Twenty Eight

I'm still falling for you


Minho kept his smile plastered on his face as Taemin and Onew left him after doing their warm up exercise. Onew and Taemin’s relay is going to start anytime soon after the girl’s relay and they went off to talk to the other idols that were included in their relay. 


Minho sighed as he glanced at his watch and saw that the day is not yet going to end soon as he wished it would. He knew that he was not going to win in any of the events that he was in. He was tired these past few weeks. The delayed recording of the variety show yesterday plus the need to repeat scenes because of the errors of the other guest didn’t help one bit in ending the shooting and giving them the chance to go home early and rest.


He was tired after his first race and he was surprised that he was first in that one and now what he really wanted was to go back to the dorm and sleep, preferably for a day or so. The smile only turns genuine when he was talking to s, to Jungmin and to the fans who was cheering for them.


The physical exhaustion is sneaking up on him and he was quite sure for the other members of his group as well. He hated himself for not being fit enough in entering the competition. He felt like his lungs was giving up on him on his first race and that’s when he knew he couldn’t win on his next races. His body wasn’t prepared and his mind isn’t either. 


Minho then glanced around and he saw Onew lying on his chest on the grass, alone with his face scrunched up as if in pain. He took a deep breath and approached their leader who was keeping to himself for quite some time now.


“Hyung!” he called him, trying to sound cheerful. 


Onew then turned his head and smiled as he saw him approach. Minho lied on his chest as well, beside his hyung and slung his arms around Onew’s shoulder.


“Are you ok?” he asked him with a smile and Onew nodded and smiled back. “Then why do you look so serious from afar?” he prodded and Onew shook his head.


Minho shook his hyung’s shoulder. “C’mon, tell me.”


Onew frowned at Minho when he shook him the movement reminds him of his headache.


“Headache.” Onew simply told him.


Minho frowned this time at their leader’s reply. “Are you sure you can do the relay?”


“Of course. It’s not acting up as long as I don’t move too much.” Onew replied. “And I’ve already taken some pill that Chunja noona gave me so don’t worry.” He added when he felt that Minho was supposed to say something else that would contradict his decision to continue with the relay.


Minho laughed at his hyung’s ready reply.


“You’re really good at answering questions hyung. You should’ve been with us at the variety show we recorded yesterday.” Minho said changing the topic.


Onew tilted his head, looked at Minho and nodded.


“Yeah, I heard from manager hyung and key. A rookie idol messing up his lines over and over again.” Onew shared and Minho nodded. “That should’ve reminded you of our times as rookies” he .


Minho raised his brows at him in defense. “I never messed up my lines hyung.” He defended himself and Onew laughed.


“Of course you don’t, you hardly have any lines because you refused to speak at all.” Onew reminded him with a grin and Minho grimaced as he remembered his quiet self back then.


Minho then saw Onew playing with his handphone. His hands twirling it.


“Why do you have your phone? Are you waiting for something?” Minho asked him, changing the topic again so his hyung couldn’t about his awkward self.


Onew chuckled and cautiously shook his head.


“Then why were you playing with it?” Minho badgered but Onew’s reply was only a grin and a twinkle in his eyes.


“C’mon hyung, tell me.” Minho protested but then a light went on his head.


“Is this about Key hyung?” he asked suddenly and knew he asked the right question because Onew looked at him in surprise.


“Because you guessed right I’ll say yes.” Onew told him and grinned once again,


“Tell me more.” Minho prodded but Onew didn’t reply.


“C’mon please?” he asked again and made funny faces in front of Onew. 


Onew laughed at Minho’s attempt to get information from him. Minho took advantage of Onew being distracted and snatched his phone but Onew snatched it back quickly as well.


“You won’t see it here anyway, so my phone’s pretty much useless.” Onew told him.


“Then why were you holding it?” Minho asked with a pout.


“I just checked something from the previous call log.” Onew answered.


“And?” Minho asked again but Onew did not have a chance to reply as Sungmin approached them.


“Haneul noona told me that your body aches, do you want me to do a massage for you?” Sungmin asked him with a smile.


Onew shook his head. “Aniyo hyung-nim. That would be too much.” He added embarrassed that his sunbae would massage him.


“It’s alright. I do this to Kyuhyun every time as well.” Sungmin said and squatted over Onew’s back.


