Thirty One.5

I'm still falling for you


After a few short minutes, the dorm room door opened and Manager Jin followed by a stocky man came in. Key and Jonghyun greeted them, bowing politely.

“Is she in my room?” Manager Jin asked them directly and Key nodded.

“This way doctor.” Manager Jin told the stocky man and led him to his room. “Just wait for us here.” He instructed the two boys when he noticed them trailing behind them and the two nodded in agreement.

Key and Jonghyun remained in the living room while waiting for the doctor and Manager Jin. Jonghyun opened the television.

“You can sleep now.” Key told Jonghyun.

“I want to hear what the doctor has to say.” Jonghyun replied staring blankly at the screen.

Silence ensue as the two boys waited.



Jungmin woke up as a sharp pain throbbed on her right foot. She gingerly opened her eyes and saw nothing but darkness. She blinked a few times, her vision adjusting on the dim room. She could make out the window on her left side and saw that it was still dark outside. She then raised her right hand to rub her head when she touched something warm. Her head immediately turned toward the source trying to see what she touched.

A head looked up as Jungmin moved.

“Oh you’re awake.” The voice said groggily and Jungmin’s fuzzy mind can’t point out who the voice belong to.

Jungmin squinted trying to see who was sitting beside her with his head on the bed and his arms as a pillow, catching sleep while accompanying her.

“Are you hungry?” the voice asked again when she didn’t respond.

Jungmin shook her head in response and at the same time a rumble was heard coming from her stomach. A chuckle escaped from the other person’s mouth.

 “Key” Jungmin mumbled as if answering a question. Key’s chuckle is imprinted on her brain, same with his grin or raised eyebrows. She was sure that the guy sleeping next to her was Key.

“Just rest, I’ll cook a soup for you.” Key answered with a yawn and stretched his arms then a bedside lamp giving the room a soft glow.

The glow was enough to make Jungmin see Key’s sleepy face, his tired eyes that were barely open and his pale smooth face. He was about to stand up when Jungmin grabbed his arms. Key looked at her questioningly.

“No food. Just sleep.” Jungmin murmured drowsily and frowned when she realized that she sounded drunk.

Key held her right hand with both of his hands and brought it closer to his chest.

“You’re on sleeping pills and pain meds. The doctor felt that it was better for you to sleep through the night so you can rest. Plus you won’t feel much pain from your ankle.” Key explained answering her silent question. “You rest while I prepare your food.”

Key was about to let go of Jungmin’s hand when Jungmin tightened her hand over his. Key glanced at her again. “You sleep.” Jungmin said drowsily. She then shook her head lightly trying to clear her head. “I’ll eat tomorrow.” She added.

Without thinking of her actions, Jungmin inched slowly to the left side of the bed trying not to jar her ankle and patted the space she emptied. Key’s eyebrows raised and Jungmin giggled at his expression then stopped shortly after she realized that she giggled. She never giggled, well maybe when she was young but she was never the giggling type. She sighed in frustration and just closed her eyes. “Let’s just sleep.” She mumbled once again.


Key don’t know if he was crazier for hopping into the bed next to Jungmin but his doubts resolved as Jungmin cuddled closer to him and placed her left hand over his chest. Key tried to glanced at the girl sleeping beside him but he couldn’t see much of her face since it was buried in the crook of his neck and if he turned his face further, his lips would’ve touch her forehead or cheek, so Key remained in his position, as straight as a rod, his eyes staring ahead, his body not moving at all.

“Goodnight Key.” Jungmin whispered sleepily, her breath fanning on his neck as she snuggled closer to him.  

Key tensed up as she felt Jungmin squirming beside her, just having her next to him, so within his reach was creating havoc in his mind. He tried to shut off his thoughts and all he could hear was his beating heart. Tentatively, Key placed his left hand over Jungmin’s hand that was on his chest and held it. With this, he could almost hear and feel their heart beating as one. The continuous rhythm lulls him back to sleep. He closed his eyes and let the music of their beating hearts and steady breathing fill the room. Key smiled when a thought entered his head. I could always sleep to this music.


Hi everyone! :) Have a few things to say.. (So sorry if this may seem longer than the update..)

First.. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! (although a little bit late) ^_^

Second.. I'm so SORRY for the short update.. hope you won't get dissappointed much..(Well, I am..) This past few weeks has really been busy for me and the portion in my brain that was saved for writing was evicted and was occupied by other matters so I'm still kind of searching for it... I was really trying hard to write an update since last week but I do not want to put anything mediocre (but I still did.. T.T) (bows shamefully)... I just wanted you to know that I'm still ALIVE and I am planning to finish this.. I know where to go but I just don't know how to go there.. (my brain's so muddled).. 

Thirdly.. I haven't forgotten about Sohee you guys.. =) I'm happy you're paying attention to my characters but the "Sohee incident" will come.. Do not worry.. Sohee's incident being brought up in the story would somehow lead to it's end (spoiler alert!)...

Lastly... THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! for sticking with me.. =) I was so mad at myself for not updating for sometime and I hate it.. Thank you guys for not unsubscribing.. Thank you for the wonderful comments (I told you they do keep me inspired)... You are really wonderful.. T_T (Tears of joy this time)..

So there you go.. My schedule is getting back on track with no more interruptions (hopefully).. So hang in there ok?.. =)

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! (I can't say that enough)..  ^_^ 


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Chapter 43: omg please writ again, I gave up my nights sleep to read this! so please update soon!
Chapter 43: Yay, you're back! Aww, Key is such a sweetie. ^w^ Can't wait for the next chapter!
Thanks for updating, and please update when you can!
Chapter 42: I finally caught up... LOL. So I understand everything about Sohee now... Why do I get the feeling that she'll reappear soon... : \
Thanks for updating, and please update soon~
Chapter 42: Awe! Let the loving commense! Lol update soon!
Btw I upvoted your story! Continue with the updates!
Chapter 41: .___. bish /slaps sohee
/hugs SHINee <69
Chapter 41: Omo?! She did that?! That....that......JERK!! URG!! Poor taemin. ...continue and update soon! !
breeze03 #8
Chapter 41: Dont tell me Shinee fell for that?! Poor Tae
Okay, i really wantto know what with sihee accindent? So author-nim, i cant wait for the next update. Please update soon. ^^
Chapter 40: Wow! This is an amazing story! Hi! I'm subscribing now! Continue and update soon!