Sharper than razor

Our Bittersweet Marriage

Sound of glass shattered  can be heard from the second floor.The members rush into Changmin's room.He's topless, his right fist is bleeding while it still sticks to the shattered pieces of the full length mirror. He's not in a good state, he looks seriously mad.Yunho is the first one to walk in followed by the others.

"Calm down Changmin,what happened?" asks Jaejoong concernly pulling his arm.He takes  a look at his bleeding fist, there are some glass pieces that need to be removed."We should clean this up.Junsu-ah, go and get the first-aid kit.It's on the second cabinet at the kitchen"

Junsu nods, rushing out.Yunho looks around to see Changmin's phone is broken, probably he threw it to the wall.Changmin grabs for his t-shirt on the bed, walking out. Jaejoong and Yunho run after him.

"Where are you going with a hand like that? You might get infection" shouts Jaejoong.Yoochun told Mason to go up to his room as he's scared to see his Uncle Changmin in that way."Changmin where are you going?"

He gets in his car, Yunho pulls his collar backward."Don't you ever think to cause a scene!" Changmin harshly push his hyung aside."Don't barge in my problem hyung"


You look at your cellphone, 35 missed calls from your husband. He must have read the article. You shed your tears, lying on your back,facing the ceiling.Changmin will be here in no time.You're nervously waiting for him. You shred the newspaper with a picture of the passionate kiss, on the front page.


Joongki stays silent in his room.He receives lots of phone calls and he answers none of it. He can't imagine how can you spontaneously kiss him like that. He knows there's nothing behind the kiss and he's dissapointed for what you did. You're like using him as a puppet for you to save Changmin.

The employees are happy as this is what they hope for.You and Joongki as a couple.They didn't know how depressed the both of you are.The fact that the lies are getting worst.It starts from the secret marriage, Joongki's feelings for you,Changmin's  harsh action and now a new trouble.A public kiss, a scandal.

You heard a knock at the door."It's me,Joongki"

You place your right ear to the door."What do you want? You can't come in"

"We need to discuss about this.You have to explain to Changmin well"

You sigh."He won't listen to me"

"I'm sorry that I'm making things worst" Joongki sounds gloomy. "I'll talk to him"

You smile with tears escaping from your eyes."If he doesn't want to listen to me, will he listens to you? Funny"

"I started all this, I shall say sorry and explain all these mess I made."

"Just go, he might be here anytime"


You pack your stuff, looking out the window to see a familiar man,wearing shades and black t-shirt rushing in the hotel. You quickly pick up your handbag, pulling your luggage. You open the door to see Joongki standing there with a sad look.

"He's here, go back in your room.I'm afraid if he gets mad at you.Leave!" You push him, walking faster.

"I want to meet him"

"Are you insane? He will punch you before you can even say anything. I know him well Joongki.Just don't get yourself hurt" You press the button,waiting for the elevator.

"What about you?"

"He won't hurt me" You gasp in shock to see the tall guy infront of you."Lovers huh?What a joke" Changmin wants to move forward but you stop him.You hug his waist."Changmin don't"

"Let's talk man to man" says Joongki rather than nice, it sounds like provoking to Changmin.

"Let me beat you to death!" He grabs Joongki by the collar slamming his back to the wall behind. Joongki is not that weak, he punch Changmin on the face.Both of them fall to the ground.

Joongki chuckles."Weak"

"What are you bastard?!" Changmin goes on top of him punching him even harder.Joongki pushes him back to the ground kicking his stomach."Hey, Hallyu star. I won't hurt your handsome face so, don't touch mine"

Both of them are bleeding but, they won't stop.If they drag this longer, the security might be here and Changmin  will be in a big trouble.

"Guys, this is not the solution.Changmin, let's go home.I beg you" You hug him from the back, your tears wet his shirt."It's not his fault. I want to go home, let's just go.Let's go home " You start to sob, your head feels heavy."Changmin-"You fall to the ground, eyes close. Joongki try to hold your hand but Changmin quickly, carry you up. You're completely unconcious.

"Take her to the ER" Joongki spits out blood while Changmin is panting.

"Shut up. I'll look for you"

"Kill me if you like, as long as you don't lay a hand on her"

Changmin ignores him, heading to the stairs.He covers your face, pulling your head closer to his chest.He lays you down on the back seat, brushing his thumb against your cheek before going to his driver's seat. He drives out from the resort, getting you home.

