"I Love You"

So We Meet Again

     "Meenah---there's an awful lot of time left for you to change your mind. Are you sure you want to leave?" Chelsea tried persuading to no avale. You stubbornly shook your head and held tightly onto your suitcase and bags. Chelsea slumped her shoulders in defeat, turning around and pouting her bottom lip out at your mom. 

     Your mom chuckled, patting and Chelsea's hair. She looked up at you and smiled. "She'll do what she thinks will be the best, Chelsea. I know my daughter enough to know that she'll be able to choose the right thing," your mom winked at Chelsea with a deep message carried within that wink. Chelsea instantly smirked, throwing her arms around your mom's neck and silently jumping up and down like a little kid. 

     "Are you trying to say that Meenah is going to stay?!" Chelsea excitedly(and loudly) whispered. Your mum smiled, not answering Chelsea's question and following behind you. You led them to a small cafe within the airport and sat down, ordering a frappucino with extra whipped cream. 

     You spent the limited time that you had left talking and laughing about random stuff with Chelsea and your mom. They would occasionally glance at each other, trying their best to hide an obvious smirk from spreading onto their face but you were completely oblivious to what they were doing since you were so into making the best use of the time. 

     Chelsea snapped out her phone and slyly hid it under the table, frantically texting someone. She quickly shut it off and put it away before you were able to get a hold of the current situation going on between your mom and Chelsea. Chelsea instantly looked up and casually flashed a toothy smile at you as if you had her full attention the entire time. 

     You droned on and on about your plans upon your arrival in Connecticut and about how much you were going to miss everyone but you momentarily stopped when---a certain someone's name popped into your mind. Clearing your throat, you continued on again, forgetting about the slight pause. 

     "---therefore, I think I'm going to have an apartment all set up so right after freshman year, I can just move in. C-Chelsea, am I boring you?" You asked, pouting. Chelsea quickly looked up from her phone and faked a large smile.

     "Of course not!" Chelsea exclaimed, pretending to look offended and taken aback. You chuckled and silently sipped your frappucino. Some of the whipped cream got onto your lips and you quickly wiped it away with your sleeve. Gulping, you remembered a time when you and Dongho were both in a cafe and you also got some cream on your lips and so Dongho coolly wiped it away with his thumb exactly like in the dramas. 

     You dabbed at your wet eyes and forced on a smile. 

     "Oh is that really?! Minhwan oppa is definitely the hotter one though, Chelsea-ah!"


     Gyu Won and her fanclub members gathered around the front entrance of the NH Media building, nervously biting their nails. Gyu Won started to frantically pace back and forth, reminding herself to take deep breathes and to not start hyperventilating. 

     "Gyu Won unnie! Do you think the oppas will come out soon?" One of the members asked, tugging on Gyu Won's sleeve. All Gyu Won could do was shrug and leave the fanclub members empty without answers. 

     Suddenly, one of the girls in the front started to squeal and quickly scrambled over to Gyu Won and exclaimed, "Unnie! They're coming out!" 

     A path within the group of fangirls was instantly cleared and Gyu Won literally ran towards the entrance, biting her lip. She spotted Dongho's bowlcut hair and immediately calmed herself with breathing exercises. Once Dongho took one step out of the building, Gyu Won grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him towards her.

     "DONGHO OPPA! QUICKLY GO TO THE AIRPORT! MI RAN CHANGED HER FLIGHT AND IS GOING TO LEAVE SOON! QUICKLY!" Gyu Won shouted like there was no tomorrow into Dongho's face. Being the typical blood type B that he was, he plugged his ears and wriggled out of Gyu Won's grasp before completely letting the words sink into his head.

     "WHAT DID YOU SAY?! REPEAT IT AND THIS TIME, DON'T SHOUT FOR HEAVENS SAKE!" Gyu Won sighed, taking a deep breath and mentally facepalmed herself.

     "I SAID, MI RAN CHANGED HER FLIGHT AND IS GOING TO LEAVE TO GO TO THE STATES SOON! CATCH HER BEFORE SHE LEAVES, FOR HEAVENS SAKE!" Gyu Won mocked, shaking her head and fumingly stomping away from the dumbfounded blood type B idol. 

     "Did that fan just say what I think she said?" Dongho asked outloud to himself. "N-nah---it's not true right? Meenah isn't really in that much of a rush to leave me---right?" Dongho turned around and looked at the van full of his band members chattering away to themselves, waiting for him to get inside.

     Dongho shook his head and hastily jumped into the van. "S-she can't be, right? Mi Ran won't abandon me again like this..." Dongho mumbled, tears choking up his throat. He slowly lifted his head up and locked his eyes to the front.

