
Our Bittersweet Marriage

You're in your room at the mansion, sitting on the bed. You check your e-mail and there's one from Joongki. You wonder what is it about.

From:Song Joongki   

Meet me at 9 tomorrow, it's the camp remember?

 You come to your sense, it's tomorrow not next week? Changmin will be mad if he knows you forget stuff. You dial Joongki's  number waiting for him to answer.


"Is it really tomorrow?" You hesistantly ask.

He laughs. "Don't tell me you forgot"

"I mean it's not next week? I thought it is" you bite your lip, thinking. 

"It's tomorrow and you shouldn't dissapear when you need to finish the paper work" It troubles him a lot when he has to do all the work alone while worrying about your whereabouts.

You run to your study searching for your planner, flipping the pages when big red words caught your attention.


and the date is tomorrow.You gasp in disbelief, you who never forget stuff suddenly can't remember an important date.You apologize to Joongki, running out from your room heading to your yellow Ferrari Italia. You starts the engine sprint to the head department.

Changmin saw your car passing by his van. You seem to be in a hurry, he wonder why.He walks in the huge mansion to see his hyungs sleeping at the living room, they must be tired from the sudden trip. Bored Changmin goes in the music room, hitting random  keys on the piano. The walls are decorated with pictures of the guys together.

"We should take a picture wih you darling and hang it up on this wall,  that won't hurt isn't?" Sometimes he feels bad for you. Both of you are legally married but you can't even hang your wedding pictures on the wall afraid if people would find out. "Just wait darling...the time will come.I promise"


You run in your sneakers, wearing denim shorts, light blue short dress looking like a college student. Everyone politely greet you, your employees have always see you as a carefree director, mature and loving. Your father will be unhappy to see you dress this way to the office but you're in a hurry to even care about your appearance.

You sit on your chair searching through the papers on your table, Secretary Lee rush towards you.

"Where's the receipt for the jackets. I need to pick it up now" you look up to her pointing to the coffee on her hand, she hands it to you. "Thanks"

"That one Mr.Song has taken it with him this morning" She remember giving it to Joongki earlier. "He told me that you might be busy so he volunteers to do it"

Your eyes widen in surprise. "But I'm the one in charge for that" One of the things that you don't like is when someone interferes your work, even Changmin won't disturb you while you're sketching. You look at the white board in your room, full with stick notes  and blue-ink writing. 

"How many days to the fashion show?"

"2 days after the trip"

You clean up your table, taking some files to review. The space is clean except the walls which are full with papers, fabrics sample and stick notes. You take a last sip of the coffee, winking at Secretary Lee and turn on your heels.

She giggles. "How immature" She's used to your true self the cute and innocent 22 years old girl not a workaholic director who's head over heels on work.

You check your cellphone for any e-mails or messages but there's none. You don't feel the urge to call Joongki asking the reason why he bravely take over your job instead, you go to a cafe near the building to get a cup of white coffee. You choose the seat by the window,looking around there are many couples in the huge cafe. You're green with envy, it is something that you really want to do with Changmin. To have a conversation with him while holding hands on the table, drinking hot coffee but, clearly it's impossible.

You smile to a group of high scholars who sit close to you. They are busy gossipping and it catches your attention as they mention, 'Choikang Changmin and Anna Choi'.

"Choikang Changmin oppa will have a bed scene with Anna Choi in the next episode"


"How dare she! our oppa!"

"She said Changmin oppa is a best kisser so...what next?"


You almost choke on your drink, if what those girls said are true then, Changmin should tell you that he's going to kiss another girl on bed.Your mind goes blank, you don't know what to say or what to do. You stay on your seat with your eyes close, palms on your face.


Yunho is reading the news online when an article makes him gasp in shock.

'Idol actor Choikang Changmin to be in a love scene with Anna Choi'

Yoochun and Junsu curiously look at Yunho's tab to see what makes him surprise.

"Our magnae has grow up" states Junsu biting his nails. "He's an actor,remember?"

Yoochun gets Yunho's idea, they stare at each other for a moment. What if you find out? What will you say? How will you react? Both of them run up the stairs to your room where Changmin is reading a book on the bed.They jump on top of him.

"Yay! Hyung! Get off me!"

"What is this?" asks Yunho pointing to his cellphone.

"What?" Changmin lazily read the article. "So?"

"You mean, you know this will happen?"

Changmin pushes his hyungs from him,rolling his eyes. He knows this will be a big deal to his brothers.Junsu joins in, pouting."Why do you guys leave me alone at the living room? What if a bad guy comes in?"

