
Our Bittersweet Marriage

You walk in your car and Jaejoong is just in the time when you're about to start the engine. He holds your hands on the steering wheel.

"Let me drive if you're not going to calm down" Jaejoong holds your chin,turning you to face him. Your tears fall down to his hand. "Stop crying, we'll go home and ask Changmin to explain all of these mess."

You shake your head eagerly."We'll go to Anna then to Changmin"

"But Anna didn't know you're Changmin's wife.Can you trust her? What is she brings this to the media? Changmin,you..what will happen next?"

You're breathing heavily as you're sobbing but you get back to your sense. You turn on the engine. " We're going to Anna, I can go alone if you refuse to" You wipe off your tears with the back of your hand."Changmin won't answer me"

"Look, what if Anna manipulates all of the true stories? I just went to visit Anna with Yunho the other day and she's really into Changmin,more than you can imagine.What if she lies to you to get your marriage with Changmin break to pieces?" Jaejoong tries his best to stop you but you're very different from other women,once you put your mind into something,it's not easy to get you out of it.

"We'll see about that" 

Jaejoong gives up to you, he shows you the direction to Anna parents' house. What he can do is just to pray that everything will be fine. The worst scenario is if Changmin end up being there.


"We need to get _____ home with us here in US. I don't know what will happen if this matter get bigger. I'm worried about her,let's get her home" begs Mrs. Nam to her husband.

"Joongki said that the culprit has already been caught, he will spill the beans and that old man will be arrested. No need to worry,Joongki knows what he's doing" Mr.Nam has known Joongki since he's 8. Joongki's father is his bestfriend. If you haven't get married to Changmin, surely Joongki will be your husband. 

"We'll lost 'Fashionable Style' if we continue with those charges"

"At least our daughter will be safe"


Jaejoong texted Yunho informing his friend that he's heading to Anna's with you. Yunho didn't reply his text but he's sure that he read it. You're good at driving furthermore you're driving a sportcar. Jaejoong keeps stealing a look at you, you look a lot more calm guess it's because you're working with a big bussiness that you're a profesional.

You park your car at the front lounge and to Jaejoong's surprise Changmin's car is at the backyard, you keep looking forward that you didn't turn left or right. 

"Wait! Are you sure it's ok for Anna to know?"

You stop clenching your fist. " The last thing I care the most is if...I can trust the father of my child"

"Let's go" Jaejoong holds your arm, leading your way. Anna's mother recognise Jaejoong and let him in.He introduce you as his friend. Anna is said to be in her room upstairs and it's unlock.Clearly because Changmin is in there to make sure she can control herself but it's weekday.Why do Changmin come all the way here?

Jaejoong offers to open the door for you,he knocks. "Come in" says Anna sounding glad.

"Open up"

Jaejoong obeys twisting the doorknob.You calmly walk in to see Anna lying down on the bed hugging Changmin. Both of them has their clothes on nothing more relieving that this. 

"Yay! Shin Changmin!" yells Jaejoong can't believe what he's looking. Changmin gets up,his eyes widen in surprise, his lips is trembling. "D-Darling"

"Director Nam? You're Changmin's wife?" asks Anna standing next to Changmin.

You nod, moving closer to Anna. "Yes I am and this guy who just slept next to you is my legal husband" You can see Changmin with his head low. "I believe the drama has ended,is this a sequel?" You try to control yourself not to be weak so you're trying your hard to be sarcastic.

"Well you can call it that and end your happily ever after fantasy Director Nam or should I call you Mrs.Shim?"

You smirk. "Mrs.Shim sounds disgusting to me"

Changmin holds your arm but you harshly pull away. "Don't touch me with your dirty hands!"

"Seems like you hate the idea of sharing huh?" asks Anna crossing her arms.

"Sharing? You look like a e to me,luring my husband to bed!" 

"You call me a e?" Anna grasp your neck as tight as she can making you short of breath,Changmin pulls her away from you while Jaejoong catches you in his arms. Finally a tear escape from the corner of your eye."I thought I could trust could you Changmin"

Changmin can't even lift his head to face you, he feels so ashamed and guilty. "Darling.... I did.... slept with her"

Jaejoong punches Changmin hard on his face till blood spills from the corner of his lips. "Bastard! I regret having you as my brother"

Changmin's eyes well up. "You can even kill me Jaejoong hyung cause I betray my own wife. I'm not even a human"

Jaejoong is breathing heavily,his face turns red as he got so mad. "Don't waste our time here _____" You're not even moving as it hurts you so much in the inside. It feels like someone is stabbing your body but you just won't bleed. 

