Goodbye letters.

You never know what you have until its gone.

It was finally the start of a new year. You and Woohyun went back into the car beacuse Gikwang and Myungsoo called and said that they were scared, lost and lonely. As Woohyun was driving, you unawarely fell asleep. Woohyun had picked up gikwang and myungsoo had drove back to your house. Woohyun carried you bridal style to your room and placed you onto your bed, as you were still in a deep sleep. Or so he thought you were.

Okay, they think im sleeping. So, i'll just pack my stuff quietly and turn my alarm on for around 7 in the morning?

Woohyun headed back downstairs with a few blankets and pillows.

" Is she sleeping?" Myungsoo asked. Woohyun nodded and placed the blankets on the ground. The three boys sat down side by side as in unison they all sighed. " Huh, why did you sigh?" They all asked each other once again at the same time. They looked at each other and chuckled.

" We should thank Park ------. She's made me gain two new bestfriends." Gikwang said shyly.

" I could say the same." Myungsoo added.

" me too!" Woohyun said.

" Guys, im really thankful that your now helping me and park ---- get together again." Woohyun said while a smirk appeared on his lips.

" Hyung, i reckon you and park ----- match perfectly. Even though, i had to give up my love for her, but if it makes you and her happy.. it makes me happy!" Myungsoo said while playfully slapping Woohyun on his shoulder.

" Yep i gotta agree too, you guys look perfect together. Even though, im as jealous as hell, all me and park ---- will ever be, is bestfriends. But, im still happy that we can be friends." Gikwang added.

Little did the three boys know though, that you were sitting just above the staircase and heard everything.

No, no no i can't cry. Remember Park ---- your leaving for everyone's good. Just secretly leave in the morning, and soon everything will be over. I feel bad for Gikwang and Myungsoo though, i still feel as if i need to do more. And as for Woohyun, i don't even know about out promise... he'll be better off without me. But i guess after coming back from America, he would probably forget about me anyways... But one thing for sure, im happy that the three boys are bestfriends now.

And with that, you quickly headed back to your room, tucked yourself into bed and fell fast asleeep.

" Hey, how about we stay up all night , so that we can see Park --- leave tomorrow morning?" Woohyun said while stretching.

" Hyungs, are we really gonna let her leave us like this?" Myungsoo asked innocently.

" No, of course not." Gikwang and Woohyun said while smirking.

But soon after, all three boys had fallen asleep.



You woke up to sound of you alarm, stretching and yawning as you got out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash up. You came back out and got dressed in some comfortable clothing for the plane.

What you wore:

You checked the time but it was only 7:15am. You decided to quickly and quietly make yourself a meal so you tiptoed downstairs to the kitchen. 

On your way down, you saw three perfect angels sleeping side by side.

I'll miss you guys the most.

You continued going to the kitchen and quickly poured some cereal and milk into a bowl and quietly ran upstairs. You sat on your bed and ate your breakfast. After eating, you decided to check your luggage bag and make sure that you had packed everything you needed. Just as opened your bag though, a text message had arrived.

" Goodmorning noona!" 

It was Dongjun.

" Goodmorning Dongjun!"

" Are you feeling okay? When should i come pick you up?"

" Yea, im feeling fine. And, um around 8 like we planned? ^^"

" Hehe okay, see you then."

You tried to smile, but all that formed was a few droplets of tears. You quickly wiped them away and reminded yourself  " Although i don't wanna leave, it's for best for everyone." And you continued going through your clothes and other stuff. Then suddenly an idea popped up into your mind.

Im leaving earlier than they expected, so if i just leave i reckon they'll be too upset. So, i'll leave them a note. Now... where's some paper and a pen?

You quickly rummaged through your luggage bag and ripped out a sheet of paper from a notebook and pulled out a pen from your pencil case. And immediately started writing.


Dear: The three boys that mean the most to me.

Im so sorry that i had to leave you guys just like this. But before i left, i really wanted to write down a few things that i've always wanted to tell you. And, i know i was supposed to leave at 9am, but i couldn't bare saying goodbye to you guys, it would just hurt to much. Im sorry i left without a goodbye, but i love all you and i hope you know that.

Gikwang: Lee Gikwang, you truly are an amazing person. Always being there for me, from such a young age we've been the bestest of friends. I know i wasn't exactly the nicest person then, but you stuck with me and im really thankful towards you. That year you left for America, i was left here, heartbroken without knowing what to do. But this time it's actually me that's leaving. I hope you can find a better life without me, but trust me Gikwang i will never forget you, nor will i ever be able to repay the great amount you have done for me, but i will try my hardest. I hope when i come back from America, we'll be able to meet again. Im sorry, that i couldn't love you back the way you loved me. But while im gone, i hope you can find the one you've always been looking for. They say the saddest thing in life is saying 'goodbye' but to me it will be the memories. Gikwang, you have made such a big importance in my life. I will miss you so much.


Myungsoo: Kim Myungsoo, although i've known you for the least time out of all you guys, i feel that we clicked on the first second we met. Remember that time at Mastermind Cafe with that ty waitress? Remember that time in the snow? We've had so many great memories together! I heard what you three boys were talking about last night, Myungsoo your such an amazing guy. Your funny, smart, good looking, athletic. Your basically everything a girl could ask for. What more, your just perfect. Waay to perfect for me. There's so many more amazing girls out there, and i feel as if im dragging you back. When im in America, i hope you find a girl that is just as perfect as you. Im sorry, i couldn't be there for you or be as close to you as others. Myungsoo, i feel as if i still have more to do for you but i guess we'll find out in a matter of years. Hopefully we'll meet again, i'll miss you.


Woohyun: Nam Woohyun, Namstar, Tree. You and your soo many nicknames have given me the best times of my life. From the first time we met at the hospital to all the times we dated, i really want to thank you. Im sorry, i ended it just like that, but i felt as if it was for the best. I know there was times where i was hard to deal with, You fell in love with someone with so many problems but you stayed with me. You didn't push me away, like other guys would but you comforted me and helped me. Remember our date at the park where we threw water balloons at each other? Yea that day, from that day on i knew that i needed you in my life no matter what. Woohyun, i still believe that. Im so sorry im leaving like this, but i gues fate could bring us together again? Who knows? That promise we made the other night, as much as i want to keep it. Woohyun, my last wish is for you to move on and find someone better. FInd someone that doesn't break up with you stupidly like i did, find someone who makes you stronger, find someone that deserves you Nam Woohyun, because i didn't. Im sorry i wasted two years of your life, but when you do find that girl please hold onto her with all your heart. Beacuse, she is defintiely the most luckiest girl in the world. This isn't our first goodbye, but this time i think it's for real. Goodbye Nam Woohyun, i love you.

And because, there will be one spare room. Myungsoo i'd like you to take it. I heard last night that you three were now the best of friends! YAY! I wish you the best of luck, and i love each and every one of you so so so much.

- Park -----


You finished off writing the letter, with tears strolling down your cheek. You quickly wiped them off, and regained happiness as you nodded to your self and left the letter on the table before taking your luggage bag outside as you waited for Dongjun.

" Goodbye." You whispered,


Hellooo Readers! - waves- 

Back, with another chapter ^^

How was it?

I had like another writers block, which i get all the time >_<

WIth the letter part, i feel as if i dragged it on too much..

But, hopefully it wasn't too boring~ hehe

Comment below what you think of this chapter and if you want Park --- to really leave or not xD



Hehe, comment and subscribe <3

- forever_xoxox







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Chapter 66: the ending..was awesome!!!Love it soooooo much!!Ah,sequel??pleaaasse??
Just finished it. I actually bookmarked this like a loong time ago but then when I clicked on it, it said error. But then Yesterday I was all like hmmm maybe I should click on it, then it worked. ANYWAYS, this fanfic was one of the BEST fanfic I ever read. This fanfic brought tears of joy to tears of frustration to tears of sadness hahaha. Lets just say I enjored this fanfic A LOT! haha
Hehehe I totally love that how through the whole competition thing for her, they are trying to each other. HEHEHE SO FUNNY. GROUP HUG!!!!
forever_xoxox #4
@KiismAxX Aww, thank you so much <3
KiismAxX #5
Ahhh, this story was reallyyy awsomeee ! ! !<br />
I was so into it tht I actually forgot I was near the final chapterr... :D<br />
I Lovee It <3 hahaha
forever_xoxox #6
Awww thank you everyone for reading it and thank you for all the sweet comments! :)
wow i really love your story! i was really in to it! <br />
it was very romantic, funny etc. plus the gifs and pictures that you add on was so great <br />
especially how you detailed every single thing in your story!<br />
its like your a PRO.<br />
keep making great stories :D
SHINeeandSNSDForever #8
i really love your story<br />
yhukina #9
i really ;love lee gikwang..... nice story huh...
dinosauregg96 #10
loved the ending :D<br />
i rly liked ur story :)