Everything's back to normal again.

You never know what you have until its gone.

The next day you woke up to say goodbye to Woohyun, Gikwang and Myungsoo. The three boys had decided to move out earlier so that your parent's could move in faster and be more comfortable.

" You have to be safe okay, if you need anything call me!" Myungsoo said while giving you a tight hug.

" If you need more, you always know im just 3 blocks away from here!" Gikwang chuckled as he gave you a hug too.

" I'll see you soon babe" Woohyun said while leaning in for a kiss as he walked out the door giving you a wink.

You walked out too and waved goodbye to all of them.

Im gonna miss living with them, but i can still see them everyday so it's okay.

A few hours after the boys had moved out your parents moved back in. You helped them unpack and redecorate the house with new furniture that your parents had brought with them.

It turns out last night your parents had met up with Woohyun's parents and cleared out everything and now they were great friends again.

Im happy that everything's back to normal again.


 You walked back up to your room and sat at your desk. You thought about the things you could do, but nothing really popped up into your mind. With the boys gone and your parents asleep the house was really silent. You decided to text Woohyun.

" Oppa~ did you get home safely?"

" Yes i did, but i miss you already~ do you want to go on a date with me today?"

" Hehe yes! ^^ "

" YAY! Let's meet at our favourite place at around 4?"

" Okay, i love you~♥"

" I'll see you then, i love you too~ ♥"

You put your phone down and went to choose some clothes to wear.

Hmm, it's been awhile since me and woohyun went on a 'proper' date... what should i wear? It's still snowing outside so i should dress warmly..

After digging through your clothes you finally put an outfit together. 

Your put it on and looked at yourself in the mirror. 

This:  http://s3.amazonaws.com/data.tumblr.com/tumblr_lw45t2mbOC1r2z0f3o1_1280.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJ6IHWSU3BX3X7X3Q&Expires=1326765773&Signature=zLLviAc6UkYriGZXzUOJPEXUYrQ%3D

You then decided to apply some makeup. Instead of too much though, you applied only a little bit so that you looked more ' natural.'

And soon you were done, you looked over at the clock and it was 3:45pm.

Wow, perfect timing. I should leave now.

You walked  out of the house, locked the front door and headed off to the Han RIver.


You were almost there and you could see Woohyun in the distance. He was standing there looking out at the river. You thought you would surprise him so you didn't call out his name. As you were silently walking down the pathway you could feel people's eyes staring at you.

Do i have something on my face?

You turned your attention back to Woohyun and continued walking towards him. You were about 3 metres away from him when he suddenly turned around.

" Aish, i was gonna scare you!" You said while pouting.

Woohyun just stood there with his mouth open.

" Hello?" You asked while walking up to him.

He then pulled you in for a hug.

" Whoa whoa why the sudden hug?" You asked while giggling.

" Your just too beautiful, everyone was staring at you because your too pretty. I have to hide you otherwise what if some other guy steals you from me!?" Woohyun panicked as he looked around making sure no one else was staring at you.

You smirked.

" Oppa, you know your the only one for me."

" And your the only one for me too babe." Woohyun said as he kissed you.

" DAMN, she's taken!" You and Woohyun turned around to see a group of boys standing there watching you as one yelled that out.

" Yea that's right she's taken by me Nam Woohyun, now get outta here." Woohyun ordered them.

" Ok, sorry." The boys apologised and ran off.

You smiled and linked arms with Woohyun as the two of you went for a walk.


Helllooo Readerss (:

How was this chapter?

Everything's finally back to normal! YAY :)

Okay well, im sorry to say this but the next chapter will be my last chapter of this fic.

But, i have lots of ideas for new fics so please support me in those too! ^_^

Did you guys see Baby Soul and Yoo Jia Ft. Dongwoo's teaser?


Anways, i'll be updating again so stay tuned!

Heheh, comment and subscribe <33




kojiki:   ❝ dongwoo is pretty perfect, but you know that stupid character. the kind  where you think he’s cute and want to take care of him… he’s the first  place member for that. ❞     ➟ woohyun, yozm star interview july 2010

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Chapter 66: the ending..was awesome!!!Love it soooooo much!!Ah,sequel??pleaaasse??
Just finished it. I actually bookmarked this like a loong time ago but then when I clicked on it, it said error. But then Yesterday I was all like hmmm maybe I should click on it, then it worked. ANYWAYS, this fanfic was one of the BEST fanfic I ever read. This fanfic brought tears of joy to tears of frustration to tears of sadness hahaha. Lets just say I enjored this fanfic A LOT! haha
Hehehe I totally love that how through the whole competition thing for her, they are trying to cockblock each other. HEHEHE SO FUNNY. GROUP HUG!!!!
forever_xoxox #4
@KiismAxX Aww, thank you so much <3
KiismAxX #5
Ahhh, this story was reallyyy awsomeee ! ! !<br />
I was so into it tht I actually forgot I was near the final chapterr... :D<br />
I Lovee It <3 hahaha
forever_xoxox #6
Awww thank you everyone for reading it and thank you for all the sweet comments! :)
wow i really love your story! i was really in to it! <br />
it was very romantic, funny etc. plus the gifs and pictures that you add on was so great <br />
especially how you detailed every single thing in your story!<br />
its like your a PRO.<br />
keep making great stories :D
SHINeeandSNSDForever #8
i really love your story<br />
yhukina #9
i really ;love lee gikwang..... nice story huh...
dinosauregg96 #10
loved the ending :D<br />
i rly liked ur story :)