
I'm still falling for you

“Have you ever heard of the Sohee incident?” Key asked Jungmin, looking intently at her and Jungmin nodded in response.

“But not a thing about it.” Jungmin added and Key nodded in agreement.

“It was a hushed incident at SME. That’s the reason why we never had a personal assistant again aside from Chunja noona.” Key started explaining. “It’s a long story so I’ll only tell you the important parts.”

Jungmin waited silently for Key to continue the story.

“Sohee was assigned to us during our first year in the industry. She was a university student like you and everything was great, she became a great friend to all of us.”

Jungmin nodded and waited for Key to continue. He then stood up and went to the sink, bringing his mug and rinsing it his back facing Jungmin.

“She was closest to me because we both love clothes and accessories and we often brainstorm ideas on what SHINee will wear on certain events.”

Jungmin’s chest tightened after hearing those words and her hands automatically went to her chest as if protecting it. She didn’t know why but knowing someone else being close with Key made her feel suffocated. It was a good thing that Key had his back on her and didn’t saw her reaction.

“Since we’re almost always together, we often talk about anything and everything and I started opening up about SHINee as well. Since I used to take care of Taemin while he’s still attending school, I used to tell her about Taemin’s problems in school about how he was bullied and stalked asking for advice on how to help the maknae.”

Jungmin gasped on that information. “Taemin was bullied?” she asked him, worry evident on her face.

Key then turned around, leaned on the counter and sighed while nodding.

“She always tells me that it will be ok and Taemin should face it in his own to help him be mature and be a man but what I didn’t know was she was part of the bullying as well. I found out that after dropping off Taemin to school, she meets up with the students in Taemin’s school and sells pictures of SHINee members in the dorm while sleeping or eating. She even sold some other things that we usually use such as toothbrush, comb, chopsticks and perfume.”

Jungmin’s eyes widened at Key’s confession. She did not know that Sohee went to the extent of selling SHINee pictures and things to Taemin’s classmate of all people.

“That’s not your fault Key. You wouldn’t have been able to prevent it.” Jungmin told him softly when Key remained silent.

Key then looked up to her with an anguished face. “It is my fault Jungmin. During that time, Sohee and I we’re really close and I let her come in the dorm from time to time, even when she was not allowed to do so. Onew hyung and Jonghyun hyung warned me beforehand that I should not trust other people easily but I did not listen.” Key reasoned out and took a deep breath. Jungmin wanted to go to him and wrap her arms around him to comfort him but she can’t, she knows that what Key needs right now is to be able to vent out his feelings.

“You see, the bullying in Taemin’s school only started when Sohee started selling those things to Taemin’s classmates and because of that his classmates felt like they had some power over him blackmailing him and using him to get to us the other members. They thought that Taemin was using Sohee to sell those things. He didn’t tell me what happened and bear it on his own.”

“How did you found out?” Jungmin asked.

“Sohee left her backpack on the set one time when she was asked to run another errand and I brought it to give it to her.”


Key slung Sohee’s backpack onto his shoulders when he saw it lying near his seat. The other members have already left the room where they had the photoshoot and they were only waiting for him and Taemin at the van. Taemin told him that he was just left something in the dressing room but he was taking his time so Key grabbed his mobile and dialed Taemin’s number. “Aish, where is that maknae? I want to go home already.” He muttered as he waited for his call to connect. Key was surprised to hear Taemin’s ringtone nearby and looked around if the Maknae was just around then he realized that the sound was coming from the bag.

“Misplaced his phone again. It’s a good thing Sohee got it.” He muttered and ended the call. He was about to leave the room and look for Taemin in the dressing room when he saw Taemin running towards him.

“Hyung! You have my phone? I heard it ringing somewhere here.” He asked expectantly. Kibum shook his head and ruffled the maknae’s head.

“Aigoo, I’ve been calling you because the other members are waiting for us in the van already. It’s in Sohee’s bag, it’s a good thing she found it Taemin, I told you to look after your things.” Key reminded him and Taemin’s eye widened. Key was surprised to see horror in his eyes rather than relief.

“It is with Sohee?” the maknae asked, worry evident in his tone. Key frowned at Taemin’s reaction and nodded.

“In her bag actually that she left here” Key clarified and tugged the bag slung over his shoulder. Before Taemin can react, Key lowered the bag untill it hanged in front of him and Taemin then opened it. “What’s this?” Key asked himself more than anyone and lowered the bag to the floor to further open it as he squatted. Taemin stood stiffly in front of Key as if unsure so Key tugged his hand so he was forced to squat as well. “Help me look for your phone, Sohee’s bag is a mess. I wonder if that person is really a girl.”

