Winter without warmth

Our Bittersweet Marriage

It's the day for your check up. You're eating blueberry pancake and a slice of Jaejoong's almighty blueberry cheese cake. You the spoon clean, you have been craving for it and only today Jaejoong can make it. Junsu is watching you eating with jealousy.Jaejoong won't give him another slice, thinking that you're pregnant he led it slides or he might just snatch your cake from you.

"I'm coming with you, is that fine?" asks Yunho drinking his yogurt drink. Jaejoong wipes off the sauce at the corner of his lips."Sorry I can't come with you,sudden schedule.Worst of all"

"You must cover your face well Yunho oppa.It's ok Jae oppa, just make sure you come home for dinner tonight"  you're greatful to have these guys as your brothers. They're very nice to you.

Mason is holding your cat,Christmas with him. Jiji,Jaejoong's cat is upstairs playing with her fury ball."Omma,Christmas needs a groom"

You ruffle Christmas thick white fur. "Sunday,omma will take you too" 

"I want to buy Jiji a new collar, I'll join you this Sunday.Hopefully"

Junsu plays with your hair,curling it around his fingers. He's just upset about the cake. "Jae oppa, can't you give Junsu oppa another slice?"

"No! Enough eating for you Junsu-ah" Jaejoong pushes Junsu's forehead with his index finger. "Stop playing with her hair,play with Christmas' fur if you want to"

You push his hands from you. "Junsu oppa! It's annoying and irritating" They burst out laughter and so do you. You're still smiling and living well without Changmin, so you can endure living without a husband right?


Yunho keeps watching you as you lie down to get the ultrasound, you feel a bit shy but Yunho didn't seem to bother. His eyes are fixed to the screen. You imagine Changmin being here,holding your hand as both of you look at the fetus,listening to the heartbeat. As if he knows what's going on in your mind, Yunho laces his fingers with yours.

"How wonderful God's creation is" says Yunho with his eyes wide. You smile warmly at him." You think a boy or a girl is better?"

"I prefer a girl"

You remember Changmin said that he wants a daughter before but he got distracted without explaining why. You grasp Yunho's hand, turning his attention to you.

"Why a daughter?" 

"So I can see you in her?" he chuckles. "You're cute so the baby girl can be a cuter version of you"

You pinch his arm lightly. "I don't like the word cute, I prefer pretty" You caress your tummy. " I want a guardian, a boy.I'll name him Suho"

Yunho nods awkwardly, you want a son to protect you cause the father screwed up. No explaination can answer why Changmin suddenly change in two days? You're hiding your sorrow, you must be hurting inside,alone. That's the kind of person you are,always pretend to be well and hide everything,handling everything alone. They hope one day, you'll open up and stop suffering alone.

The doctor come back holding your pink card. " You need more protein for the growth of your fetus. Eat well and try to avoid stress. Everything's well."

Yunho walks beside you, heading to his car after you finish the check up. You keep postponing the date due to your work. In another 2 weeks, you will quit quietly. Your father will have one of his person to come and handle things here for you. 

Yunho pull over by the street as you insist to. " Have a nice day, come home early,please" he brushes his thumb on your cheek. These guys never hesistate to touch you, specially Junsu.He loves to joke around kissing your cheek. You don't really care about it as you see them as your brothers. 

"I'll try" you take your Chanel handbag, walking out from the car. You wave your hand at him,smiling. It's chilly today, you turn to your right as you feel a familiar silhoutte passing by you. It's a guy,wearing black and red checkered mufflers, covering half of his face. "Changmin" you mutter.

You run towards the man, holding his arm. Yunho gets out from his car, catching after you. 

"Changmin!" you call out loud.The man turn his back to face you, you lower your head,bowing at him. "I'm sorry, my mistake" He looks at you weirdly before continuing his steps. 

"What were you thinking?!" yells Yunho,gritting his teeth. "Yunho oppa" He pulls you into his warm embrace. "That Changmin, you love him that much? Mistaking random guys for him?"

You place your palms on his chest,gently pushing him apart from you. "I-I'll get going" 

"Answer me?! You're still into him after what he did to you?" asks Yunho sounding desperate for your answer. You look at him, his eyes are fierce. Is he mad at you for still having feelings for Changmin? You can't escape as he holds on your arms tight. 

"How do you expect me to stop loving him overnight? For 3 years, I've been with him, how can I simply...." you're at the verge of crying but you get a hold of yourself.You can't be weak. 

"I don't ask for you to get rid of him.I'm just worried, what if you expect a bad guy to be him and something... might happen? I care about you, me,Jae,Junsu,Yoochun and Mason.Your parents. If he's not there,here with you,we will" 

You blink and tears fall, you quickly wipes it off with the back of your hand." Thanks oppa, I need to go now. You pat his arm,walking away.


