Let the pigeons fly

Our Bittersweet Marriage

 Changmin comes home after dinner at your house, he needs to put Mason to bed. Changmin has open his heart for the little boy. He closes the double doors behind him,the lights are still on.The guys must be watching tv in the living room. He needs to tell them about the good news."Hyung!"

"You're home" states Yunho with Jaejoong by his side,his eyes are bloodshot red.Changmin raises an eyebrow looking at  the feminine looking guy."What happen?"

Yunho keeps on rubbing Jaejoong's back consoling him.Jaejoong is calmer now."Changmin-ah,can hyung ask you for a favor?" Changmin has bad feelings about it but,he convince himself that everything will be alright.He takes a seat beside Junsu,who keeps his head away from them. 

"Changmin can you-"

"Jaejoong hyung, this is not it" cuts Junsu.

"Changmin,Anna...she hurt herself again. She's under intense care now.I know how much you're madat her but...can't you please go to visit her?" begs Jaejoong with his cracking voice. Yunho hugs his shoulder,he can't understand Jaejoong at times.He keeps on caring for this Anna who don't give a dime about him.

Changmin runs his fingers in his hair, don't know what to do.He doesn't want to have anything to do with Anna but, seeing his hyung in this condition all heartbroken reminds himself when he lost you. "Jaejoong hyung....I'm doing this for you, but this is once and for all"


You're still locked up in the house,your father won't return your belongings to you.You still can't keep in touch with Changin until he officially announce the marriage..You're eating well and listens well to your parents.The thing is you can't fully adapt to their excessive care.Your father don't say much to you and you don't really talk either.

The sky is dark yet the stars are glimmering brighter.You're sitting on your bed,looking out the window.You really wish that atleast you have your laptop to work on new designs or even a piece of paper with colourful pens. Bored,your eyes travel around the room to see your maid walking towards you with  a glass of milk on her hand.

"Can you lend me your cellphone for a bit?" You grin,showing her your eye smile."I won't tell appa...please..." She hesistantly,hands you her cellphone.

You log in to your messanger,smile curl on your lips to see lots of messages from Changmin,you keep scrolling it until a name stops your finger.

From: Song Joongki

-I'm back-

That simple words makes you excited.You have been waiting for any news from him,looks like God has answer your prayer.You quickly reply to him.

-Hope to see you,runaway groom- 


Changmin agrees to visit Anna under one condition,this is once and for all.Jaejoong drives him there,Yunho doesn't want to come along as hee's getting tired of Annas attitude.She treating Jaejoong like dirt hurts him the most. She keeps asking for Changmin while Jaejoong is the oe sitting in front of her, caring for her.

Room no. 121, it's like a cell in a jail. Now,it gets to Changmin why Jaejoong is being this desperate. 

"You go in,I'll wait outside" says Jaejoong patting Changmin's shoulder. 

Changmin is doubting,he's afraid if Anna will do something to get to him.He bites his lower lip,thinking it over and over again.Should he? or shouldn't he?

"Hyung, I c-can't"


Jaejoong's gaze soften when the metal door behind him swings open. Changmin walks in to see Anna tied up on the bed.Her hands and legs. He feels sorry for her but,if this is for the best.He should be relieved.

"Anna-ssi" he calls for her.She turns her back to face him. "Changmin!"

Jaejoong shuts his eyes tight to hear how Anna is anticipating for Changmin.Is he being jealous? He has no answer to that question.

Changmin awkwardly moves closer to her,his steps feels heavy.She's there,her hair looks fine,her face is fullof colours.She must be in her good state."I miss you" she blurted out,lowering her head.She's acting like a high school girl who's talking to her crush.

"How have you been?"

"Fine, what took you so long?"

Changmin's mouth slightly open and shaking,he wants to say something but fails to find the right word.She's smiling to him just like the first time he met her in the restaurant,she tries to flirt with him at that time.She's being perfectly well and welcoming right now.

"Can't you keep this smile on your face?" This Anna in front of him,is the Anna he wishes on  to see. Despite her ilness,her breath taking beauty is not shattered even a bit. "Can't you be like this everytime? You look so...beautiful"

She awkwarly smiles,rubbing the back of her neck.Her cheeks turns to soft pink."What do you mean?"

