding him to confidently show his face from now on, to never hide his face from him again. Just as So opens his mouth to speak, the voice of an eunuch rings through the room

"Lady Hae Soo, Lady Woo Hee, and Park Soon Deok" His eyes look at the door where the three ladies enter. He was a little relieved to see that his daughter-in-law was not drenched. With her delicate condition it was best for her to be not exposed to any of the elements. Especially when she was carrying his grandchildren. Not to mention they were twins. The fact that Hae Soo had gotten pregnant so soon after her marriage, not to mention the many instances that have shown that though Soo was courteous, her liveliness and positive personality have not changed even in this palace. Also seeing that look in his 4th son's eyes as he gaze as his wife, it was not that difficult to see that here in front of him was a royal couple who married for love rather than alliance as it was believed to be.

"Greetings to the King and Princes," the three ladies bowed, and now he could hear the sound of water drops as they fell to the floor. It was from that giant bear fur that his general's daughter was carrying. So that giant fur was used like a shade to protect his daughter-in-law from the rain. He also notice that the hidden Hubeakje princess also had what look like a medicine pouch secured around her waist.

He could feel his lips widening. These two girls were definitely taking the task of taking care of Soo-buin very seriously. Though it was always nice to see his daughter-in-law, he knew that something was wrong. There was no smile on Soo's face as she straighten up from her bow. Instead that strong lady that he had glimpsed at his very first tea with Hae Soo seems to be one present.

"Pyeha," turning his head a little, he saw that in a short while, So had silently moved till he was at least eight steps backwards from where he previously had been standing, right next to his wife. Then with a quick glance exchanged between them, Soo continues to speak. "Pyeha, my husband and I have something to inform you about in private. I was hoping that you will allow this room to be clear with only you present, as this news is.."

"It is a delicate matter that affects the royal family, Pyeha. Before relating the news to others, we wish to disclose the matter to you in private first." Where his wife had trailed off, his 4th son picks up. Looking at the grave faces and the repeated utterance of the need for privacy was enough for him to nod. A side glance to Ji Mong was enough for everyone to quietly make their way out of his throne room. Now there was only Ji Mong, his eldest and fourth son, his daughter-in-law and him in the room. All of his attendants and eunuchs were outside of the room for the moment.

"Pyeha, Crown Prince, I have been hiding something for you for years." That was what So states before he goes from his upright position to kneeling down on the floor in front of him. Before he could even open his mouth to question his fourth son about this supposed sin, he opens his mouth and continues. "I have informed you that Soo and I have never truly met before I have arrived in Songak but that was a lie. We have met before a few years ago in Shinju. In secret, hidden from our family."

"But that is not a crime, So-ya. You just knew your wife longer than we knew. It just explains how you both have such a good relationship." He agree with the words of his eldest. So what if they both met in secret. Those hidden meetings were not something that will be a huge issue. They were already married so it will not be anything scandalous. But that was something that So already could understand. There had to be something more. But what else?

"Pyeha, I am not sure if you have heard but about four years ago, I was kidnapped during the night and taken near to the border of Khitan." Of course he had heard of the instance, even if the Shinju Kang had tried to hide it, his informant did not hesitate when informing that his fourth son had gone missing from the Kang residence and had not returned till about a week later covered in mud and slashes. Kangs told everyone that the prince had gone on a hunting trip but that was just to cover up the fact that someone had abducted a prince from the residence of Kang.

"I do not remember much about my time there, but I was drugged with something that I lost control of my body. At that time.."

"I stumbled upon the prince, Pyeha." It is now Hae Soo that is talking as his fourth son have grown silent just staring down at the floor. "After he had managed to escape from them, he stumbled upon my hideout in the woods where I was visiting before I left for Songak. I did not know what to do but I tend to him as he had collapsed inside my cabin." Now his daughter-in-law was silent. But he could read between the lines. His son was drugged and out of control, and there was a young lady nearby, it was evident what had happened to the two way before both of them had reached adulthood. It explained the awkwardness between the two that he had heard to be present between them during their encounters in Songak.

"Pyeha, I will gladly accept any punishment as long as Soo is not harmed in anyway after I relate to you the matter of potential disgrace for the royal family." Just as he was opening his mouth to demand an explanation to what this supposed sin was, he was further shocked. Right next to his fourth son, Hae Soo also fell to her knees. When she was supposed to not strain her knees at all, and what was a surprise, So was not protesting at his wife's actions rather he seemed to be resigned to it. "Almost three years ago, sadly without my presence…."

"I gave birth to a daughter, Pyeha. Hwanjanim's daughter in secret, away from all of my clan members in absolute secrecy. Pyeha, we know that we have brought dishonour to the royal family and we do not care about the punishment that we will receive, as long as our daughter is safe."

A child. A royal child born out of wedlock. But the child after a drugged encounter. So these two were hiding from him an existence of a child. But why confess now? Now, when So had finally gained the recognition that he needs to be a support to the crown. He knew that their actions in the past months were not a result of pretending to care not when he had multiple sources reports to him about the consistency of their actions.

"Pyeha, our daughter was given to an older couple that helped during my labour and I managed to convey the location to the 4th prince when he came to find me after I had the child. We both made sure to send letters or go to see her till before I came to Songak to help my late cousin. The prince was able to see her more often due to his hunting trips. However, just before the prince's trip for the exorcism rite had been decided, we learnt that our daughter had disappeared. Her caretakers had told us that she was most likely dead. We didn't want to believe it but all the evidence said that she had died, that is why we both chose to never speak of this matter to pretend to be strangers in front of others."

"Then why now?" At his eldest son's question, it was not Soo but rather So that answers. Just listening to the usual confident voice trembling, as a father he knew that his fourth son was truly shaken.

"Yesterday night as I have sent the report to you through Baek Ah, we went to rescue the children held hostage. One of the children, the one that was held in front of me as a hostage, that was my Seol. My daughter who was supposed to be dead. I have killed all those who held her hostage and now have her stay with a trusted commoner family."

He did not know what to think right now. On one hand, he could understand the pain of losing a child and never speaking of that child often. But this child was now alive. She was just kidnapped. Seol. The name chosen for the 4th's first daughter, it was not chosen, it was already given. The reason that both So and Soo made multiple trips to visit the prayer stones built in the name of Seol. But what will the presence of a child born out of wedlock have on the royal family, that was what the King inside of him was thinking.

"Pyeha, we know that we have both committed a sin but even then I have a request. The reward to be given to the prince that saved the country by bringing rain, I have only one request. We do not care how, but please allow us to bring Seol into my household and allow us to raise her. It does not matter if she is not officially recognized as the princess that she is, all we wish for is to raise our daughter. In exchange, I will accept all the punishment for this dishonour but I will never give up on them nor throw them away." Then both the 4th and his wife bows their heads till it almost touches the ground of the courtroom.

With just a glance towards them, he turns his head and exits the courtroom. He need time to properly think about all that he learned, not to mention about the request that was made.

The next morning

His mind was still not completely made up. He truly had a desire to see Seol, his unknown granddaughter but he could not ignore the dishonour of a child born out of wedlock that will have on the royal family either. Not to mention what will happen if this fact was found out by the court officials, the plans that were to built some good support behind his 4th prince, whom we intended to be a regent for his eldest son in time, will all have gone to waste.

"Pyeha, this is Ji Mong. I am entering the room." He silently just listens as Ji Mong enters the room and gives his daily report to him, as he takes his tea silently taking in all the necessary information.

"Pyeha, the 4th prince and Lady Soo are still kneeling down in the courtroom, they are not listening to the Crown Prince or me who have told them to get up, but they have not. In the sky, separate from the 8 blue stars, a new star has been born. That star has risen in Songak, and the star is taking what looks like a role of protector over the two stars that I know to be of the twins in Lady Soo's womb."

Finishing his cup of tea, he silently moves to complete his daily rituals till he was ready to enter the royal court. There just like Ji Mong had reported were the two still kneeling down, their heads low. He was a king and this decision was what he had decided, so before the court officials, eunuchs or ladies-in-waiting could enter, staring at the figures on the floor, he declares his decree.

"4th Prince Wang So and his wife Lady Hae Soo of Hong Ha Jin Hae, this is my order. The backstory of your meeting and all that have entailed is now a national secret. To even mention it in my presence is a matter of treason. However as a reward for both the relief effort during the time of the drought, the royal pregnancy as well as the successful rain ritual, I am gifting both, the chance to raise your children in a matter that you wish to even if it does not comply with the rules of the royal court. You may choose a child to be the playmate for the unborn royal children yourselves. Not to mention from here on out, the residence of Byul and the lands surrounding it will belong to the household of 4th prince Wang So. This is a royal decree."

He never took his eyes off, his son and daughter-in-law in front of him as he spoke. Sure he gave them a way for them to raise Seol, but she will never be recognized as a legitimate daughter to the 4th prince. No not unless there will be another reason to reward these two with a royal favour. But at least this decision was what he could do to the son that suffered so much for the sake of the royal family, he could give them his own people. A chance of happiness in a way possible that will not hurt all of the other royals nor the reputation of the royal family. These bows of gratitude now given to him, at least let him know that he had not completely failed as a father even if he was a king.

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Tahali #1
Chapter 82: I'm still here, waiting for the continuation of this beautiful story.
Hope you are well and come back soon.
kuroihikari #2
Chapter 82: I wish you could continue this story too!!!
I hope you continue this story!! I’ve reread so many times and I love it!
Tahali #4
Chapter 82: hello I really hope you are well and that soon you can follow this great story ....
Sorry if my English is not understandable, I don't speak it well at all and I read your story through google translator
Ahonakh #5
Chapter 82: Please update this book it's so heartwarming and fun to read please do continue it
ggexotica #6
Chapter 82: Hi..
I reread this story n in love with it all over again.
How are you? Hopefully you're doing well especially with this pandemic going on.
It's almost a year since you've updated this story n I wonder if you'll continue this story? I really hope you'll continue, because I love this story. I'm also curious how the story goes, especially after Yo changing his views toward SoSoo n their family and listen well n patiently to Seol. What will happen in the next chapters?
Take all the time you need to update this story. But...maybe a new chapter soon? (。・ω・。)
Naaah. Take all time you need. Stay safe :)
Tahali #7
Chapter 82: Hello
I have reread all the chapters, I hope you are well and soon you can continue it
Nonik1288 #8
Chapter 82: Please continue this story
How are you?
are you fine?
Eva_abril #9
Chapter 82: update please ...
The story is interesting, I love it.
Eva_abril #10
Chapter 36: Actualiza por favor...
Esta interesante la historia..
Ya quiero leer mas