
I'm still falling for you


Key remained silent as the event progressed and cheered whenever the crowd cheered. Usually, Taemin nudges him whenever he had a blank facial expression while the others were cheering loudly.

“What’s the matter umma?” Taemin asked Key as he nudged him for the nth time.

Key sighed deeply.

“Umma!” Taemin called him loudly which earned a few curious and weird looks from the other idols around them.  “Go man!” He yelled loudly again, pretending to cheer whoever was in the race that was happening in front of them.

Taemin then grabbed Key’s arm and pulled him away from the tent and into the open field. It was already past 5 in the afternoon, so the sun was now setting, the heat not as irritating.

“What’s wrong with you umma?” Taemin asked Key worriedly and shook his hyung’s shoulders.

“Taeminnie, do you think Jungmin’s mad at me?” Key asked him suddenly and sighed.

Taemin frowned and let go of Key’s shoulder. “Why do you think so?”

“She gave you and Minho candies, Jonghyun a towel and Jinki an umbrella. She didn’t even talked to me even after I lent her my handkerchief.” Key explained softly, more like talking to himself than to Taemin.

“I told Minho hyung not to talk about the candies. Jungmin noona felt bad that she only has two.” Taemin said and pouted.

“What about Jonghyun’s towel or Jinki’s umbrella?” Key asked him again.

Taemin pursed his lips and shrugged. “Have you ever spent some time with her today?” he asked the older one.

Key shook his head. “But I was always around her. She never approaches me.”

“Well, you never approach her as well." Taemin retorted and Key remained silent. "Then who gives you bottled water?” Taemin asked curiously.

“Eunmi.” Key stated and looked around until his gaze locked to someone. Taemin followed his hyung’s gaze and saw Jungmin across them emptying the coolers as the day is starting to end.

“You like Jungmin noona?” Taemin asked with a grin

“I think so.” Key replied and glanced back at Taemin. “Wae?”

“I never thought you’d fall for her hyung, knowing how much you hated her at the start.” Taemin said with a chuckle.

“I really didn’t even realize that I was falling for her Taeminnie.” Key said seriously and returned his gaze back to Jungmin who was so absorbed in what she was doing.

Taemin nudged Key and Key looked back at him with a confused expression.

“Go talk to her hyung.” Taemin encouraged him with a smile and Key chuckled softly.

“I never thought that the day would come when I’ll be telling my love troubles to you.” Key said and shook his head.

“That’s ok. You’ll still be the Almighty Key to me.” Taemin teasingly said and pushed his hyung forward.

Key took a deep breath and walked towards Jungmin. His steps faltered at some point and he glanced back at Taemin who was still standing where he left him.

“Fighting!” Taemin mouthed and raised his fist which made Key laugh and be touched by his dongsaeng’s support.

He then continued walking towards Jungmin with a more confident stride.




Jungmin stood up straight as she heard her name being called and turned around. She saw Eunmi standing in front of her with her hands on her hips.

“Yes? What is it?” Jungmin asked with a sigh and turned her back on her as she continued removing the bottled waters in the cooler. Since it was pretty much the end of the event the coordinators asked her to clean-up the coolers because it will be returned to the warehouse.

“Could you look at me while I’m talking to you?” Eunmi asked in a high tone. Jungmin frowned and took a deep breath as she turned back around to face Eunmi, schooling her facial expression so that the other girl won’t see her annoyance. She then wiped her hands on her jeans and gave her full attention on the girl in front of her. 

Eunmi was starting to get on her nerves. Ever since she knew that Haneul unni allowed her to watch Taemin’s relay, she has been bossing her around since she returned. Jungmin didn’t complained since she didn’t want Haneul unni to think that she was slacking off or something. But the way Eunmi was ordering her around, she was acting as if she was Jungmin's boss or something.

“What do you want Eunmi-nim?” Jungmin asked her politely so that the other girl could not have any other reason to pick on her.

Eunmi tightened her lips as Jungmin asked her and her eyes thinned shrewdly.

“Could you go outside and check if the truck that would take these coolers is already in the parking area?” Eunmi ordered her more than ask.

“Haneul unni said that she’ll inform me once the truck is here and I should finish emptying the coolers first.” Jungmin explained, still in a polite tone.

Eunmi pursed her lips after hearing Jungmin’s answer.

“Can you just do what I tell you to do? So many excuses” Eunmi told her coldy.

“Oh, I thought I had a choice in the matter” Jungmin muttered under her breath, trying to keep her annoyance at bay.

“Did you say something?” Eunmi asked her again and Jungmin smiled at her, a smile that never reached her eyes.

“I said I’ll be going.” Jungmin said loudly and closed the cooler she was emptying and went to the parking lot.



“Eunmi!” Key called the girl as he reached the refreshment area. He glanced around looking for Jungmin who was just here a while ago.

“Key!” Eunmi greeted him back with a warm smile.

“Have you seen Jungmin?” he asked her immediately, his eyes still searching the place. Where is she? She was just here a minute ago. Why did you have to talk to me Mir? Key asked himself in frustration.

Eunmi’s smile droops after hearing Key’s question. I knew he'll be looking for her. It's a good thing I saw Mir and told him that Key was looking for him. Eunmi smiled mischieviously.

“She had an errand and she went to the parking lot.” Eunmi told Key hesitantly.

Key nodded after digesting the information given to him. “Thanks!” he said and went towards the direction of the parking lot.

Eunmi grabbed Key’s arm as he turned around away from her. He didn't even looked at her or pretend to have a small talk. She thought furiously.

“Wae?” Key asked her.

“Where are you going?” she boldy asked him. Key glanced at his arm that was still held by Eunmi then raised his brows at her. Eunmi released his hand.

“To the parking lot and look for Jungmin, where else?” Key replied bluntly.

“Did I say parking lot?” Eunmi immediately asked him as he turned around and started to walk away. Key then faced her once again.

“I’m not in the mood to play games Eunmi.” Key told the girl firmly after rolling his eyes.

Eunmi bit her lip and let out a force laugh thinking of an answer to not make him mad at her. “I’m not playing games Key. I thought I heard you wrong. I don’t really know where Jungmin is. I'm sorry”

Key stared at her and tried to decipher if what the girl was saying was true and Eunmi looked away.

Key pursed his lips and shrugged. “Whatever, I’ll just look for her.” He said calmly and walked away still towards the direction of the parking lot.

"I'll help you look for her." Eunmi volunteered with a bright smile and followed him.

Key stopped walking. "No need." he told her severely not even facing her. Key resumed walking away from her not checking to see if the girl still followed him.

Eunmi froze on her spot. It was the first time that Key talked to her in that manner. It sounded fierce. She heard him talk that way once and that memory was something she didn't want to happen again. 



Jungmin was jogging back to the refreshment area when someone grabbed her hand. She saw Chunja unni holding her arm.

“Unni!” Jungmin greeted her senior.

“Are you done with the coolers?” Chunja asked her.

“I think I still need to empty a few more. Is the truck here already?” Jungmin asked back.

“I think it will be here in the next ten minutes.” Chunja replied after glancing at her watch.

“Then I’ll go back and try to empty them faster unni.” Jungmin said with a smile.

“Jungmin, could you stay with the other part timers to help clean the field? Although you have to start cleaning after the event which will finish at around seven pm. Eunmi will be in charge of the cleaning up.” Chunja asked her as she turned to leave.

Jungmin looked around the field and grimaced as she how littered the place was with plastic bottles, towels and food wrappers.

“Of course unni.” Jungmin agreed.

“You don’t have to worry about your transportation in going home. The company left a van for those who will clean up the place. It will drop you off at your dorm.” Chunja told her.

“It’s no problem.” Jungmin said. “I’ll go now unni.” She told Chunja and went back to the refreshment area.


Jungmin shook her head when she reached the refreshment area and saw the untouched coolers. Eunmi should’ve at least helped her in emptying the remaining coolers since she disrupted me. Jungmin thought. She glanced around and the girl was nowhere in sight. Jungmin took a deep breath and started emptying the untouched coolers once again.

“Jungmin!” Haneul called her as she approached the refreshment area.

Jungmin bowed in greeting and smiled as Haneul approached her.

“Are you done?” the senior asked her.

“This is the last one Haneul-nim” She answered indicating the cooler next to her.

“That’s good.” Haneul approved and nooded. “The truck that will take those coolers have arrived. Just supervise the crew as they take those and make sure that there are twenty five coolers in total.”

“Yes, Haneul-nim.” Jungmin agreed.

Jungmin returned to the task at hand when Haneul called out her attention once again. Jungmin glanced up at her.

“If you’re done, you can have a ride with us in going home.” Haneul offered and Jungmin smiled.

“Thanks Haneul-nim. I would really love to but I already agreed to take part in cleaning the field once the event is finish.” Jungmin answered, her heart swelled at the thought that Haneul was not as aloof as before.

“If you’re sure then.” Haneul said and Jungmin nodded with a warm smile. “See you around then. And do call me unni.” She added with a small smile before leaving the refreshment area.

Jungmin smiled widely at Haneul’s parting words. “Thank you unni!” she called to Haneul’s retreating figure and Haneul waved a hand in response.

A few more minutes and the crew carried the empty coolers in the truck with Jungmin assisting them and as the twenty five  coolers were loaded in the truck, Jungmin went back in the field. She glanced around and noticed that it was getting dark. She checked her watch and it say’s 7:30pm. It's a good thing they provided transportation for us in going home. She thought with a smile.

Jungmin then made way to where Eunmi was to listen for further instructions


A few other part timers were surrounding Eunmi when Jungmin reached her. She was already giving instructions regarding the clean up.

“Since almost all of the idols in the stadium had already left, we can now start cleaning. We meet here at 8:30pm so that we could all go home and rest.” Eunmi announced. Then, she divided the part timers and assigned each one an area to clean. Jungmin was assigned near the tents were the idols usually stay.

Jungmin frowned when she heard where she was supposed to clean up. It was the part with most trash since the idols stayed there most of the time.

"Eunmi-nim." Jungmin called her as the part timers dispersed and went to their assigned area. Eunmi glanced at her. "Can I ask for a partner in cleaning up?" 

"I'm sorry Jungmin but we're short on people. Why? Can't you do it alone?" Eunmi asked her sardonically.

Jungmin shook her head. She then ambled toward her assigned area without saying a word. She didn't want Eunmi to have any reason to report her to Haneul or Chunja. She exhaled as she realized how Eunmi was treating her unfairly and she didn't even know why. Jungmin's grip tightened on the black trash bags given to them where they would gather all the trash that they accumulated.

Jungmin grimaced as she reached her assigned area. Plastic bottles and food wrappers are littered everywhere. She sighed deeply and glanced around estimating the trash she needs to clean up when she saw another part timer approaching.

“Are you Jungmin?” the part timer asked her and Jungmin nodded. “Eunmi said to meet at the Southwest parking lot once we’re done. The van will be parked there.” The part timer told her and handed her gloves to be used in picking up the trash.

Jungmin thanked the person and then he went off on the other side of the field.

Jungmin then rolled the sleeves of her shirt and wore the gloves. She then started picking up the bottles left lying on the ground. She needed to move fast if she wanted to finish in an hour.


At around 8:15pm, Jungmin tied the seventh trash big that she used to clean up her assigned area of the field. She then carried the plastic bag one by one to where it would be picked up for proper disposal. She then dusted her hand after she was done, a big smile on her face at her accomplishement.

Jungmin then looked around to see if there were others that still need help and saw that noone was left in the field. Her smile turned to frown. Was their area so easy to clean up that they were resting somewhere? She asked herself as she went to the only employees' lounge left open. Another thought came on her mind as she approaches the room but she quickly dispelled the idea.

"They wouldn't have left me would they?" she can't help but mutter under her breath and bit her lip. A bad feeling crept on her when the knob on the employees' lounge didn't open when she turned it. Jungmin's breath quickened and she knocked and rattled the door. No one answered.

Jungmin tightened her hold on her bag and she hurriedly jogged to the parking lot where the van would be waiting for them. Jungmin froze in surprise as a barren space welcomed her. She then retraced her steps and returned to the field to look if there were others left that she missed but her effort was futile since the field was still empty except for the dozens of trash bags in different areas. Jungmin looked around and saw a security guard roving near her and she called him out.

“Ahjusshi!” Jungmin shouted and waved her hand to get the security guard’s attention that was across from her. The security guard faced her and Jungmin approached him.

“Miss, why are you still here?” the security guard asked her curiously, flashing his flashlight on her.

Jungmin squinted and covered her eyes as the light touched her eyes and she showed her ID to the security guard and he then turned off his flashlight.

“Ahjusshi, did the transport van already left?” Jungmin asked him, still clinging on the possibility that the others were just resting somewhere while waiting for their ride.

“They already left about 15 minutes ago at the east wing” The ahjussi answered.

“15 minutes? East Wing?” Jungmin asked in surprise and tilted her head while thinking. “Are you sure that it was for the cleaning crew?” she prodded.

“Yes, I’m sure. I asked one of them if they were the last ones to leave and she said yes.” The ajhussi explained patiently seeing how frustrated Jungmin was. “Do you have a problem in going home?” he added, his tone tinge with worry.

Jungmin shook her head. “No ajhusshi. I can go home on my own.” Jungmin answered with a sigh. “Thanks for your concern.” Jungmin replied and bowed in thanks to the security guard.

Jungmin hit her head lightly with her fist as she realized what happened while walking towards the exit. She was left behind. How could I have not noticed them gone? She asked herself in frustration. She was so absorbed in picking up the trash that she didn’t mind her surroundings, only stopping to check her watch of the time. The other part timer who gave her the gloves also told her wrong information. 

Jungmin then remembered her phone so she patted her pocket and pulled out her hand phone to ask Chunja for Eunmi’s number but a dark screen stared back at her. Her phone’s battery was empty. So much for luck. She thought depressingly.

Jungmin then left the stadium and glanced around. It was already dark and Jungmin does not like going home alone in a dark street. The street was almost clear of people aside from a few couples waking hand in hand. Jungmin took a deep breath and slapped her cheeks lightly. You can do it Jungmin! There's nothing to be afraid of. She cheered herself mentally and smiled at her silliness. She then checked her watch and saw that it was almost nine in the evening. The train station near the area was closed due to some renovation so Jungmin walked towards the bus stop.

Jungmin was humming to herself while walking on the sidewalk, trying not to scare herself and at the same time her eyes were darting left and right checking cautiously or anything that was out of the ordinary.

A car light came from behind her and Jungmin slowed down, allowing the vehicle to go past her but the vehicle seems to slow down as well. Jungmin tilted her head and frowned when she felt the vehicle slow down so she hurried her steps instead. Jungmin was then surprised when she heard the vehicle revved up, approaching near her side. Fear kicked in so she removed her bag from her shoulder and held on the strap tightly, thinking of using it as a weapon if needed, her footsteps not slowing down, her heartbeat beating faster as well.

The vehicle came nearer and it went past her. Jungmin steps slowed down as the vehicle went ahead of her but was surprised when it stopped just ahead of her. Jungmin’s heart quickened and before she could think of what to do her body acted on instinct and she started to ran past the vehicle when she heard the car door open. She concluded it was not on the driver’s side because she would’ve been hit by the car door if it opened on the driver’s side. Her peripheral vision only caught a blonde hair guy sitting on the driver side and she didn’t look back as she ran past it.

Jungmin then tripped when she accidentally stepped on the empty water bottle lying on the ground. Her ankle twisted and she fell down on the sidewalk facing the car that was parked a few feet from her. She squinted to see who was in the vehicle but the street light was over her head making it hard for her to see the person.

“Ouch.” Jungmin muttered as she catches her breath. She then scrambled to stand up as she remembered that someone from the car got off. Jungmin was unsuccessful in standing up as pain shoot up from her ankle. How lame can you be Jungmin? She asked herself and glanced up when she felt a shadow loom over her, her voice caught in when she saw the person standing in front of her.


Waaahh... Thank you for your comments!!!..

You keep me going.. seriously.. ^_^

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Chapter 43: omg please writ again, I gave up my nights sleep to read this! so please update soon!
Chapter 43: Yay, you're back! Aww, Key is such a sweetie. ^w^ Can't wait for the next chapter!
Thanks for updating, and please update when you can!
Chapter 42: I finally caught up... LOL. So I understand everything about Sohee now... Why do I get the feeling that she'll reappear soon... : \
Thanks for updating, and please update soon~
Chapter 42: Awe! Let the loving commense! Lol update soon!
Btw I upvoted your story! Continue with the updates!
Chapter 41: .___. bish /slaps sohee
/hugs SHINee <69
Chapter 41: Omo?! She did that?! That....that......JERK!! URG!! Poor taemin. ...continue and update soon! !
breeze03 #8
Chapter 41: Dont tell me Shinee fell for that?! Poor Tae
Okay, i really wantto know what with sihee accindent? So author-nim, i cant wait for the next update. Please update soon. ^^
Chapter 40: Wow! This is an amazing story! Hi! I'm subscribing now! Continue and update soon!