Not only you anymore

Our Bittersweet Marriage

The sunlight shines through the blinds,hitting on Joongki's eyes.He twist and turn to feel someone breathing on his neck,his eyes flutter open to see a pale looking girl sleeping by his side. "Byul-ssi,Byul-ssi" he calls you by the nickname he gives you.He feels like there are eyes looking his way."Get to work,why waste time?"

The employees get back to their position panicking.Their Director's boyfriend might hate them for peeking in the dressing room where both of you fall asleep together.Joongki wipes his face with his sleeve turning back to the sleeping beauty.He shakes your shoulder gently."It's getting late,wake up"

You open your eyes,spreading your arms wide,sniffing."What time is it?" You boldly ask not knowing you spend the whole night leaning your head on his chest.

"10 a.m. Go clean yourself and eat.Your face look pale"

You curl your body,lying back down on the floor." I'm still sleepy... 10 more minutes please,I did everything last night.I just need some rest till the show" 

"At least, put on something thick on your body before anyone else" Joongki takes the coat you put on him last night to your petite body."Can't you put yourself first? Weirdo"


Anna is again making a fuss, she's not on the set and nowhere to be found.She's not answering her phone and even her own manager lost track of her. The director and the rest of the crew are getting mad at her attitude.The drama is approaching it's final episode and here she is,gone.They should have killed her character if she's not the main.

"How long has you lost track of her?" asks Changmin,sending a text to you while talking to Anna's manager who's 2 years younger than him.

"About 2 days ago, she was crying when I come to her house the last time I saw her. Then,the next morning,she's gone.Why? Do you have any idea where she has been to?"

Changmin shakes his head,thinking of all the possibilities of where on earth that lady might be."Club?'

"I have search all her regulars,they said she's not there"

"Try search again? She won't go any far"

Changmin's manager come to get him to the van, it's time to go home as Anna is not here to finish the whole filming. Changmin knows that something is wrong with Anna,is it because of his harsh words towards her? Why would she be hurt by that? She's not into him,as long as he knows.

Changmin stares blankly out the window along the ride to the SM building for his practice. After that, he will be attending your fashion show with his hyungs."Hyung, stop by 'Fashionable Style'.I need to pick up my suit.She will kill me if I don't wear what she picks"

"She nags a lot?" 

"Sorta and, after practice I will go to the show by myself.Hyung can go on a date or club. I won't bother you"

In his mind,Changmin keeps thinking about Anna without him even realising that you have replied his text. Anna, why does he means so much to him? Is it pit or guilty? He can't even explain what it is.

Changmin smiles to see his black suit with excellent details of sticthing.The branch manager said that it is handmade by you,yourself. They just think that you might favours DBSK so much that their suits are being prepared by your hands,all five of them.All different styles.

When Changmin got to the practice room, his hyungs are already there drenched in sweat. Yunho laids out the plan for this evening.They will have their hair and make up done at a salon near the bulding at 6p.m. Then, they will go for a dinner at 7p.m. and will nicely arrived on time for the show on 8 p.m. Changmi has other plans so he's not joining them. He gives an excuse about meeting a childhood friend and they take it in.

Jaejoong is reading his text when Changmin's phone rings.It's a call from you."Changmin-ah, ________ is calling" Changmin immediately run towards Jaejoong taking his phone from him."Darling"

"Sorry for not answering your calls, I texted you.No reply? Are you making me worried?" you nag, holding on the iron bars at te balcony.

Changmin smiles happily to hear your voice."No, I was on the set just now. You're not busy?"

"No" You clear your throat. "Report sir, I had my meal, 4 pieces of sanwiches with salad,tomato,tuna and more mayonaise,no mustard. I drank freshly made orange juice and some walnuts for snack.End of report sir"

He laughs clenching his stomach listening to your fake male voice."You're cute.What's all these report stuff?"

"You're the one attacking me with calls and text messages.I don't leave any details,I guess. What more do you want to know.I sleep 5 hours this early morning and I'm wearing a long slick pastel colour dress tonight.The front part shows some skin,right on top of my cleavage"

"Ssshhh... some ert guys might heard you. Send me the picture of that dress, I will approve it if I want to or I have to head to  the boutique and bring you other dress to wear, you hate wearing other label's dress aren't you?" Changmin remember you having no other dresses except for 'Fashionable Style' and 'BeLLe' fashion label. "How's our baby? Do you keep him warm in your arms last night?"

"Honey, it's still too early but I'm being more careful now.Don't worry, go back to your practice.I'll be waiting for you tonight." 

"Send me the picture"

"I will, bye bye see you" You are very excited, you're going to be sitting beside your father and Joongki on your right side. Changmin will be next to Joongki.You can just hope that both of them will get along well.


While the hyungs are having dinner,Changmin is infront of Anna's house banging on her door."Open up Choi Anna.It's me Changmin.Open up" his voice is loud but still calm."I know you're in there"

Changmin dials her phone number  to hear her ringtone from inside.He looks under her flower pots to find one with a key stuck under it."Choi Anna! Come out now, I'm in here" He saw the cellphone on the floor near the front door. "Choi Anna! We need to talk!' She's not answering, the kitchen is a mess with food packets and dirty dishes.Changmin run upstairs  as he make sure the first floor is clear.He goes to the first room,walking inside."Yay! Come out now.Let's not play hide and seek." He hears water flowing out from the toilet,he twists the doorknob to see Anna by the side of the bath tub.A There's an empty bottle of aspirin on the floor.He cups Anna's face to see white thick bubbles coming out of .Changmin turns off the water heater,carrying Anna in his arms."Choi Anna, you're stupid!"

He drives her to the ER, not even a second his heart didn't pounds, worrying sick about this loner beside him. How can she did something like that to herself,has she gives up living? He's not sure.


You wait for the guys at your seat, the show will start in 10 more minutes. Your face turns brighter to see the people you have been waiting is finally here.Each of them gives you a slight hug except for Junsu till Changmin pulls his arms from you.They really love the suit.You keep checking behind them if there's someone is there but,he's not here.

"Changmin's off to see his childhood friend.It might took awhile,be patient.He won't drink,don't worry" says Yunho ushering you back to your seat.You nod,smiling bitterly.Joongki steals a look at you.You're looking more beautiful dressing up.No one can deny that.Joongki's parents arrive the same time as yours.Even if Changmin is not here, the show must starts.Your hands are sweating as you're anxious.This is something big for you and he knows that,still...why is he not here?

Joongki can't help but to keep stealing looks at you.Your eyes are getting teary,he can see that as he's so close to you.The colour lights,glimmers on the pearls falling down your cheeks.You keep sitting upright,gently wiping the tears off with your handkerchief,when your father turns,you said that you're sleepy and having a cold.Pity you.

Yunho and Jaejoong both saw it,they lookat each other for a second and focus back to the show. Yoochun is being all polite,trying to enjoy the show while he's not interested in woman's wear.Grandma is home making sure Mason drinks his warm milk before going to sleep.Junsu quietly,playing tap games on his new Iphone.

"Why am I being sensitive? Changmin should have his space and do what he wants to.He's a grown up man anyway" you whisper to yourself.Joongki slips his fingers between the spaces between your long slender fingers.You turn to look at him."Why is there something wrong?"

"Nope,stop crying.Take care of your mascara.You don't want black tears appearing on the papers don't you?" he sounds so sarcastic,looking forward."Enjoy the show,Director Nam since this is our last project together"


The doctors takes 4 hours to pump out all of the excessive pills she took.Anna is currently placed in an elite ward.She's fine now but the doctor calls Changmin to his room.Studying the doctor's face, something must have gone wrong.Anna's parents are too busy to even come to see her,Changmin didn't mention of her attempting suicide so they thought she went to the ER because of high fever and they will visit tomorrow afternoon.

"What is your relationship with the patient?" asks the gray haired doctor, going through his papers.


"Your friend seems to have a hypertension.Her BP is high and she has bipolar don't you know? Has she taken drugs before?She's not in a good shape right now,physically and mentally"

"She slits her wrist before...I don't know if she did drugs, we just knew each other.How can she get well and appreciater herself more?"

"Love her,care for her.Patients like these need more attention.They have no idea that people loves them,they are giving themselves million of excuses to take their own life.My advise is, keep her company until she's afraid to kill herself"The doctor prints out some papers for Changmin to read.Anna is diagnosed with mental disorder. She's suffering from excess obssesion and social problems.That's why she can't communicate well with people she just knew or being in the crowd.She feels small in front of the public.

"Choi Anna, is this what you got for what you did in the past? I hope God and people will show you some mercy"










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i can't believe it's over huhuhuhu.feel like crying


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Chapter 63: One moment I'll be in distress then next I'll be fidgety. Dang! The lead character is so strong! She endured being a hidden wife wow!
jessicabyun #2
Chapter 64: i'm done reading it good story :D
ccherylyy #3
Chapter 16: This fanfic is the best I’ve ever read so far! Thank you author-nim for creating such an awesome story! Can't stop re-reading it everytime
naname2000 #4
Chapter 64: Omg the best awesome fanfic i've ever read.
UknowTheHero #5
Chapter 64: I love this story !!! It's just amazing !! I usuallydon't like sad stories (coz I cry way too much) but this one is awesome. I somehow expected a sad end but I'm relieved that everything end up well.
Chapter 16: This story is great!! Your story inspired me to improve my languange and writing style <3
Keep up the good job!!! ^o^
2033 streak #7
Chapter 64: OMG!!! This story was so angsty... You have justified emotions and essence of the story. Nicely written and I enjoyed myself reading it. Keep up the good work author-nim :)
Chapter 63: i love happy endings <3 great job author-nim, it's really an amazing story i enjoyed readng every single chapiter
Chapter 47: Omg i'm about to start crying, this is an amazing story yet painful :'(..