Step Three: Hong Ha Jin Hae Clan

The World They Create Together

Wang So

Once you have died once or experience the stiff palace life, just the act of being able to ride a horse is a huge thing. Rather than taking things like carriages or servants with them, all Wang So brought was a change of clothes, a water bag and some dried pastries. He had made Baek Ah travel light as well, and took a route that avoid markets, so they could get the trip over with as quick as possible.

Dealing with nobles was something he hated and sadly for them, Wang So personally disliked Soo's uncles, who had married her off to the King to gain his favor at the same time that they were supplying horses to Khitan. He planned on letting Baek Ah leading the talk, as he was a little familiar with them, but he had made no promises that he will not be ruthless. The fact that they had King's permission was to be a secret. Wang So planned on gaining Soo's hand on his own power, without relying on his father unless absolutely needed. At least this way, he will just like any other man who travel to a lady's family home in order to gain the hand of his chosen partner.

Right before they reached the main clan complex of Hae clan, So stop his horse. When Baek Ah stop his horse besides him with a confused expression on his face, he starts to talk to his favorite brother.

"Baek Ah-ya, you can talk with the Hae family in your own way, I know that you are familiar with them. But let me tell you, if there is a need I will talk instead. I promise no blood, but there will be threats. If you want everyone to be safe…"

"Hyungnim, there will be no need. Why would they object? But if there is a need, I will not in, and will not tell Noona or Soo what exactly happened."

"That's all I want." Seeing that his brother understood, he nudged his horse to start moving again towards the clan complex of Hae.

Afterwards, Wang So was glad of his foresight that he warned his younger brother. He could feel his patience growing thinner and thinner and the chance of him snapping was increasing.

The elders of Hae had been talking down at the princes in front of them through the entire day. Constantly making remarks about the situation of Silla royal family or how even they have heard those terrible rumours about 'crazy wolf-dog of Shinju who was so hideous'. Having heard these remarks so many times, it did not truly affect him at all. But when they had offered the marriage proposal, the subtle insults changed to direct insults. Towards both him and Soo.

The Hae clan members had been trying to silent the main two clan leaders who was making the insults. Even the eldest female in attendance, the great-aunt of Lady Hae, had tried to in and silence her nephews. If he thought about it, all the other Hae clan elders were honoured that one of their daughters will be married to a prince. It did not matter to them, if they thought him cruel, to them the chance to strengthen their ties towards the throne and to major clans such as Cheonju Yoo and Shinju Kang was enough for them.

But the two clan leaders fought back, saying if the King wanted to make an alliance why doesn't he marry one of Lord Hae's daughters himself? Or if it was Soo that had to be married, why not to another prince that had more influence? Or if the 4th wanted an alliance with the Haes why would he marry Soo, an orphan, when he could marry the clan leader's daughter who actually had some family background, and was not just a noble in name only. When some other male member that were not the clan leaders, but looked to be another cousin, said that Soo was only good to be married off why not just marry her off to the local merchant in the North and have the clan leader's daughter marry the Prince, that was the snapping point.

So could handle insults to himself, but an actual threat of using his Hae Soo as a hostage that too to the Khitan, well on top of all the other snide and direct insults, it was enough. Standing up from the cushion where he had been sitting next to Baek Ah facing the Hae clan members, he turns his back to the Hae clan members and pick up the sword that he had hidden underneath his cushion.

Drawing the sword, he shot an apologetic glance towards Baek Ah, before turning back to face the nobles. The moment they noticed the sword, all members of Hae clan fell silent. Especially when they noticed that the sword of rumored cruel 4th Prince was pointed straight at the clan leaders.

"Lord Hae, I see that you have no fear of the King. Insulting his sons to their very face. What is your status to decide who is worthy of being a prince?" The silent faces of these so-called relatives of his love as they stared at him was a nice change but he was just getting started.

"Forgetting that fact for now. Do all of you know that you have just committed three deadly crimes? And for each one, I can take your life?" The clan members were still confused. Wang So could feel his more inhuman side emerging the more he look at those faces of cluelessness. To think that these criminals could actually be related to Soo. Letting out his fury show his face, he starts to inform these beings in front of him of their crimes.

