Child's play

Our Bittersweet Marriage

Changmin watches as you keep putting your clothes in the luggage. He's lying down on his stomach,drumming on the bed with his palms. It's 12 in the midnight and both of you are still awake.

"You really need to go?" asks Changmin pouting. 

"Yes honey"




"Stop questioning me, you're distracting me" You throw your socks at him. "Go to sleep big baby"

He climbs down the bed, walking towards you. He hugs you from the back, cuddling you."Can't you not go? I'll be lonely"

You pinch his sharp nose."Just for 2 days" you show him the peace sign,winking at him. "My poor husband... it's my vacation off from you"

"You like that? You're cruel!" he tickles your neck, your sensitive spot. You burst out laughter rolling on the floor. "Stop it! Honey!" You push his hands away as he goes on top of you continue tickling you. "Serves you right for leaving your handsome husband alone"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry now can you stop?" you plead as a tear escape from your eye. "I'm tearing up, it feels so funny" he stops but he pinned you against the floor. He looks into your eyes, to your nose then to your lips.

"Can I get a free gift?"

"What-" he cuts your words with his lips landed on yours. You close your eyes,comforting yourself in his warmth. This husband of yours will never let you go that easy.


You sleep all the way in the plane, Secretay Lee is working on her paperworks. Not far from you, Joongki and his financial planner is on their way to Tokyo too. You didn't tell Changmin that Joongki is coming along too. You want to but, you forgot to.

As soon as you arrived in Tokyo international airport, there's a limousine waiting for you and Joongki. You're too sleepy to even greet him,Secretary Lee did it on your behalf. 

"How can she be so tired? Didn't she get enough sleep last night?"

"I don't really know that President Song"

Secretary Lee is hugging you as you lean your head on her shoulder. You're in your 4th month now and your belly is a bit showing but you have a small body,wearing thick clothes covers it well. Luckily, it's winter so trench coat is your main choice.

For dinner, the shareholder and your new partner will be there. You were told to wear a dress to fit the dinner but how can you? Secretary Lee is wearing a gray knee length dress, she's putting on make-ups while you're still in the bathroom.

"Director Nam you really have to get ready now, we can't be late"

You stare at the tight purple dress hanging behind the bathroom door.You turn your gaze down to your belly,caressing it."Baby, what should omma do? How can omma hide you?" You scratch your unitchy head trying to figure out a way.

"Director Nam, we're 5 minutes late now. I'm sorry to rush you but we really have to go"

You bite your nails,thinking. "Baby, help omma ne? How? How?"

"Is everything alright in there?"

"Argh" you softly scream. 

Secretary Lee gets panick."Director Nam,open the door"

"I think it's my gastric, I can't even move" you make your voice sounds like you're enduring the pain while you're actually sitting on the toilet bowl,wearing the shower gown. "I don't think I can make it to dinner.Argh.."

"But, but can you just please open the door and let me get you to bed? I'll talk to them"

You smile in victory."We're safe baby"

You walk as slow as you can to the door,twisting the doorknob. Secretary Lee quickly, holds you, guiding you to the bed. You hug yourself to not get your belly shown. When you're finally lying down on the bed, you pull the cover up to your chest.

"It's my fault, I sould have give you better lunch other than just noodles but, Director Nam I thought you just ate a bar of chocolate and a bottle of yogurt. How can you be-"

"I passed my usual lunch time actually" You push her arm lightly. "Go ahead, they must be waiting for us and eonni, you look beautiful tonight" You smile warmly at her, showing your straight white teeth. 

She your bangs,tugging it behind your ear. "How can you still smiling? Will you be ok if I leave you alone in here?"

"I'll be fine, I just need some sleep if I'm not ok tomorrow we'll go to the hospital. Satisfied?"

"If that's what you say, call me if you need anything. I'll come straight right up"

You close your eyes until you heard the door closes behind her. You wait for a few seconds then finally you're alone in this VIP suite. "Baby, we're in Tokyo!"

You look out the sliding door, the night view of Tokyo really is maginificient. "Wow! Poor thing your appa can't come along" You drink some milk from your tumbler and take a picture of yourself with milk moustache. "Let's post this to appa" 

You're giggling while typing on your cellphone. ' I drank my mommy milk, will be back tomorrow night. Sleep tight, me and our baby say we love you'

You're not hoping for any reply as Changmin might be out tonight, he won't come home early on weekend. You turn on the tv when someone is banging on the door. It's so loud and sounds like mad.

You tip toed to the door when it gets louder, you decide to not get any closer. It's the VIP suite and on this floor only you, Secretary Lee and Joongki stay here. 

"Secretary Lee? E-Eonni?" You stutter. 

"No" the voice is so deep and husky clearly belongs to a man. He answers in japanese, yes you're in Japan anyway.

"Who are you looking for?" you ask in american accent english.

"Nam ________"

"That is me but why?"

You jump when you heard a knife stabbing the door continously, you get panick running towards the bed, reaching for your cellphone. That person keep stabbing on the door and you start to scream out of fear. Your fingers are shaking as you try to call Secretary Lee. 

"Arghh!!" You scream when the noise get louder, it feels like he will barge in with that knife of his. "Eonni!!!! Help!!" You shout.

"What's wrong Director Nam?"

Your cellphone slips from your grasp when the doorknob is twisting violently.You close your ears hiding behind the curtain.


Joongki rushes in the suite as soon as Secretary Lee inserts her card. There are signs of a knife stabbing on the door.

"_________-ssi! You're ok?" he shakes your shoulders as you're still in a deep shock. You raise your head up looking at him. Joongki spontaneously hugs you, comforting you. "You're safe now. I'm here for you"

You sob on his chest, completely lost of track. You're still shivering and unable to talk. The police arrived soon and take a look around the hotel, checking the CCTV.  

"Better?" Joongki cups your face. "You look so pale" 

You have stop sobbing but you're still holding on his arm. " Someone was outside just now" you talk with your cracking voice. 

"The police is looking out for him, you'll be tsaying in other suite tonight.They will place some guards for you"

You nod. "I-I'm afraid he might come back"

"He won't, I'm here to protect you" he kisses your forehead, feeling the urge to. His eyes fall to your bathrobe. "Get change"

You hug yourself,hiding your belly bump. "You stay here"

"I wil"

Secretary Lee hands you your clothes.

"Can you get me my sweater? It's cold" she obeys, handing you your pink sweater from your luggage.


Joongki helps to carry your luggage and some of your stuff into the new suite.Secretary Lee and Joongki's financial planner go to meet the shareholder to explain the situation. 

"Thank you Joongki-ssi"

"Just be safe ok, can I stay till Secretary Lee gets here?"

"Please do" you sit at the edge of the bed, patting the space beside you."Here"

"Don't you want to call Changmin?"

You eagerly shake your head. "No! He can't find out or he might be worried"


"Joongki-ssi, Changmin cannot know about any of this." You sniff reaching for the tissue from the bedside lamp when your jacket slips to the right side of your arm showing your bump from the left side where Joongki is sitting and looking at you.

"________-ssi,y-you're pregnant?"


Changmin spends the whole day with Anna, taking her for her treatment and have dinner with her. She's calm as long as he didn't mention his wife.

Anna insists for Changmin to come up to her room before she goes to sleep which is rare.She might not even cloe her eyes for a second tonight. Changmin is sleepy and tired but he can't resist or she will turn agressive and do something he can't even imagine.

"Stop walking around and lie down on your bed" says Changmin leaning his back against the white sofa,yawning.

Anna opens her small fridge which is at the corner of her room. " You want beer?"

"I don't drink and I need to drive home.Hurry up Anna" he points to the bed. "Put those in the firdge back and lie down"

She pouts, mumbling to herself. " You know bipolars like me don't really sleep"

"Then you do,close your eyes"

She walks towards the sleepy Changmin, step by step. "You're sleepy?"

"Not really, I need to go home or the hyungs will worry about me" Changmin closes his eyes for awhile feeling something soft on his lips. He opens his eyes to see Anna right in front of him with her eyes close. Changmin harshly push her away from him. " W-Why dd you kiss me? Silly"

She stands up hugging Changmin tightly. "Let me have you, tonight" her hands move down to his belt.


Keep commenting if you want me to update faster as it makes me get the energy to ^^

Silent nice and comment ne? ~0~









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i can't believe it's over huhuhuhu.feel like crying


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Chapter 63: One moment I'll be in distress then next I'll be fidgety. Dang! The lead character is so strong! She endured being a hidden wife wow!
jessicabyun #2
Chapter 64: i'm done reading it good story :D
ccherylyy #3
Chapter 16: This fanfic is the best I’ve ever read so far! Thank you author-nim for creating such an awesome story! Can't stop re-reading it everytime
naname2000 #4
Chapter 64: Omg the best awesome fanfic i've ever read.
UknowTheHero #5
Chapter 64: I love this story !!! It's just amazing !! I usuallydon't like sad stories (coz I cry way too much) but this one is awesome. I somehow expected a sad end but I'm relieved that everything end up well.
Chapter 16: This story is great!! Your story inspired me to improve my languange and writing style <3
Keep up the good job!!! ^o^
2034 streak #7
Chapter 64: OMG!!! This story was so angsty... You have justified emotions and essence of the story. Nicely written and I enjoyed myself reading it. Keep up the good work author-nim :)
Chapter 63: i love happy endings <3 great job author-nim, it's really an amazing story i enjoyed readng every single chapiter
Chapter 47: Omg i'm about to start crying, this is an amazing story yet painful :'(..