Changmin sighs showing no emotions as Anna keeps playing with his fingers. She's happily comparing her palm with his. She has a new scar on her neck, she turned agressive on the day Changmin didn't pick up her call after the heartbreaking encounter with you. She used shattered glasses of her Soju bottle to scratched her neck, blood spilled on the floor,luckily no nerve is damaged.

Changmin has no choice but to be with her or she might harm herself again. 

"Changmin-ssi, what if we go watch late-night movie?  It will be fun! What do you think?" asks Anna with her eyes bright open.

"I'm too tired for that"

"Theme park? We can go on rides!"

He shakes his head,remain his upright position while reading the newspaper. "Too risky"

"You're boring! No fun at all!" she pouts. "You must be living in a hotel now, why don't you stay here with me?"

Changmin puts the newspaper down,standing up.He wipes his fingers with his handkerchief as if her touch leaves bacteria on him. " I have something on my schedule. Be good"

"Now? Will you come tomorrow?"

"If you're trying to attempt suicide again,I will" he answers sarcastically. He wears his trench coat,walking out from the room.Butler Oh quickly locked it before she comes out.

Changmin drives his car to a carwash, it has been awhile since he did. He picks up his wallet,taking out some money. " Vacuum clean the inside too" he heads to a nearby cafe. It's office and school hours. He has his disguise on, his checkered mufflers and shades. 

He drinks a cup of caramel macchiatto and eat a slice of cake. He had lunch with Anna before so,this is for dessert. She won't eat unless he did so it is more like shoving food in your mouth either than eating.Across him  is a pregnant woman, she's on the phone,smiling. She's quite near to him so he's able to hear her conversation.

"The doctor said I have to eat well, you know I have been busy with work.  It's lonely without you don't do it again next time,leaving me by myself.Don't you feel guilty?"

Changmin puts his spoon down,losing his appetite.

"I'm in a cafe,eating. I have a surprise when you get home." She straighten her back. "My back is aching, you will never understand unless you're pregnant. Hurry up come home tonight"

He leaves half his cake,walking as fast as he can out fom this place. He's aware that you have your check-up today. He promised to come with you and again he breaks your heart. His atmosphere feels suffocating, the air around him. 

"My car, is it done?" 

"Yes sir and I found this under the passenger's seat." He hands Changmin a diamond hair pin, in the shape of a crown. You had it on on the day both of you had dinner together.

" can keep it" he opens the door, getting in. He ruffles his hair in frustration. "Why?! Hell, why!? Did all of these happen?!"


"You're in Korea! Seriously?" You receive a call from your father saying that he's on the plane to Korea with your mother. Of course they will be staying in the mansion. Grandma is not home as usual, she's joining a book club and fly all the way to Switzerland for her adventure.

"Your mother miss you and I have to see you. About your maternal leave"

"But, why can't you infrom me earlier?"

"I am informing you right now. Enough,get to work now"

"Appa!" The worst situation you can ever imagine comes true. Your husband,their son-in-law, had just left the mansion. What can you say? He cheated on you but didn't mention for a divorce?

You have to get Changmin back in the mansion and you will have to see him again.Is this something good or bad? Yunho must have the way out from these mess. Is Changmin going to be home to please your parents and put on a play?or you will get a divorce paper and fly all the way back to the states?


I put on effort to write this chap so..comment^^

I need to starts doing m homework now, give me some energy and motivation

Comment and subs please. Silent readers..I can see more of you is commenting.Stop being silent, and make me happy.TQ 




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i can't believe it's over huhuhuhu.feel like crying


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Chapter 63: One moment I'll be in distress then next I'll be fidgety. Dang! The lead character is so strong! She endured being a hidden wife wow!
jessicabyun #2
Chapter 64: i'm done reading it good story :D
ccherylyy #3
Chapter 16: This fanfic is the best I’ve ever read so far! Thank you author-nim for creating such an awesome story! Can't stop re-reading it everytime
naname2000 #4
Chapter 64: Omg the best awesome fanfic i've ever read.
UknowTheHero #5
Chapter 64: I love this story !!! It's just amazing !! I usuallydon't like sad stories (coz I cry way too much) but this one is awesome. I somehow expected a sad end but I'm relieved that everything end up well.
Chapter 16: This story is great!! Your story inspired me to improve my languange and writing style <3
Keep up the good job!!! ^o^
2033 streak #7
Chapter 64: OMG!!! This story was so angsty... You have justified emotions and essence of the story. Nicely written and I enjoyed myself reading it. Keep up the good work author-nim :)
Chapter 63: i love happy endings <3 great job author-nim, it's really an amazing story i enjoyed readng every single chapiter
Chapter 47: Omg i'm about to start crying, this is an amazing story yet painful :'(..