"Make it a year"

So We Meet Again

[Chelsea's POV]

     "Zico! Changjo! This is one of the reasons why I hate it that the both of you like me! I seriously don't even get it! Why? Huh? Why?! This is why I can't tell both of you anything. I have a lot of secrets but I can't tell them to you guys because I don't want to lose the both of you but---you're seriously making this impossible. I'm mysterious? I'm much more than that!" I yelled, hot tears pouring out of my eyes. I ran across the room to a corner and curled into a ball, rocking back and forth. 

     The two idiots stood there dumfounded. They looked at each other for the first time without eyes of envy and sighed. Changjo inched forward with caution. Zico grabbed his arm and shook his head. "Noona---is there a lot of things you haven't told us? I understand we barged into your life like this and it makes you stressed but we do it out of love." Changjo said, loud enough for me to hear. 

      I nodded and wiped my eyes with the back of my hand. I can't believe this. I'm crying in front of someone that isn't Meenah. What is this nonsense? To make it more worse, they're idols. 

     "Do you know---" I hiccuped, "---Dae Han Incorporation?" I slowly looked up at them and they both nodded. Zico furrowed his eyebrows and had his hands stuffed inside his pockets. 

     "I'm the future heir." I quickly sad. There. It's out! Maybe Meenah was right. If they really did like me, they wouldn't care about me being rich! It should be that way. What was I worrying about? I'm as clueless as my best friend. 

     Zico and Changjo showed no reaction and walked over to me, pulling me into their arms. I sighed. "I don't want neither of you to keep on following me around until who knows whenever. Go find someone better than me because I am not worthy. We can be friends, but nothing more than that." I got up and pushed them out of the door. Giving them a small smile, I waved and closed the door. 

     I leaned against the wall and slid down, burying my face in between my knees. "Zico, Changjo, I'm sorry for being so stupid. I love you both but it can't go on this way."

[Chelsea's POV]


     "Bye, Chelsea! I'll see you in a year! Maybe sooner! Call, text, and write to me every single day! I'll kill you if you don't! Bye!" You yelled, madly waving. Chelsea chuckled and smiled, waving back. She motioned for you to get moving with her hand. You nodded and smiled brightly. With one last wave, you disappeared through the doors.

      Chelsea kept on smiling and turned around to leave. She's going to miss your bright personality.

     Now, how did a month turn into a year? It was all because of the suggestion made by Dongho. Apparently, that idiot suggested that you should stay in China with your father for a year rather than a month so the feelings could grow. Stupid, is he not?

[Your POV]

      I stared out the window at the slowly disappearing ground and sighed. Resting my chin on my hand, I struggled to put my earphones on with one hand. It slipped and fell onto something next to me. I spun my head to see someone sitting in the chair. "Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't notice someone sat beside me!" I apologized, bowing and quickly taking my earphones. 

     The person chuckled an oddly familiar chuckle and tipped his head slightly, not taking his sunglasses off. Why would anyone wear sunglasses on an airplane? He was wearing a hoodie which concealed most of his face and his sunglasses blocked off the rest. I shrugged and continued listening to my music, making sure not to let my earphones fall out again. 

     I suddenly looked up and furrowed my eyebrows. Snapping my fingers, I turned towards the weirdly dressed person. "Uh, excuse me. Do you know if this plane has wifi?" I asked, poking him in the arm. He cleared his throat and nodded. I looked at him weirdly before shaking my head and turning my attention back to my phone.

     Getting off the plane was---tiring. I didn't really walk off---it was more like crawling. That's what happens when you sit on an airplane for so long! Especially going somewhere that you dread! 

     After getting through everything, I'm met with dad's secretary. What a great way to start this off! 

[Your POV]


     You jumped into the limo that arrived in front of the airport and gasped. "You've got to be kidding me." You muttered, rolling your eyes. The first thing that popped into your mind was the limo like the one in 4Minute's Mr.Teacher. You shook your head and sat down, noticing that there was someone else in the limo. "Ch-Chun Hee?" You stuttered, squinting at the familiar figure etched into your memory. He smirked and nodded.

     "So---you're the person that sat next to me on the airplane?" You asked, dumbfounded. He nodded once more and chuckled. Chun Hee was finding this quite amusing. You pouted and poked him.

     "Why're you here?" You curiously asked, raising an eyebrow. Chun Hee shook his head, refusing to answer. You frowned and sighed, looking out the window. 

      "How do you feel? Are you going to freak out and try to kill your father when you see him or will you control yourself?" Chun Hee questioned, eyeing you. You shrugged and shook your head, mocking him. Chun Hee scoffed and rolled his eyes sarcastically. You pursed your lips, hoping the car ride would take forever.

Your expectations were disappointed.

Well now....I'm sorry for the long delay ^^ Bleh :3 IT'S SO BORING /SOBS SO SO SO SO BORING /SOBS UGHHH. I've only been thinking about how to start the sequel :P Maybe it should come quicker :3 Jk xD Maybe after chapter 50 or something. Kekekeke. How do you guys like the new poster? :) I made it myself. Pffffft it's so unprofessional :P Hahaha xD 

@U-Kiss-me Disappointed? Hahaha ^^ 

@izzie_inlove Aishhh...I wonder how you'll feel after I get more into the story :P DONGSAENG STILL HAS LOTS MORE UP HER SLEEVE <3



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Seventeen_Minghao #1
Chapter 61: Holy mother of bananas I read your fic in just two days NO sleeps seriously its amazing can't wait to read the sequel but I'll sleep first hahahah
Hay there I'm stalking you.
Love you trang <3
animednila #3
Omg! I luv ur story. And I've only read the forward.
I realize my last comment had a silly typo... I mean such a good job xD
Anyway, I really like the story. Even if it was a little dragged. Nonetheless, I felt the emotions.
C: good job!
Aishhhhh.. Chapter 25 and I'm more than ever ;u;
I really like it, you did a good job.
It takes a lot to catch my attention.
Okay I'll comment right now, I just started and now on chapter 11
I really like this ;~; I'll make future comments too c:
omg! this story is sooooo good i read it all in 2 days! :D
i-b2uty #8
This story is the first story I ever read on this site and i love it! :D
Th pic is hilarious hahahahaha
Naomiixx #10
Start the sequel soon!!!!! D: