Christmas 2011.

You never know what you have until its gone.

The rest of your Christmas was spent with the boys of Infinite and Beast. You had a happy day filled with presents, love and delicious foods. Your secret santa and '' first love' were also revealed. Soon everyone was tired and all slumped onto the couch.

" Ugghhh, im soo sleepy. But, it's such a waste to sleep on Christmas don't you think~? " Yoseob said while stretching and yawning.

" Hey, do you guys want to go to the noraebang?" Sunggyu asked.

" YAY WAAAHOOO KARAOKE!" Seongyeol instantly jumped up and dragged Myungsoo and Dongwoon out of the door. Everyone giggled and followed them out the door.

You were walking side by side in between Junhyung and Dongwoo. The three of you were involved in a very interesting conversation while everyone else was spinning and tackling each other to the ground in the snow.

When should i tell her? Christmas is almost over and her parent's will be here any day soon. Gaah, i can't bring myself to tell her.

With that snow on the tips of her eyelashes and nose, she's so beautiful.

Wow, she's so gorgeous. I should go talk to her.

" Um Park ----?" Myungsoo quietly said as he tugged your arm softly. You turned around and smiled at Myungsoo. You told Junhyung and Dongwoo to go ahead as you slowed down and went for a stroll with Myungsoo.

" Sooo. how was your Christmas so far?" You asked Myungsoo.

" It's been okay, but one thing just feels so empty." He replied.

This is it, should i confess now?

" Why do you feel empty?" You asked while holding your hand out and catching a piece of snow.

" I... I think I..." Myungsoo was his lips with nervousness.

WHAT!? Is Myungsoo confessing now too? I can't let Park ----- date anyone. Her parents said that there taking her to America, if she dates someone then it'll hurt her too much when she leaves. In the end, i have to give up my love for her too.

" MYUNGSOO! PARK ------!" Gikwang yelled out while running towards them.

You both turned to Gikwang's direction in shock. Myungsoo must have been really nervous as he started hicupping as soon as Gikwang yelled out his name.

" Umm.. Uhhhh... LOOK I GOT A PIECE OF SNOW IN MY EYE!" Gikwang yelled out to distract the two of you.

Everyone else heard this two and ran towards the three of you. 

" QUICK HELP ME GET IT OUT!" Gikwang said while trying to hand blow his eye and making a big scene.

" WHAT HAPPENED?" Doojoon called out worriedly.

" He.. he got snow in his eye..." You said while rolling your eyes and scoffing.

Everyone groaned and carried on walking to the noraebang.

I.. i never got to confess...


It was about 6pm and you arrived at the noraebang. You got the biggest room and to start off the singing, Sunggyu and Hyunseung took the microphones. For the rest of the night, everyone sang their hearts out and danced like craazy. Soon, it was 10 pm. It felt like it was only like 30 minutes but time goes fast and already 4 hours had gone past. Gikwang was starting to get nervous. He suddenly got up and took your hand and dragged you out.

" Gikwang, what are you doing?" 

" I need to tell you something really really important. Let's go out for a walk okay?"

He didn't give you a chance to answer and just dragged you out.

Soon the two of you were outside. The snow was falling and the two of you sat on a bench that was directly outside the noraebang.

" Okay, Gikwang what is it?" You asked abit frustrated that he just took you out like this.

" Okay, well uhhh. Earlier your parents called and.. and.." Gikwang looked up and down with nervousness,

" And...?'

" They said there coming to take you to America for 2 years. There coming in 2 days. They told me to help you pack and they'll be here to pick you up." Gikwang said as he gulped.

You gulped too. Your eyes then widened. " that can't be happening.."


You and Gikwang both turned around to see Myungsoo and Woohyun both there with there mouths open unsure of what to say or do.

I can't let her go like this.

She can't leave us.

I need her in my life, she can't go.


Heheheh, another chapter (:

I had like another seriously huge writer's block >.<

So, i just kinda thought of this plot quickly hehe~

What did everyone get for Christmas? :D

Unfortunately i didn't get Beast or Infinite.. xD

OMG! Did you guys see Beast's Beautiful Show Teaser! aisodhfoaidsfaio!

Haha, Gikwang kinda ruined both confessions but that's what i love about him!

Heheh anyways...

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Chapter 66: the ending..was awesome!!!Love it soooooo much!!Ah,sequel??pleaaasse??
Just finished it. I actually bookmarked this like a loong time ago but then when I clicked on it, it said error. But then Yesterday I was all like hmmm maybe I should click on it, then it worked. ANYWAYS, this fanfic was one of the BEST fanfic I ever read. This fanfic brought tears of joy to tears of frustration to tears of sadness hahaha. Lets just say I enjored this fanfic A LOT! haha
Hehehe I totally love that how through the whole competition thing for her, they are trying to each other. HEHEHE SO FUNNY. GROUP HUG!!!!
forever_xoxox #4
@KiismAxX Aww, thank you so much <3
KiismAxX #5
Ahhh, this story was reallyyy awsomeee ! ! !<br />
I was so into it tht I actually forgot I was near the final chapterr... :D<br />
I Lovee It <3 hahaha
forever_xoxox #6
Awww thank you everyone for reading it and thank you for all the sweet comments! :)
wow i really love your story! i was really in to it! <br />
it was very romantic, funny etc. plus the gifs and pictures that you add on was so great <br />
especially how you detailed every single thing in your story!<br />
its like your a PRO.<br />
keep making great stories :D
SHINeeandSNSDForever #8
i really love your story<br />
yhukina #9
i really ;love lee gikwang..... nice story huh...
dinosauregg96 #10
loved the ending :D<br />
i rly liked ur story :)