
I'm still falling for you


Jungmin sat with Onew and Jonghyun at the back seat of the van, with Onew in the middle. Taemin, Minho and Key sat on the middle and Chunja sat in front beside Manager Jin who started driving the car. The first to drop off was Taemin, Minho and Key with Chunja.

“Noona, have you been in a recording studio before?” Taemin turned around from his seat and asked Jungmin who was sitting on the opposite side at the backseat.

“Aniyo, this will be my first time.” Jungmin’s voice cracked and she cleared .

“Omo. Are you ok?” Onew asked her.

“Yeah” Jungmin nodded. “My throat just feels dry.” She told him.

did really feel dry and itchy too but they didn’t need to know that.

“That must be because of you getting soaked in the rain.” Minho commented. “Here” he said and handed her a bottle of water. Jungmin got the bottled water and drank it, somehow relieving the itchiness of .

“Thanks Minho.” She told him and Minho smiled.

Taemin started to ask something again but Minho elbowed him softly. Taemin looked at him in confusion and the taller boy leaned down on him.

“No more talking for Jungmin noona if feels dry.” He murmured on Taemin’s ear. Taemin nodded in agreement and just placed his earphones on his ears and listened to his ipod.

“By the way, don’t accept any invitations after your show or recording okay? You will need your energy tomorrow.” Manager Jin announced from the front, breaking the silence and reminded them.

“Ne” the boys responded in chorus.

“Also get plenty of rest once back in your dorm.” He added and continued driving.

Chunja then turned from her seat and glanced at the back.

“Jungmin, you also need to wake up early and get to SME at around seven in the morning ok?” Chunja told her with a smile and Jungmin nodded.

After a few minutes, Manager Jin stopped in a big building similar to SME. Chunja opened her door and got down.

Key also opened the door and went off the van along with Minho and Taemin. Jungmin then transferred at the middle seat and waved goodbye to them.

“See you tomorrow noona!” Taemin cheerfully said and waved in return. Minho saluted her and smiled while Key didn’t even looked back and followed Chunja inside the building.

Jungmin felt something tightened in her chest and she somehow felt sad that Key didn’t even said goodbye to her. 

I thought we've connected somehow. Jungmin thought sadly.

“Are you ok?” Jonghyun asked her when she saw her frowned.

Jungmin smiled at Jonghyun and nodded cheerily. They continued to ride in silence and she closed her eyes and leaned back against the headrest as they continue the ride.


Jungmin opened her eyes when she felt the car stopped. She looked out the window and saw the building. It was not as big as SME but it is still huge. Jungmin opened the door and got out of the van with Jonghyun and Onew following her.

“Bring extra set of clothes tomorrow Jungmin, you might need it.” Manager Jin told her and she nodded as she closed the doors.

Onew and Jonghyun led Jungmin inside the building and they went on the 2nd floor. There was a long hallway with different doors. Onew then opened a door and went inside. Jonghyun motioned for Jungmin to follow then Jonghyun went in last.

Jungmin looked around and found out that the room had a cozy atmosphere with its dim lights. A man with a mustache approached them and Onew and Jonghyun bowed in greeting. Jungmin bowed as well.

“You’re early, that’s good.” The man happily greeted them. “Who is this lady?” he asked them when he saw Jungmin behind them.

“This is Lee Jungmin director, she’s our personal assistant.” Onew introduced her.

“Good morning director! Please take care of Shinee well” Jungmin bowed again in greeting.

“What a lovely lady.” The director smiled at her. “Just wait in here for a moment ok? I’ll check if the vocal coach is already here.” He told them and left the room.

“C’mon, let’s sit on the couches there.” Jonghyun told them and sat on the couches at the other side of the room. Jungmin and Onew followed him and sat as well.

“So, what do you think of the recording studio Jungmin?” Jonghyun asked her.

“It’s cozy.” Jungmin replied and Onew and Jonghyun chuckled at her response.

“Wae?” Jungmin asked them in confusion.

“That’s what I thought so too when I first entered here.” Onew shared.

“This place could lull me to sleep too.” Jonghyun told her and leaned back on the couch and closed his eyes.

“Yah! No sleeping!” Onew slapped reached over Jungmin and slapped Jonghyun’s legs. Jonghyun sat up straight after being smacked by Onew. Jungmin laughed at Jonghyun’s reaction.

“I was just kidding hyung.” Jonghyun told him sheepishly while rubbing his legs.

“So how does this work?” Jungmin asked them.

“There’s a recording booth in there.” Onew pointed at the room ahead of them. It has a door and a mirrored window that can make you see the other side of the room. There were also some recording gadgets and equipment near the booth.

“So that’s where you sing?” Jungmin asked curiously and Onew nodded. Jonghyun stood up and pulled Jungmin’s hand with him.

“C’mon, I’ll show you the inside.” He told her with a grin and half dragged her towards the booth. Jungmin looked at Onew for help but he was just smiling at them.

“Is it ok?” Jungmin asked Jonghyun as they walk towards the booth. She was looking at the three crews that was sitting before the recording equipment, they seem busy and didn’t paid any attention to them.

“Absolutely.” He replied. “We haven’t started recording yet so it’s ok to go inside. The crews are just checking the audio right now so don’t worry.”

Jonghyun opened the door and motioned Jungmin to step inside. Jungmin gingerly went in the room and Jonghyun followed behind her.

“Woah” Jungmin said in wonder. “This is so cool” she added with a smile.

“I know right.” Jonghyun said as he looked around. Jungmin walked around the small booth and touched the wall.

“Why is it padded?” Jungmin asked him curiously.

“That’s to produce a better sound. It blocks unwanted noise from the outside and at the same time produces a good sound effect from the inside.” He explained patiently to her.

“Like when you’re singing in the bathroom!” Jungmin replied without thinking and lowered her head. Jonghyun laughed at her reply.

“Don’t be shy Jungmin, you’re right. It is similar to that.” Jonghyun told her and ruffled her hair.

“Jonghyun-sshi, could you sing a few notes, we’re trying arrange the equalizer.” A voice boomed in the room. Jungmin’s eyes widened in surprise and looked out the glass mirror. She saw one of the crew looking at them, with his mouth near a microphone.

Jonghyun nodded and stood in front of the mic, turned to Jungmin and started singing.

Noona neomu yeppeoseo
Namjadeuri gaman an dwo

Jungmin smiled as he heard him sing. She put thumbs up sign and Jonghyun winked at her with a smile while still singing.

Heundeulrineun geunyeoye mam
Sashil algo isseo

Jungmin stifled her laughter at Jonghyun’s cockiness and rolled her eyes which made Jonghyun smiled wider.

“Okay that’s enough” the voice boomed over them again, making them both laugh loudly.

“You are such a flirt” Jungmin told him still with a smile.

“That hurt noona.” Jonghyun said with a pout and placed his hands over his chest and pretended to be hurt.

Jungmin smiled wider and playfully slapped Jonghyun’s arm.

“I’m sure you’re ego can take it.” She teasingly told him.

The door to the booth and Onew’s head popped in.

“I think the vocal coach is here.” He told them. Jonghyun and Jungmin then followed Onew back in the room. They greeted the vocal couch and Jungmin sat back on the couch.

Onew and Jonghyun were given a piece of paper and they were in a deep discussion that Jungmin couldn’t quite hear. She then pulled out her phone to check the time and saw one message.

                To: Jungmin noona

                From: Taemin

                Noona! How is the recording?

                The show hasn’t started yet so me and the hyungs

                are still in the waiting room. The stylist noonas are putting make up on us right now.


Jungmin smiled as she read the message, Taemin is really cute and sweet. He never failed to send her a text message at least once a day.

                To: Taemin

                From: Jungmin

                Hey Taemin, the recording booth is amazing, but the atmosphere

                makes me sleepy… hehe… Goodluck on your show!

                Fighting! ^^

Jungmin sent the text message and was surprised to see one of the crew looking at her. He then approached her and whispered in her ear.

“Hand phones should be turned off while inside the recording studio” he reminded her and pointed on the poster on the wall near the entrance.

Jungmin hastily turned off her phone and immediately placed it inside her pocket.

“I’m so sorry” she embarrassedly said then stood up and bowed to the crew.

“It’s ok. There’s always a first time.” The crew told her with a friendly smile and went back to his place.

Jungmin saw Jonghyun grinning at her from afar when she stood up straight. They were still in the middle of discussion with the vocal coach.

Jungmin mouthed the word “Sorry” and bit her lower lip. Jonghyun smiled at her and just shook his head at her as if to say “It's ok.”

Onew then elbowed Jonghyun as he noticed that the main vocalist wasn’t listening to the vocal coach. Jonghyun innocently looked at Onew and nodded at whatever the vocal coach was saying to him as if listening. Jungmin held back her grin and sat back down on the couch. She glanced back at the two and Jonghyun winked at her again, making her roll her eyes at him once again.

An hour or so passed and the vocal coach, Onew and Jonghyun continued their discussion regarding what was written on the piece of paper given to them. Each also took turns in singing in the booth. Both were so absorbed in whatever they were doing.

Jungmin however, continuously drank from the water bottle that Minho had given her. Water somehow soothes the itchiness of and stops her instinct to cough. It was so quiet in the recording studio aside from the voices of the vocal coach and Onew and Jonghyun's singing that it was embarassing to make a noise.

Jungmin took another swig of water and was surprised to see the water bottle empty. She looked at the watch and saw that it was almost lunch time. She glanced up and saw Onew and Jonghyun approaching her. Jungmin then stood up.

"Are you done?" Jungmin asked them.

Jonghyun shook his head and slumped on the couch near her with his eyes closed.

"We're done with our solo parts, next is our duet." Onew explained to her. "It's already noon so the vocal coach gave us a lunch break."

"What do you wanna eat?" Jungmin asked them and grabbed her bag so she could buy their food.

Jonghyun grabbed her hands that carries her bag.

"No need to buy out noona, they have cafeteria downstairs that has free lunch for us." Jonghyun told her, still with his eyes closed.

"Are you ok with their food?" Jungmin asked Onew and Onew nodded.

"I'm sure they have chicken." He said with a grin which made Jungmin smiled. Jungmin tugged her hand that Jonghyun was holding to pull him up.

"C'mon Jonghyun, let's have our lunch." She told him.

Jonghyun sighed and stood up, not letting go of Jungmin's hand.

"Ok fine, let's go." Jonghyun said and went out the recording studio, pulling Jungmin with him and Onew following behind them.

"You can let go of my hand now." Jungmin told Jonghyun as they were walking towards the elevator. Jonghyun looked down at their hands and grinned.

"Aniyo." Jonghyun told her.

"You and your skinship moments." Onew commented from behind and smirked.

"I'm just recharging my energy hyung, that vocal coach was so strict." He said with a pout.

"Mianhe Jungmin" Onew told her with a slight bow.

"It's no problem Onew. I've read about this skinship things" Jungmin told him and smiled.

"You're just spoiling him." Onew jokingly replied.

"Like I spoil you with chicken?" Jungmin asked him teasingly and Onew laughed at her retort.

Jungmin didn't feel uneasy with Jonghyun touching her, or Taemin for that matter. They were just like a brother to her. She was actually waiting to feel something, anything at all like what she felt when Key wrapped his arounds her, but there was nothing. 

Jungmin frowned at her realization and shook her head trying to dispel her thoughts before it goes to whatever direction it was leading.

"Wae?" Jonghyun asked her when he saw her frowned.

"Nothing." Jungmin murmured. "Let's go see the menu ok?" she brightly asked them as they entered the cafeteria.

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Chapter 43: omg please writ again, I gave up my nights sleep to read this! so please update soon!
Chapter 43: Yay, you're back! Aww, Key is such a sweetie. ^w^ Can't wait for the next chapter!
Thanks for updating, and please update when you can!
Chapter 42: I finally caught up... LOL. So I understand everything about Sohee now... Why do I get the feeling that she'll reappear soon... : \
Thanks for updating, and please update soon~
Chapter 42: Awe! Let the loving commense! Lol update soon!
Btw I upvoted your story! Continue with the updates!
Chapter 41: .___. bish /slaps sohee
/hugs SHINee <69
Chapter 41: Omo?! She did that?! That....that......JERK!! URG!! Poor taemin. ...continue and update soon! !
breeze03 #8
Chapter 41: Dont tell me Shinee fell for that?! Poor Tae
Okay, i really wantto know what with sihee accindent? So author-nim, i cant wait for the next update. Please update soon. ^^
Chapter 40: Wow! This is an amazing story! Hi! I'm subscribing now! Continue and update soon!