"Shameless Duck"

So We Meet Again

     "Ehhhh!?! Jung Meenah! Changjo is definitely not like that!" Chelsea yelled. You blew air into your cheeks and lowered your head. "Noona. Forget it, okay? You shouldn't yell at your best friend like that because of me. It's fine." Changjo said, tugging Chelsea's sleeve. You glanced up at Chelsea and nodded shamelessly. "Yeah noona. You shouldn't yell at your best friend just to protect someone that's been in your life longer." You said, making Chelsea roll her eyes. You smiled with your eyes and skipped over to Chelsea, hugging her arm. You put your head on her shoulder and looked up at her with puppy eyes. She scoffed, flicking your forehead and pushing it off her shoulder. Chelsea rolled her eyes and smiled. She patted your head and turned to Changjo. 

     "Looks like your plans of doing something to me is foiled! Let's go hang out with Meenah instead." Chelsea said, grabbing Changjo's hand and dragging both of you out of the room. Changjo looked disappointed and glared at you. You quickly stuck out your tongue and hugged Chelsea's arm tighter. "Chelsea! Doko iku no?" You asked. Changjo squinted, poking Chelsea's arm. "Noona. What'd she say?"

     Chelsea chuckled, watching you giggle to yourself. "She asked where we're going." She replied. Chelsea quickened her pace and you lost your grip to her arm. Changjo went the same pace as Chelsea, leaving you behind. You sighed. "Yah!" 

     They ignored you and Chelsea leaned over to whisper something into Changjo's ears. "Oh no." You muttered, shaking your head and sighing again. You ran, trying to catch up to them. They didn't stop and in no time, they were running and disappeared around the corner. "YAH!" You screeched. With your feet pounding against the pavement, you searched around your bag that you grabbed just before leaving, looking for your phone to yell at Chelsea. You ran quicker until you were at your full speed. You turned the corner to see the two ditchers that were going to die later just ahead of you. You clenched your teeth and continued running, showing absolutely no mercy. 

     Changjo looked back and smirked seeing the distance between them and you. "Aisht!" You whined, frowning. You grabbed your chest and collapsed, grasping for air. A hand was over your lungs and another on your throat. You curled up into a ball, rocking back and forth. You were taking in small and sharp gasps of air and tried finding your bag with your closed eyes. You heard a loud gasp and the next moment, loud vibrating footsteps against the cement. 

     The next moment, your head was taken off of the ground and you were sitting up. You opened one eye and looked at who was there. "Yah! Jung Mi Ran! Where's your inhaler!?" You stopped breathing and weakly pointed at your bag. Chelsea and Changjo frantically rummaged through your bag, looking for your inhaler. You turned your head and silently giggled. 

     "Gotcha~" You snickered, shamelessly smiling. Changjo let go of you and rolled his eyes, letting out a deep breath. "Oi. Jung Meenah. Thanks for making me almost have a heart attack." Chelsea said, sighing.

     "Well that's what you get for ditching me! You know I can't run that long and fast with my asthma, bro. Remember, SEVERE ASTHMA!" You yelled. Chelsea grabbed your hand, pulling you up to your feet and brushed the pebbles on your clothes off. "Let's just go."

     Chelsea turned around and slowly walked away, not saying a word. Changjo glared at you. "You. You ruined the mood. Now Chelsea noona's mood is gone. Thanks a lot." He said through clenched teeth. You pouted and looked at Chelsea. "Ch-chelsea! I---" You yelled before your phone started ringing. You looked at the caller id and sighed.

"Mom! I told you I don't want to go home. I'm hanging with Chelsea anyways."

"I no longer care if you come home or not but all you need to do is explain to me what Hyun Woo is doing at our house."

"Wait...mom. What are you talking about? Hyun Woo...?"



"Explain to me, young lady. What is he doing here. If you don't explain to me clearly, I won't send you back to the States for Yale."

"Mom! I said I don't know! How would I know anyways? Plus, don't use Yale against me. It took forever to get that scholarship!"

"Then what do I do? That jerk Hyun Woo is over at our house and he's asking for you. What is a mother supposed to do at this moment?!"

"I don't know~ Ask Minwoo oppa or something...I don't want to deal with him since you hate him so much."

"Jung.Mi.Ran. It'd be easier if you just came home because, your mother is freaking out right now."