"A-Are you sure about what you just said to me?" 

Changmin stays by Anna's side not even approaching you.He looks into your teary eyes. "Yes,I'm sorry"

You're shaking but you manage a smile on your face. "We'll talk again at home" You turn your back at him.

"I'm afraid there will never be,our home or our room anymore"

"You rascal!" you hold Jaejoong before he can beat the crap out of Changmin. 

"Jae oppa, let's go make dinner hmm? Everyone is waiting,please?" you hug Jaejoong's arm. 

"Don't you ever step in the mansion anymore're just nothing but a garbage to me and all of us"

Jaejoong slams the door hard,hugging your waist going down the stairs.

Anna reaches over Changmin's bleeding lips.She wipes it off with her bare hands. "How can she be so relax? I guess she really don't want you anymore Changmin-ssi"

"She's holding herself well...for our baby"


Jaejoong takes you home to the mansion,he drives and stop to buy dinner for the others. You're not crying but you keep thinking on why did the gentle and nice husband of yours suddenly change to a complete different person. What has gotten into him? What did you do wrong for him to cheat on you?

Yunho got Jaejoong's text briefly about what happened so, all of them won't be so cheerful and clueless. Yoochun put Mason into bed early telling him that you just came back from a long trip with Jaejoong and you need some rest. Yunho,Yoochun and Junsu are boiling inside. How can the magnae they have known for all these time suddenly become a complete heartbreaker?

"You can sleep in my room, I will sleep in Yunho's. From all the place you don't want to go right now is your room.Suit yourself"

You nod walking slowly into the huge mansion. The guys didn't want to put more pressure on you. They watch as Jaejoong sends you to his room and wait for him to come down and explain everything.

"We should just break his legs or make him blind!" 

"Junsu-ah,sit down that's too much" says Yoochun still in his rational mind. "I can't believe it, she's having his child for God sake, how can he do this to her?"

"Neither do I know Yoochun-ah" states Jaejoong resting his head on Yunho's shoulder. 

"Something must be disturbing him but...what?" Yunho himself finds it difficult to believe in this."Is he really...letting her go?"

All they can do is just to be there for you.It's not too long until you give birth so if the father is not going to be there,they will.


You can't close your eyes and you don't even want to open it. It's just yesterday that he's acting weird but the other days are just fine. All these time the friend he met every weekend, the friend he talks to on the phone is Anna.Why does he cares so much about her? Maybe you're the one lacking making him turn his head to another woman.

You caress your bump. "Baby...what if omma can't hold appa anymore?" You sniff as your tears streams down your rosey cheeks. "Will baby and omma be fine? Is appa really leaving us?"

You bury your face in the pillow, it smells like Jaejoong at least. Your eyes fall on to your wedding bracelet. 'Eternal Love' is carved on the silver bracelet makes you sob even harder. " I'm afraid to face all of these can you simply-" you choke on your words as more tears begins to fall. 

Maybe Joongki is right.... you will see how your trust break yourself into pieces.



More will be otw, be prepared

Keep commenting, giving me the spirit despite this sad atmosphere ne? 

Subs and comments are loved. Silent readers...stop it ok? Be kind to me^^





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i can't believe it's over huhuhuhu.feel like crying


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Chapter 63: One moment I'll be in distress then next I'll be fidgety. Dang! The lead character is so strong! She endured being a hidden wife wow!
jessicabyun #2
Chapter 64: i'm done reading it good story :D
ccherylyy #3
Chapter 16: This fanfic is the best I’ve ever read so far! Thank you author-nim for creating such an awesome story! Can't stop re-reading it everytime
naname2000 #4
Chapter 64: Omg the best awesome fanfic i've ever read.
UknowTheHero #5
Chapter 64: I love this story !!! It's just amazing !! I usuallydon't like sad stories (coz I cry way too much) but this one is awesome. I somehow expected a sad end but I'm relieved that everything end up well.
Chapter 16: This story is great!! Your story inspired me to improve my languange and writing style <3
Keep up the good job!!! ^o^
2033 streak #7
Chapter 64: OMG!!! This story was so angsty... You have justified emotions and essence of the story. Nicely written and I enjoyed myself reading it. Keep up the good work author-nim :)
Chapter 63: i love happy endings <3 great job author-nim, it's really an amazing story i enjoyed readng every single chapiter
Chapter 47: Omg i'm about to start crying, this is an amazing story yet painful :'(..