
I'm still falling for you


Jungmin saw Key pursed his lips and the scowl disappear from his face. He remained silent but his his eyes were still sharp. He then grabbed the towel from Jungmin’s hands and wrapped it around her shoulders this time.

“Yeobosyo?” a female voice cackled on the other line.

Jungmin blinked in surprise when she heard the voice.  She actually forgot that she was calling Chunja noona. The surroundings faded for her when Key wrapped the towel gently around her shoulders making her warm. She even forgot that she was cold.

“Yeoboseyo? Jungmin?” Chunja asked again on the other side.

“Ah, Chunja unni-“Jungmin started to say, her teeth chattering, when Key grabbed her phone.

“Chunja noona, she’s with me. Yes, Jaeyo noona was right.”Key told Chunja on the other line. Jungmin frowned as she can’t hear what Chunja unni was saying on the other line.

“We’re going back to the office.” Key said and ended the call. He then slipped Jungmin’s phone in his pocket and then wrapped his arms around her shoulders and guided her inside the building.

Jungmin blankly followed Key, with no other choice as she didn’t expect to be in his arms. She faintly saw the guard’s surprised look as they entered SME and didn’t blocked her as Key was by her side. Jungmin stopped on her tracks when she saw the plastic bags.

Key looked at her as she suddenly stopped with his eyebrows raised.

Jungmin gulped as she saw how close their faces were and she shook her head. Why the hell am I being nervous? She asked herself.

“The plastic bags.” She simply told him.

Key sighed and got his own phone out with the hand that was not on her shoulder and dialed a number.

“Jjong, yes I have Jungmin with me.” Key told Jonghyun on the other line and removed the phone away from his ears. Jungmin was also startled at the shouting voices she heard. Key sighed in frustration. “Will you tell the others to calm down? I’ll bring her in the office so they could see for themselves. Just go here in the lobby and bring to the office the two plastic bags that you see in the lobby entrance. You’ll not miss it. Ok, thanks.” He then ended the call and placed his phone once again in his pocket.

“Better?” he asked her softly with a smile.

Jungmin just nodded, unable to talk coherently as she was dazzled by Key’s smile. Why is Key being nice to me? She asked herself. They were now inside the elevator, on the way to Manager Jin’s office.

Jungmin shrugged her shoulders lightly.

“Uhm, I’m okay now.” She told Key softly and Key reluctantly removed his arms around her without looking at her. It was not that cold inside the elevator but Jungmin shivered instinctively when Key removed his arms so she then tightened the towel wrapped around her. “Thank you Key” she murmured.

Key turned to her and was about to say something when the elevators door opened. Key closed his mouth and left the elevator.

“Let’s go. The others are waiting.” He said instead and fished her phone from his pocket and handed it to Jungmin. Jungmin reached for her phone and placed it in her pocket. Her hand still holding the phone in her pocket, savoring the warmth she felt from it. She then followed him back into the office, with Key a few steps ahead of her.


Jungmin was enveloped by hugs and pat on the head when she entered Manager Jin’s office.

“Noona!” Taemin warmly greeted her and hugged her as she entered the room. “Thank goodness Jaeyo noona saw you.”

“Well it’sLalso a good thing that Key saw you.” Onew told her with his smiling eyes and irresistible grin.

“What the hell happened to you?” Chunja asked her as she saw her wet state.

Jungmin grinned at them and her heart fluttered. She was touched by their concern.

“Let her change first guys” Key declared from behind them. Onew, Taemin and Chunja looked around and saw Key with his hands on his hips while the other hand has a black shirt. He pursed his lips and straightened his arm out towards Jungmin, holding the shirt. “Here” he simply told her.

Jungmin hesitatingly reached out for the shirt.

“Go changed over there.” Key then told her and pointed at the door beside the pantry.

Jungmin nodded and murmured a word of thanks and then went to the bathroom.

“Aigo Key” Chunja said in frustration when Jungmin was in the bathroom.

“Wae?” Key asked her, his brows furrowed.

“I do not understand you at all. Are you scaring the girl or are you worrying about her?” Chunja asked him directly.

“I just don’t want her getting sick because of us.” Key told the noona nonchalantly.

“To the point of letting her wear your shirt?” Onew teasingly asked him knowing that Key hated letting others use his things. His joke received a glare from Key as a response. Taemin laughed at Key’s response.

“It’s ok to be worried, you’re the umma after all.” Taemin told Key.

Just then, Jungmin went out of the bathroom with her shirt changed. Key’s shirt hang loosely on her as it was a few sizes too big. Her hair still damp and she tied it in a loose ponytail with a few tendrils escaping framing her face.

“It even looks good on you noona even if it's big.” Taemin praised her when he saw her. Jungmin blushed and shook her head.

“I’ll return the shirt after washing it Key.” Jungmin told him.

"No hurry" was Key's only reply and he sat in front of the computer and busied himself with it.

“So tell us what happened?” Chunja asked leading Jungmin to sit on the couch. Onew and Taemin stood in front of her, wanting to know what happened as well.

Jungmin told them what happened.

“Aish, I should have a talk with that guard.” Onew said to no one in particular.

“Aniyo Onew.” Jungmin told him and shook her head. “He was just doing his job. I was so disheveled that he didn’t want to ruin the company’s image.” Jungmin reasoned out, not wanting to be the cause of the guard being out of his job.

“But still, he should’ve asked us instead of making you stay out while it was raining.” Onew told her.

The office door then opened and everybody looked up and saw Minho and Jonghyun enter. They were each carrying a plastic bag that Jungmin left at the lobby.

“Whew, these are heavy.” Jonghyun commented as he placed the plastic bag near the couch. Minho rolled his eyes at his hyung’s comment and did the same.

“You carried it all by yourself?” Chunja asked her again.

“Yes” Jungmin answered with a nod. “But they are not that heavy.” She told them.

“Maybe Jonghyun hyung is the one getting weaker.” Taemin joked and Jonghyun ruffled his hair.

“Yeah, I think you need to visit the gym Jonghyun.” Onew added playfully.

“Yah! I just said that because Jungmin noona might feel that it is heavy for a girl” Jonghyun defended himself.

“Seriously, call us if you need help Jungmin.” Chunja told her and Jungmin nodded.

“Ok boys, let’s get on with your schedule, your manager is waiting for you downstairs.” Chunja said and stood up. “Jungmin, you’ll be with Onew and Jonghyun today araso?” she told her. Jungmin stood up as well upon hearing that she would accompany Shinee today as well. “I’ll be with Key, Taemin and Minho. They have a guesting at a variety show while the other two had some recording to do. Manager Jin will drop us off at the location and he’ll be going somewhere else. He'll pick us up whenever you're done so just text him then” She instructed Jungmin.

“Let’s go then.” Onew announced and they all left the room together..

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Chapter 43: omg please writ again, I gave up my nights sleep to read this! so please update soon!
Chapter 43: Yay, you're back! Aww, Key is such a sweetie. ^w^ Can't wait for the next chapter!
Thanks for updating, and please update when you can!
Chapter 42: I finally caught up... LOL. So I understand everything about Sohee now... Why do I get the feeling that she'll reappear soon... : \
Thanks for updating, and please update soon~
Chapter 42: Awe! Let the loving commense! Lol update soon!
Btw I upvoted your story! Continue with the updates!
Chapter 41: .___. bish /slaps sohee
/hugs SHINee <69
Chapter 41: Omo?! She did that?! That....that......JERK!! URG!! Poor taemin. ...continue and update soon! !
breeze03 #8
Chapter 41: Dont tell me Shinee fell for that?! Poor Tae
Okay, i really wantto know what with sihee accindent? So author-nim, i cant wait for the next update. Please update soon. ^^
Chapter 40: Wow! This is an amazing story! Hi! I'm subscribing now! Continue and update soon!