Inside the bag was empty water bottles with Minho and Key’s name on them and Key took them out.

“Why is she keeping this trash?” Key muttered and Taemin stiffened. “Aha! Here’s your phone!” Key exclaimed proudly and pulled out Taemin’s phone that was in the bottom of the bag under the pile of clothes. Key’s cheer of glee upon finding Taemin’s phone amidst the mess in Sohee’s bag was cut short when he saw his watch dangling with Taemin’s mobile as it was caught on Taemin’s mobile keychain. It was his favorite watch and he often wears it every day even if it clashed on the style he is currently sporting. It was lost a few weeks ago after a photoshoot and Key thought that it fell somewhere and never found it. He remembered whining about it and nagging everyone to help him find it especially Sohee since she’s always with them.

“What –?” Key started saying but stopped short upon seeing Taemin’s frozen expression, his eyes locked on the bag. Key then looked further into the bag and slowly took out the things inside. Minho’s dream team T-shirt, Onew’s belt and Jonghyun’s favorite CD. All of the items were the things missing in their dorm.

“Yah! Why are you huddled there Kibum, let’s go home already.” Onew’s voice rang inside the room as he called out s. Kibum slowly stood up his hands still holding Onew’s belt. Taemin stood up as well beside Kibum, his hands fidgeting the hem of his shirt, head still lowered.

Onew frowned at his dongsaeng’s reaction and approached them. His eyes widened when he noticed the belt Kibum was holding up.

“Kibum, why are you holding that belt?” he asked in confusion and grab the belt as Key handed it to him. “Wait, this is my  belt that was missing. How –?” He started asking and his eyes fell on the items on the floor. “What’s this? Why are all the missing items here?” He looked at his two members and Key gave him a similar confused look that he is wearing while Taemin still hasn’t said anything. “Taemin, don’t tell me you were playing pranks on us? This is too much and –“ Onew’s sermon was cut short as Kibum grasped his arm.

“This was Sohee’s bag.” He stated aloud when he realized that Taemin was keeping his silence.

“What?” Onew asked again as if unsure of what he heard.

“This was Sohee’s bag.” Kibum repeated.

Onew and Kibum looks at each other trying to understand what is happening.

“Ah Kibum!” A female voice shouted and entered the room as well. “I’ve left my bag here have any of you seen it?”

Three heads turned and they were surprised to see Sohee rushing towards them with a smile. Her smile faltered and her eyes widened when she saw her bag opened on the floor with the things scattered around.

Silence reigned, no one dared to speak until Sohee cleared and chuckled. She then started putting back the clothes and other things inside the bag.

“You’ve caught me.” She said quietly.

“What’s the meaning of this Sohee?” Onew asked sternly after Sohee gathered the things and closed the bag. Sohee looked at Onew and bit her lip, looking sorry. She glanced at Onew and Key then bowed to Taemin. Taemin flinched at Sohee’s action and instinctively grabbed Key’s shirt as he stepped backwards as if hiding behind Key.

“Sorry Taemin I didn’t mean to leave my bag behind now your hyungs know your prank.” Sohee said as she apologized to Taemin.






Thank you for the comments and Thank you for subscribing! They really inspire me to continue... ^_^

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Chapter 43: omg please writ again, I gave up my nights sleep to read this! so please update soon!
Chapter 43: Yay, you're back! Aww, Key is such a sweetie. ^w^ Can't wait for the next chapter!
Thanks for updating, and please update when you can!
Chapter 42: I finally caught up... LOL. So I understand everything about Sohee now... Why do I get the feeling that she'll reappear soon... : \
Thanks for updating, and please update soon~
Chapter 42: Awe! Let the loving commense! Lol update soon!
Btw I upvoted your story! Continue with the updates!
Chapter 41: .___. bish /slaps sohee
/hugs SHINee <69
Chapter 41: Omo?! She did that?! That....that......JERK!! URG!! Poor taemin. ...continue and update soon! !
breeze03 #8
Chapter 41: Dont tell me Shinee fell for that?! Poor Tae
Okay, i really wantto know what with sihee accindent? So author-nim, i cant wait for the next update. Please update soon. ^^
Chapter 40: Wow! This is an amazing story! Hi! I'm subscribing now! Continue and update soon!