
Our Bittersweet Marriage

Changmin closes the door behind him,taking off his shoes.His hands are freezing in this cold wheather,he should have wear something warmer.

"Changmin-ah!" Junsu gives him a bear hug,Changmin awkwardly rubs the back of his childish hyung. "Is everything ok?"

Yunho lowers his head giving Changmin the idea that all his hyungs are alert of what's going on between him and his wife."Words do spread fast"

Jaejoong eagerly shakes his head."Yunho didn't tell us about it, envelope came for you with a lawyer.That's how we find out" Yunho has always been close to Jaejoong so he must have told Jaejoong about it first then,only the other guys.Changmin is concious on how determined his father-in-law is,he won't back down so neither him or you can step beyond his lines.

"By the way,hal muh nim's home" states Junsu with a low voice. "She's upset about it.She won't even eat with us so can you please console hal muh nim? She might get sick"

After years of living with their foster grandmother,they just can't help from loving her as mush as they love their own family. She's a kind a woman who loves travelling.She's rarely home but when she does, all of them will be so nice to her. Changmin undertands how much his brothers must have been worried that the big eater hal muh nim refused to even come out from her room for dinner.He walks in,heading towards the old woman's room at the first floor.

Changmin knocks for a few times before coming in."Hal muh nim" The other guys stay outside the room,eavesdropping. Changmin approaches her who's sitting down on her bed with her arms cross.He touches her shoulder."Hal muh nim,it's me Changmin"

"I don't feel like talking to you,get out!" she yells,pushing Changmin's hands from her.Changmin stands still, at lost for words. Hal muh nim has never been harsh towards any of them.She must be extremely upset. She holds her chest, starting to sob making Changmin feels bad for her."How can you do this Changmin-ah? How can you give up on her?"

Yunho is about to open the door when Jaejoong stops him,putting his index finger on his lips. Changmin needs to face this alone.He's all grown up now.

"I... failed as a husband for her..she deserves better"

"How can you say it that way? Do you think her love for you can be easily dodge to other man? Is it that easy?"

Changmin keeps his head down, if his grandmother is this upset on him,what will his parents be? 

"Hal muh's already hard for me but...I have no choice. No one is on our side.She's facing it tougher than I am.The least I can do for her is to let her go as what her parents want to.I'm really sorry for dissapointing you" with a miserable look on his face,he walks out clmibing up the stiars to his room.

They catch after him,following him. Changmin lies down on his bed,closing his eyes.The guys surround his bed,watching him.

"What more?" asks Changmin sounding annoyed.

"Get up,let's clear our mind tonight" says Yunho shaking his plastic bag. "On to get drunk? Just keep it a secret between us,hal muh nim won't be happy is she find out we're taking alcohol"

Changmin's eyes flutter open.His hyungs are already on their bottom on the white fluffy carpet. He groans,taking a seat in between Junsu and Jaejoong. Yunho hands him a can of beer.

"Drink up"

"Thanks" he drinks it all in one shot. Their eyes widen in surprise,he's really not in his right mind. "More"

"Slowly" Yunho opens another can for him. Junsu is having a hard time,opening his.Jaejoong chuckles."I don't know you're a baby"

"I am not!" 

Yoochun comes in after putting Mason to bed,he had a hard time doing so as he keeps crying asking for you. If you and Changmin really are not getting back together,what will happen to Mason? He's only 5 years old, when Chaerin's alive,he keeps on leaning on her after he learns to accept her as his mother. Now,Chaerin is no longer with him so,if you're leaving too....What will Mason feels?

"Chunnie!" calls Junsu patting a space beside him."Here,here"

"Beer and chicken? Hal muh nim hates us drinking"

"Shut up if you're joining and get out if you want to tell on us at hal muh nim"

"Don't be so harsh,Yunho hyung"

Changmin keeps on drinking his beer,leaning his back against the bed frame. He keeps his eyes up to the ceiling, trying hard not think abot anything."She...asked me a question today"

They stop eating,focusing on the youngest man.His eyes are sparkling as the dam is getting full."She asked me who will I choose between my parents who give birth to me and the woman I love the most and can hardly breath without?"

"So...what's her choice?"

Changmin closes his eyes as beads of invisble circle roll down from his eyes. He reaches in his pocket,tossing the bracelet in the middle.Junsu takes it,examining it.On it written 'Eternal Love' ,C loves _. 

"We're proceeding the papers, please just support our decision"

"Are you sure?" Jaejoong is concern about Changmin,he's like a living corpse when she left him the last time and that is on his own wish.For things repeating twice? It's far from easy to handle the emotions.Suddenly,his nightmare comes to his mind. "So..this is what it means...Anna,____ got hurt so Changmin..." mutters Jaejoong to himself.

"I died heart has stop beating" he sobs,opening another can.He must have reach his limit,this magnae never really  tear up like this. He's probably drunk already.Jaejoong sighs in relief, maybe that's what his nigtmare means,Changmin is not badly hurt physically but emotionally.

None of them say anything,they continue drinking can after can.Yoochun is the first to stop,Mason needs to go to his kindergarten and without you,he's the one responsible for Mason. Then,Junsu collapsed on Yoochun's lap. Tonight,the DBSKs are bond again.


