Answer me

Our Bittersweet Marriage

Changmin is in panick.Why is she crying? Is it because of me and Anna? She said it's fine just to act out because she can understand but what is it now? Am I the one who's responsible in this?

You're in the car,Mason is wide awake.He looks as you enter the car.The drive to home was a dead silence.Mason keeps quiet not to make you angry.You're crying in silent. 

At the mansion,Changmin's car is already there.He must know the short cut as he lives there long before you do. 

"Mason-ah, go in and ask Uncle Changmin to buy a meal for you.Omma need to rush back to a meeting. Omma will give you a call later"

"What later?" says Changmin opening the door at your seat."Mason-ah your father is back.Jaejoong hyung is in too, they'll give you a nice meal"

Mason nods, grabbing his bag and run in the mansion.

Changmin lower your seat and climb on top of you.You're stuck, you can't move.He caress your face, your swollen face.

"Why did you cry? Answer me" He coldly asks.

You try to keep your poker face."N-Nothing.Move, this is embarassing.What if people sees us like this?"

"I don't care.This mansion with high-rise gate,top security.Bad choice"

You hold his shoulder and let out a sigh,forcing a smile on your face."It's just stress.You don't have to worry that much."

"I have to worry about you.I'm sorry but you're a Mrs.Shim, right now darling.You're freaking me out.Joongki told me you're looking sad and heartbroken leaving the set."

You close your eyes,massaging your temple.Changmin is  looking at you,your face are just an inch apart from him.You can feel his breath on your skin.

"Let this go,okay? I-I just want to be alone right now.You will do me a favor if you can please leave" You grasp his arm tight."Please Changmin"

He's stubborn, he don't want to leave and prefer to sit at the passenger's seat. "Cry or do whatever you want.Pretend as if I'm not here.I give you 10 minutes"

You fix your seat upright and stare at the steering wheel. "How are we supposed to forget something that will just makes us sad?"

He smirks."I don't know but sometimes bad memories are like reminders.Just like when our father spanks us for being naughty.It's a bad thing to remember but we'll learn that we can't do that in the future or else"

He grasp your hand and kiss your fingers one by one sending you a feeling of secure. "Everything will be alright.I'm here for you"

You can't held your tears anymore and start to sob."I-I'm scared"

"You won't answer me why you're crying and you said you're okay then you start to cry again? What is wrong with you?" He has lost his temper.

"You don't have to shout at me" He's not making you feel better but making you even worst.You walk out from the car heading to the front door.He's running after you.

"I'm sorry.I shouldn't--"

Jaejoong is standing infront of you."Is everything okay both of you?" He's puzzled to see you're sobbing with Changmin behind."_______-ah~" He calls your name."Get inside the both of you." Jaejoong wraps his arm around your waist guiding your way.

"Jaejoong hyung, let me-"

Jaejoong puts a finger on his lips."I'll take her to the room.You go and join the guys"

Changmin just stand there and turns his back to you, shut the door with a loud bang,drawing attention to everyone at the living room.

Yunho jerk his head to see you and Jaejoong."Jae, what's that?"

"It's me,sorry" Jaejoong lied."I need to bring _____ to her room.She's having a headache.Don't allow anyone to enter her room.She need some rest"



Jaejoong helps you to sit on the bed.He takes off the mufflers around your neck."Do you need anything? I can get it for you"

"Oppa, give me a hug" 

He wraps his arms around you.You bury  your face on his well-build chest.He gently pats your back, singing a song.His voice is very beautiful if you can describe it as that.You're just like a kid and he's the father comforting you.

"My poor baby girl, you had a fight with Changmin huh? How come want to tell your dependable oppa? I can punch Changmin's face if you say so"

You giggle."No, that's not necessary"

He your hair,kissing the top of your head."Oppa will be on your side all the time, got that?"

"I suddenly remember  the time when Changmin and Yoochun oppa had an argument.The one when Changmin got involved in an accident."You hesistate to continue.

"That's in the past.You shouldn't have worried about it.Changmin is now your husband.So why the magnae got mad?"

