Thirty Four

I'm still falling for you


Key remained quiet and just sat beside Jungmin when Jonghyun left. The only sound that can be heard was the voices from the television that was still on a cooking show channel.

Jungmin turned her head slightly and tried to peek at Key and see what he was doing. She was not used to see Key sitting idly, he seem so full of energy. She immediately turned her head towards the screen when Key turned and faced her as well.

“Wae?” Key asked her in a teasing voice, making her know that he noticed her looking at him.

“Nothing.” Jungmin told him and concentrated on the television show in front of her. She then felt Key squeezed her hand which was still entwined with his. Jungmin then tried to tug her hand free but still, she could not win against Key’s strength or stubbornness for that matter.

Jungmin inhaled deeply and bravely faced Key, shifting her body slightly so it was also facing Key. Jungmin stared at him and frowned when she saw Key’s amused look.

“Is anything funny?” Jungmin asked him when she noticed his grin.

“Aniyo” Key said and tried to school his features but still grinned at the end. “I’m sorry, but it’s because you’re too cute when you’re angry.” He explained.

Jungmin rolled her eyes at his explanation then tried to look annoyed to make Key stop looking at her.

“You’re acting weird.” Jungmin simply stated.

Key nodded in agreement.

“You’re acting differently.” She added as she try to elaborate.

Key nodded once again.

“You’re more like an appa than umma.” Jungmin said once again, trying to get a reaction from him and she succeeded.

Key laughed at her last statement. His high pitch laugh echoes across the room and Key tried to stifle it when he saw Jungmin’s serious expression.

“I’m sorry for laughing but yes, I do agree as well.” Key said in between chuckles.

“Wae?” Jungmin asked this time.

Key’s expression turned into a more serious one, but his eyes were sparkling as if he was reliving a very beautiful memory.

“I am weird. I am acting differently and I am like an appa more than an umma. I become all of these when I’m with you.” He told her softly while gazing straight into her eyes. Jungmin couldn’t look away although she did not even try. He tightened his grasp on her hand. “I stopped asking myself why because I’ll just get crazy searching for answers. All I know is that even if I become more like an appa, I don’t care as long as I get to have you as the umma.”

Jungmin felt her heat stopped at Key’s words. She said those words to irritate him not to make him divulge what he feels. It’s weird how such words could warm your heart and at the same time freeze your body.

“Wha– Wha– “Jungmin started to ask him but cannot say what her brain couldn’t conceive.

Key smiled softly at her. “You don’t have to worry Jungmin. I won’t force myself to you. I mean, I know I haven’t been really kind and all but I just want to let you know that I like you and I’m falling for you.” he told her once again, his confession jumpstarted her heart. “I don’t expect you to do or say anything now but I do hope you’ll give me a chance?” he asked her, his eyes pleading.

Jungmin, whose brain has totally shut down, nodded in response which earned a smile from Key.

“That’s good.” Key replied then faced the television once again. He then placed a pillow on his lap and placed their intertwined hands on it.

Jungmin tried to bring her attention back to the show but she found it impossible since her mind and her heart were in chaos. Key’s confession has not fully sink in, or refused to sink in, whatever Jungmin decides.

She refused to believe that Key likes her, that Key actually LIKES her. Jungmin shook her head slightly which earned a look from Key and she just smiled at him and act as if everything fine when everything inside her is in turmoil. She wasn’t even able to say that she’s starting to like him too. Jungmin instinctively slapped her cheek lightly with her free hand.

“Is anything wrong?” Key turned to her once again and asked.

Jungmin looked at him innocently and shook her head.

“Absolutely nothing.” Jungmin immediately replied. Maybe too fast? She thought and started to shake her head when she mentally stopped herself from doing so. Key might get worried if he can see how frequently she shakes her head.

“I’m fine. I just, I just…” she looked around and mentally squeezed her brain to come up with an excuse.

“BATHROOM!” Jungmin said loudly which made Key jumped slightly in surprise. “I’m sorry for startling you; I just realized that I need to go to the bathroom.” Jungmin amended and grinned sheepishly. She then instinctively tried to stand up, wobbled with one foot on the floor and the injured foot still on the small table in front of her, causing for her to fall softly back on the sofa.


“Yah!” Key said loudly getting her attention. “Do you really want to injure yourself?” he reprimanded her as he stood up in front of her.

 “Sorry. I forgot about my foot.” Jungmin said lowering her head.

“I also told you to tell me immediately if you need anything. God knows how long you’ve been holding that in. You’ve been sitting here since this morning!” He added in an exasperated manner. Jungmin peeked at Key and swallowed a chuckle when she saw his usual “diva” stance.

“C’mon I’ll help you go to the bathroom.” Key demanded rather than offered. He then went by her side and scooped her up as if she weigh’s nothing at all. Jungmin went silent when Key lifted her up, her hands instinctively wrapping around tightly on Key’s neck and snuggling closer to him in fear that she may fall.

She glanced at Key’s face when she felt him laugh rather than saw, her eyes questioning him.

“Yah! You might want to loosen your hold a bit. I’m getting strangled here.” Key said teasing her. Jungmin made face at him and slightly loosened her hold on him. “Don’t worry umma, appa can carry you to the bathroom without letting you fall.” He added with a smirk and walked towards the bathroom. Jungmin burrowed her head as she felt the blush creep on her cheeks.

Key nudged the bathroom door as it opened wide and went inside the bathroom with Jungmin in his arms. He then lowered Jungmin on the ground and told her to keep her arms around his shoulders for support.

“Remember not to step on your foot arasso?” Key sternly reminded her once again and Jungmin nodded. She then removed her arms around Key as her uninjured foot touches the floor and she clutches the countertop for support.

Jungmin was about to close the door when Key remained standing on the doorway, although his back was facing her. She shooed Key away but the latter remained on where he was.

“Kibum!” Jungmin called his attention. Key turned to her in surprise; it was the first time that she called him by his name. “Don’t tell me you intend to stay there while I… I… I do my thing here.” Jungmin stuttered.

“Of course!” Key answered proudly. “What would just happen if you accidentally slip? Or if you need anything that you can’t reach? I have to be in here also.” He reasoned seriously which made Jungmin wonder if he understands what he’s saying.

“Key. You’re a guy and I’m a girl. Even if you’re the umma of the house I still need my privacy.” Jungmin told him slowly, trying to let him understand the situation.

Key frowned at her explanation and bit his lower lip as he stared at her, as if thinking hard.

“What if you accidentally slipped?” Key asked worriedly.

Jungmin sighed.

“I promise I will call you and you can come rushing in. Although I will do my utmost best to not ‘accidentally slip’.” Jungmin promised.

“So leave the door open?” Key asked her.

“Absolutely not!” Jungmin exclaimed in horror. “Aish! If you want, I won’t lock the door.” She said in defeat. Key can really be quite stubborn at times.

“Deal!” Key said brightly that made Jungmin doubt if this was just Key’s plan to not let her lock the door. “I’ll just be on the other side.” He added and he gently closed the door.

“Stupid diva!” Jungmin muttered as she glanced on the mirror in front of her. Jungmin stared at her reflection and found nothing new. It was still the same girl that she sees in the mirror every day. But somehow, she feels that she has changed. The happy attitude of the five boys seems to rub off on her. She was also now at ease in the company of many people. If left alone in someone she has just met, she can now start a conversation and befriend the new person. She was not the timid, clueless girl she once was. Well, maybe still clueless. Jungmin corrected herself.

“Jungmin! Are you still alive?” Key asked loudly on the other side of the door.

“I’m fine Key! So don’t you dare open that door.” Jungmin yelled back and smiled knowing Key was just worried about her. Jungmin did her thing, washed her hands and tied her hair in a ponytail and finally wobbled to the bathroom door and opened it.

Key was sitting on the floor with his legs folded beneath him and his head bowed down, his back was facing Jungmin. Jungmin frowned when he didn’t react when she opened the bathroom door.

“Key” she called him softly and gently shook his shoulder from behind.

“Omo! You’re done?” Key asked her in a surprised tone and stood up quickly.

Jungmin nodded slowly in response. “Are you ok? You seem deep in thought.” She commented.

Key smiled widely at her. “Aniyo. I was just thinking of some things.” He then scooped her up again which made Jungmin hang onto him again.

“So where do you want to go? Bedroom or living room?” Key asked her teasingly as he held her in mid-air.

“Li– Li– Living room…” Jungmin stuttered in reply and hid her face in his chest in embarrassment and Key chuckled at her response.

“What are you getting embarrassed about Jungmin? I was just asking a simple question.” Key further.

“Yah! Stop it!” Jungmin told him, her voice muffled.

“Arasso, yeobo.” Key said with a smile as he carried Jungmin back to the living room and placed her back to where she sat before.

Key remained standing in front of her after she was placed back delicately on the couch. Jungmin looked up at him questioningly.

Key placed his hands on his hips and raised his brows. “What are we going to do now?” he asked her.

“I’m going to watch the cooking show.” Jungmin answered him simply and grabbed the remote control beside her and the television. She craned her neck to one side as she try to look past Key who was blocking her view.

“Jinja?” key asked in disbelief and scoffed at her then turned to see the show and looked back at Jungmin. “This show is just a replay of yesterday’s program.”

“Wae?” Jungmin asked him with a pout. “I love watching cooking shows. Now just go somewhere else so I can watch properly.” She told him trying to sound serious.

Key threw his hands in the air in surrender and Jungmin smiled mischievously as she thought that she irritated Key. Jungmin was then surprised when Key sat beside her once again and joined her in watching the program.

After a few minutes, Key kept fidgeting on his seat. Jungmin glared at him and he just smiled innocently at her. A little bit more time passed and Key was dancing the hand movements of their Lucifer song. Jungmin tried to ignore him but his movements kept getting sharper and faster that he was almost jostling her.

“Yah!” Jungmin yelled and glared at Key once again which made Key stopped and stare at her. Jungmin’s annoyance vanished when she saw Key’s expression, he was looking at her in awe. “Yah!” Jungmin said again in a low tone this time. “Can you please stop doing that.” She added, trying to soften her voice.

“I can’t believe you still look pretty when you’re angry.” Key murmured more to himself than to her. Jungmin blushed and turned her attention back to the television. But her peripheral vision and focused remain on Key.

Jungmin saw him pouted and remained staring at her.

“This is boring!” Key said loudly. Jungmin sighed and turned off the television and shifted slightly on her seat so she was partially facing Key.

“Ok. You win.” Jungmin told him in defeat. “Let’s do what you want to do” she told him.

Key’s pout turned into a mischievous grin. “Are you sure you want to do what I’m thinking?” he asked her.

Jungmin bit her lip, reached out for the remote control and was about to take back her remark when Key reached her hands first, stopping her.

“C’mon Jungmin, what were you thinking?” Key asked her teasingly. “I was going to ask you to play 20 questions.” He told her innocently.

“Twenty questions?” Jungmin repeated when she heard what Key said and Key nodded knowingly at her.

“What were you thinking?” He asked her again with a grin.

“Nothing.” Jungmin replied. “I just never expected it from you.”

“If it were up to me, I’d dragged you out of here and go shopping.” Key replied drily and rolled his eyes “So let’s play twenty questions?” Key prodded then.

“Well…” Jungmin answered hesitantly. Key is very unpredictable and she’ll never know what he’s going to ask her next. But she also knew that Key was bored and if it were really up to him Jungmin knew he won’t be cooped inside their dorm especially on his day off.

“Never pegged you for a chicken.” Key when she didn’t answered easily.

“Alright! Fine.” Jungmin said just to make Key stopped teasing her. “I’ll play your twenty questions” she told him finally which made Key smile contently.

“Let’s add a twist.” Key added.

“What kind of twist?” Jungmin asked eyeing him speculatively.

“If one does not answer the question then a punishment shall be done.” Key told her.

