
I'm still falling for you




“Key umma… Why didn’t you just tell Jungmin noona the room that we are staying so she could just straightly go there?” Taemin asked Key curiously as they were walking back to the radio booth.

“I still don’t trust her enough Taeminnie.” Key simply said. Taemin frowned.

“But I though, you agreed to give her a chance?” Taemin pressed.

“I am giving her a chance.” Key said. “I just can’t let her get close to us like Soohee did the last time.” He reminded Taemin. Taemin shook his head as a sign of disapproval. “Why are you so nice to her Taeminnie?” Key asked him. “You were one of the most affected when Soohee did what she did.”

“I know umma, but I Jungmin noona seem really nice.” Taemin reasoned out.

“She may just be pretending.” Key pointed out not wanting to be easily fooled by someone being "nice".

“Aniyo!” Taemin said defensively. “She even told me that she already had her lunch when in fact she hasn’t eaten yet. If she was pretending, she should have said that she was hungry so she could join us for lunch.” Key froze a moment at Taemin’s story.

“How can you say that she lied about having lunch?” Key asked again.

“Well, her stomach gave her away.” Taemin said and giggled when he remembered Jungmin’s expression after her stomach rumbled. Key remained silent and just continued walking with Taemin trailing behind him.


Jungmin reached the building’s lobby and looked around for signs of Key. He was not around so Jungmin sat on one of the couches and waited for him when her phone vibrated in her pocket. Jungmin pulled her phone out and read the message.


To: Jungmin       

           From: Chunja

Good work! Grab a lunch before coming back ok?

Meet me back at Manager Jin’s office at 2pm after you’re done there.


Jungmin glanced at her watch and saw that it was already 1pm. She looked around once again looking for Key. Going back at the SME building will pretty much take up 30 minutes of  her time. I should have bought some bread at the convenience store. She thought and closed her eyes.

“Jungmin noona?” a hesitant voice asked her. Jungmin opened her eyes and saw Minho standing in front of her. Jungmin stood up in surprise.

“Minho-shii” she greeted him. “Did Key send you here?”

Minho shook his head. “I just went here to stretch my legs a bit before the radio show resume.” He told her. “I was going back when I saw you come in here.”

“Oh, then could you give this to Taemin?” Jungmin asked him and handed a paper bag with the banana milk in it. Minho received the paper bag and looked at the contents and smiled. “I bumped into Taemin and Key outside and volunteered to buy that for your maknae. Key told me that he will meet me here but he’s still not around. I can’t wait for him any longer, Chunja unni is waiting for me.” Jungmin explained.

“That’s ok, I’ll just give this to Taemin.” Minho agreed.

“Umma?” Jungmin echoed.

“Wae?” Minho asked.

Jungmin shook her head. She must have heard it wrong. It was impossible that Minho will call Key umma when he’s a guy.

“Well, I’ll be off then.” Jungmin told him and turned to leave when Minho stopped her by getting a hold of her arm. Jungmin turned around with a confused look and Minho let go of arm immediately.

“Uh, can I borrow your handphone noona?” he asked suddenly before Jungmin could ask any questions. Jungmin got her phone from her pocket and handed it to Minho. Minho grinned when he saw Jungmin’s handphone but said nothing. He then keyed in his number.

“Message me when you reach SME safely araso?” he told her. Jungmin smiled at his concern.

“Okay, I will. Thanks Minho-shii.” She smiled warmly at him and left.


Minho rubbed his neck as he watch Jungmin left the building. I hoped I didn’t scare her when I suddenly grabbed her.Minho thought worriedly and started walking towards the elevator. The elevator doors opened and Minho was surprised to see Key coming out of it in a hurry not even noticing him. Minho frowned and wondered where his hyung was going and followed him instead when Key was already too far to be called out.


Key dashed towards the lobby as he exited the elevator and looked around. There were no signs of Jungmin. He immediately went to the front desk.

“Excuse me miss. Have you seen a girl wearing a yellow shirt dropped by?” Key asked the lady behind the desk. The lady blushed when she saw Key from Shinee talking to her, although she didn’t comprehend whatever he was telling her.

“Uh, pardon?” she asked again, trying to act cool in front of the celebrity. Key sighed and repeated his question.

“I saw a girl with a yellow shirt a while ago, she looks a little lost and stayed right there on the couch.” She gladly answered his question and frowned when she noticed that the couches were now empty.

“Really?” Key said in surprise and look at the empty couches. “Did she leave already?”

“I’m sorry” the lady shook her head. “I didn't noticed.”

“It’s ok. Thanks for the info.” Key politely replied and went towards the couch that the lady pointed.

Maybe she just went to the bathroom. Key thought to himself and checked his watch once again, it say’s 1:20pm. Aish! I should’ve just gone here first before going to the comfort room. He thought again while scratching his head.

“Key hyung!” Minho called Key when the latter stayed in place and Key turned around as he was called.

“Yah! Why are you still here? Shouldn’t you be preparing already. The program will start soon.” Key admonished him.

“Well, I was going to ask you the same question hyung? Haven’t the show already started?” Minho asked him.

“Aniyo, there was a 10 minute extra time given to us.” Key shook his head and saw the paper bag that Minho was holding. “What’s that?” he asked him.

“Oh, these?” Minho said and raised the paper bag. “Jungmin noona told me to give this to Taemin.”

“What? Where is she?” Key asked him once again looking around.

“She already left, Chunja noona seem to need her back at SME.” Minho replied. “Why are you looking for her hyung?” Minho asked back.

“It’s nothing.” Key said with a frustrated sigh. That girl, I specifically told to wait for me and she left easily. Key thought in disappointment and tightened his grip on the lunch set he was holding. “Let’s go back Minho, they must be worried by now.” He said instead and walk back towards the elevator with Minho following him closely behind.

“Why are you bringing that lunch set hyung?” Minho asked him as they entered the elevator.

“I- I- I thought one of the crew who didn’t get his lunch set will be here so I brought it down.” Key reasoned out lamely and kept silent.

“And you’re personally bringing a lunch set to a crew?” Minho asked in surprise with one brow raised.

“And you’re awfully noisy for someone who usually keeps quiet.” Key snapped back at him and hurriedly walks out of the elevator when it opened.


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Chapter 43: omg please writ again, I gave up my nights sleep to read this! so please update soon!
Chapter 43: Yay, you're back! Aww, Key is such a sweetie. ^w^ Can't wait for the next chapter!
Thanks for updating, and please update when you can!
Chapter 42: I finally caught up... LOL. So I understand everything about Sohee now... Why do I get the feeling that she'll reappear soon... : \
Thanks for updating, and please update soon~
Chapter 42: Awe! Let the loving commense! Lol update soon!
Btw I upvoted your story! Continue with the updates!
Chapter 41: .___. bish /slaps sohee
/hugs SHINee <69
Chapter 41: Omo?! She did that?! That....that......JERK!! URG!! Poor taemin. ...continue and update soon! !
breeze03 #8
Chapter 41: Dont tell me Shinee fell for that?! Poor Tae
Okay, i really wantto know what with sihee accindent? So author-nim, i cant wait for the next update. Please update soon. ^^
Chapter 40: Wow! This is an amazing story! Hi! I'm subscribing now! Continue and update soon!