Thirty Three

I'm still falling for you


Manager Jin came to the dorm and picked up Minho, Taemin and Onew. He greeted Jungmin after seeing her on the sofa and asked for her well-being. Jungmin reassured him that she was fine, aside from the swollen ankle that she cannot hide from them.

"Just rest here until you get better." Manager Jin advised her warmly and Jungmin smiled at him shyly.

"Thank you so much for your concern sir and for letting me stay here." Jungmin said politely.

"It is really no problem. Mr. Kim, your professor, was also informed about your little mishap and he told me to keep you safe." Manager Jin shared with a grin.

"You really don't have to worry about me sir, I can take care of myself." Jungmin said in defense.

"No worries Jungmin, we would gladly take care of you. The boys are already attached to you and they would get mad at me if I didn't suggested you stay here in the first place." He replied with fondness.

Jungmin then thanked him again and Manager Jin shared that Key and Jonghyun, who was still sleeping on his room, has no schedule for the day so Jungmin has someone to stay with her.

When the three members with the schedule left the house, Key cleaned up the dished and excused himself from Jungmin when he was about to leave the living room.

"I'll just clean up the rooms." Key told her casually and Jungmin's eyes followed him surprise. “Wae?” Key asked her from the hallway with his hands on his hips when Jungmin looked at him in surprise.

“What?” Jungmin asked him defensively and the television.

“You look as if you want to say something.” Key prodded.

Jungmin pretended that she did not heard what he said and watched but Key remained where he was.

“So stubborn.” Jungmin muttered under her breath. “I was just surprise that you do the household chores.” She finally told him when Key didn’t budge from where he was standing.

Key’s frown broke into a wide grin that made Jungmin’s heart flutter once again. “I always do the chores. Haven’t you heard? I’m the umma of the house.” He told her jokingly.

“Oh right you haven’t told me yet why you don’t get mad at them for calling you umma. You’re a guy you know.” Jungmin told him as she remembered their conversation when he came back for her at the stadium.

“I was mad at first but the name stuck and even though they used to call me umma to irritate me and to make me stop my nagging, now they use it as an endearment.” Key told her wistfully. “For me, it’s a privilege to be called a mother because I know how hard it is to be one.” He added.

“You’re mom raised you pretty well.” Jungmin told him softly.

“My grand-mother did.” He corrected her. “I’ll join you later in watching t.v. after finishing the chores and cooking lunch.” He promised her and disappeared in one of the rooms.  

Jungmin swallowed when her brain finally processed that Key will be joining her after his chores. So much for trying to create a space between them while she was still trying to remember what happened last night. She calmed herself and focused instead on the television program that was airing today.

Jungmin was startled when a door opened half expecting Key to come out any moment now. She was surprised when she saw a sleepy Jonghyun entered the living room. He was rubbing his eyes and his hair was unkempt.

“Good morning Jonghyun!” Jungmin greeted him with a smile.

Jonghyun smiled back at her and mumbled a good morning. He then went to the kitchen and Jungmin could hear the opening and closing of the cupboards and refrigerator.

After a little while, Jonghyun plopped himself on the sofa beside Jungmin with a bowl of cereal on his hands.

“Is that your breakfast?” Jungmin asked him as he sat beside her.

Jonghyun spooned a mouthful and nodded. “Key didn’t want me to eat anything heavy since it will be lunch time soon.” He told her after he swallowed. “Want some?” he asked her.

Jungmin shook her head. “Thanks but I’m fine.” She said with a smile.

And the two watched the program quietly.


Jungmin was surprised to see Key came out of the hallway after about 2 hours, not that she was really counting.

“Jjong, just wait a minute while I cook our lunch, arasso?”  Key told him and approached Jungmin.

Key then picked up the empty bowl beside Jungmin and smiled. “Did you have any stomachache after finishing the porridge?” he asked her.

Jungmin shook his head. “It was really very good Key.” She added.     

Key then went back to the kitchen carrying the empty bowl.

“Key, I’m done also. Wash my bowl too?” Jonghyun said loudly from the living room.

“Wash your own bowl Jjong.” Key told him sternly from the kitchen.

Jungmin saw Jonghyun pouted and chuckled at his expression.

“You’re such a baby Jonghyun.” Jungmin commented which made Jonghyun smirk.

“Then can you baby me?” He asked her cheekily.

“Yah! Jonghyun! What are you asking Jungmin? I heard you clearly.” Key yelled from the kitchen and the two glanced at him, bursting into laughter.

Key was wearing a pink apron with his one hand on his hips while his other hand was raised holding a ladle, as if ready to strike.

“Wae?” Key asked when the two laughed suddenly.

“Sorry umma.” Jonghyun replied but his expression didn’t look sorry at all as he tried to swallow his laughter. Jungmin laughed harder at Jonghyun’s expression.

“Aish!” Key muttered. “Be thankful that you’re with Jungmin, or else I wouldn’t give you your lunch.”


The three ate their lunch quietly, with the two guys in the dining table while Jungmin still on the couch with a tray containing her meal on her lap. Jonghyun went back to his room after eating and Key cleaned their dishes then approached Jungmin. He smiled when he saw that Jungmin’s plate was empty.

“Was it really good?” Key asked her and Jungmin nodded and patted her tummy to show how full she was. Key then picked up the tray with the empty plate and washed it as well.

He then sat beside Jungmin and watched whatever was showing on the television.

“So you like cooking shows?” Key asked her nonchalantly and Jungmin turned her head to Key, startled by the sudden question. Key was looking at her expectantly, waiting for an answer.

“Uhm, no.” she answered and Key raised his brows quizzically since she never changed the channel since they the television for her. “I mean, I love seeing the different kinds of food but I get frustrated that I don’t get to taste it.”

“Well, maybe I’ll bring you to a live cooking show sometime so that you could taste the dishes they created.” Key said and Jungmin’s eyes widened in surprise.

“That will be really great!” She told him excitedly and faced Key with a grateful look and beaming face her hand clutched Key’s arm in excitement. Key laughed at her enthusiasm.

“You’re really funny.” Key commented while staring at her.

“Wae?” Jungmin asked stupidly and looked away when she saw the serious expression in Key’s eyes. She then removed her hold on his arms when she realized that she was clutching his arm. Key immediately grabbed her hand and held it in his own. Jungmin looked back at Key and threw a questioning look and stared at her hands enveloped in his.

“I never saw a girl spazz on the idea of watching a live cooking show.” He told her seriously but his eyes were twinkling with laughter.

“Yah!” Jungmin said with a pout and tugged her hand held by Key, but Key only tightened his grip. “You’re just making fun of me.” She told him.

“Aniyo” Key said and shook his head. “I just love seeing different sides of you.” he added seriously. “And I want to know more about you.” he said in a soft voice that made Jungmin wonder if he really said it or not.

Jungmin swallowed her nervousness. Key holding her hand and staring at her like she was the most beautiful person on earth is ruining her coherency and thought process. His words is turning her mind into a mush and their physical closeness isn’t helping at all.

“What do you mean?” Jungmin asked him, her voice almost a whisper as her heart beats louder.


“What’s with the atmosphere?” Jonghyun asked loudly as he walked in the living room dressed in casual clothes.

Jungmin lowered her head, as she felt the heat on her cheeks. She tugged her hands from Key’s grasp but Key didn’t release her hand. Instead he lowered it, hiding it behind the pillow on Jungmin’s lap, away from Jonghyun’s prying eyes.

“What atmosphere?” Key asked him casually. “We were just talking.” He added and faced the television, still holding Jungmin’s hand.

“What were you talking about?” Jonghyun asked again to no one in particular.

“Nothing” was Jungmin’s reply.

“Many things.” Key said at the same time.

Jonghyun smirked at their replies.

“Well, whatever. It’s none of your business.” Key told him.

“Yeah, right!” Jonghyun retorted with a grin. “I’ll be going then.” He announced.

Jungmin looked up in surprise. “Where are you going? I thought you don’t have a schedule today?” she asked.

“Something came up and my schedule for recording was moved to today. Manager hyung is waiting outside.” He explained.

“Well, take care!” Jungmin said in goodbye and Jonghyun smiled warmly at her.

“I will.” He replied and then faced Key. “Don’t do anything I would do in this kind of situation.” Jonghyun reminded Key in a sing-song voice and laughed as he left the dorm with Key’s threatening glare following him.

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Chapter 43: omg please writ again, I gave up my nights sleep to read this! so please update soon!
Chapter 43: Yay, you're back! Aww, Key is such a sweetie. ^w^ Can't wait for the next chapter!
Thanks for updating, and please update when you can!
Chapter 42: I finally caught up... LOL. So I understand everything about Sohee now... Why do I get the feeling that she'll reappear soon... : \
Thanks for updating, and please update soon~
Chapter 42: Awe! Let the loving commense! Lol update soon!
Btw I upvoted your story! Continue with the updates!
Chapter 41: .___. bish /slaps sohee
/hugs SHINee <69
Chapter 41: Omo?! She did that?! That....that......JERK!! URG!! Poor taemin. ...continue and update soon! !
breeze03 #8
Chapter 41: Dont tell me Shinee fell for that?! Poor Tae
Okay, i really wantto know what with sihee accindent? So author-nim, i cant wait for the next update. Please update soon. ^^
Chapter 40: Wow! This is an amazing story! Hi! I'm subscribing now! Continue and update soon!