He keeps turning behind to check you up.It's going to be a long drive to Seoul.After about an hour. he saw you're moving. You hold your head, it feels really heavy.You turn to look at him.

"You're ok?" asks Changmin emotionless.

You slowly nod.It's clear that he's mad at you. You don't feel like talking, you close your eyes trying to get to dreamland. 


The guys heard a car engine on the front yard.All of them rush to see the both of you.Your eyes are swollen, Changmin is bleeding.They know about the kiss, it's all on the newspapers.Your parents called home too as you didn't answer your phone.

Jaejoong holds your shoulders but, Changmin grabs you towards him. His grasp are so tight, it hurts your wrists but this is nothing compare to what you have done.He's dragging you to the room.

"Changmin, you're going to hurt her like that" shouts Yunho.

He slams the door shut, pushing you on the bed.He ruffles his hair."Aaaargghh!"

You look around the mirror is shattered to pieces. Jaejoong has clean the bits up."Clean the cuts, you might get scars"

"Do you even care?" he smirks. "Stop acting in front of me.I'm tired of it!"

You look at him still sitting at the edge of the bed. "It's no point talking to you.You never trust me"

"It's not once you're like this! You keep letting other guys touching you and do whatever to you. Am I the only guy you sleep with?!"

You stand up,slapping him across his face. You gritted your teeth."How dare you said that to me? What do you take me for? A e?"

"By the way you act, I can't say no" he smiles sarcastically.

"How dare you! I'm your wife, I took the vow. You're the only one I'll be with.I'll be loyal to you and never once I break it" your voice sounds so sincere and sorry."I'm sorry for what I had done.It's all my fault.I'm the one who said yes to your proposal and you're just a stupid man who married a e.It's always my fault, you're the perfect one" Your tears fall like crazy, you don't even bother to wipe it off.

Changmin is at loss for words, he just stand there like a statue."I hate us arguing like this.It will just hurt us both"

"You never change Changmin! You're always thinking about yourself. You never want to hear me out! I'm tired of these!" You sob."I'm not going to explain anything to you. You just want to hear the bad, never the truth.I'm sorry I lay a hand on you"

He softens to see you're crying."Darling"

"You force me to have with you before I go for the trip. You hurt me, my body,my feelings.You have no respect on me after how many times I told you to stop.To tell you the truth, I'm afraid of you" You turn on your heels walking out from the room. The other guys are in front of the door. Jaejoong pulls you into a hug, rubbing your back to comfort you.

"It's ok now.It's ok"  whispers Jaejoong."I know you well, you must have your reason"

Yunho grabs Changmin by the collar while Yoochun tries to stop him."Yunho hyung, calm down"

"Do whatever you can to solve these problems. I don't want to hear the word divorce.Got it?"Yoochun pulls Yunho's hand from Changmin's neck. "You fool!"

Changmin shakes his head a few times."W-What have I done? I can't remember anything" He tries to remember what happened on that night.When the views and voices starts to play.

He was and kissing your skin roughly while you keep pushing him away.Screaming for him to stop.He feels disgusted by himself.

"What have I done?"


I'm going to have my final exam in two weeks time.Pray for me! I'll be back ,I don't know when...wait for me ne?

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i can't believe it's over huhuhuhu.feel like crying


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Chapter 63: One moment I'll be in distress then next I'll be fidgety. Dang! The lead character is so strong! She endured being a hidden wife wow!
jessicabyun #2
Chapter 64: i'm done reading it good story :D
ccherylyy #3
Chapter 16: This fanfic is the best I’ve ever read so far! Thank you author-nim for creating such an awesome story! Can't stop re-reading it everytime
naname2000 #4
Chapter 64: Omg the best awesome fanfic i've ever read.
UknowTheHero #5
Chapter 64: I love this story !!! It's just amazing !! I usuallydon't like sad stories (coz I cry way too much) but this one is awesome. I somehow expected a sad end but I'm relieved that everything end up well.
Chapter 16: This story is great!! Your story inspired me to improve my languange and writing style <3
Keep up the good job!!! ^o^
2033 streak #7
Chapter 64: OMG!!! This story was so angsty... You have justified emotions and essence of the story. Nicely written and I enjoyed myself reading it. Keep up the good work author-nim :)
Chapter 63: i love happy endings <3 great job author-nim, it's really an amazing story i enjoyed readng every single chapiter
Chapter 47: Omg i'm about to start crying, this is an amazing story yet painful :'(..