Unexpected Love
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The one day she decided to leave Seohyun at daycare so she can go to work, she was called to come and pick the baby up because Seohyun caught a fever. 

They went to the children's hospital earlier and was told the baby need to rest for a few days under adult supervision. 

Tiffany didn't have the choice to stay at home and take care of Seohyun because she needed to attend a meeting. Since Andy is busy, she had no other choice but to call Seohyun's daddy. 

"Hello..Taeyeon? I need your help" 

"What's up?" 

"Seohyun, she's having a fever and I have a meeting to attend. Are you free to take care of her?" 

"Oh..." Taeyeon look at his watch. He does need to work, but his baby girl always come first. 

"Okay. Are you guys at home right now?" 

"Yes. She just need to rest and look over." 

"Okay I'll be right there." they hung up. Taeyeon put on his blazer and turn off his computer. 

He rush out only to see Yul. "Taeyeon, are you going somewhere?" he ask. 

"Oh...I have a family emergency. I'll leave now. See you on Monday, Yul" with that, he rush down the elevator and to his car. He hurriedly drive to Tiff's apartment and met with her. 

"Hey. Is she okay?" he ask. 

"She's sleeping right now. The doctor recommended giving her this milk formula to make her feel better." she handed him a little container. 

"Okay, sound's easy" he smile.

"Sorry to burden you" she said feeling guilty.

"No, it's fine. If I knew Seohyun was sick I would want to take care of her too. You should attend your meeting..." he gently push her towards the door.

"Thanks once again, Taeyeon" she said then leave.

"See you tonight!" he close the door and went into Seohyun's room.

He walk over to her and sat beside her. "Is my little baby feeling better?" he mumble.

Taeyeon caress the baby's cheek.

"Appa won't see you tomorrow because appa is busy. I have to go with your grandma. Speaking of her, when I do introduce you to my parents, I'm sure she'll be good to you. She loves kid. And from what I've remember, she always ask for you when she use to visit you. Yep, you will meet that kind lady soon." he lean down and peck her cheek.

He leave Seohyun alone so she can rest. He walk into the living room and turn on the TV. Since there's nothing to do, might as well get caught up on some news. 




It's already pass 9 and Taeyeon is still waiting on Tiffany to come home. Seohyun already woke up and is sitting beside him on the couch, drinking her milk. 

"When will umma come home?" he ask the girl. Seohyun just look at him and on the bottle. 

"Do you think she'll be home by 10?" 




"I hope so too" just when he said that, they hear the lock being unlocked and the door open revealing Tiffany. 

"Hey. You're awake, baby?" she greeted him then switch her attention to her baby girl. Tiffany drop her purse then walk over to Seohyun and sat beside her. 

"Ummaaa~~" Seohyun got on her belly and crawl onto Tiff. 

"Hello there, miss me? I miss you so much" she gave her kisses all around. Then she saw Taeyeon's face. 

"Oh...thank you for taking care of her" Tiffany beam her eye smile at him. 

"No problem. She already drank her milk." 

"That's good. Did you two sat here and watch TV all day?" she ask 

"Yep. Nothing but good old television. Well, I'll get going now. If there's anything, call me" he said then wear his blazer. Tiffany set Seohyun down and walk him to the door. 

"Taeyeon, I won't be free tomorrow" she said remembering the Mrs. Kim lunch m

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Chapter 29: "so she went back to stalking yul" Jess HAHAHA
Chapter 20: aigoo
Chapter 7: omo omo omo
Chapter 2: seo <3
DreamEncantamiento #5
Chapter 36: wow I just finished this story, and it's really amazing, I had a great time reading it, I wish there would be more about it because I love it. Thanks author you did great with this story ^-^
1213 streak #6
Chapter 22: This is my 5th time reading it... love the story and hope you continue your other stories or make new ones ^_^
Chapter 36: Releído
Chapter 36: Aww I finished in one sitting btw your story author-sshi is so great and wonderful
Chapter 36: This is a good story. Great work author ~^^