She can't remember a thing that she did right now,she's a bipolar.What can he expect from her? Changmin is at the verge of tears,he realised that he loves this frail woman in front of him."Anna-ssi, can you stop hurting yourself? It's heartbreaking for me,Jaejoong hyung and your parents. We care about you,we love you with all our heart"

"But then,why don't you come to see me?"

He sighs,leaning against the wall." You know that I'm married.I have a problem with my in-laws but,it's fine now"

"You're leaving me?" she tilts her head,biting her nails.

"I'm sorry Anna but,I can't have two woman in my heart. You can be my friend"

She nods,tears streams dwon her cheeks but she's smiling. Just how bad has she fallen for him? "Friend? I don't want to be your friend."


"But...I can be someone special right? More than just friends" she grasps her bed sheet in mix of feelings. Changmin nods,keeping his hands in his pockets. "In the future,I hope you can be yourself again.The Anna who's lively yet glamorous at the same time"

"Changmin...is it possible if I ask you to hug me?" Her voice sounds so mellow.She's having multiple characters.Changmin hesistates and nervous just to get closer to her and now she's asking for a hug?

His lips turn to a thin line, he gently wraps his arms around her.Her body feels so cold,he pulls her closer.She can't even hug him back as her hands are tight from one side to the other side.She leans her head on his chest,feeling warm.Is this the warmth you feel from the person you love?

"Choi Anna, a supermodel,an arrogant flirt woman yet lively and can be cute at times.I hope she can comeback...After this, be true to yourself. Meet a decent man who can love you with all his heart.Stop hurting yourself when you actually want attention.Stop being flirty when you actually want to be touch. Can you promise me that you'll treat yourself better?"

She grasp the hem of Changmin's shirt,she looks up to him."I promise"


You go toopen your cast , the doctor is talking to you but you're not paying attention at all.Luckily your mother is there to take note of it. After that,you go to have lunch in a restaurant nearby. You keep on playing with your food that annoys your mother.

" If you're not eating,don't abused your food like that"

"Sorry" you aplogised taking a bite. You want to see Changmin or even talk to him on the phone but your father won't allow that till Changmin makes the confession.

You don't even finish half of it, your mother decides to bring you home.You can walk on your own now,but it stills getting used to it.Your left leg gets shaky when you try to walk.You keep on looking down to the floor until you bump into someone."Ouch!" You wince,rubbing your forehead.Why is this person so build?You lift your head up. Your body froze,eyes wide open.

"Joongki!" you hug him tight."I miss you"

He harshly push your arms from him. "Don't get close to me"


Sorry guys ,I deeply apologised but I fail to update 2 chaps tonight as I just comebacl from shopping

I'm tired and all worn-out

Comments please,this chap is about Anna letting go of Changmin and Joongki...

Well,wait for the next chap.I promise you this will finish this year^^

Comments please,no silent readers ne? Thanks

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i can't believe it's over huhuhuhu.feel like crying


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Chapter 63: One moment I'll be in distress then next I'll be fidgety. Dang! The lead character is so strong! She endured being a hidden wife wow!
jessicabyun #2
Chapter 64: i'm done reading it good story :D
ccherylyy #3
Chapter 16: This fanfic is the best I’ve ever read so far! Thank you author-nim for creating such an awesome story! Can't stop re-reading it everytime
naname2000 #4
Chapter 64: Omg the best awesome fanfic i've ever read.
UknowTheHero #5
Chapter 64: I love this story !!! It's just amazing !! I usuallydon't like sad stories (coz I cry way too much) but this one is awesome. I somehow expected a sad end but I'm relieved that everything end up well.
Chapter 16: This story is great!! Your story inspired me to improve my languange and writing style <3
Keep up the good job!!! ^o^
2033 streak #7
Chapter 64: OMG!!! This story was so angsty... You have justified emotions and essence of the story. Nicely written and I enjoyed myself reading it. Keep up the good work author-nim :)
Chapter 63: i love happy endings <3 great job author-nim, it's really an amazing story i enjoyed readng every single chapiter
Chapter 47: Omg i'm about to start crying, this is an amazing story yet painful :'(..