Changmin get a phone call from his father-in-law saying that they will drop by the mansion at 3pm. with you and a lawyer.It's time to sign the papers and to learn the whole process. Jaejoong makes a hangover soup for the guys,he,himself is a bit tipsy.Hal muh nim finally comes out from her room to the dining.Changmin bites his lower lip,holding his cellphone,to get such an unhappy phone call early in the morning just bring headache to him.

"I can see cans of beer there.You guys drank last night?"

Junsu cups his mouth,shaking his hed eagerly.Yunho smcks his back,this black hole can't even hide secrets properly. Changmin is completely zoning out,his eyes land on the shattered screen of his cellphone.

"Changmin-ah...if it really can't be help.I don't want to discuss this any further.You're all grown up,you should know what's best for you." She pats Changmin's back,the sad look on his face explains it all.He wants to keep this marriage but he fails to.


You refused to eat anything for breakfast,throwing the tray to the floor. Your mother knows well how you are against their plan but she can't do anything to argue about it with your stubborn father. 

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" you look up to your father who's raising his hand,trying hard to hold himself from slapping you.You close your eyes waiting for it."Stop being a brat.Nurse,please get her another tray"

You bury your face in the pillow,weeping like a child.Your shoulders move up and down.It's heartbreaking for you and your parents.If only you're strong enough,you would have runaway from this hospital."You never care about me before and why now?"

"We're going to the mansion at 3,wipe away those tears.The lawyer won't be happy to see that"

"I hate you ah buh ji!"

Your words send a shooting pain deep inside his chest. No matter how he neglected you,not paying attention to you.You keep smiling and love him.Not even once you said you hate him. He clenches his fist,walking out from the room.

"Sweetie we want what's best for you" your mother tries to soothe you,holding your shoulders."If you know what's best for me then let me be with him"


You're sitting across Changmin,your mother keeps holding your hand. You stare blankly at the paper in front of you.The lawyer clears his throat breaking the silence.

"Please stamp and sign down there"

Your father gives you a look,you hesistanly grab the ball pen with your shaking hand.It's obvious that you don't want this.

"Miss Nam?"

You drop your pen to the floor,Changmin lifts his chin up,looking at you.Jaejoong and Yunho are watching from distance,they just can't stand it.Both of you clearly still love each other and there's no way either one of you will want to proceed with this divorce.

You glance at your father,his eyes look fierce.You pick up the pen and turn your gaze to Changmin.Your eyeballs are shaking,you slowly shake your head. 'I trust you' he mouthed to you. You press the tip of the pen on the paper,closing your eyes,you sign your name.Your mother hands you your stamp,you reluctantly do what you need to.

"Mr.Shim?" the lawyer,pushes the paper towards him.

"O-Oh" Chagmin is calmer than you, he signs his name and stamp on it. Done.This is it.

"Miss Nam will not ask any custody from you as she can support herself well.To make it simple,she agreed on not asking or splitting any of your assets to her. She also has a strong reason to make the process faster. She lost her child when you're supposed to meet up with her.A pregnant woman being kept waiting outside in the dark,alone.That's called neglected.It will only takes a month for your counseling,that's  a 'Guidance on Divorce'. The rules are,both of you shouoldn't live under the same roof and no during this period or your case might get drop out or you have to repeat another month.The date of your trial will be announced soon and both of you should hand this paper together.Any questions?"


Changmin seals another look at you,your lips are pale.Your face too. You can feel his eyes on you.Your mother helps to push your wheelchair,your grandmother gives you a hug."You can always come for a visit"

"Hmm" You return her hug,opening your eyes looking at the man you have fallen heads over heels for.You lip sync to him 'I'll be waiting.I love you'

He smiles at the corner of his lips,nodding in secret.


Kyay! An update for you!

Comments please don't make me sad ne? I have to go and do my homework now! Give me some support!

Sincerely,me BEWARE silent readers,don't make me sad T-T 


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i can't believe it's over huhuhuhu.feel like crying


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Chapter 63: One moment I'll be in distress then next I'll be fidgety. Dang! The lead character is so strong! She endured being a hidden wife wow!
jessicabyun #2
Chapter 64: i'm done reading it good story :D
ccherylyy #3
Chapter 16: This fanfic is the best I’ve ever read so far! Thank you author-nim for creating such an awesome story! Can't stop re-reading it everytime
naname2000 #4
Chapter 64: Omg the best awesome fanfic i've ever read.
UknowTheHero #5
Chapter 64: I love this story !!! It's just amazing !! I usuallydon't like sad stories (coz I cry way too much) but this one is awesome. I somehow expected a sad end but I'm relieved that everything end up well.
Chapter 16: This story is great!! Your story inspired me to improve my languange and writing style <3
Keep up the good job!!! ^o^
2033 streak #7
Chapter 64: OMG!!! This story was so angsty... You have justified emotions and essence of the story. Nicely written and I enjoyed myself reading it. Keep up the good work author-nim :)
Chapter 63: i love happy endings <3 great job author-nim, it's really an amazing story i enjoyed readng every single chapiter
Chapter 47: Omg i'm about to start crying, this is an amazing story yet painful :'(..