Thirty Eight

I'm still falling for you



“I love you.” Key softly said on the other line and ended the call before Jungmin could respond to his statement.


Jungmin remained still as she slowly lowered her mobile phone from her ear and cradled it towards her chest clutching it tightly.

Her heart was beating furiously, beads of sweat formed on her forehead and heat pooled on her cheeks. She then inhaled sharply and deeply when she realized that she unconsciously stopped breathing as well.  


“Damn Kibum!” Jungmin mumbled under her breathe as she realized that Key once again caught her unaware, dragging her in an emotional roller coaster ride that she was not used to. She knows that her heart is screaming at her, telling her that what she is feeling is what more than one feels for a friend. But the logical part of her brain stops her from fully accepting her feelings since she still can’t believe that the Almighty Kim Kibum likes her, let alone loves her.

Ever since Key confessed to her, she’s dismissing any notion that she might feel the same way too. She tells herself that Key might just have said that because she was always around them. Falling in love with an idol is no easy feat and she was sure that whatever Key might feel for her will vanished once he realizes that there are better and prettier girls than her.


Taemin’s words then flashed on her mind, giving her heart a tiny glimpse of hope that maybe, just maybe Key is seriously in love with her.

“Aish!” Jungmin hit her head lightly and shook her head. She’s getting crazy debating with herself and nothing leads to a concrete answer.


“Who were you talking to?” Eunmi suddenly asked from beside her and Jungmin looked up at her in surprised. She didn’t hear her come back and didn’t notice how long she was standing beside her. Jungmin instinctively glanced past Eunmi, looking for Leeteuk as well.

“Leeteuk-sshi already left. The manager arrived here to fetch him and bring him back to SM so he was not able to say goodbye.” Eunmi explained her unspoken question.

Jungmin nodded and murmured a word of thanks.

“So… Do you need anything? Water? Juice?” Eunmi asked and Jungmin glanced at her dubiously and Eunmi widened her smile. Jungmin sighed.

“Look Eunmi-nim, I know that for whatever reason, you don’t like me and I don’t care anymore. I’m just sorry that you’re stuck here with me.” Jungmin said quietly but clearly.

Eunmi’s smiled turned into smirk.

“That’s good Jungmin. At least we know where we stand. But since Leeteuk entrusted me this then I’ll be at your beck and call for today.” Eunmi replied, eyebrow raised and with her right hand on her hips.

“Well then, I’m fine by my own so you don’t really need to stay and worry that you’re not doing your task properly. Another thing is that Key told me he might come home early so I’ll be ok.” Jungmin told the other and wonder if it was her imagination that Eunmi’s eye sharpened at the mention of Key’s name. She just mentioned Key’s name hoping that it will keep Eunmi on her toes knowing that someone will come early. She didn't want to fuel Eunmi's anger or hatred for her.

“You can’t tell me what to do Jungmin. Why will I leave when I know my presence makes you uncomfortable?” Eunmi said with sarcasm then chuckled and went to the kitchen, keeping herself busy.


Jungmin bit her lip to prevent herself from saying anything else. It is true that Eunmi’s presence makes her uncomfortable but she’s somehow relieved that she knows where she stand with the other girl, although she still doesn’t know the reason why Eunmi dislikes her. She just have to be cautious around the girl and try not provoke her to prevent any issues. Jungmin does not like to add any more fuel to the fire and create problems for SHINee. 

Jungmin then sighed and got the book that Taemin gave her from the table beside her and start entertaining herself.

It’s gonna be a long day. She told herself and immersed herself on the book.


The morning passed with Jungmin reading the book, sending text message to Key and then the occasional hobbling to the bathroom not wanting to ask help from the other girl. Eunmi in return didn’t take any notice of her and just plays with her phone. Jungmin just hopes that Eunmi is not taking pictures of SHINee’s dorm or their things.


Eunmi then announced offhandedly that she’ll be going out and Jungmin took it an advantaged and went to the bathroom not wanting the other girl to see her struggle. After using the bathroom, Jungmin was hobbling back to the living room when her phone vibrated in her pocket. Jungmin stopped hobbling for a while and leaned on the hallway for support then got her phone in her pocket.

A smile crept on her face upon seeing Key’s name on her screen.

“Yoboseyo?” She greeted him.

“Annyeong!” Key greeted back. “Why are you on your feet?” Key immediately asked her and Jungmin looked around in alarm.

“What?!” She asked him in the phone. “Are you back home?” She asked again while trying to observe if someone is in the dorm and started hobbling back to the living room to check if Key was indeed back.

A chuckle reverberated on the phone after a few hobbling and realization dawned on her.

“Yah! Kibum! Are you messing with me?” Jungmin asked him realizing that the other was just joking with her it just so happened that he was right. The chuckle then turned into full blown laughter. “Kibum, I’ll hang up right now.” She threatened.

“I’m sorry yeobo.” Key answered on the other line in between laughter. “It’s just that you are so easy to predict at times. I can’t help it. I wish I can see your face right now”

Jungmin sighed and shook her head with a smile. “I’m glad to be the source of your laughter Kibum.” She told him with a smirk, hobbled back to the sofa slowly but surely, and then sat back on her previous position.

“I’m really sorry.” Key repeated on the other line. “I just miss you.”

“We were just together last night Key.” Jungmin rolled her eyes as she reminded him. She was still getting used to Key’s caring and sweet attitude towards her, a big difference from the usual nagging diva-ish attitude he seems to be known for.

“Yeobo, it gives a different meaning when you say that.” Key told her in a low tone.

“Kim Kibum! Don’t go thinking any erted thoughts.” Jungmin scolded him waving one of her arms over her head as if to erase the thoughts that Key conjured in his mind.

“What?” Key asked innocently on the other line. “It’s just that it sounds as if you care for me when it comes from you. What were you thinking yeobo?” he added gleefully.

Jungmin shook her head in frustration as her cheeks reddened with Key’s teasing.

“Don’t you have work to do?” Jungmin said trying to change the topic and succeeding upon hearing Key sigh on the other line.

“Ne, ne. I just finished a few of my parts and will be called later again so I took the chance to call you. It’s almost lunchtime so eat a lot ne?” Key answered and reminded her at the same time.

“Yes I will. Don’t worry about me.” Jungmin added softly with a smile. She could hear a tinge of tiredness on Key’s voice. “Eat a lot as well and don’t push yourself too hard.

“Arraso.” Key replied.

“You know this is your second phone call for the day.” Jungmin reminded him when he didn’t say anything else.

“I know that.” Key replied gleefully.

“And we’re not even counting the text messages you sent me all throughout this morning.” Jungmin added.


“If you continue this, I just might get used to this.” She mumbled softly.

“That’s what I’m counting for.”

“Wae?” Jungmin asked curiously.

“I want you to get used to me until you can’t live without me. So that we’ll be together and you’ll never let me go.” Key answered seriously.

“You might be the one letting me go.” Jungmin can’t help herself but countered as her fears surfaced and the reason on why she’s hesitant to accept Key’s feelings.

“Yah!” Key told her on the other line and Jungmin chuckled as she can imagine Key’s facial expression. “I’ll show you how serious I am once I get there. I may have moved too fast but I don’t know how to hold back anymore so wait for the almighty Key.”

Jungmin felt her heart constrict then blossomed with Key’s word. She believes that Key is indeed telling her the truth, that he is not playing with her but when she remembers how Key is so famous and how many other people wants him, the doubt if she deserves him and if he can really be with her eats her heart preventing her from saying that Yes! I love you too!

“Yeobo?” Key asked breaking her reverie. “Are you still there?”

“Yeah.” Jungmin replied. Key sighed on the other line .

“I wish I’m with you right now.” He answered and Jungmin heard another voice in the background with Key. “I got to go now, I may be the next one again. Call if you need anything ok. Don’t let Eunmi bother you.”

“Yes master.” Jungmin replied dutifully with a smirk.

“Bye. Love you.” Key said and hangs the phone.

Jungmin cradled her mobile unto her chest.




A few hours after, Eunmi returned with a plastic bag from a famous fast-food restaurant. She then placed a packed chicken meal on a table near Jungmin.

“That’s your lunch.” She abruptly said and went back into the kitchen.

“Thank you!” Jungmin replied to Eunmi’s already retreating figure on where she didn’t get any reply. Jungmin just shrugged and started delving on the delicious meal in front of her making sure to finish the meal to make Key proud of her.









~ uhm.. Hi everyone (clears throat) .. Yeap it's still me and I'm still alive.. I hope you still know this story if not well you may need to read back just to freshen up your mind... Hehe... Next chapters are ready just a few tweaks needed.. I won't tell when I'll update next because I don't want to give expectations so let's all just cross our fingers.. hihihi.. Anyway thank you for sticking up with me... 

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Chapter 43: omg please writ again, I gave up my nights sleep to read this! so please update soon!
Chapter 43: Yay, you're back! Aww, Key is such a sweetie. ^w^ Can't wait for the next chapter!
Thanks for updating, and please update when you can!
Chapter 42: I finally caught up... LOL. So I understand everything about Sohee now... Why do I get the feeling that she'll reappear soon... : \
Thanks for updating, and please update soon~
Chapter 42: Awe! Let the loving commense! Lol update soon!
Btw I upvoted your story! Continue with the updates!
Chapter 41: .___. bish /slaps sohee
/hugs SHINee <69
Chapter 41: Omo?! She did that?! That....that......JERK!! URG!! Poor taemin. ...continue and update soon! !
breeze03 #8
Chapter 41: Dont tell me Shinee fell for that?! Poor Tae
Okay, i really wantto know what with sihee accindent? So author-nim, i cant wait for the next update. Please update soon. ^^
Chapter 40: Wow! This is an amazing story! Hi! I'm subscribing now! Continue and update soon!