Walking on thin ice

Our Bittersweet Marriage

Changmin wakes up when the sun beams hits his eyes,he turns to his left side to see it's empty. He peeks in the walk in closet , no one is there. He looks at the time,it's 9a.m Saturday, is she gone to work? He runs to the balcony, her car is not by the fountain anymore. 

Rolling his eyes,totally annoyed, he reaches for his cellphone. Not long after his call,the other line answer it.

"Where are you right now? I thought we need to talk" asks Changmin,mad at you.

"In my office, it's my farewell day. I'll be home late, we're going to some places too"

He grasp the bed sheet holdinh himself not to yell at you. "Yesterday, you said you're going to talk to me today and that you're tired and now? You want me to wait for you?"

"Changmin, I'm really sorry. Appa told me to come to work and so I do."

He ruffles his hair in frustration. "Listen, you know how our relationship is at risk and we, us,really need to clear things out and yet you put your work before us? Don't you even care about us? Our marriage? At leats you should have woken me up!"

You move further away from the crowd of people,excusing yourself. Joongki quietly follow you from behind. 

"How can I? You were deep asleep.I don't want to get yell at, like now" You lean your back against the wall of the meeting room.Everyone is having their meal for your farewell party outside. 

"I didn't mean it, I was just mad"

"Just wait for me in the room,I'll be home before midnight.I'll try my best to" 

"Better be.I'm tired of waiting"

You smirk, clenching your fist.Him? Tired of waiting? What about you? You have been waiting thousands of time for him before and he's always busy,occupied with his schedule yet you never complain.

"Changmin....what do you want to say to me when we meet each other later?" You swallow your saliva hard,waiting for his answer.Few seconds pass and he's not saying a word."Changmin....do you still love me?"

His body freeze, his mouth goes numb. His heart is shouting that he loves her but his mind,his ego is holding him back.He can't explain why he's being this way,why can't he confess his love for you like he used to before. He's doubting, is his love for you still stronger like before?

Your eyes well up,your vision is distorted by the forming tears. You calm yourself,taking a deep breath. "Meet me under the bridge by 12. If you come by then, I'll assume that you still love me but,if you don't. I'll forget you and try my best to stop loving you like you told me to.I'll take that as your rejection"

Changmin listens well to your voice but still he can't say a word to you."Fine,let's do that"

"Changmin...I'll be waiting" You cup your mouth,sliding down against the wall. You hug your knees, containing yourself from crying. You hear footsteps approaching you.

"Can Princess let me see her tears?" asks Joongki,patting your head.You shake your head. "Princess is not crying"

"Really? Can she lift her head up as a proof?"

You do as he says, forcing a smile on your face. "What are you doing here? Stop following me around"

"I will stop following you.I'm, running away today,to somewhere far from here"

"Where to?'

"I can't tell you or it might not be an escape plan anymore.The thing is...I want you to come with me"

"Joongki" you lean your head on his shoulder as he's kneeling in front of you."Can't you just stay here and tell your father you don't want to get married?"

"I can't" he your hair."You know how my father is the dictator"

You chuckle softly. "I'm going to miss you"

"Me too"

You pull him into a hug,you keep patting his back. "You're not lying to me aren't you?"

"Hey..I'm pretty honest you know" he jokes,comforting himself.

"Will you come back?"

"I have a company to take care of,yes I will.But,I'm not sure when" he's feeling sad to leave you as he still has feelings for you. "Cut it off or I'm going to cry like you"

You stick your tongue out at him,he pinches your cheeks. 'Will you be ok when I'm gone?' he thought to himself,worried about you.


Jaejoong barges in without even knocking, Changmin is writing lyrics on his music book,looking at his panting hyung.

"Changmin, Anna,Anna"

"What more about her hyung?" asks Changmin not interested. 

"She's missing!" shouts Jaejoong.

"What?!" Changmin grabs his trench coat following Jaejoong. 

Mrs.Choi called Jaejoong asking him if Anna's there and told him that she has been missing since dawn.In her condition, she might kill herself or even worst get kidnap, by strangers. It's winter,she must be freezing cold if she left wearing her nightie.

Both of them are in panick,they have to find her and get her back home.This time, she need her real treatement.She's going in the mental hospital as she has been getting illusions worst than before. For sure,front page of  newspapers will have her face.

Driving to her parents' house takes two hours.They will get there by late in the evening. Jaejoong is driving like mad. They can't think of a place Anna can be wandering right now. In any condition,they need to find her. No matter what and how long it takes.


You park your car at the dark parking lot.The street lamps are off, it's quite terrifying but you need to meet up with Changmin as you said. Shockingly,it's just you here.It's dark and cold win is brushing your skin. You shiver,hugging yourself.

"You will be here,don't you?" you mutter to yourself. You can't even predict the chances of him to come and admit his love for you. You turn on your cellphone looking at the time,still early,it's 9 p.m. Changmin must still at home, having his dinner or something. You try to stay postive.

"He will come,yes he will" you grasp your hands together,closing your eyes. "Those few days are just misunderstanding.He still loves me" You keep on praying through the dark.They're lights on the bridge,so you can still look around. 

You keep your cellphone on, staring blankly at the screen. Changmin is there,smiling. You're hoping that he will walk towards you with this bright smile on his face.


They have been driving all around,searching for Anna. They can only call the police after 24 hour. She's a bipolar,she can't think straight. Her life is at risk everytime she's alone. She can hurt herself.

"Hyung, it's getting late,where can she be?" 

Jaejoong is getting frustrated too. " I don't know,where are you Anna?"

Changmin totally forgot about his conversation with you this morning. His mind is full of thoughts on Anna,where is she? Is she's fine? Did she got hurt? Jaejoong on the other side is losing his mind,worrying about the fragile girl. She used to be his lover and now,he's confused.Why is he panicking over her? Is it because of his past? his guilt?

Just then, they see lots of people looking up a high rise building.Jaejoong and Changmin look at each other before getting the idea of what they're expecting so see up there.Jaejoong stops his car,running with Changmin to the scene.They look up almost at the same time.


Both of them climb up the stairs of the abandon building. There's no electric supply for the elevators. Police are on their way,Jaejoong makes a call to Anna's parents.

"She's at the roof top of an abandon building, about 4 km from the house"

Changmin is further in front of Jaejoong.Beads of sweats form on their foreheads as they continue climbing up the stairs.Wires are hanging above them,there's no light.It's really dark.They hold on the iron rail to guide their way.


Beware! Next chap

Thanks for opening up silent readers,I really,sincerely appreciate it

Comments please to keep motivating me

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i can't believe it's over huhuhuhu.feel like crying


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Chapter 63: One moment I'll be in distress then next I'll be fidgety. Dang! The lead character is so strong! She endured being a hidden wife wow!
jessicabyun #2
Chapter 64: i'm done reading it good story :D
ccherylyy #3
Chapter 16: This fanfic is the best I’ve ever read so far! Thank you author-nim for creating such an awesome story! Can't stop re-reading it everytime
naname2000 #4
Chapter 64: Omg the best awesome fanfic i've ever read.
UknowTheHero #5
Chapter 64: I love this story !!! It's just amazing !! I usuallydon't like sad stories (coz I cry way too much) but this one is awesome. I somehow expected a sad end but I'm relieved that everything end up well.
Chapter 16: This story is great!! Your story inspired me to improve my languange and writing style <3
Keep up the good job!!! ^o^
2033 streak #7
Chapter 64: OMG!!! This story was so angsty... You have justified emotions and essence of the story. Nicely written and I enjoyed myself reading it. Keep up the good work author-nim :)
Chapter 63: i love happy endings <3 great job author-nim, it's really an amazing story i enjoyed readng every single chapiter
Chapter 47: Omg i'm about to start crying, this is an amazing story yet painful :'(..