Forty Two

I'm still falling for you

After Key’s confession, Manager Jin came on the dorm and gathered SHINee together with Onew who probably had only an hour or so of sleep and took them to the company. Manager Jin muttered about preparing for a comeback and talking to the SM higher ups about it. Jungmin, due to her injury was left behind in the dorm. And since Manager Jin was in a hurry Jungmin didn’t have a chance to talk to Key. If that didn’t make any matters she went back to her flat the next morning since she can already walk on her own without having the chance to personally say goodbye to SHINee.

It’s been 3 days since Key confessed his love towards Jungmin. It’s been 3 days since Key and Jungmin saw one another. And the 3 days that Jungmin haven’t seen Key is making her go crazy although Key had been calling and sending messages to her but it doesn’t seem enough for Jungmin.

“Aaaarrrggghhhh…” Jungmin muttered in frustration as she was lying on her bed her voice muffled with a pillow that she placed over her face. Her foot injury was already healed but she wasn’t able to go to SM and work since there’s no need for her while the executives, creative team and SHINee are still brainstorming the concept for their next comeback. There’s no need for an extra hand to help SHINee because their appearances on television shows, radio and mall presentations were put on hold while they are planning their comeback.

Jungmin sat up on her bed and look at the calendar on her wall. There’s only a week and a half left before her work as a part-time assistant for SHINee end. Her thoughts were broken when her mobile phone began to ring. Jungmin glanced at the screen and almost squealed in excitement when she saw Key’s name on it.


“Jagiya.” Kibum’s soft low voice answered back.

“Yah!” Jungmin uttered although her heart fluttered upon hearing the endearment and she can hear Key’s chuckle on the other line. Jungmin grabbed a pillow on the bed and hugged it instinctively wishing that Key is beside her right now. Even if she denies her feeling toward the guy, she can’t deny that she misses Key’s presence. “How are you?” Jungmin asked a few seconds later when Key remained silent.

“I’m fine jagi… It’s just that my brain is dried up right now with all the creative talks and meetings.” Key answered with a sigh and Jungmin can almost see him running his hands over his hair. “We had a five hour break and we decided to go back to the dorm after three days to freshen up and have a nap.”

“Then you should take this as a chance to rest. Go have a nap or something.” Jungmin told him in a worried tone.

“Ani.” Key answered immediately. “Hearing your voice is a million times better than sleep.”

Jungmin smiled softly upon hearing Key’s voice. “That Kim Kibum is utterly cheesy.” She joked instead trying to lighten the conversation and Key answered with a laugh.

“Arasso. Arasso.” Key replied. “Being cheesy is not the Almighty Key’s image but I can’t help but be cheesy towards you.” He added. “Don’t tell it to anyone or else my image will be totally ruined.”

“Arasso. Arasso.” Jungmin replied imitating Key’s previous response making Key laugh once again.

“When did you become so cheeky?” Key asked jokingly then sighed. “Gosh I miss you.” He whispered in frustration. “I can’t fathom how much I miss you until we came back in the dorm and there’s no you to welcome me.”

Jungmin bit her lip and took a deep breath. “I miss you too.” She whispered quietly and the line went silent.

“Key?” Jungmin asked when the silence lasted more than she could handle and then she heard Key huff on the other line.

“You’re so unfair Jungmin.” Key answered. “How can I respond properly when you’re miles away? You’re always more honest with me through phone calls and messages than when we’re together.”

“I’m sorry Key.” Jungmin mumbled. “It’s just that when we’re together I feel so overwhelmed that I can’t think properly and my thoughts just fly out of my head.” She explained trying to be fair to Key and make him understand her side.

“Hmmm.” Key muttered as if in thought. “You mean I make you speechless and overwhelmed?” He asked teasingly.

“Don’t repeat it me. It’s embarrassing.” Jungmin scolded him playfully.

“Arasso.” Key said in defeat but she can hear the smile in his voice. “It’s just I’m happy to hear that I have an effect on you as well. I thought it was just me having these emotions.”

Jungmin felt Key’s insecurities and was surprised. She never doubted Key’s confidence and now he’s telling her that he was scared too. “Key, You are special to me. I do like you more than the others.” She said courageously and heard Key’s sharp intake of breath. “It’s just that I’m still unsure of what I’m feeling and this is all unknown to me.”

“Oh Jungmin, I really wish I am there beside you right now.” Key said in frustration. “Thank you for being honest Jungmin. Your words made me happy and I’m willing to wait until you’re sure. But please don’t stop me for showing how much I love you. We’ll take it slow.”

“Arasso Kibum.” Jungmin accepted. “Thank you for understanding me as well.”

“I’m energized now.” Kibum replied his voice more elated and happy. “I think I’m ready for work.”

“That’s good, so now it’s time to have a real rest and go have a nap.” Jungmin told him.

“Ne, jagiya.” Key whispered.

“Have a good rest Kibum.” Jungmin whispered back. “I miss you.” She added.

“I miss you too.” Key replied endearingly. “I love you. Always remember that.” He added then ended the call before Jungmin can even reply.




Filler Chapter.. Mianhae! I can't seem to write what I want to write.. I know what will happen next but the words are stuck in my head. Hehehe.. Next chapter will be Jungmin returning to work... Once I put it into writing.. hehehe.. Thanks for staying with me.. ^_^

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Chapter 43: omg please writ again, I gave up my nights sleep to read this! so please update soon!
Chapter 43: Yay, you're back! Aww, Key is such a sweetie. ^w^ Can't wait for the next chapter!
Thanks for updating, and please update when you can!
Chapter 42: I finally caught up... LOL. So I understand everything about Sohee now... Why do I get the feeling that she'll reappear soon... : \
Thanks for updating, and please update soon~
Chapter 42: Awe! Let the loving commense! Lol update soon!
Btw I upvoted your story! Continue with the updates!
Chapter 41: .___. bish /slaps sohee
/hugs SHINee <69
Chapter 41: Omo?! She did that?! That....that......JERK!! URG!! Poor taemin. ...continue and update soon! !
breeze03 #8
Chapter 41: Dont tell me Shinee fell for that?! Poor Tae
Okay, i really wantto know what with sihee accindent? So author-nim, i cant wait for the next update. Please update soon. ^^
Chapter 40: Wow! This is an amazing story! Hi! I'm subscribing now! Continue and update soon!