     "MANAGER HYUNG! QUICKLY DRIVE ME TO THE AIRPORT! NOW!" Dongho ordered a little too loudly. U-Kiss's manager whinced a bit at the maknae's sudden outburst but obeyed without asking any questions. 

     The members all looked at Dongho as if he was some sort of alien and sighed, already catching onto the current situation. 


     "Chun Hee!" You squealed, running into his open arms and digging your face into his chest, allowing his sweet scent to encircle your senses. You happily smiled, looking up at his face. The second you looked into his eyes, your expression turned grim. "You---you busy b*st*rd!" 

     Chun Hee placed a hand over his heart in a hurt manner and frowned. "My Meenah just cursed at me. That hurts a lot." Chun Hee pouted, looking at the ground and drawing circles with his feet. You chuckled at his cute reaction and pinched his cheeks. 

     "Your personality just totally altered today. I'm the one that's supposed to be pinching your cheeks while chuckling if this were a normal day." Chun Hee said, raising and eyebrow. You laughed and dragged him over to the table where your mum and Chelsea were still sitting. Knowing what would happen if the two sat next to each other, you sit inbetween Chun Hee and Chelsea to stop anything bad from happening. 

     Your mom looked up at you and put on a motherly smile, seeing you looking so genuinely happy. Memories of when you first moved to the States and how depressed you were upon being separated from Dongho made her almost tear up but now, you were here again leaving him but this time, it was your choice upon doing so. 

     Your mom stood up, grabbing her bag and stealthily creeping away from the table. Reaching the entrance to the airport, she saw Dongho running out of his van with fear from losing you again flash across his eyes. Your mom ran after him and grabbed the collar of the back of his shirt before he could even take a step into the airport. 

     Dongho spun around on his heels and when his eyes fell onto your mom's face, he quickly bowed 90 degrees. Your mom laughed, politely covering with the top of her knuckles just like how you would always do every time you laughed or smiled. 

     "Good luck in there. They're in the cafe but---don't try holding her back if she doesn't want to stay. My daughter clearly loves you more than anything else and she would do anything for you---like leaving you again to let you achieve your dreams. I believe that the both of you will be able to compromise and figure it out, my future son-in-law." 

     With that, your mom disappeared like a ninja into thin air. Dongho stood there temporarily stunned but he quickly recovered and rushed into the airport, pushing through hoards of people. He finally reached the cafe, his eyes darting throughout the whole place until he stopped upon the most beautiful thing in the world.


     Dongho had the biggest temptation to run up to you, pushing Chun Hee and Chelsea out of their seats, and bringing you into the largest bear hug in the world but he controlled himself like a professional public figure. Swallowing his tears, he calmly(or so he tried) strode towards the table where you three were sitting and happily chatting away like regular best friends. 

     You felt a shadow cast over you and so you turned your head like every person would---and your smile instantly fell off of your face. Rumors spread through the airport like a wildfire that U-Kiss's maknae, Shin Dongho was in the airport and soon, the cafe was surrounded by people. 

     Chelsea stood up, straightening her clothes and turning on her authoritative expression. Chun Hee scrambled away from his seat and stood at a fair distance away from you and Dongho with a gently smile on his face. "Don't regret any of your decisions, Jung Mi Ran. Remember how much I love you and how painful it is to see you hurt. Choose the right things," Chun Hee thought, turning around to help Chelsea shoo away the extra and unnecessary people.

     The two had managed to actually get rid of everyone in and near the cafe section of the airport and so it was only you, Dongho, and them. Chelsea and Chun Hee sat at a respectful amount of tables away from you two and secretly smiled to themselves. 


     "O-Oppa, what're you doing here?" You asked with a shaky voice. Dongho leaned in closer towards you but by instinct, you slightly leaned back. Rolling his eyes, Dongho placed his warm palm against your cheek. He looked deep into your eyes with so much passion and love that you could have melted into a pool of love right at that spot. You kept your cool and silently gulped.

     "Feel my warm hand? It means that my blood is flowing and that I'll be alive until my blood turns cold. As long as I'm alive---no matter how long---I'll always love you. My feelings will never change and no one will ever be able to get between it. Even if you leave me just like you did last time, you'll still be a large chunk of my heart and I'll always love you," Dongho tenderly whispered, tears threatening to roll down his cheeks.

     Hearing his words, you instantly started to tear up. You jumped out of your seat and threw yourself into his arms. Gripping his jacket, you dug your face deep into his chest and started to sob like a baby. All of your worries and thoughts instantly rushed out of your head and the only thing that you were thinking at that moment was about how large your love for Dongho was. 

     There were no words to describe it at all. But then again, there will never be any words to fully describe the meaning and amount of love. 

     Dongho lifted your chin up, wiping away your tears. He showed his infamous angelic smile, making your fragile heart flutter. You finally felt the sweet, tingly feeling within your heart that you felt every single time that you were with Dongho. No one else could cause that feeling but him. 

     "Meenah, do you or do you not want to stay here? I'll always support your decision and be with you through every step of the way." 

     You rotated your head to take a look at your best friends and then at your beloved boyfriend. Without any hint of hesitation or regret in your voice, you confidently beamed, "I'm going to go study in Yale!" 

     Dongho's eyes widened and he dramatically clutched his heart, collapsing onto the floor. You giggled like a little girl and supported Dongho to his feet. 

     "J-J-Jung Mi-Mi-Mi-Mi Ran! I had such high hopes that you were going to say that you would stay here! You ruined my dreams!!" Dongho complained, stomping his feet and crossing his arms across his chest. Dongho pouted like a spoiled brat and frowned.

     Giggling, you kissed his pursed lips and wrapped your arms around his waist. "Shin Dongho, you'll wait for me right? You won't fall for another girl or give up on me and go to Suzy unnie, right?" You questioned, nuzzling your cheek against his chest. You heard Dongho snort as if he was trying to hold in his laughter. Dongho your head with his left hand, snaking his right arm around your slim waist. 

     He picked you up by your waist and placed you on a table. 

     "If I was to be reborn a milliion times, each time, I would choose to end up with you. No one else." Dongho assured, playfully tapping your nose. Without thinking, you crashed your lips against Dongho's and held onto his neck. Dongho instantly reacted and deepened the passionate kiss.

     Upon seeing such intimate actions between you two, Chelsea and Chun Hee both stomped over and pulled Dongho away from you by his collar. Dongho coughed, rubbing the back of his neck and sighing. 

     You tilted your head, staring weirdly at your two best friends. "What?" You innocently asked. Chelsea chuckled, draping an arm over your shoulder. "Chelsea! What is it?"

     "I won't let my best friend get so touchy in public especially when her flight is in 10 minutes," Chelsea harshly whispered into your ear. Your eyes flew wide open and they darted towards the large flight time board near the ceiling. Your hand quickly flew towards your mouth and you gasped. 

     You hurriedly grabbed all your luggage and darted towards your gate with two best friends and a boyfriend trailng behind you. Flying through the line, you handed the person your passport and smiled back at three of your most loved people on Earth. You caught a small movement from Chun Hee's hand and wriggled your eyebrows at him. 

     Sighing, Chun Hee interlocked his fingers through Chelsea's and ignored her constant protest. The ticket person handed you back your passport and kindly ushered you towards the exit. You nodded back in thanks and once again looked back. The two bickering soon-to-be-couple instantly started waving like maniacs while Dongho only smiled with a tear here and there slipping out from the corners of his eyes. 

     You managed a smile also and waved as cheerfully as you could. "Yah, my idiots, wait for me. I'll be back in no time! I'll come back a person that deserves to have people like you guys in her life. I promise. I won't disappoint!" You bid one last farewell before disappearing behind the sliding doors. Your hand instinctively darted for your neck. 

     Your fingers wrapped around the charm of the only necklace around your neck. A four leaf clover white gold and diamond necklace that Dongho had given you who knows how many years ago. 

     A genuine smile spread across your face as you quickly boarded the plane headed straight for Connecticut.

     "You stupid Shin Dongho, I love you." 

     "You idiot Jung Mi Ran, I love you."



I sincerely hope that this fanfiction was not a disappoint and that the ending was to your liking and taste ^-^ 

Stay tuned for the next chapter for a preview of the sequel, Glad To Meet You Again!!

Mwah Mwah Mwah~ <3 Much love goes out to each and every one of you! 

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Seventeen_Minghao #1
Chapter 61: Holy mother of bananas I read your fic in just two days NO sleeps seriously its amazing can't wait to read the sequel but I'll sleep first hahahah
Hay there I'm stalking you.
Love you trang <3
animednila #3
Omg! I luv ur story. And I've only read the forward.
I realize my last comment had a silly typo... I mean such a good job xD
Anyway, I really like the story. Even if it was a little dragged. Nonetheless, I felt the emotions.
C: good job!
Aishhhhh.. Chapter 25 and I'm more than ever ;u;
I really like it, you did a good job.
It takes a lot to catch my attention.
Okay I'll comment right now, I just started and now on chapter 11
I really like this ;~; I'll make future comments too c:
omg! this story is sooooo good i read it all in 2 days! :D
i-b2uty #8
This story is the first story I ever read on this site and i love it! :D
Th pic is hilarious hahahahaha
Naomiixx #10
Start the sequel soon!!!!! D: