"May I know your dark secret?"

So We Meet Again

     You skipped outside, waving to your mom before you closed the door shut. The moment you heard the click of the door, you ran down the street and kept on going until you reached the small ice cream shop by the corner of the school. Inside, you saw Chelsea pigging out on an ice cream cone and reading the same manga that she read two days ago when you scared her.

     You let out a small chuckle and pushed open the door. You skipped and jumped over to Chelsea playfulling saying, "Chel Sea Yah!!" loudly. You grabbed the comic from her hand and spun around to face her. "Omo! Chelsea! Are you reading again?" You laughed and hid the book behind your back.

     "Jung Meenah! Give me back my book!" Chelsea yelled at you. She got out of her seat and jumped on top of you, reaching for her book. You tried to block Chelsea's reach but she stole it back and hit your head with the book. "Ow! Chelsea-ah!" You whined, rubbing your head. You had messed up your perfectly neat hair and she laughed and fixed it back into place. You smiled and sat down next to Chelsea trying to read what she was reading. "It....is...impossible that she...is the dark....magic's..."

     You had trouble reading the Japanese and you eventually gave up. Chelsea looked and you and the edges of rose up into a smile. She put the book down and her ice cream.

     You sighed and rested your feet on the wide legs of the table. "Chelsea-ahhh!" You whined and wiggled, "Is there something that you're keeping from me? It seems like you are! Chelsea! We're best friends, aren't we?" 

     "Of course we're best friends!" Chelsea exclaimed, apparently surprised by your sudden question. "Well, are we?!" You shook her arms and pouted. Chelsea nodded once. "My secret---is it okay to tell you?" Chelsea gulped. You could hear the fear in her voice and hesitated. 

     You couldn't believe that you were doubting yourself. With much thought, you slowly tipped your head up and down. Chelsea took a deep breath and dragged you out the door, down the street, around the corner, across the road, behind the school, and plopped you down on a bench under a high oak tree in the park. 

     Chelsea leaned her head against a tree and crossed her arms across her chest. "You know Zico from Block B and Changjo from Teen Top---right?" You nodded. "What about them? Do you know them? Omo! Chelsea! That's so cool! Aigoo, do you call this a secret?" You had jumped to conclusions and Chelsea shook her head. "Then, what is it?" You looked at her weirdly and got up from the bench. You walked over to Chelsea and furrowed your eyebrows. 

     "Chelsea--" You pushed lightly at her arm. Because of her long silence, you were concerned. You crouched down and looked up at Chelsea's face. You were dying inside of not knowing what it was. You shuddered and goosebumps ran up your arms. You rubbed at them and stood up. You poked Chelsea again but she didn't budge. "Chelsea! I thought you were going to tell me. Fine then. It seems that you---my best friend---doesn't have trust in me!" You yelled at Chelsea and trudged away, your head down. 

     "Wait! Meenah, I...well. You see..." Chelsea stuttered. You can tell she didn't want to tell you. You didn't want to force her if she didn't want anyone to know. You patted her back and walked away. Chelsea watched you walk away in disappointment. 

     "I'm sorry, Meenah-ah. I'll tell you some one day---for sure." 


*Chelsea's POV*

     I saw Meenah looking up at my face and I closed my eyes. I saw you shudder and I felt tears welling up. The tears were blocking up my throat but I pushed them back down. I really want to tell you, Meenah, but why does my heart feel like you're not ready for it? Maybe I should ask...No! I can't! Ugh this is so tiring. "Chelsea! I thought you were going to tell me. Fine then. It seems that you---my best friend---doesn't have trust in me!" I heard Meenah yell at me. I quickly looked up to see you trudging away. "Wait! Meenah, I...well. You see..." I stuttered and pressed myself against the tree.

      "I'm sorry, Meenah-ah. I'll tell you some one day---for sure." I whispered as I watched Meenah walk away. I hugged myself tightly and walked back to the ice cream shop. I sat down at a table and slammed my head down. I was about to pull my hair out in frustration. I couldn't believe that I had disappointed my best friend. The one that I thought that I could trust with anything. 

      Why hadn't I not told you? I closed her eyes, tilted my head back, and sighed. When I opened my eyes, I kicked the table in surprise and was about to break it. I slowly turned around and was amazed to find Teen Top's Changjo, staring at me. 

      "Sempa---I mean, Changjo! You almost made my heart jump out of my chest! What are you doing here? Aren't you busy? By the way, that disguise..." I laughed and held my stomach. 

     "Good! You're laughing now!" Changjo smiled. He brushed my fringe from my face. "I was following you. It seems like you're having some problems with your best friend, aren't you? Aigoo, my poor lovely baby. I can always help! Kekekekeke. Just---don't ever go and ask for that pisser known as Zico." Changjo growled silently when he mentioned Zico. I shook my head and jumped over the seat to sit next to Changjo. 

     "Oi. What did I say about calling Zico that? Tsk tsk tsk. Changjo, you know better!" Changjo looked down and avoided eye contact with me. 

Did I disappoint you? LOL because you didn't get to find out her secret??? I'M SORRY ^O^ XD c:

It shall come soon. Be very patient, my lovely readers. It will come.


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Seventeen_Minghao #1
Chapter 61: Holy mother of bananas I read your fic in just two days NO sleeps seriously its amazing can't wait to read the sequel but I'll sleep first hahahah
Hay there I'm stalking you.
Love you trang <3
animednila #3
Omg! I luv ur story. And I've only read the forward.
I realize my last comment had a silly typo... I mean such a good job xD
Anyway, I really like the story. Even if it was a little dragged. Nonetheless, I felt the emotions.
C: good job!
Aishhhhh.. Chapter 25 and I'm more than ever ;u;
I really like it, you did a good job.
It takes a lot to catch my attention.
Okay I'll comment right now, I just started and now on chapter 11
I really like this ;~; I'll make future comments too c:
omg! this story is sooooo good i read it all in 2 days! :D
i-b2uty #8
This story is the first story I ever read on this site and i love it! :D
Th pic is hilarious hahahahaha
Naomiixx #10
Start the sequel soon!!!!! D: