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Our Bittersweet Marriage

Changmin wakes up early as he feels uncomfortable, he looks at the time and it's just 5 a.m. He stretches his arms,feeling numb all over his body. Worst of all,his eyes. It's red and puffy,he cried a lot last night. He's only wearing trench coat and boxers to cover his body. He reaches for his pants from the back seat and put it on. 

He calmly walk in the mansion to see no one's up. He sighs,washing his face at the kitchen sink,dry his face and run up the stairs to his room.Not like yesterday,the room is not a mess anymore. All of his clothes are hanging back in the walk in closet.The shattered glasses of his perfume bottle has been clean, not even a trace left about the argument they had last night.He looks on the bed and there you are,sleeping with your eyes close.You look so pure and naiive,like a fallen angel.

"How did she even manage to clean all of the mess? It must be a hardwork" he takes a seat at the edge of the bed. His gaze land upon the sleeping beauty in front of him, the love of his life. "We're going through a hard time right now,'s difficult for me and you too. But, I can't hold on you more any longer. You deserve someone better than me" he ruffles his hair,sighing.

You heard it all, his words,this real side of him. You woken up at the sound of his footsteps but your body is aching that you can't move an inch. You grasp on the cover,holding yourself not to wake up or he might just go away.

"Why did all of these happen? Why are there so many people against us? If I could turnback time, I don't want to be an idol.I want to be an ordinary person and show to the world you're mine." He rubs his eyes with his fingers when he feels a pair of slender arms around his waist.You slowly lean your head on his back.

"I know you still love me"

"Let go" he coldly said to you,not even moving.

"Why? What's disturbing you that you want to avoid me?"

"I said let go of me"

"If I say I can still accept you and forgive you after what you did,will you come back to me?" your mellow voice is deep in sorrow .It sound more like whispering.

"I'm taking back my words, I was not thinking straight." He stands on his feet, walking in the bathroom.

"I will never give up on you!" you shout enough for him to hear.


Jaejoong is flipping his crepe while Yunho keeps watching him,smiling like a proud father.Mason is eating his cereals,watching his father fixing his tie.

"Let me do it for you" you reach for Yoochun's tie,doing it for him. "Thank you, you look pale"

"Just optical illusion" you wink at him,taking a seat across Mason. Changmin comes down the stairs wearing navy blue shirt,he pulls his sleeves up to his elbow and calmly sits beside you. "Good morning, ah buh nim,ah muh nim"

"Put your shades down, I can't see your charming eyes" 

"I'm sorry ah muh nim, I got conjuctivities when I woke up this morning.I can't spread it to everyone"

You pour a glass of water for him, he drinks it awkwardly. Your eyes are fine as you know how to do the trick, your face is bloated but your turtlr neck shirt helps to form your jaw line.

"______ today will be your farewell to the employees."

"Appa, isn't next week?"

Your father shakes his head eagerly. "Look at you, your face looks pale. Your clothes are so thick,covering your small frame. You think I will let you torture my grandson?"


"Just agree with it. I don't want to put our child on any risk" says Changmin without even looking at you.His eyes are fix on the meal in front of him.What? He still care about his child? You thought he forgot about it.

"No, I have to discuss the designs with my new partner,Jongsuk. I can't let him do it alone" you protest. "Appa, just one more week"

"Can't you listen to ah buh nim?" asks Changmin coldly. You put your chopsticks down. "I lose my appetite" You walk out from the dining,heading out.

Changmin is a bit taken aback at your action, it looks like you putting on a war between you and him. You're never this rude before,leaving the table when your parents are still having their breakfast.

"Honey, can't you just let her do it her way? Just this once, she's pregnant,she's being sensitive right now.Changmin, you should support your wife,not going against her" says Mrs.Nam,not liking the way Changmin talks to you. "Can't you talk to her a little softer. It sounds like you're mad at her"

"My mistake, I'm sorry ah muh nim" apologised Changmin,lowering his head.

Your father can see there's something going on between the two of you.The way Changmin awkwardly receive the glass you offer him, the way he talks to you and how you're not paying attention to him.

"Changmin, this weekend,I want you to come with me"

"Where to ah buh nim?"

"Just you and me. Yoochun-ah, can you pass that side dish to me"

Changmin swallows his saliva hard,did his father-in-law realised about the changes in their relationship? and weekend? He has to meet Anna or else.


Joongki is dozing off during the meeting, you pinch his arm as he's sitting beside you. "Sit upright" you whisper to him.He nods, opening his eyes wide. Jongsuk smirks, he can see that you and Joongki are really close.

"Why should we have meetings? It's boring" Joongki yawns,walking in your office,lying down on the sofa.

"Why are you so sleepy?"

"Busy thinking of the way to escape" he closes his eyes, you ask Secretary Lee  to make a cup of coffee for him. You open the bottom drawer taking out a knitted blanket. You walk over to him,placing it on his body.He smile brightly. "Thank you my princess"

"Shut up and go to sleep"

"Did I disturb anything?" Jongsuk is taller than Joongki, him smiling like this can make women fall for him. 

"Joongki is just taking a nap,hey wake up,someone's here" you shake his body,he groans. "Let me sleep"

"Sorry Jongsuk-ssi,can we talk outside?"

"No, here will be fine. That sleepyhead is just too tired to even interrupt us,am I right?"

Joongki whines."Do whatever you want and don't talk to me.I'm sleeping"

You usher him to your desk,asking him to take a seat across you. "May I know what brings you here?"

"Just want to see my partner.You and him, in a relationship?"

You shake your head,smiling. "A friend,a nice friend"

This Jongsuk, you don't really know him but you're just hoping he's as flirty as Joongki. His eyes roams on the shelf on your right side where pictures of you and your family are displaying.

"You're twins? Amazing~ Where is this twin sister of yours? So identical"

You pick up the picture frame where you and Chaerin are smiling in the amusement park. It was taken in Korea about 3 months before she passed away.

"Chaerin?" you caress her face,she's looking well and not as pale as always.It's her best picture."She passed away about 2 years ago"

"Is she sick?"

"Yes, almost all of her live but, she's happy on the day she leaves us."

"Tragic but, well, you look fine with it.I heard President Nam is here"

"Yes, he's probably in this building right now" 


Changmin plays the piano with Anna sitting beside him. She keeps on taking pictures of him with her polaroid cam. She looks fine today and no harm which is safe.

"Can't you sing a song for me?"

"In this world, I only sing a song personally for two woman.My mom and my wife"

She drops her mug on the floor, the maids rush over to clean the pieces. Changmin is reacting as if he didn't saw it and continue playing.

"Why can't you stop mentioning your wife? She still loves you after you slept with me?'

He stops, taking a sip of his hot chocolate. "You know the answer,because she's my wife I keep mentioning her and I too don't understand how can she still loves me after what I did"

"She's just toying with you then she'll dump you,hummiliate you Changmin-ssi.There's no kind person in this world"

Changmin shakes his head,smiling at the corner of his moth. "You're wrong and I'm wrong.My wife is the kind person in this world"

"What do you see in her?! She's not that pretty, her body is not like mine.She might be rich but it's all from her father,she's just a heiress"

Changmin's face turns red, he holds Anna's shoulders. "Her heart,her heart is more beautiful than yours" He releases his grasp making her fall down on the floor. "I'm going home, kill yourself if you want to cause I'm not stepping in this house anymore.I have a family to take care of" 

With a raging heart,he makes his way out from this house, the place that started all of these bad luck for him. He feels stupid,why is it now he only realised the decision he should make? He has a wife and a child now and he needs to be responsible for it.


"Han Hotel? Why should I stay there?"

"An important meeting comes up, President Nam will be there too.It's an emergency" Secretary Lee feels bad to inform you for another emergency meeting and it takes 2 days so you need to sleep over. "I'm deeply sorry but it's just so sudden as the President of TK Holdings, one of our biggest shareholder passed away yesterday"

"I'll need to go home and pack my stuff"

"But we have to move now"

You look over at the still sleeping Joongki. "He's not coming?" you point to him. "Wake him up" You pick up your handbag and your car key. "Let's go,Joongki,hurry up"

He's still in daze when you pull him with you. "Why? Why are we running?"

"Emergency meeting at Han Hotel" you help him to straighten up while waiting for the elevator.He leans his head on your shoulder. "Where on earth?"


"What?!" now he's back to his sense,guess money means so much to him. "So we're staying overnight?'

"You want to drive home at 1 a.m?" You're calling for your father,waiting him to answer.

"Hell no" he's calling for someone too. "Secretary Lim, bring my briefcase,we're going to Busan"



So,what will happen next? Take a guess everyone

Subs and comments please^^

Silent readers are decreasing, thank you,better don't be it again,appreciate my hardwork












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i can't believe it's over huhuhuhu.feel like crying


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Chapter 63: One moment I'll be in distress then next I'll be fidgety. Dang! The lead character is so strong! She endured being a hidden wife wow!
jessicabyun #2
Chapter 64: i'm done reading it good story :D
ccherylyy #3
Chapter 16: This fanfic is the best I’ve ever read so far! Thank you author-nim for creating such an awesome story! Can't stop re-reading it everytime
naname2000 #4
Chapter 64: Omg the best awesome fanfic i've ever read.
UknowTheHero #5
Chapter 64: I love this story !!! It's just amazing !! I usuallydon't like sad stories (coz I cry way too much) but this one is awesome. I somehow expected a sad end but I'm relieved that everything end up well.
Chapter 16: This story is great!! Your story inspired me to improve my languange and writing style <3
Keep up the good job!!! ^o^
2026 streak #7
Chapter 64: OMG!!! This story was so angsty... You have justified emotions and essence of the story. Nicely written and I enjoyed myself reading it. Keep up the good work author-nim :)
Chapter 63: i love happy endings <3 great job author-nim, it's really an amazing story i enjoyed readng every single chapiter
Chapter 47: Omg i'm about to start crying, this is an amazing story yet painful :'(..