"The Shining Star In Front Of Me"

So We Meet Again

     You blinked. You felt warmth all around you and sat up. You were in bed, in your room. "How...?" You didn't remember going to bed last night at all. You raised your hand up to your face and rubbed the sleep away from your eyes. You looked around the room and memories from the day before flooded your mind. You slapped your forehead and got out of bed.

     Slowly making your way downstairs, you remembered hearing about Dongho's injury and rushing home. "So I fainted!" You whispered to yourself. You shook your head and walked into the kitchen, bowing. "Good morning!~" Your mom looked up from the stove and her eyes widened. 

     "Meenah-ah! Are you okay? Do you feel sick? Should I call the school and excuse you today?" Your mom questioned you, placing her warm hand on your forehead. You shook your head and sat down on a chair. "Are you sure you're alright? You don't look too well." 

     "Mom! I'm fine!" You ran upstairs and threw on your uniform---making sure to straighten it---and ran back downstairs. You stuffed your breakfast into your mouth and ran out the door. "Yah! Jung Mi Ran! Why are you in such a hurry? It's still early!" Your mom screamed before you slammed the door shut. You grabbed your chest and panted. A sigh came out of your mouth and you walked towards the school.

     When you reached the school, you realized that absolutely no one was there yet. No teachers. No one. You sighed. You started wandering around the school and you found yourself walking towards the science lab. You had never been in the science lab before. You shrugged and opened the door and walked inside. Inside, you found someone with bright blonde hair, resting his head on a counter. 

     He slowly sat up, and his baby-faced beauty blinded you for a short moment. You stood there at the door, staring at him. His blonde hair was messed up, his eyes half closed. He squinted at you and rubbed his eyes. A ray of light fell upon on his and your mouth dropped. That angle. It was so beautiful. 

     He got up from the chair and walked over to you. His gorgeous face was inches from yours and you blinked. You stared into his eyes and snapped back into reality. You finally realized who it was. It was Kimchi---AA's Kimchi. "Annyeo...Annyeon...Annyeonghaseyo." You stuttered. You bowed 180 degrees and held out your hand. "I'm Jung Mi Ran! Please call me Meenah!" He took your hand and chuckled. 

     "So, I guess you know me already?" Kimchi asked, sitting down on a chair. You nodded and said, "I've been your fan ever since you guys were revealed!" Kimchi smiled and motioned you over to the seat next to him. You bowed and gladly took the seat. "What class are you in? You don't look like a first year." Kimchi asked you. 

"I'm in first year! Hehe, I'm in class 1A."

"Ahh~ I see. You're quite amusing. Since you go to this school, you must be familiar with Dongho sunbae?"

"Oh...Dongho---well---I live with him." 

     Kimchi's eyes literally popped out of his head. He tilted his head and stared at you in confusion. "It's not what you think! I'm his childhood best friend and I moved back to Korea from the States not too long ago but that jerk just can't seem to remember me!" You exclaimed, gritting your teeth. Kimchi's mouth formed an "Oh" and he nodded. There was an awkward pause and to break the silence, a question popped into your head.

"Kimchi sunbae!! Why did you transfer here?"

"My company wanted me to~ I don't even know why. I wanted to go to another school but..."

"Ah. I see."

     Kimchi laughed and you looked at him weirdly. "What?" You curiously asked. Kimchi shook his head and placed it on the counter once again. He shut his eyes and dozed off right after. You giggled to yourself and stared at his face. "It's so much prettier in person." You whispered. You slowly reached your hand out---letting it hover over his hair---and pulled it back quickly after realizing what you were going to do. You bit your lip and quietly got up from the chair. You walked over to the door, taking one last look at Kimchi. You smiled at his beauty and silently got out of the room. 

"What an interesting little girl. She's so cute." Kimchi said to himself.

AND HERE IS KIMCHI ;________; Sorry for the cliff hangers! I've finally updated <3 Kekekeke :) Do you like it? I might pull another cliff hanger :3 xD Busy busy busy :)

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Seventeen_Minghao #1
Chapter 61: Holy mother of bananas I read your fic in just two days NO sleeps seriously its amazing can't wait to read the sequel but I'll sleep first hahahah
Hay there I'm stalking you.
Love you trang <3
animednila #3
Omg! I luv ur story. And I've only read the forward.
I realize my last comment had a silly typo... I mean such a good job xD
Anyway, I really like the story. Even if it was a little dragged. Nonetheless, I felt the emotions.
C: good job!
Aishhhhh.. Chapter 25 and I'm more than ever ;u;
I really like it, you did a good job.
It takes a lot to catch my attention.
Okay I'll comment right now, I just started and now on chapter 11
I really like this ;~; I'll make future comments too c:
omg! this story is sooooo good i read it all in 2 days! :D
i-b2uty #8
This story is the first story I ever read on this site and i love it! :D
Th pic is hilarious hahahahaha
Naomiixx #10
Start the sequel soon!!!!! D: