
Our Bittersweet Marriage

Changmin stops by the florist buying you a bouquet of roses with baby's breath that brings the meaning of love till death. He's smiling tidying his hair looking in the mirror. "Forgive me, I love you"

He keeps checking himself, is he looking good? His hair, his clothes.He's going to fetch you from work at 6p.m. Then he will take you for dinner and go to the place where he proposed you. He wants to start it over with you. After buying new suit and takes a lastlook at his appearence, he moves to a jewelry store.

"May I help you sir?"

"Yes please.I need a diamond ring, a one of a kind"

He has made up his mind, he's going to slip this ring for you and confess to the press conference tomorrow about his wife and his child,she's having. Now, the first thing is you,not his work,his life but yours.The woman he loves dearly.


You take a ride in Joongki's Porsche while Secretary Lee is with Secretary Lim. Joongki looks different when he's driving,so serious and charming at the same time. It's going to be quite a long drive, you feel comfortable around him and takes off your thick trench coat. He knows about the baby so you don't have to hide it.

"Your baby, a handsome or a beauty?"

"I don't want to check on the gender.Let it be a surprise"

"When the baby's born what should the baby call me?" he grins. "Gorgeous Joongki hyung? or flower boy Joongki hyung?"

"Hyung?" you giggle. "It's going to be Uncle Joongki. You're not that young anymore"

He pinches your cheek, you groan in pain. "What are you doing? It hurts" 

"Aigoo~ Don't smile like that or I'll fall for you again"

You pout. "Then like this?"

"Ugly, I don't give a ride to ugly lady so get out now"

You laugh at his joke,he's just smiling showing the wrinkles at the side of his eyes. Both of you know that Secretary Lim is interested in Secretary Lee so you're going to give them some privacy. You stretch your arms.

"Uncomfortable? Adjust the seat,lean it backwards and close your eyes pregnant lady"

You nod doing just as he told you to. He grabs for his trench coat and put it on your body, with one of his hand controlling the steering wheel.

"Thank you" you murmur. He pats your shoulder. "Night night beautiful lady"


Changmin dials your phone number but you're not picking up. He patiently wait for you outside the building. As long as he knows, you will always stop by the cafe near this headquarter before going home to buy some cookies for Mason. It's getting dark but not even your silhoutte is at his sight.

"Are you home?" he mumbles to himself, blowing air to his bangs that almost covers his eyes.

The time is passing by quickly,he's looking around for the woman he can't even sleep without thinking about her first. After a long wait, he calls home.

"Hello, Nam's family mansion" answers a cute voice.

"Mason-ah,is your omma home yet?"

"Uncle Changmin? Omma will be home tomorrow with harabuhji,appa said so"

Changmin hangs up, getting in his car. It must be another bussiness trip, where is it this time? France? Germany ? or Italy? He understands your work as a director in Korea's leading company but, in your condition like that, he can't help but to worry.Maybe you don't want to inform him as he's being cold to you these days.

He arrives home holding flowers, your mother open the door and receives those flowers before it ends up in the rubbish bin.The guys won't talk to him so he's not trying to open any conversation with them and go straight up to his room.Yunho passes by him without even looking at him.Yes, he deserves all of these unwelcoming atmosphere.

The lights are on,someone must be here. He runs towards the bed to see a little boy,sitting on it,swinging his legs back and forth. He's looking sad,holding 'The Three Bears' hardcover story book. "Uncle Changmin" he calls, not smiling as always.

"What are you doing? Where's your appa?"

"CF shoot, he will be back in the middle of the night"

Changmin takes a seat beside him, his dark hair. Mason has this western look as his biological father is a foreigner."You want Uncle Changmin to read you this book?"

"No, Mason hates Uncle Changmin" he crosses his arms,hugging the book. "Mason is waiting for omma"

"Omma will be home tomorrow, if you hate me, you better go sleep in your room" he's exhausted  and this boy is not making him feeling good at all. He takes off his tie and coat,pulling his sleeves up to his elbow,lying down on the bed. Mason looks at his uncle who's closing his eyes now. 

"Uncle Changmin" he pats Changmin's shoulder softly."Hmm" Changmin groans huskily.

"Why Uncle Changmin makes omma cries? Appa said only bad guys make people cry or ghost on tv or a monster.Which one is you Uncle Changmin?" asks Mason with a low voice,afraid of his cold uncle.

Changmin opens his eyes, focusing on the boy in front of him. "Which one do you think I am? A monster?"

"No... These days,omma cries after I close my eyes to sleep.Her eyes well up when I sing the song Uncle Changmin always sings in the music room.On Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday.Hah!Thursday, she didn't come to put me in bed.Uncle Changmin, better don't make omma cry again" he moves his index finger left to right with a serious expression on his face.

Changmin smiles warmly,hugging this brave little hero. "She,she cried that much? Fool."

"Uncle Changmin,can you promise not to make omma cry again?"

"I hope so, I'll try my best.I promise"

Mason is smiling now,handing Changmin his story book. "So, can Uncle Changmin read this for me?"

"Only if you can lie down and promise to be by omma's side forever"

He tangles his pinky with Changmin's. "Promise"


The tiring meeting is finally over after hours of talking and listening and waking up the dozing off man beside you. Joongki walks beside you, arm in arm. Your father is still in the meeting room with some of his friends. 

"I'll die if we didn't eat dinner earlier" he complains. "Should we go for a late night snack?"

You shake your head. " Don't you think we need to sleep?"

He makes his puppy eyes, rubbing his palms together. "But I'm hungry~ Pretty please~"

"Fine,let's go" 

The other shareholders think its great for you and Joongki to be together as it can bring their stocks price high. Two biggest fashion label in Korea to be one is like a dream come true. Your father will be unhappy if he sees you and Joongki this close. To you,he's just a friend no special feelings for him.

He holds your hand putting it in his pocket. "I see they do this  a lot in dramas. What do you think, romantic?"

You playfully hit his chest. "Shut up" he stops by a street food cart. 

"You eat fish cakes? You need to keep standing up,will that be ok?" asks Joongki.

"It's still food,who cares?"

"Wow! Our Director Nam eat street food"

"Wow! Our President Song eat fish cakes standing up"

Both of you laugh together, people are eyeing on the couple beside them.All dress up, expensive looking clothes, complete visual. Must be rich kids wandering around.

You take a bite,sipping the hot soup. "Delicious"

"Look at you eating like a glutton"

Changmin...he said that to you too,the other day. You smile awkwardly. "Someone said the same thing before..you mean it?"

"Ahjumma, don't you think she's a glutton?" asks Joongki to the lady. You pull his sleeve,slapping his arm.

"Young man,be kind to your girlfriend"

He chuckles almost choking on his food. "Girlfriend? No,no,no she's too cute for me. I don't mean it but...it's the truth"

"Song Joongki!" you grit your teeth, mad at him. "I'm sorry,ne?" he peck your cheek. 

"I'll kill you if you do that again" you warn him. You reach in your pocket to see your phone is ringing. It's a call..from Changmin. You're doubting whether to answer it or not.You don't want to hear him yell at you or even worst...ask for a divorce.

"Answer your phone, it's noisy" says Joongki with his mouth full.

You push the green button with shaking finger. "H-Hello"

"Where are you right now?" his voice sounds emotionless,no soul in it. You start to regret on answering it.

"________-ah, you still ant your fish cake or should I eat them all?"

Changmin is a bit taken a bit to listen to that man's voice. Joongki, he doesn't like that guy. "You're with Joongki?"

"Y-Yes, why? Do you need anything?"

"My cheeks feel cold,can you stop talking on the phone and give me a kiss?" Joongki jokes around but, it doesn't sounds so to Changmin.


The line got cut, your phon is out fo battery. You sigh.

"Who is it?"

"Changmin..." you pause,getting rid of his voice from your mind. "Where,where cold? I'll pour the hot soup on you" You threaten him. He makes his so called afraid face. "Omo! So scary~"


Changmin looks out the window in the dim lights,drinking his wine.He's in the kitchen,Mason is on his bed,sleeping. He can't sleep so he's trying to get himself drunk. Maybe he can forget about his phone call with you that has been interrupted by Joongki. 


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Sorry I updated a bit late as I'm working on my homework which has no end to it *sighs

So, leave your precious comment and sieltn readers,show some respect ne?

xoxoxo me^^

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i can't believe it's over huhuhuhu.feel like crying


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Chapter 63: One moment I'll be in distress then next I'll be fidgety. Dang! The lead character is so strong! She endured being a hidden wife wow!
jessicabyun #2
Chapter 64: i'm done reading it good story :D
ccherylyy #3
Chapter 16: This fanfic is the best I’ve ever read so far! Thank you author-nim for creating such an awesome story! Can't stop re-reading it everytime
naname2000 #4
Chapter 64: Omg the best awesome fanfic i've ever read.
UknowTheHero #5
Chapter 64: I love this story !!! It's just amazing !! I usuallydon't like sad stories (coz I cry way too much) but this one is awesome. I somehow expected a sad end but I'm relieved that everything end up well.
Chapter 16: This story is great!! Your story inspired me to improve my languange and writing style <3
Keep up the good job!!! ^o^
2033 streak #7
Chapter 64: OMG!!! This story was so angsty... You have justified emotions and essence of the story. Nicely written and I enjoyed myself reading it. Keep up the good work author-nim :)
Chapter 63: i love happy endings <3 great job author-nim, it's really an amazing story i enjoyed readng every single chapiter
Chapter 47: Omg i'm about to start crying, this is an amazing story yet painful :'(..