“Well, if you’re sure hyung.” Onew replied with a grin and grimaced as Sungmin massaged his pressure point.


“This is gonna be quite painful, but you’ll feel better afterwards.” His sunbae promised when he heard Onew’s grunts and continued applying gentle pressure on Onew’s body.




Onew felt Minho leave his side rather than saw him leave because his eyes were closed as Sungmin massages his body. 

Nice timing hyung! He silently thanked Sungmin because this time he doesn’t have to answer Minho’s relentless firing of questions about Key’s sudden change in attitude.


After a while, Kyuhyun came to where Onew and Sungmin was and the three of them talked about mundane things, like Kyuhyun’s health, Sungmin’s guitar and Onew’s headache, just laughing and enjoying this rare day where they just hang out with each other.


“Sungmin, we need to go, Teukie hyung is waving at us.” Kyuhyun said as he saw Leeteuk across the field signaling them to come over. Sungmin glanced at the direction Kyuhyun was looking and saw their leader as well.


Sungmin then got up from Onew’s back and patted him. Kyuhyun stood up beside him and they both glanced at Onew who was still lying on the grass but this time on his back.


“How are you feeling?” Sungmin asked as he dusted his hands.


“Much better hyung-nim” Onew said with a smile. “Thank you so much!” he told him gratefully.


“I told you its ok, especially if it’s for my dongsaeng.” Sungmin sid again warmly.


“We’ll be going now Onew.” Kyuhyun said and both jogged of to where Leeteuk was waiting for them.




Jungmin was busy checking the clipboard handed to her as she counts the number of boxes of bottled drinks that was being brought to the refreshment area. She wiped the perspiration on her forehead with her palms when the checking was finished. She grimaced as she touched the wet handkerchief on her head. 


I wonder if Key would have let me use his handkerchief if he knew that it will be soaked with sweat. She thought with a chuckle and unconsciously glanced around looking for the owner of the handkerchief. Jungmin instead saw Onew sitting on the grass field alone and smiled. She then went to get an umbrella and with the clipboard on hand, she jogged to where he was sitting.


Onew then sat up and stretches his arms and extends his legs. He body felt light after the massage and soreness seems to lessen. He was surprised when an open black umbrella was placed over him. He glanced up and saw Jungmin.


“Thanks Jungmin!” he bowed slightly and grinned at her.


“Well I can’t stay long or they might think I’m slacking.” She hurriedly told him with a grin. “Don’t stay too much under the sun.” she added with a worried look and went back to the refreshment area.


Onew’s grin turned to a sigh as he watched Jungmin went off. 


Jonghyun’s words echoed in his head. “I think she’d be good to any of us.”  I think I kind of get it whatever Jonghyun was saying. He thought. He rotated his neck gently, willing the pain to go away and stood up from where he was sitting as he saw Taemin waving at him, signaling him to get ready as their relay was about to start.




Whew, i hope you didn't get a headache from the different changes in POV.. hehe..

I didn't specifically write whose POV is it.. because i get confused as well.. ^_^

Thank you for subscribing and commenting people!!! 

Arigatou Gozaimasu!! (can't help saying it in Japanese.. hehe..)

I tried uploading this yesterday but had some problems with the internet connection..

Sorry.. ^_^

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Chapter 43: omg please writ again, I gave up my nights sleep to read this! so please update soon!
Chapter 43: Yay, you're back! Aww, Key is such a sweetie. ^w^ Can't wait for the next chapter!
Thanks for updating, and please update when you can!
Chapter 42: I finally caught up... LOL. So I understand everything about Sohee now... Why do I get the feeling that she'll reappear soon... : \
Thanks for updating, and please update soon~
Chapter 42: Awe! Let the loving commense! Lol update soon!
Btw I upvoted your story! Continue with the updates!
Chapter 41: .___. bish /slaps sohee
/hugs SHINee <69
Chapter 41: Omo?! She did that?! That....that......JERK!! URG!! Poor taemin. ...continue and update soon! !
breeze03 #8
Chapter 41: Dont tell me Shinee fell for that?! Poor Tae
Okay, i really wantto know what with sihee accindent? So author-nim, i cant wait for the next update. Please update soon. ^^
Chapter 40: Wow! This is an amazing story! Hi! I'm subscribing now! Continue and update soon!