"No one will harm you Junsu-ah" Yoochun pats the empty space on the bed beside him. "Here,sit down"

Yunho stares at Changmin who seems to not be interested in answering his questions."Changmin-ah, have you talk to _______ about this? She might say ok but...who knows? She's a girl, your wife, she must be jealous over this"

"I know hyung..... the writer suddenly came up with this script. She said it will be a cute one not a heat up scene so...maybe I can cope with it...I guess" he rubs the back of his neck, feeling nervous. He, himself didn't have the gut to tell you about it, he's afraid, you might break.

"Tell her when she gets home, today" says Yoochun with a sigh. "This will not be easy for a woman Changmin-ah. I remember how Chaerin refused to talk to me when I film a kiss scene with Yoon Eun Hye on 'I miss you'. She can't even watch it"

"The problem is... I don't know how to tell her. Wouldn't it be awkward if she comes home expecting me to greet her with a smile but, I tell her these....thing? I really don't know how to tell her about it. It's not going to be easy hyung" Changmin's voice turns low,he ruffles his hair in frustration. Yunho pats his back to comfort him. "It's better when it comes out from your mouth rather than she heard or read it from the news, isn't?"

"Hope so"

Junsu keeps shaking his head. "What are you guys talking about, hmm?"


It has gotten late and you're not home.Jaejoong cooked for dinner, Yoochun picked up Mason from the kindergarten. Changmin keeps walking back an forth at the front door in the mansion, waiting for you to come home. From minutes turn to hours. The other guys have been sleeping in their room when the clock shows 12:00p.m. Changmin feels uneasy, he's holding his cellphone but didn't have the gut to call you.Bored, he leans on the wall,sitting on the marble floor, slowly his eyelids fall.

You're untying your shoelace, looking at Changmin who's softly snoring, hugging his cellphone. You kneel in front of him, touching his face. His head moves a bit and his eyes flutters open.


You nod, rubbing his back. "Sleep in the room, it's cold here."

He looks at you up and down. "Why don't you put on your jacket? It's chilly out there"

"Worry about yourself oppa" You hold his arm pulling him up. "Let's go sleep in the room"

 He wraps his arms around your waist from the back, burying his face in the crook of your neck. You can feel his breathing. "Walk me there"

"Oppa, walk beside me.I'll hold your arm tight"

"No! I love it this way, being close to you" he beams, eyes close.

You push his hands from you, holding his shoulders. "Just go and sleep in the room. I have no time to joke around. I need to pack my stuff"

"Where are you going?" asks Changmin sounding mad. 

"The camp, it's tomorrow"

"I thought it's next week"

You shake your head, walking up the stairs, he catches after you. You told him it's next week but, suddenly it's tomorrow.He hates the idea that you will be at the camp for a week with that Joongki guy.

"I think so too"

"Then why?" Changmin is clearly disatisfied.You don't like the tone of his voice, it has risen up.

You take your towel, putting it around your neck, looking at him."I forgot tha date, sorry. If you will excuse me, I need to take shower"

"You never forget stuff"

"I know. I'm a human not a robot. I can forget something oppa"

Changmin doesn't feel like talking anymore to the fact that you're leaving tomorrow. He heads to the bed, pulling the cover up to his chest turning to right side. Then, you know he's not going to kiss you good night, tonight. You turn your back when you hear his monotone voice

"Why don't you call me honey like you always do?"


kYAY! YEAY! An update to you! 

Thanks for all the support dear readers^^ Thanks a lot, bow 90 degree.

Remember to leave your precious comments and subs if you like.





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i can't believe it's over huhuhuhu.feel like crying


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Chapter 63: One moment I'll be in distress then next I'll be fidgety. Dang! The lead character is so strong! She endured being a hidden wife wow!
jessicabyun #2
Chapter 64: i'm done reading it good story :D
ccherylyy #3
Chapter 16: This fanfic is the best I’ve ever read so far! Thank you author-nim for creating such an awesome story! Can't stop re-reading it everytime
naname2000 #4
Chapter 64: Omg the best awesome fanfic i've ever read.
UknowTheHero #5
Chapter 64: I love this story !!! It's just amazing !! I usuallydon't like sad stories (coz I cry way too much) but this one is awesome. I somehow expected a sad end but I'm relieved that everything end up well.
Chapter 16: This story is great!! Your story inspired me to improve my languange and writing style <3
Keep up the good job!!! ^o^
2033 streak #7
Chapter 64: OMG!!! This story was so angsty... You have justified emotions and essence of the story. Nicely written and I enjoyed myself reading it. Keep up the good work author-nim :)
Chapter 63: i love happy endings <3 great job author-nim, it's really an amazing story i enjoyed readng every single chapiter
Chapter 47: Omg i'm about to start crying, this is an amazing story yet painful :'(..