“What kind of punishment?” She asked again

“It depends on who’s asking the question.”Key answered with a shrug. “It’s like truth or dare but this time all we need is truth for the questions and dare for the unanswered ones.” He explained.

“That’s fine by me.” Jungmin agreed bravely.

“Ok. You start.” Key told her. Jungmin raised her brows in surprised.

 “Ladies first” Key said his eyebrows wiggling up and down which made Jungmin chuckle.

“Ok, let me think.” Jungmin said, thinking hardly on what to ask him. She knew Key will also ask some hard questions so she better be ready to make it difficult for him as well. “Who’s your favorite Shinee member?”

Key was about to answer when Jungmin raised her hand in front of him to stop him.

“Aside from yourself please.” She added with a smirk which made Key laughed heartily, his hands holding on to his stomach.

“Oh you know me too well.” Key said in between laughter, his eyes crinkling upwards. “That’s easy. It would be Taemin.”

“Really? I thought it was Jonghyun.” Jungmin said her thought out loud.

“Wae?” Key asked her curiously and Jungmin looked at him.

“Ha?” Jungmin asked.

“Why do you think it was Jjong?” Key asked her. Jungmin stared at him in surprised as she realized that she said her thought out loud. She shook her head to hide her blush.

“C’mon tell me.” Key persuaded her.

“Aniyo.” Jungmin said.

“Aniyo?” Key asked her again. Jungmin looked at him and nodded.

“Aniyo.” She replied firmly.

“Fine.” Key said with a shrug which made Jungmin sighed. She knew Key was stubborn so she was thankful that he let the matter drop.

“My turn.” Key said. “Why did you think that Jonghyun was my favorite Shinee member?”

Jungmin gaped at him and stared at him in disbelief. So much for giving up. Jungmin thought.

“Well, you know that I’ve searched articles about you guys to get to know you when I was starting as your assistant.” Jungmin started. “I saw some articles about you and Jonghyun…” Jungmin voice lowered and she glanced at Key.

“Articles about what?” Key asked her.

Jungmin sighed. “You know… Jongkey” she muttered and lowered her head due to embarrassment.

Jungmin glanced up when she heard Key laughing.

“Hey, what’s so funny?” Jungmin asked him.

“Nothing.” Key replied trying to stop himself from laughing harder.

“Nothing?” Jungmin asked him suspiciously.

“Nothing.” Key replied firmly.

“Ok. Now it is my turn.” Jungmin told him and Key looked at her with his brows raised

“What is so funny about “Jongkey”?” Jungmin asked him and Key burst out laughing after seeing Jungmin’s serious face.

“Oh, this will be a long game.” Key said out loud as Jungmin played his tactic back at him.


Hey! Happy Heart's Day people! :) some confession to start our day right.. hehe..

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts... It really inspires me to continue writing..

Your comments make me happy.. =)

I've been slow on the updates right? Mianhe... I've been busy..

I hope you'll still continue to read the story.. :)

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Chapter 43: omg please writ again, I gave up my nights sleep to read this! so please update soon!
Chapter 43: Yay, you're back! Aww, Key is such a sweetie. ^w^ Can't wait for the next chapter!
Thanks for updating, and please update when you can!
Chapter 42: I finally caught up... LOL. So I understand everything about Sohee now... Why do I get the feeling that she'll reappear soon... : \
Thanks for updating, and please update soon~
Chapter 42: Awe! Let the loving commense! Lol update soon!
Btw I upvoted your story! Continue with the updates!
Chapter 41: .___. bish /slaps sohee
/hugs SHINee <69
Chapter 41: Omo?! She did that?! That....that......JERK!! URG!! Poor taemin. ...continue and update soon! !
breeze03 #8
Chapter 41: Dont tell me Shinee fell for that?! Poor Tae
Okay, i really wantto know what with sihee accindent? So author-nim, i cant wait for the next update. Please update soon. ^^
Chapter 40: Wow! This is an amazing story! Hi! I'm subscribing now! Continue and update soon!