"Because I refuse to tell him what's bothering me"

Jaejoong frown." Apologise, you did wrong"

"I will as soon as he comes home.He will be late tonight, I guess" You look out the window and his car is not there anymore."He's really mad at me.I can see it in his eyes."

"Give him a call if it worries you.Changmin is not someone who easily got mad,you know?" Jaejoong is lying on the bed, closing his eyes."I'm tired of all these tight schedules.Can't Lee Soo Man sunbaenim give me a day off?" 

"Oppa, what if Changmin refuse to talk to me when he gets home?"

Jaejoong shows you a y glance."Seduce him"


He burst out laughter and keeps rolling on the bed.You playfully hit his arm."Who told you to ask me?"


As expected Changmin came home late. He takes off his coat as soon as he enters the room.He takes off his shirt and head to shower.You're still awake.The clock is showing 2 a.m. You touch his coat,smelling it. There's no smell of booze as you think it will be.Just his manly scent.

You sit at the edge of the bed, pretending to be half-asleep. Changmin is just wearing his boxers, drying his blond hair.He's not even looking at you and climb on the bed, checking his phone for any mails or messages. You turn to face him but he's clearly avoiding your gaze.You touch his toes and start to massage it.

"What are you doing? Stop it and get some sleep" He grabs your hands."Now"

You follow what he says and lie down next to him, you're facing him while he's closing his eyes,lying flat on his stomach.You casually hug him, head on his chest. He seems not to care at all.

"I'm sorry, I don't know you will get mad"

No answer from him. You move your hands infront of his face but no reaction at all.

"You're sleeping?" Curious you move closer to his face and softly touch his lips."Honey~" You whisper to his ear.No response from him making you sad.You take your favourite pink fluffy notebook and a pen from the white drawer of the side-table. You decide to write a letter to him.


Changmin slowly open his eyes  to see you're not there. He goes to check the bathroom but you're not there too. He looks for your favourite mufflers which you knit by your own and it's not in the cupboard anymore.You probably have left for work.

He's going to make the bed when he saw your favourite notebook. He flips the pages when a folded paper fall down to his feet.He picks it up and his name is written on it.


I'm sorry for what I did.I shouldn't have make you worried about me.Yes, there is something that is bothering me right now, something that I can't tell you. I don't know why but I find it hard to-do-so. I'm fine now, because I know you're always beside me.When we exchange vows you promise to be there whenever I need you.I'm not scared anymore because you and the guys,my family and Mason is my strength.I'm not good in expressing myself and you seem to be the same. Please don't get mad at me and forgive me.I'll cook something special for you when I come home.Do expect a lot.Lastly, I love you my dear husband.

Lots of hugs and kisses,

Your  only wife

Smile curls on his lips."You don't have to remind me that you're my only wife,darling"


Please do comment and subs^^ It means a lot to me.Increase your karma everyone.

EXO WOLF! OMG! It's really cool~ 

updating on: 12:03 p.m.







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i can't believe it's over huhuhuhu.feel like crying


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Chapter 63: One moment I'll be in distress then next I'll be fidgety. Dang! The lead character is so strong! She endured being a hidden wife wow!
jessicabyun #2
Chapter 64: i'm done reading it good story :D
ccherylyy #3
Chapter 16: This fanfic is the best I’ve ever read so far! Thank you author-nim for creating such an awesome story! Can't stop re-reading it everytime
naname2000 #4
Chapter 64: Omg the best awesome fanfic i've ever read.
UknowTheHero #5
Chapter 64: I love this story !!! It's just amazing !! I usuallydon't like sad stories (coz I cry way too much) but this one is awesome. I somehow expected a sad end but I'm relieved that everything end up well.
Chapter 16: This story is great!! Your story inspired me to improve my languange and writing style <3
Keep up the good job!!! ^o^
2033 streak #7
Chapter 64: OMG!!! This story was so angsty... You have justified emotions and essence of the story. Nicely written and I enjoyed myself reading it. Keep up the good work author-nim :)
Chapter 63: i love happy endings <3 great job author-nim, it's really an amazing story i enjoyed readng every single chapiter
Chapter 47: Omg i'm about to start crying, this is an amazing story yet painful :'(..