
You never know what you have until its gone.

At last it was the day of your graduation.

You got dressed into your academic dress, curled your hair to make it extra pretty and ran out of the door.

You jumped into your car while your parents were chatting about how proud and happy they were for you. You were casually sitting in the back seat texting Woohyun. " Im so excited oppa!"

" Me Too, i get to see your beautiful face <3 " 

You blushed and continued too, the whole way to school.


You arrived at school and joined the rest of your grade as they lined up to go on stage. Your parents found there way and sat on the seats that were spread across infron of the huge stage. Everyone in your grade were full of either tears or laughter. Behind you in the line was Woohyun, he kept giving you back hugs and doing his adorable bunny aegyo. You could tell he was excited.

Finally it was your classes turn to head up for the stage. Woohyun grabbed your hand as he could tell that you were extremely nervous. You smiled and him and walked up with your head held high, it was the moment that no one could ruin. The one moment that you could feel as if you owned the world. Your class lined up as one by one your names would be called out. Finally, your name was called out. You walked up proudly to the podium and recieved your graduation certificate. The amount of camera flashes was incredible! After your name was called, Woohyun's was next. He ran up to the podium and recieved his certificate and ran up to you and whispered-

" I've dreamed of this moment for awhile now, and now one of the most important times of lives is being spent with you. Park ----- I love you." And he leaned in and kissed you. The crowd went wild! You blushed as you pulled off and leaned in again for another kiss, the students, parents and even teachers were Cheering and Awwwing and Clapping like mad. ♥

Woohyun took your hand and lead you back down the stairs, you turned around just intime to see someone familliar.

Gikwang, is that really Gikwang? No, it can't be. It's not him. Wait, i better check.

You ran off letting go of Woohyun's grip to the person that looked like Gikwang. You ran and ran but he was nowhere to be found.

Maybe, i've gone mad beacuse of the camera flashes and all.

You returned to Woohyun and joined everyone else as you all said your last Goodbye to your teachers before throwing your graduation hats into the air one more time. You all were excited about the Afterparty and Formal so everyone said there goodbyes and sped home. Woohyun drove you and just as you got to the front door, you pecked him on the cheek and ran out of the car and waved to your parents then sped quickly up to your room.


As you walked into your door you spotted your dress laying on your bed along with your shoes and a... a bracelet? A note had been placed on it too:

To our dearest daughter,

We are so proud of you. We love you so much and to think time has passed so quickly just wow. You have grown into a beautiful young lady and you see the bracelet? Its the diamond bracelet you said you wanted when you were 16. Yep 2 years ago, we still rememebered! We hope you like it and have fun at the afterparty and formal. We'll be waiting to hear about it. Love Mum And Dad. xoxo 

You smiled a great big smile and started to get ready.

First, you took a shower. You then dryed your hair and slipped into your dress along with your shoes and placing that beautiful diamond bracelet on your right wrist. 

Diamond Bracelet-






Clutch Bag-  





You then straighened your hair, and applied some makeup.

Eyeliner to then wriggling your mascara wand to create longer eye lashes, you then applied some BB cream and over that some mineral foundation. To top it all off you put on some pink lip gloss. You stared into the mirror for the last time and finally left.

I hope i look good.

Just as you walked out of your bedroom door though, a text message had come.

" Park ----- , guess what im finally back!" 



And you happily skipped out of the door waiting for Woohyun to come pick you up.


There was Chapter 11 :)


Do you like what she's wearing to the party?


I will update again later tonight to let you guys know about what happens at the party and what happens the day after at the formal and YOU and Woohyuns 2nd year anniversary!


I will also add abit more of Gikwang to the story,


Hope you like it :)



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Chapter 66: the ending..was awesome!!!Love it soooooo much!!Ah,sequel??pleaaasse??
Just finished it. I actually bookmarked this like a loong time ago but then when I clicked on it, it said error. But then Yesterday I was all like hmmm maybe I should click on it, then it worked. ANYWAYS, this fanfic was one of the BEST fanfic I ever read. This fanfic brought tears of joy to tears of frustration to tears of sadness hahaha. Lets just say I enjored this fanfic A LOT! haha
Hehehe I totally love that how through the whole competition thing for her, they are trying to each other. HEHEHE SO FUNNY. GROUP HUG!!!!
forever_xoxox #4
@KiismAxX Aww, thank you so much <3
KiismAxX #5
Ahhh, this story was reallyyy awsomeee ! ! !<br />
I was so into it tht I actually forgot I was near the final chapterr... :D<br />
I Lovee It <3 hahaha
forever_xoxox #6
Awww thank you everyone for reading it and thank you for all the sweet comments! :)
wow i really love your story! i was really in to it! <br />
it was very romantic, funny etc. plus the gifs and pictures that you add on was so great <br />
especially how you detailed every single thing in your story!<br />
its like your a PRO.<br />
keep making great stories :D
SHINeeandSNSDForever #8
i really love your story<br />
yhukina #9
i really ;love lee gikwang..... nice story huh...
dinosauregg96 #10
loved the ending :D<br />
i rly liked ur story :)