"Pop Pop"

So We Meet Again

     You jumped onto the leather couch, dangling your legs off the arm. Your dad was busy scribbling signatures in files and throwing them onto a large stack of finished documents. You kicked your feet, wasting time away on your last day in China at your dad's office. 

     Watching your dad work in amusement, you sipped your tea while resting your cheek on your arm. Your father suddenly dropped his pen and put his elbow on the desk. The both of you stared at each other before you let out a small giggle. He smirked and continued working again. 

     "Just a thought but---as your father, I honestly think that you should look at someone else other than just Dongho. I don't want you to be so heartbroken that you'll look at no one else. You should consider someone that is not an idol but a good man. Scandals wouldn't be too good to deal with." Your father suggested, not looking up from the file he was reading over. 

     "Just a suggestion, though. You don't have to worry about it but I was just saying." You brought your sipping to a stop and sat up straight, uncomfortably rubbing your feet together. 

     "But what if---" You looked at your dad, "---even though I think it's ridiculous and childish, I really can't imagine liking anyone else besides Dongho?" You bit your lip and twiddled your fingers. "He even kissed me," You said in a small voice. 

     Your dad slowly looked up, his fingers turning white from gripping his pen. His eyes pierced through your soul, making you shake with fear.

     "He---what?!" You jumped at your father's sudden outburst. You gulped down the large lump in your throat and anxiously glanced at the door. You cursed at your carelessness and looked at your father and his gritted teeth. He took a deep breath and let it out, calming himself. You let out a sigh of relief and slowly sat back down. 

      "You don't have to freak out about it. It's not like it was my first kiss---" You sighed, scratching your head. Your father shrugged and quickly finished the pile of unfinished documents before sitting down on the couch opposite from yours. 

     "Focus on your studies and if you're hated by U-Kiss's fans, you can always flee back to America or here and marry someone else that I have in mind. It doesn't matter. You said your dream was to live life smiling happily, right? Make that dream your first priority." He paused, leaning over.

     "Make sure that idiot can make you happy."


     Your head bobbed up and down during the whole plane ride back to Korea. Your father couldn't bear to bid you farewell after spending a long year with you. Finally returning back to Korea, you returned as a 17 year old. You skipped off of the plane and flew through everything like a breeze. 

     Walking out the door, you stretched every muscle in your body to get the feeling back and looked around. You waddled with your suitcases in your hands and jumped up and down, searching through the crowd. "Does the airport seem busier than usual?" You murmured, tilting this way and that. 

     You leaned against one of your suitcases and sighed. Taking out your phone, you pretended to text someone so you wouldn't look like a loser. You repeatedly typed 'I like pie, I like pie' and deleted it. You looked up and searched the crowd for someone to miraculously pop out and pick you up. 

     Letting out a deep sigh, you got up and aimlessly walked around. You spotted a hairstyle that looked exactly like Dongho's. You ran after it before the figure disappeared. You gave up and silently cried on the inside. "I hate being alone." You whispered, pouting and staring at the exits. 

     A warm pair of hands suddenly covered your eyes, leaving you in darkness. You could feel heavy, warm breathes on your neck, making the hairs on the back stand up. You gulped and held your breath. 

     The hands slowly slipped off of your eyes and they turned you around. Your eyes were tightly shut, not wanting to know who was there. You heard them chuckle in amusement. Letting out a deep breath, you carefully opened up your eyes. You looked up and jumped with shock, slapping the person's head. 

     "Ow!" They cried, holding their head in pain. You gasped, cupping your hands over your mouth and let go of your bags, only resulting in dropping it on their foot. "Oh. My. Gosh!" They screamed through barred teeth. 

     "Oh my gosh, oppa! I'm so sorry! I'm seriously so sorry! Oh my gosh Dongho are you okay?!" You yelped, supporting Dongho up to his feet. You smoothed his jacket and fixed his unevenly placed cap. He rolled his eyes, snatching your bags and sprinted out of the airport. 

     Dongho threw your bags and suitcases into a car that you recognized from China. He got into the passenger seat without a word. You hesitated before also getting into the car, putting your Gucci backpack carefully on the seat. The driver started the engine and drove out of the airport. 

     The car ride had to be even more awkward than your birthday dinner. You slapped your forehead and played with your fingers uncomfortably. Dongho glanced at the mirror and saw you with your head down, playing on your own. One of your specialties. His cold, hard eyes softened as he gazed at your innocent face. 

     "I saw you had some interaction with Suzy on a tv show not long ago. It was so cute! It would be cool to have you date Suzy---" You nervously chuckled, breaking the silence. Dongho's face hardened at the mention of Suzy. You saw his reaction and bit down on your lip, lowering your head even more. 

     You silently sighed and played with your fingers throughout the whole car ride to the new house. Your dad had gotten you specially accepted into Seoul Science High School and you worried about it a lot. You would be apart from Chun Hee and Chelsea and the other people that you had gotten to know in a very short time at the school. Suddenly switching like this and having to make new friends again worried you. 

     Resting your elbow on the car door with your cheek on your hand, you randomly thought about how you first met Dongho. The both of you were little babies and your parents had met up with each other after years on a picnic. Dongho had been looking at you curiously and waddled over to you who was sitting on the blanket staring deeply into the lake with your twinkling eyes. 

     Your mind slowly drifted onto how you first met Chelsea and Chun Hee. A small smile tugged at the corner of your mouth. You eyed the back of Dongho's now black hair and smiled absentmindedly. He caught you gazing at him and chuckled.

     "Yah. Idiot. We're here." He stated, opened the door and stretching his body. You snapped out of your daze and grabbed your Gucci backpack, opening the door. You tilted your head all the way back and stared in awe at the large building with part of the luxurious penthouse in sight. You cupped your hands over your mouth, your eyes twinkling just like it had when you first met Dongho. 

     The driver and Dongho grabbed your suitcases and went into the building without you. You yelped and scurried after them. Taking the elevator to the top floor, all three of you entered through the door that leads to the pathway for the penthouse. You excitedly ran ahead of them and burst through to the pathway garden. 

     Pop Pop went the confetti. Rainbow confetti landed onto your hair, a large smile on your face. Chelsea and Chun Hee threw their arms around your neck and squeezed you tightly. Once they both noticed that their arms were touching, they glared at each other literally behind your back. 

     "Chun Hee! I missed you, you idiot!" You exclaimed, pinching his cheeks and pulling him into another hug. Chelsea frowned, pulling the both of you apart and hugged you. 

     The jealous moron in the back was frowing with an annoyed expression. Your mom threw everyone off of you, gripping your shoulders and staring deeply into your eyes.

     "My beautiful daughter. You've matured so much." Your mom sniffed, gently hugging you. Her watery eyes sparkled and she your hair. Wiping her tears away, she looked at Dongho and secretly smirked. 

     Dongho was obviously ticked off and tapped his anxiously tapped his shoes. Your mom scoffed and literally threw you into his arms. Struck by surprise, Dongho caught you and only caused himself to fall backwards with you following right on top. 

     He grunted as his body hit the floor, your hand protecting the back of his head. Your head fell onto Dongho's chest and his left arm was wrapped around your waist.

     Chelsea and your mom both squealed in delight, jumping up and down clapping like teenage girls. 


Guess who said that last sentence? ;) I'm sorry for such a rushed chapter ;~; It's really late and my mind is really messed up right now ;~; *sobs* Anyways, mwahahahaha :3 Idk why I made Dongho get hurt so much :P 

@U-KISS-me I wanted to tease you guys ;) XD


@loving-k-pop-j-pop Ahaha I'm sorry ^-^ Chinese is very hard for me :3

@izzie_inlove Hehehe is the kiss seriously that cute? XD Tease tease tease <3 Wow...thank you :) Your comment totally made my day <3 I'm going to definitely improve after I finish this fanfiction up! I hope the sequel to this will please all my readers even more with my improvement in writing :) Enjoy this rushed chapter to it's horrible fullest! 

@eLiSey Welp :3 I turned Chun Hee into a brat :3 xD Kekekeke I am the biggest troll in all of fanfiction lmfao

@kiikiichan You, my reader, I love you <3 :) xD I'm glad you like this story ^^ 


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Seventeen_Minghao #1
Chapter 61: Holy mother of bananas I read your fic in just two days NO sleeps seriously its amazing can't wait to read the sequel but I'll sleep first hahahah
Hay there I'm stalking you.
Love you trang <3
animednila #3
Omg! I luv ur story. And I've only read the forward.
I realize my last comment had a silly typo... I mean such a good job xD
Anyway, I really like the story. Even if it was a little dragged. Nonetheless, I felt the emotions.
C: good job!
Aishhhhh.. Chapter 25 and I'm more than ever ;u;
I really like it, you did a good job.
It takes a lot to catch my attention.
Okay I'll comment right now, I just started and now on chapter 11
I really like this ;~; I'll make future comments too c:
omg! this story is sooooo good i read it all in 2 days! :D
i-b2uty #8
This story is the first story I ever read on this site and i love it! :D
Th pic is hilarious hahahahaha
Naomiixx #10
Start the sequel soon!!!!! D: