Everything and Nothing.

You never know what you have until its gone.

Gikwang ran to your side, pushing Myungsoo away causing him to fall onto his arm. He sat by your side slightly shaking you and asking if you were alright. You nodded and faked a smile. He put his hand on your forehead and realised that you had a high temperature. He ordered Myungsoo to help you onto his back and Myungsoo did as he was told. You were on Gikwang's back as he took you and ran back to his house in a hurry.

Okay, just leave me here... it's cool. Myungsoo thought to himself as he too lay down on the couch falling into a deep sleep.

Gikwang ran as fast as he could but was gentle so that you didn't fall off or feel sick. Your face was getting paler by the second and drops of sweat were forming around your forehead. Gikwang started worrying.

Ohhh, Park ---- hold on. I'll get you better. I'll get Woohyun back, for making you like this.

He around back at his house and lay you onto the couch. Beast was over and rushed into the living room at the sound of Gikwang panting from all his running.

" HYUNG WHAT HAPPENED?" Dongwoon asked.

" Quick, get me a bucket of water, a towel and some panadol pills crushed into some water." Gikwang yelled out determined to do something to fix you.

Yoseob and Dongwoon nodded as they ran to get the things Gikwang told them too. They arrived back with all the medical things and Gikwang got to work. He wringed the wet towel and placed it onto your forehead as he forced you to drink the water which had crushed panadols in it. Minutes passed and you fell into a deep sleep.

*sighs* This isn't my first time seeing Park ---- sick. But this time it's different, it's Nam Woohyun's fault. They broke up and see probably went crying in the rain or something and caught this cold... But why was she at the L guy's house?

The 6 boys of BEAST sat around you worried. As they were tired too, one by one each fell asleep as the night deepened.


Meanwhile back at Woohyun's place...

Woohyun couldn't stand still. He was walking up and down and punching walls. He was really pissed and upset.

2 Years of our relationship just went like that. Did see even love me? I was going to let her go to make her happier but then she breaks it with me. I just don't understand~ MAYBE GIKWANG PLANNED THIS. Im going to punch that bastard in the face next time i see him, and as for Park ---- i'll win your heart back, trust me.

He went back to planning on what he was going to do to Gikwang and how he was going to win you back. Woohyun was determind to not lose against Gikwang. But for the meantime, woohyun decided to just live his old life and see what life he actually did like better. But for now, his plan was to lay low..

" Woohyun-ah" Sunggyu called out.

" What" Woohyun replied coldly.

" Wow, what's wrong with you today?" Sunggyu asked slightly scared.

" Park ---- and i broke up." He said back unable to look into his hyungs eyes.

" WHAT" Sunggyu yelled out causing all the rest of Infinite to run up the stairs. ( The infinite boys were sleeping over, expect L because he had taken you home.)

Woohyun sat down onto his bed with a tear dropping down.

I've never felt like this, im trying to just move on but i can't. Nam Woohyun ME the Nam Woohyun is actually crying? Park ---- was the most important thing in my life. I can't do anything now, i've lost her just like that. Im trying to act strong but i can't anymore. I've broken down.

Woohyun explained to them what had happened while shedding few tears, the Infinite boys started to grow worried as it was the first time they had seen Woohyun actually cry.


The next morning, you woke up to find yourself in Gikwang's house and surrounded by not only Gikwang but 5 other guys. It was Beast again! You found a towel on your forehead and realised that you must've gotten sick after that day in the rain.. i don't want to think about it....

Did i really end it with Woohyun oppa? I guess it's what he wanted though. If it makes him happy then i should be happy too right? And if im depressed Gikwang and other boys will only feel sad too, so i have to toughen up and be strong! Woohyun oppa i still love you.

You recalled of that day when you broke up with Woohyun.. you felt teardrops coming out of your eyes but then you looked at Gikwang~ you didn't want the 6 innocent boys to be upset too just because you were. You got up and decided to make them breakfast.

You had made waffles, Gikwang's favourite!


Slowly one by one, each of the boys woke up to the delicious smell.

" YAY WAFFLES!" Gikwang and Yoseob both screamed out and ran to the table.

Doojoon, Junhyung, Hyunseung and Dongwoon slowly walked out while yawing and sat by the table too.

" Thank you for the food!" All the beast boys said.

" No problem Oppa's :)" You replied with a grin.

Hmm, she seems happy. Is that normal she would usually be crying i wonder what she's planning this time.

I have to fake this smile just for them.


You heard a knock on Gikwang's front door and went to get it.

" Oh, hi there." You said softly yet coldly.

I wonder who it is probably L...or Jeongsuk i told him to come over...


Chapter 26 :)


How was it?


This chapter was more feeling's & thoughts on the characters.


I wonder whose at the door, hehe read the next chapter to find out..


That's when i upload it.. keke ^^


Oooo and because it's Christmas soon, im going to add a christmas chapter in this :)


And im planning to do an Infinite or Beast Christmas Oneshot too xD


Please comment and subscribe <3





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Chapter 66: the ending..was awesome!!!Love it soooooo much!!Ah,sequel??pleaaasse??
Just finished it. I actually bookmarked this like a loong time ago but then when I clicked on it, it said error. But then Yesterday I was all like hmmm maybe I should click on it, then it worked. ANYWAYS, this fanfic was one of the BEST fanfic I ever read. This fanfic brought tears of joy to tears of frustration to tears of sadness hahaha. Lets just say I enjored this fanfic A LOT! haha
Hehehe I totally love that how through the whole competition thing for her, they are trying to each other. HEHEHE SO FUNNY. GROUP HUG!!!!
forever_xoxox #4
@KiismAxX Aww, thank you so much <3
KiismAxX #5
Ahhh, this story was reallyyy awsomeee ! ! !<br />
I was so into it tht I actually forgot I was near the final chapterr... :D<br />
I Lovee It <3 hahaha
forever_xoxox #6
Awww thank you everyone for reading it and thank you for all the sweet comments! :)
wow i really love your story! i was really in to it! <br />
it was very romantic, funny etc. plus the gifs and pictures that you add on was so great <br />
especially how you detailed every single thing in your story!<br />
its like your a PRO.<br />
keep making great stories :D
SHINeeandSNSDForever #8
i really love your story<br />
yhukina #9
i really ;love lee gikwang..... nice story huh...
dinosauregg96 #10
loved the ending :D<br />
i rly liked ur story :)