
Our Bittersweet Marriage

After last night's incident, you need to get back to Seoul early than the actual schedule. You feel bad about it so you have another meeting this morning with the shareholder and your new partner. You're patiently waiting in the hotel's dining hall with Joongki by your side. You told him everything about your secret marriage and your pregnancy, after your explaination, he haven't speak a word to you. It makes you feel uncomfortable and anxious.

Your new partner is a designer name Lee Jongsuk, he has a flower boy look which is dazzling. You can't really read what kind of a person he is but he's not the easy going style. At least, Changmin will go easy on him. You sign the contract and soon you will be working with him for the next project, Joongki is here to work on the financial plan for the project as his company has some share on yours. 

You ride on the airplane with Joongki by your side as Secretary Lee and Joongki's financial planner are staying till the evening. Joongki is not really interested in music so you find it weird that he puts on his earphones,closing his eyes. 

"Joongki-ssi...." you touch his shoulder hoping for any respond.


"Can we talk?" You pull one of his earphone off, he turns his head to face you with a complete annoyed look on his cute face."What?"

"Why don't you say a word to me after what I told you last night?"

"Because I can't tell you how stupid you are in your condition last night"

You're a bit taken aback at his harsh words. "That's harsh of you"

"Look, I'm ok for you dating him but marrying him?  ______-ssi, did you even think twice before agreeing on this nonsense secret marriage? How can you hide the fact that you're pregnant by troubling yourself" He looks sharply at you looking mad.

"You're literally mad at me for this? Changmin promised to announce our marriage before I give birth and I trust him"

"We'll see how much your trust will break your heart, as if he cares" he snatches his earphone from your hand,putting it back on. You can't explain what you're feeling right now as he's not looking good and neither do you.

You got off the airplane going separate ways from Joongki, he's not talking to you but you know he's following you from behind. You keep dialling Changmin's number but he's not answering, you texted him last night to pick you up from the airport this afternoon but there's no sign of him being here.

You keep calling but the other line is still ringing,seems like the owner is not answering it. You sigh,taking off your shades,turning behind.

"He's too busy to even care, am I right?" asks Joongki with sarcasm. 

"He will, I know he will"

"Because you trust him? Your coward husband?"

"Stop all of these talking Joongki, you can just leave me alone" you pull your luggage walking further away from him but he's catching up after you. 

"I just want to see how long you will be waiting, maybe until night if you're lucky enough" he smiles, taking a seat at the silver bench. You sit next to him, still dialling your husband's number. It's 1p.m. right now, what on earth is he doing?

"Need a ride?"

"Forget it"  You stand up continuing your steps to the west exit, hoping to get a taxi but it's too crowded. Joongki taps your back. "Come with me, I'll take you home safe and sound" He wink, pulling your arm. You give up and follow him instead while wondering where's Changmin and why is he not answering his cellphone.


You open the heavy doors, taking off your sneakers, dropping your luggage at the entrance,running up to your bedroom. The guys who's at the kitchen bar , find you're mad at the sound of you slamming the door.

"What's wrong with that kid?" Yunho picks up your green luggage. Jaejoong puts down his chopsticks. "I bet Changmin didn't come to the airport,fetching her"

"Changmin is not even home last night" states Junsu taking a bite of Mason's egg roll. "Uncle Junsu!"

Changmin is drinking a glass of water when you enter the room. He raises an eyebrow at you. "You're home? I thought it's this evening"

"I texted you, I called you and not even once you bother to answer your phone? What were you doing?"

"I think I left my cellphone at my friend's, sorry darling. Don't get mad, you'll shock our baby" he helps to take off your trench coat, you look at him from head to toe. He looks miserable and untidy. " You don't look good"

"I don't think so" he shakes his head, looking behind you. "Where's your luggage?"

"Downstairs, I drop it down to the floor as I was really mad at you" You cross your arms,lying down on the bed as your back is aching."I'll go and get it" he walks out the room, his shoulders not looking confident and the tone of his voice sounds so not like him. You look at the laundry basket where only his clothes that he wore yesterday when he sent you to the airport are there. The thing about Changmin is he's very neat, he won't go to sleep unless he got changed except if he's drunk. Did he spend the night somewhere else?

Not long after that he's back in, he opens your luggage,taking out the clothes in it."I'll go and wash these, you can have some rest, I'll call you when dinner's ready"

"Why are you being extra nice today? It's...awkward" You stare at him, he's not smiling,not greeting you with a kiss or hug or nag about how bored he is being alone. He's acting not like himself. 

"I just want to do something for you,my wife, how can it be awkward?" he puts it all in the laundry basket not even looking at you. "I'll be downstairs,come down if you need me"

"I understand if you lost your cellphone is the reason why you didn't answer my calls and all so, it's ok"


You watch as he leaves the room again, you hug his pillow,smelling his fragrant. "Maybe you're just not in the mood to talk"


After dinner, you head to the laundry room where your husband is busy washing your clothes and his. You lean your back against the wall watching him putting all those dry clothes back in the basket. 

"Let's go upstairs, your back must be aching .You're weighing more now" he rullfes your hand,walking in front of you. 

"It's tougher to hide this bump now so I think I need to stop working in my 5th month as what my mom said."

"Good then"

"You must be home often too as I don't want to be alone, I hate it" you giggle,leaning your head on his back walking into your room. He turns the bedside lamp on, pointing to the bed,telling you to lie down. He goes in the walk in closet,hanging those clothes.

You sit on the huge bed,waiting for him. "Honey what are you doing? Come here,lie down next to me"


"Ignore that, come here,I want to talk to you"

"What is it?" he comes out wearing a tank top and his boxer. He sits on the bed on his side. "You want to tell me about your Tokyo trip?"

"No,not really.I just go there to work not on vacation" He starts to massage your shoulder than to your aching back, he rarely does it but when he does, it makes you happy. " Your hands are quite skillful"

"Guess so"

"Are you not well honey? Your voice,your look,unusual"

"I'm fine, you're the one more talkative as usual" he gently moves his hands on your back, trying to make you relax. " Your check up, when is it?"

"Next week Wednesday, you're coming?" You ask out of curiousity as he never come with you, it's risky. He will drop you off and wait for you in the car till you're done. To be honest, you're jealous of the other women who come with their husband but, Changmin and you is another case.

"I'll come with you"

You get excited, you turn to face him. "Really? You will aren't you? You really will?"


You hug him tightly, he chuckles, the first one so far. "Thank you honey, thank you so much" you peck his lips when he pulls back,looking surprise. "What's wrong?"

"N-Nothing, ok darling time to sleep"

You nod,lying down. You look at him as he keeps a distance from you."Honey, look here,face me" He does as what you said. You his hair, his looks is so appealing even in the dark. "Don't you want to kiss me goodnight? or hug me to sleep?"

He moves closer to you, slowly wrapping his arms around your petite body. He kisses the top of your head, you rub his back. "You're hugging and kissing me awkwardly, it's different, I can tell"

"Darling,good night" with that he closes his eyes. 


You're on a leave today so you decide to go for grocery shopping with Jaejoong.It's weekdays so, there's not much people around just some old ladies. Jaejoong is pushing the trolley while you're walking ahead deep in thoughts. Jaejoong realised that you're kind of daydreaming to make sure he stops his steps. As expected, you're still walking.

"Hey! Kiddo, you left your pretty oppa here" calls Jaejoong smiling.

"Oppa?" you turn behind to see him, tilting his head,looking at you."Why?"

"That question is to you. What are you thinking till you can't even realised that I'm here with you"

You sheepishly rub the back of your neck. "Sorry, should we go buy the veggies now?"

"Not till you tell me what is in your brain, spill it out.Your Jae oppa is listening"

You play with your fingers,hesistating whether to ask him or not. "Well...Changmin is acting a bit weird last night..he..he's awkward. He doesn't talk much and avoiding for skinship somehow.I mean..we're married couple you know" your face turn red from the confession.

"That sounds like the sign of a cheating guy but....I don't think Changmin will do that way" Jaejoong knows that Changmin has been spending his time with Anna on the weekend...weekend? Changmin didn't come home last Sunday on weekend.The time when he always be with Anna. 

"Cheating? I don't think so" you shake your head,smiling bitterly.

Jaejoong himself is nervous right now.Anna is into Changmin but Changmin? Is he the same? Jaejoong has no explaination to that to see how much Changmin cares for Anna.He steals a look at you, your look has changed. You're not smiling anymore.

"What I said just now, don't take it seriously"

You reach for your cellphone from your pocket and press the first speed dial. Your heart is beating fast as you're waiting for the person on the other line to answer it.

"Hello" your cellphone slips from your grasp to hear a woman's voice answering your husband's cellphone. Jaejoong picks it up. "You're Changmin's wife? He saved your number as 'darling' here"

"Anna?" Jaejoong looks at you as your eyes welled up. You walk as fast as you can before starting to run,Jaejoong cathes after you ignoring his the shopping cart. "Anna, I'll call you back later"


Comment down there^^ I'm updating actively as your comments keep going,cheer me on.Hwaiting!

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i can't believe it's over huhuhuhu.feel like crying


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Chapter 63: One moment I'll be in distress then next I'll be fidgety. Dang! The lead character is so strong! She endured being a hidden wife wow!
jessicabyun #2
Chapter 64: i'm done reading it good story :D
ccherylyy #3
Chapter 16: This fanfic is the best I’ve ever read so far! Thank you author-nim for creating such an awesome story! Can't stop re-reading it everytime
naname2000 #4
Chapter 64: Omg the best awesome fanfic i've ever read.
UknowTheHero #5
Chapter 64: I love this story !!! It's just amazing !! I usuallydon't like sad stories (coz I cry way too much) but this one is awesome. I somehow expected a sad end but I'm relieved that everything end up well.
Chapter 16: This story is great!! Your story inspired me to improve my languange and writing style <3
Keep up the good job!!! ^o^
2026 streak #7
Chapter 64: OMG!!! This story was so angsty... You have justified emotions and essence of the story. Nicely written and I enjoyed myself reading it. Keep up the good work author-nim :)
Chapter 63: i love happy endings <3 great job author-nim, it's really an amazing story i enjoyed readng every single chapiter
Chapter 47: Omg i'm about to start crying, this is an amazing story yet painful :'(..