"First, the way you treat your own blood. Hae Soo is a member of your noble clan since birth. But you do not care about her well-being at al?. What sold her off to a lowly merchant? Ignoring that she had been offered marriage by a Prince?" A couple of younger clan members did seem to look down in shame. But he wanted more. He needed all of the people to either feel shame or fear. No one was allowed to look down or threaten Soo or her safety.

"Second, you wish for power. That is not a crime. But treason is. Do you think that I do not know that you are selling horses to the Khitans? That you are supplying their military thus weakening Goryeo's land, going against the King of this nation? If I wish to I can spread the truth to all the people and your clan will be known as a treasonous clan of traitors." Now all of the members had a look of fear and were staring at his sword that had not moved from where he had it pointed towards the clan leaders.

"But what is your third crime? Greed? No. Disrespect? No. You all heard the rumours about me, well let me tell you I did kill all those wolves in Shinju and I do have the temper of an animal. Do you know I killed close to fifty men recently? Baek Ah will confirm it. They were traitors to the King, but the reason that I personally killed them was different. And you esteemed Lord Haes, and so called nobles of Hae clan committed the same crime." Then with a large teeth-revealing smile on his face, he told these people that were staring at him in fear. "They threatened the safety of my person. Those men harmed Soo. The woman I chose as my wife. You a blood relative of her threaten to sell her to a merchant from all should consider yourselves blessed that I made a vow to not shed blood during this visit to my future in-laws." With that So slowly let the sword fall to his side then where he had been standing, he crunched down to his knees in front of Soo's so-called uncles before continue in the same deadly tone. "Now we both had let our unpleasant side show….it will be best if we actually get to the actual matter at hand. Do you the clan leaders of Hae clan of Goryeo accept the marriage proposal for Hae Soo, a member of your clan, to marry the 4th Prince of Goryeo Wang So?"

"We sincerely accept the proposal, Your Highness the 4th Prince." As all the members in the room, bowed their heads, So could feel his temper cooling. He could see the fear in their eyes but that fear will allow him to keep an eye on his in-laws. Standing up from the floor, he walk back to where he originally was seated next to Baek Ah who had simply stared at the display of his temper. As soon as So sat down, he fell silent and left it to his younger brother to plan out the complex details that the bride's clan needed to be involved in for a wedding.

He now had all the grounds covered. All the permissions had been granted and now what was left was the official announcement. He did not know when it will be but soon he will be married. Married to the only person he wanted under the heavens. Hae Soo. His first confidante. His first and last love. His one and only queen.

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Tahali #1
Chapter 82: I'm still here, waiting for the continuation of this beautiful story.
Hope you are well and come back soon.
kuroihikari #2
Chapter 82: I wish you could continue this story too!!!
I hope you continue this story!! I’ve reread so many times and I love it!
Tahali #4
Chapter 82: hello I really hope you are well and that soon you can follow this great story ....
Sorry if my English is not understandable, I don't speak it well at all and I read your story through google translator
Ahonakh #5
Chapter 82: Please update this book it's so heartwarming and fun to read please do continue it
ggexotica #6
Chapter 82: Hi..
I reread this story n in love with it all over again.
How are you? Hopefully you're doing well especially with this pandemic going on.
It's almost a year since you've updated this story n I wonder if you'll continue this story? I really hope you'll continue, because I love this story. I'm also curious how the story goes, especially after Yo changing his views toward SoSoo n their family and listen well n patiently to Seol. What will happen in the next chapters?
Take all the time you need to update this story. But...maybe a new chapter soon? (。・ω・。)
Naaah. Take all time you need. Stay safe :)
Tahali #7
Chapter 82: Hello
I have reread all the chapters, I hope you are well and soon you can continue it
Nonik1288 #8
Chapter 82: Please continue this story
How are you?
are you fine?
Eva_abril #9
Chapter 82: update please ...
The story is interesting, I love it.
Eva_abril #10
Chapter 36: Actualiza por favor...
Esta interesante la historia..
Ya quiero leer mas