His weak side

Our Bittersweet Marriage

Jaejoong calls 119,there's no way they can take her out on their own in the dark and the cliff is way too high. Changmin keeps his eyes on her,taking off his coat,pulling his sleeves up to his elbow.

"Yay! It's too cold,how can you-"

"Just how cold can she be hyung?" Changmin's right, you have no thick clothes on and the temperature might just be below 10 degree celcius. "Don't tell me you're going down?"

Changmin nods,holding the branch of the tree closest to him.Jaejoong holds his shirt."Help is coming,don't risk yourself"   

"Hyung,just this once,let me go against you" begs Changmin with his low tone voice. Jaejoong loosens his grasp,letting go of the magnae. He's acting like a grown up man now,the look in his eyes. Jaejoong takes a step backward. "Careful"

Changmin keeps on holding to tree branches to make his way down towards you who's lying down on the big rock,luckily you didn't fall way down the cliff.  It's too dangerous but Jaejoong can't hold him back as he's very determined to be by your side. Changmin,  sits on his bottom,sliding down towards you.He keeps on holding to tree branches and slowly sliding down,step by step. Jaejoong is holding his cellphone which is on the flashlight mode,keep on tracking Changmin's position and you on the other hand.

Changmin loses his grasp on the branch,bumping to a rock. He groans in pain,sending shivers down Jaejoong's spine. "Yay! I told you to be careful.You're ok?"

"I'm fine hyung!" He looks down to his legs to see you're not that far from him.He bravely moves faster, his heart is pounding trough the darkness.Are you breathing? Can you talk to hm? His child.He kneels down next to you on the rock, he can't even stand,it's too frightening. He your hair to see blood on his palm.You must have hurt your head.He carefuly places your head on his lap.You're unconcious,he checks for your pulse."She's breathing well"

"That's a relief" mutters Jaejoong.

"Can you hear me? Can you open your eyes?" asks Changmin carressing your swollen face."Just what those bastards did to you?" his tears can't help but to fall,looking at you in this condition breaks his heart. "I'm sorry for being late...I love you.I really do." He sobs,hugging you.He's shivering as it's too cold, he hugs you tighter for thermal equilibrium. Steamscome out from his mouth everytime he breaths.

"Changmin, I heard the siren.I'l show them the way,hang in there" Jaejoong quickly runs to the road, and it turns to a complete darkness. 

Changmin keeps you closer to him,leaning his head on yours. Suddenly,he feels some movement from you. Your fingers on his chest."Darling? Can you hear me?" You slowly open your eyes to see your husband with just glimmers from the moon."Cold" He smiles in tears to hear your voice. "Let me warm you up" he holds your hands,putting it under his shirt,on his bare stomach. "Better?"

You nod,eyes fix on him."Y-You're here"

"Of course I will. I was being a fool these days.But,trust me.Never once my feelings ever change for you" his voice crack up as he's holding back his tears. "I love you _______. I'm deeply in love with you"

You smile bitterly feeling numb all over your body.Changmin looks to your legs to see blood stains on both of your legs,it shows as you're wearing white pants. The blood runs down to the end of your legs. His heart is racing, he can only prays for the best. You saw he's shaking in fear."W-What's wrong?"

He pulls your head,closer to his chest. You can't see it, at least for now. "N-Nothing"

"Changmin, I love you .So,don't ever turn away from me" you whisper to him as your strength is draining."I know, please just relax yourself.Hmm?"

"Changmin!"yells Jaejoong and the sound of the sirens gets louder.


Changmin gets the deep cut on his arm stitch, he didn't realied it until Jaejong saw blood dripping when they get in the ambulance. Both of them are waiting in front of the operating room. Soon, the guys come with your parents. Changmin's mother and father are here as well after receiving a call from Jaejoong.Yoochun has to stay home as Mason is still deep asleep.

"How is she?" asks Mrs.Choi with tears trail on her cheeks.Changmin fails to open his mouth to say anything, bursting out tears.Mrs.Shim rushes towards her son,hugging him,comforting him.

Their looks switch to Jaejoong as Changmin can't even lift his head up.Jaejoong massages his temple,sighing. "S-She lost the baby. Changmin just signed for a surgery.We can only know how she is when the surgery is over"

Sadness fills the atmosphere, everyone is at lost for words. They can just sigh or cry. The guys can only look at Changmin with pity. He's sobbing hard in his mother's embrace.It must be harder for him and you. Junsu walks out to make a phone call to Yoochun, informing him about this heartbreaking news.

After 3 hours of waiting, a middle-aged doctor comes out from the OR. He opens his mask, looking at Changmin. "Mr.Shim, she's stable but she broke her left leg.We manage to stop the bleeding from her head but she might get tipsy at times.The thing is...we hope she can control her emotions on losing her first child.Depression can get tougher at times.Be supportive"

  "Thank you" Changmin is calmer now."My baby, a boy or a girl?" The least hecan do right now is to tell you whether it's a sn or a daughter.

"A girl.You can come pick up the fetus tomorrow for the funeral"

Changmin bows to the doctor,his body is so weak that he stumbles backward,Yunho catches him in his arms. "Let's get you     home" They're forbid from visiting you until the visiting hours at 10.It's almost 5 a.m. right now. Yunho keeps holding onto Changmin,Junsu will be the one driving.   

Surprisingly,Mr.Nam walks towards Changmin grabbing his collar when they're on the way to the car. "What were you doing until my daughter gets into this misfortune!?"

Jaejoong holds Mr.Nam before he can do any harm to the subconcious Changmin."Mr.Nam, I'm sorry but,Changmin too is not in a good shape.Please be considerate" asks Yunho.

"Hon,let him be.Don't hurt him" begs Mrs.Nam, stopping his husband. Changmin can barely walk on his own or open his eyes.Yunho quickly bring him in the car.

"I know something's up wit the two of them but, I don't know it can be this worst" says Mr.Nam ruffling his grey hair.Losing Chaerin,your twin sister long ago makes him even terrified to lose another.You're the only child he has and he can't risk on losng anymore.  

"When _______ gets well. I will never let her see him anymore"


So, comments and subs,upvote if you think this ff deserves it

I'll be anticipating t read your feedback, give me vitamins for the next chappy ne?






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i can't believe it's over huhuhuhu.feel like crying


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Chapter 63: One moment I'll be in distress then next I'll be fidgety. Dang! The lead character is so strong! She endured being a hidden wife wow!
jessicabyun #2
Chapter 64: i'm done reading it good story :D
ccherylyy #3
Chapter 16: This fanfic is the best I’ve ever read so far! Thank you author-nim for creating such an awesome story! Can't stop re-reading it everytime
naname2000 #4
Chapter 64: Omg the best awesome fanfic i've ever read.
UknowTheHero #5
Chapter 64: I love this story !!! It's just amazing !! I usuallydon't like sad stories (coz I cry way too much) but this one is awesome. I somehow expected a sad end but I'm relieved that everything end up well.
Chapter 16: This story is great!! Your story inspired me to improve my languange and writing style <3
Keep up the good job!!! ^o^
2033 streak #7
Chapter 64: OMG!!! This story was so angsty... You have justified emotions and essence of the story. Nicely written and I enjoyed myself reading it. Keep up the good work author-nim :)
Chapter 63: i love happy endings <3 great job author-nim, it's really an amazing story i enjoyed readng every single chapiter
Chapter 47: Omg i'm about to start crying, this is an amazing story yet painful :'(..