"So do I just ditch Chelsea and Changjo?"

"M-mo-mom. Calm down. He's, uh, 'friends' with Chelsea and we were just hanging out before you called."

"Oh---uh okay then. Now, back to the situation. Ditch them. You just can't let your mom suffer like this with the person she hates the most! Especially since he's involved with you."

"But mom! I don't wanna talk to him in front of you, you know."

"Why? Are you going to run away with him or something?"

"As cool as you are mom, you overreact too much. He was my best friend. Get that in your mind!"

"One of your worst best friends..."

"I get the idea! I'll come---"

     You sighed at the boring conversation and hung up. "Freaking out over nothing!" You muttered, stomping your foot annoyingly. You looked up at Changjo and Chelsea sitting nearby talking among themselves. "Since when did they start talking without me?" You whispered. You squinted at them and shrugged. You looked at your phone and it's Dongho background. You pursed your lips and sent a text to Chelsea.

From: Shameless Duck

To: My beloved Chelsea <3

Looks like I have to go home...sorry I made you mad!

Hyun Woo came over...I didn't even know that he knew our address!

It has nothing to do with me. I swear! 

We'll hang out next time with Changjo, mmkay?

Possible with Zico too ;) 

Love you! Chuuu~

     You looked at the bright, smiling Chelsea once more and turned around. You smiled and started skipping back home. "Time for some drama to start! Let's go~" You happily exclaimed. 


     Chelsea laughed at Changjo's corny joke and looked up. "Eh? Where's Meenah?" She asked, looking around. You were nowhere to be seen and Chelsea worriedly stood up. She turned to the left and saw a glimpse of your back. She frowned and wondered where you were going. You've got a messaji! Chelsea took her phone from her pocket, still frowning and looking at the corner where you turned. 

     She opened up the message and read it slowly. Chelsea's eyes widened. She read it again---and again---and again. "Changjo---Meenah---drama." She stuttered, her eyes still glued on her phone's screen. "Hmm?" Changjo grabbed her phone from her hands that had turned white from holding it too tightly. Changjo quickly read it and looked at Chelsea. 

"Who's Hyun Woo?"


Annyeong! ^O^ Aigoo...it's been so long since I've updated twice in a row :) I PROMISE! I PROMISEEEEEEEEE that I'll update more often :(

I'm on my WINTER BREAK and Christmas is past~ More free time for ME :D Kekekeke <3 

Did everyone have a nice Christmas? Hmmmmmm? Did ya? DID YA? :3 

My lovely readers, thank you for sticking with this dongsaeng that barely updates anymore <3 =D

This was kind of a boring chapter T^T I kinda ran out of ideas halfway and it seems kinda rushed =w= Sorry :( 

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...I'm thinking of writing another fanfiction ^O^ I seem to have a lot of ideas for new fanfictions these days >:3 DO NOT WORRY, MY FELLOW READERS AND SUBSCRIBERS. I SHALL STICK WITH THIS FANFICTION UNTIL THE VERY END...but beware ;) Another fanfiction by MEEEEEEEEE might be coming up :) Support this and that one too if I actually decide to do it ._______.

Bloop Bloop~ Kimchii is out~

@U-KISS-me I try <3 xDDD Kekekeke Hyun Woo...aigoooo xDD The image of my Hyun Woo as a stalker...omg xD Noona has something up her sleeve ;) JK ._______. Maybe...maybe not ;)

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Seventeen_Minghao #1
Chapter 61: Holy mother of bananas I read your fic in just two days NO sleeps seriously its amazing can't wait to read the sequel but I'll sleep first hahahah
Hay there I'm stalking you.
Love you trang <3
animednila #3
Omg! I luv ur story. And I've only read the forward.
I realize my last comment had a silly typo... I mean such a good job xD
Anyway, I really like the story. Even if it was a little dragged. Nonetheless, I felt the emotions.
C: good job!
Aishhhhh.. Chapter 25 and I'm more than ever ;u;
I really like it, you did a good job.
It takes a lot to catch my attention.
Okay I'll comment right now, I just started and now on chapter 11
I really like this ;~; I'll make future comments too c:
omg! this story is sooooo good i read it all in 2 days! :D
i-b2uty #8
This story is the first story I ever read on this site and i love it! :D
Th pic is hilarious hahahahaha
Naomiixx #10
Start the sequel soon!!!!! D: